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Module 2 GT II

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Module 2

Bearing capacity of shallow foundations: Gross and Net bearing pressure - Ultimate and Safe bearing
capacity - Failure mechanism - Allowable soil pressure - Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory for strip footing
[no derivation required] – Assumptions – Bearing capacity factors - Numerical problems - Terzaghi’s formulae
for circular and square footings - Numerical problems - Factors affecting bearing capacity - Effect of water
table on bearing capacity - Numerical problems - General, local and punching shear failure - Skempton’s
formula – Numerical problems

Basic terminologies

1. Gross load intensity or Gross pressure (qg)

It is the total pressure at the base of the footing due to the weight of the superstructure and
earth fill, if any.
𝒒𝒈 = + 𝜸𝑫
2. Net load intensity or net pressure (qn)
It is the total pressure at the base of the footing due to weight of the super structure.
𝒒𝒏 =
3. Ultimate bearing capacity/Gross bearing capacity (qu)
It is the maximum bearing capacity of the soil when foundation at rest. It can be assumed at the
strength of the soil to bear load; beyond that it will fail in shear.
It is the least gross pressure which will cause shear failure of the supporting soil immediately
below the footing.
𝒒𝒖 = + 𝜸𝑫
4. Net ultimate bearing capacity(qnu)
It is the net increase in the pressure on the soil that causes a shear failure.
𝒒𝒏𝒖 = 𝒒𝒖 − 𝜸𝑫
5. Net safe bearing capacity(qns)
It is the net pressure that can be applied on the soil safely so that no shear failure occurs.
𝒒𝒏𝒔 =
6. Gross safe bearing capacity
It is the maximum gross pressure which the soil can carry safely without any shear failure.
𝒒𝒔 = 𝒒𝒏𝒔 + 𝜸𝑫
7. Net Safe settlement pressure (qnp)
It is the net pressure which the soil can carry without exceeding the allowable settlement. The
maximum allowable settlement generally varies between 25 mm and 40 mm for individual
Note: no factor of safety is used when dealing with settlement
8. Net Allowable bearing pressure (qna)
It is the maximum net intensity of loading that can be imposed on the soil with no possibility of
shear failure and settlements should also be within the limits.
It is the smaller of net safe bearing capacity and the net safe settlement pressure.

7: First parameter when we consider settlement also
Up to 6th term, considering only measures for preventing shear failure
From 7th term, considering settlement along with shear failure
Types of Bearing Capacity Failures/ Failure mechanisms
A bearing capacity failure is defined as a foundation failure that occurs when the shear stresses in the
soil exceed the shear strength of the soil. Bearing capacity failures of foundations can be grouped into
three categories, as follows:
1. General Shear Failure
• General shear failure generally occurs in the low compressible soil i.e., dense sand or
stiff clay
• The effect of passive pressure
• Occurs in soil with relative density ID > 65 %
• Occurs in soil with angle of shearing resistance Φ > 360
• Occurs in soil with void ratio e < 0.55
• There is considerable heaving/bulging on the surface
• The stress strain curve is brittle
• Failure load can be determined from the load-settlement curve
• Foundation failed by tilting in general shear failure

2. Punching shear failure

• Occurs in loose sands, clay and high compressible soil
• Footing will shift downward
• No heaving/bulging on the surface occurs
• Occurs in soil with relative density is less than 30 %
• Occurs in soil with angle of shearing resistance ideally can be Φ =210
• No failure pattern seen on adjacent side of footing
• The failure load is difficult to determine from the load settlement curve
• Mainly occurs in deep foundation

3. Local shear failure

• It is having the properties between GSF and PSF
• Relative density between 30% and 60%
• Occurs in medium dense sand or on a clay of medium consistency
• A slight heaving occurs on ground surface
• No well-defined failure patterns
• Failure load cannot be determined from the load-settlement curve
• Occurs in soil when Φ <290
• Occurs in soil when e > 0.75

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory:

Assumptions in Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory.
1. Depth of foundation is shallow; less than or equal to its width.
2. Base of the footing is rough.
3. Soil above bottom of foundation has no shear strength; it is only a surcharge load against the overturning
4. Surcharge up to the base of footing is considered.
5. Load applied is vertical and uniformly distributed.
6. The soil is homogenous and isotropic.
7. The footing is long and L/B ratio is infinite.
8. The shear strength of the soil is governed by Mohr-Coulomb equation

For Strip footing:
Based on generalised shear failure Φ > 360

Ultimate bearing capacity qu=cNc+γDNq+0.5γBNγ

NC , Nq and Nγ are called bearing capacity factors and depending on Φ

cNc : effect of cohesion

γDNq: effect of overburden pressure on soil
γBNγ: effect of width or shearing zone

Net ultimate bearing capacity qnu= cNc+γD (Nq-1) +0.5γBNγ

Note: For clayey soil NC=5.7, Nq=1 and Nγ=0


Net ultimate bearing capacity of a clayey soil exclusively depends on cohesion value and not
depends on the dimension of the foundation.

Ultimate bearing capacity

For square foundations, qu=1.3cNc+γDNq+0.4γBNγ

For circular foundations, qu=1.2cNc+γDNq+0.3γBNγ

0.2𝐵 0.2𝐵
For rectangular footing, qu=(1+ )cNc+γDNq+0.5 =(1- )γBNγ

Based on local shear failure Φ <290

In the case of LSF use c’ instead of c and use NC’, Nq’ and Nγ’ instead of NC, Nq and Nγ

𝑐′ = 𝑐

Effect of water table in bearing capacity

Case 1: If water table is below B distance from the bottom of footing
- No effect of water table
Case 2: If water table is x distance below the bottom of footing
qu=cNc+γDNq+0.5(γx+ γsub(B-x)) Nγ B
Case 3: Water table at the level of footing

Case 4: If water table is x distance below the ground surface

qu=cNc+[γx+γsub(D-x)] Nq+0.5(γx+ γsubBNγ)
Case 5: If water table is at ground surface

Factors affecting bearing capacity

1. Soil strength
Bearing capacity of cohesionless soil and mixed soil increases unproportionally with the
increase of in the effective friction angle. However, bearing capacity of cohesive soil
varies linearly with the soil cohesion provided that the effective friction angle is zero.
2. Foundation Width
• Foundation width proportional to bearing capacity of cohesionless soil.
• Bearing capacity of cohesive soil of constant shear strength and infinite depth is
independent of foundation width.
3. Foundation Depth
• The greater the bearing capacity the deeper the foundation.
4. Soil Weight and Surcharge
• The contribution of subsurface and surcharge soil, which are influenced by water table,
to the bearing capacity cannot be ignored.
• The water table should not be above the base of the foundation to avoid construction,
seepage, and uplift problems.
• If the water table is below the depth of the failure surface, then it has no influence on the
bearing capacity.
5. Spacing Between Foundations
• Minimum spacing between footings, which 1.5 times foundation width, during the design
of foundation in order to avoid reduction in bearing capacity.
6. Earthquake and Dynamic Motion
• Liquefaction reduces effective stress to zero and causes gross differential settlement of
structures and loss of bearing capacity.
7. Frost Action
• Reduces bearing capacity
8. Subsurface Voids
• Bearing capacity of soil decreases due to subsurface voids.

Skempton’s formula
Skempton (1951) has showed that the bearing capacity factors in Terzaghi's equation tends to
increase with depth for a cohesive soil.
i.e., NC, Nq=1 and Nγ=0
qu=c𝑁𝑐 +γD

For strip footing 𝑵𝒄 = 𝟓(𝟏 + )

For square and circular footings 𝑵𝒄 = 𝟔(𝟏 + )

𝟎.𝟐𝑫 𝟎.𝟐𝑩 𝑫
For rectangular footings 𝑵𝒄 = 𝟓 (𝟏 + ) (𝟏 + ) 𝒊𝒇 < 𝟐. 𝟓

𝟎.𝟐𝑫 𝑫
𝑵𝒄 = 𝟕. 𝟓 (𝟏 + ) 𝒊𝒇 ≥ 𝟐. 𝟓

Important theory questions of module 2

1. What is the effect of water table on bearing capacity?

2. Differentiate between net safe bearing capacity and allowable bearing capacity
3. Explain characteristics of General Shear failure
4. Differentiate between general shear failure and local shear failure
5. Explain the factors influencing the bearing capacity of soil? How will you improve the
bearing capacity of soil?
6. Differentiate between safe bearing capacity and allowable bearing capacity? How will
you determine these values for a shallow footing on cohesion less soil if SPT value is
7. Write down the assumptions of Terzaghi’s bearing capacity factors.
8. Explain Gross and Net bearing pressure
9. Explain Ultimate and Safe bearing capacity
10. Explain General, local and punching shear failure
11. Explain Skempton’s formula to determine the ultimate bearing capacity

Important Problems
1. In a saturated clay. A strip footing is to be laid at a depth of 1 m below surface. The average
cohesion of clay = 45 Kpa. The bulk density of clay = 17 kN/m3. Compute the ultimate and safe-
bearing capacity. Factor of safety = 2.5
2. A footing of 2.4 m2 is to be founded at a depth of 1.6 m in a soil having the following shear strength
parameters. The unit weight of the sand above the water table is 18 kN/m 3. The saturated unit
weight is 20 kN/m3. ɸ =39°, c = O. Nc = 70. Nq = 73.33. Nr = 88.8. Determine the ultimate bearing
capacity when the ground water level is:
a) 1 m below the foundation
b) At the base of the foundation
c) At the ground surface
3. A strip footing at a depth of 1 m is required to transmit a load of 175 kN/m to a dry loose sand
having the following properties:
Density of sand = 17 kN/m2
ɸ = 26o, C=0
For ɸ = 26 o Nq = 6.2 Nr = 4
Adopting a factor of safety of 3.0, determine the width of the strip footing
4. A foundation 2.0 m square is installed 1.2 m below the surface of uniform sandy gravel having a
density of 19.2 kN/m3, above the water table and submerged density of 10 kN/m 3. The strength
parameters with respect to effective stress are C = 0, ɸ = 30o. Find the gross ultimate bearing
capacity for the following conditions;
Water table is well below the base of the footing
Water table rises to the ground level for ɸ = 30o, Nq = 22, Nr = 20
5. A strip footing of 1 m width is found at a depth of 2 m below the surface. Determine the net
ultimate bearing capacity using Terzaghi’s Theory
The soil is clay (ɸ = 0, and C = 16 kN/m2)
6. Compute the ultimate bearing capacity of a rectangular footing resting on a saturated clay whose
undrained cohesion = 40 kN/m2. Compute the percentage increase in its value if the footing is
lowered to a depth of 1 m below the surface. Given that the average density of clay is 17.6 kN/m3.
7. A footing carries a gross pressure of 350 kN/m2 at a depth of 1.5 m in sand. The saturated unit
weight is 20 kN/m3 and unit weight above water table is 17 kN/m3. The shear strength parameters
are C = 0 and ɸ = 30o. (For ɸ = 30o, Nq = 22 and Nr = 20). Determine the factor of safety with respect
to shear failure for the following cases:
Water table is 5 m below the ground surface
Water table is 1.5 m below the ground surface
8. A strip footing of 2 m width is found at a depth of 4 m below the ground level. Determine the
ultimate bearing capacity using Terzaghi’s Theory
The soil is clay (ɸ = 0, C = 10 kN/m2) Unit weight of soil is 20 kN/m3
9. A 3 m square foundation is located at a depth of 2 m below the ground in dense sand. Determine
the ultimate bearing capacity for the following water table conditions
At surface
At the footing level
A 1 m below the footing
The moist unit weight of sand above water table is 18 kN/m3 and the saturated unit weight is 20
kN/m3. C= 0, for ɸ = 35o, Nq = 33, Nr = 34
10. A strip footing of 2 m width is founded at a depth of 4m below the ground surface. Determine
the net ultimate capacity using
a) Terzaghi’s equation
b) Skempton’s equation
The soil is clay (ɸ =0, c=10 kN/m2). The unit weight of the soil is 20 kN/m3

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