Bearing Capacity
Bearing Capacity
Bearing Capacity
• Flexible
Stresses Stresses
concentrated at the concentrated toward
center the edges
• Rigid
Stresses Stresses
concentrated toward concentrated at the
the edges center
Rigidity of Foundations
For simplicity:
• Assume a uniform
distribution of the
stresses below the
footing, and that to
calculate the bearing
capacity and
Uniform stress
How to Calculate the Bearing
Gross bearing pressure, q
σZO = γ . D
σ'ZO = γ' . D = (γ ) D- uD
∑Fy = 0
q = (P + Wf)/A
q' = (P + Wf)/A – uD
q Check Settlement
General Shear
Failure, Zones I, II,
III, Dense Sand
Local Shear
Failure, Zones I,
II, Medium
Dense Sand
Failure Modes (cont’d)
Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory
q Terzaghi developed the first comprehensive theory
q Terzaghi made the following assumptions
q A general shear mode of failure is assumed
q Shear strength is governed by Mohr-Coulomb’s strength relationship
q The footing is a rigid, continuous strip—B/Là 0
q Df ≤ B
q The foundation base is rough—no sliding between base and soil
q Soil beneath the foundation is a semi-infinite and homogeneous
q Soil from the ground surface to the bottom of the footing has no strength
and is treated simply as surcharge load
q The applied load is compressive and applied vertically to the centroid of
the footing, i.e. no moments are applied
q Movement of the footing into the soil is necessary to mobilize the
resistance of the soil
Terzaghi BC Development
Using equilibrium analysis, Terzaghi developed a relationship for qu in
terms of c, q, γ and φ.
qu = qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ Strip footing
c = cohesion of the soil
γ = unit weight of the soil (effective unit weight)
q = effective stress from the weight of the soil above the base of footing,
(c)2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
Zone I
Terzaghi BC Development
Using equilibrium analysis, Terzaghi developed a relationship for qu in
terms of c, q, γ and φ.
qu = qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ Strip footing
c = cohesion of the soil
γ = unit weight of the soil (effective unit weight) Except in saturated clay
q = effective stress from the weight of the soil above the base of footing,
(c)2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
q=γDf Except in saturated clay
Zone I
q The values of Nc, Nq, Nγ are given by in table 3.1. These factors are
a function of φ. 1
qu = qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
qult =
qult = c Nc Cohesion Term
qult = c Nc + γ1 D Nq + 0.5B γ2 Nγ
Below F.L.
Terzaghi Bearing Capacity
q Terzaghi separated the failure 1
zone into three parts qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
q Triangular zone under the
footing (Zone I)
Terzaghi Bearing Equation
γ1 D
qu = ult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
q Thus, qu = cNc + γsatDf
Remember This?
Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory
q Terzaghi developed the first comprehensive theory
q Terzaghi made the following assumptions
q A general shear mode of failure is assumed
q Shear strength is governed by Mohr-Coulomb’s strength relationship
q The footing is a rigid, continuous strip—B/L! 0
q Df ≤ B
q The foundation base is rough—no sliding between base and soil
q Soil from the ground surface to the bottom of the footing has no strength
and is treated simply as surcharge load
q The applied load is compressive and applied vertically to the centroid of
the footing, i.e. no moments are applied
q Movement of the footing into the soil is necessary to mobilize the
resistance of the soil
q Soil beneath the foundation is a semi-infinite and homogeneous
What about the footing shape?
Terzaghi Bearing Capacity Theory
q Footing is NOT strip
q Terzaghi suggested the following modifications for square and circular
q Square footing
q ult = 1 .3 cN c + qN q + 0 .4 γ BN γ
q Circular footing
q ult = 1 .3 cN c + qN q + 0 .3 γBNγ
q General form
qult = s c cN c + sq qN q + sγγ BN γ
Allowable Bearing Capacity
q The allowable (safe) bearing pressure is determined from
qall = qu / FS
q Consequences of failure
q FS = 3 recommended by book
q FS = 2-3 common for cohesionless soil
q FS = 3-4 common for cohesive soil
Remember This? Terzaghi Bearing Capacity
q Terzaghi separated the failure 1
zone into three parts qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
q Triangular zone under the
footing (Zone I)
(c)2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thoms on Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
qu (net) = qu - q
q = effective stress from the weight of the soil above the base of footing (use
total stress in case of saturated clay)
FS = factor of safety
Water Table Level Considerations
q The position of the groundwater table have a significant
effect on bearing capacity
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Water Table Level Considerations
q Does the water table have any
effect on bearing capacity if the
depth of water table below the
bottom of the foundation is greater
than B (i.e, D > h) ??
q NO γ1
q What if D < h, does it affect the γsat
bearing capacity?
q YES 1
qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
q Which term of the equation is affected?
q Third
q What changes?
q γ = [γ1 D + (γsat – γw) (h-D)] / h
Water Table Level Considerations
q What if we have this case?
(c)2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
q What changes?
q γ = (γsat – γw)
qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
Water Table Level Considerations
q How about this case?
(c)2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
q Which term of the equation is affected?
q Second and third
q γ = (γsat – γw) 1
qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
In case of Saturated clay we use q = total stress and saturated
unit weight
Footings with inclined loads
Fcs, Fqs, Fγs = shape factors
Fcd, Fqd, Fγd = depth factors
Fci, Fqi, Fγi = load inclination factors
ey=Mx/Pv ex=My/Pv
B’=B-2ey L’=L-2ex
Eccentric or Moment Loads
Note: For the contact pressure to remain +ve, the eccentricity (e1) should not
exceed B/6 from the centerline of the footing, where B is the total length.
Eccentric or Moment Loads
Note: For the contact pressure to be +ve everywhere below the two-ways
eccentric footing, the resultant must fall inside the diamond-shape called
Layered Soil Under the Foundation
Influence zone depth H beneath the
footing is
H=0.5 B tan (45+φ/2)
Method I:
Applies when two soils of the same
nature exist under the footing.
Use weighted average.
Layered Soil Under the Foundation
Method II:
Applies when stronger soil overlies weaker soil or when it
is difficult to judge reasonable average
q‘ult = Capacity
RQD = Rock Quality Designation
Bearing Capacity of Rocks
II) qa = Ks x unconfined compressive strength
φ = 20°
c = 15 kPa 1.20 m
γ = 17.3 kN/m3
1.50 × 1.50 m
Bearing Capacity - Example 2
For the same conditions in Example 1, find
the required size of square footing under
footing load of 1000 kN.
1000 kN
1.20 m
70 t
c = 17 t/m2
m φ = 5°
m 6×3m
GWT γ = 1.8 t/m3
c’ = 3 t/m2
φ’ = 20°
γ = 1.6 t/m3