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Bearing Capacity

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Bearing Capacity of Foundations

Bearing Capacity Failure

Shallow Foundations
• To transmit loads to near-surface soils
• Essentially do load transfer by load spreading
• Four fundamental requirements for satisfactory
– Adequate safety against overall shear failure of the
supporting soil
– Settlement must be tolerable—both total and
differential settlements
– Constructability
– Cost/Economics
Bearing Pressure
What is meant by Bearing Pressure?

What is the difference between Bearing Pressure and

Bearing Capacity?
Bearing Pressure

Bearing Pressure depends on:

• Magnitude and eccentricity of applied loads
• Magnitude of the applied moment
• Rigidity of the foundations

• Soil properties (stress-strain

• Soil-structure interface properties and
surface roughness??
Rigidity of Foundations

A footing can be:

• Flexible
Stresses Stresses
concentrated at the concentrated toward
center the edges

• Rigid
Stresses Stresses
concentrated toward concentrated at the
the edges center
Rigidity of Foundations

For simplicity:
• Assume a uniform
distribution of the
stresses below the
footing, and that to
calculate the bearing
capacity and
Uniform stress
How to Calculate the Bearing
Gross bearing pressure, q
σZO = γ . D
σ'ZO = γ' . D = (γ ) D- uD
∑Fy = 0
q = (P + Wf)/A
q' = (P + Wf)/A – uD

Net bearing pressure, qn

qn = q' - σ'ZO
OR, Approximately:
qn = q - σZO
qn = P / A
Steps of Foundation Design
q Assume dimensions of a foundation
q Calculate the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations (qult)
q Bearing capacity is the load per unit area that cause shear failure of the
soil supporting the foundation
q Calculate the allowable bearing capacity (qall) by dividing the ultimate bearing
capacity by a factor of safety (qult/FS).

q Calculate allowable load (Q = qallxArea)

q Check Settlement

Let’s first start studying types of bearing capacity failure

Load-Settlement Behavior of
• We have different modes of bearing capacity failure
• Strength of the soil is not the only factor controlling relationship
between load and settlement. Compressibility of the soil is the other
key factor.
• General shear failure occurs in relatively incompressible soils such
as dense sands, well-compacted soils, saturated clays.
• Local shear failure occurs in loose sands and uncompacted soils
• Punching shear failure occurs in soils with a very high
compressibility, loose sands and very soft soils, or dense soils
overlying a loose/soft soil
• Note that the classical soil mechanics bearing capacity solutions do
not apply to the local shear and punching shear modes of failure—
we make modifications of the classical theory to account for the
changing deformation pattern
Failure Modes for Shallow Foundations

General Shear
Failure, Zones I, II,
III, Dense Sand

Local Shear
Failure, Zones I,
II, Medium
Dense Sand
Failure Modes (cont’d)

Punching Failure, Zone I Only, Loose Sand

and Soft Clay
Load-Settlement Behavior of Footings

General Shear Failure

Local Shear Failure

Punching Shear Failure

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory
General Shear Failure
Terzaghi Bearing Capacity
q Terzaghi separated the failure zone into three parts

q Triangular zone under the footing (Zone I)

q Two transition or radial shear zones between the triangular

zone and the Rankine passive zones (Zone II)

q Two passive (Rankine) zones (Zone III)

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Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory
q Terzaghi developed the first comprehensive theory
q Terzaghi made the following assumptions
q A general shear mode of failure is assumed
q Shear strength is governed by Mohr-Coulomb’s strength relationship
q The footing is a rigid, continuous strip—B/Là 0
q Df ≤ B
q The foundation base is rough—no sliding between base and soil
q Soil beneath the foundation is a semi-infinite and homogeneous
q Soil from the ground surface to the bottom of the footing has no strength
and is treated simply as surcharge load
q The applied load is compressive and applied vertically to the centroid of
the footing, i.e. no moments are applied
q Movement of the footing into the soil is necessary to mobilize the
resistance of the soil
Terzaghi BC Development
Using equilibrium analysis, Terzaghi developed a relationship for qu in
terms of c, q, γ and φ.
qu = qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ Strip footing
c = cohesion of the soil
γ = unit weight of the soil (effective unit weight)
q = effective stress from the weight of the soil above the base of footing,

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Nc, Nq, Nγ = bearing capacity factors, nondimensional and functions of φ

Zone I

Terzaghi BC Development
Using equilibrium analysis, Terzaghi developed a relationship for qu in
terms of c, q, γ and φ.
qu = qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ Strip footing
c = cohesion of the soil
γ = unit weight of the soil (effective unit weight) Except in saturated clay
q = effective stress from the weight of the soil above the base of footing,

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q=γDf Except in saturated clay

Nc, Nq, Nγ = bearing capacity factors, nondimensional and functions of φ

Zone I

q The values of Nc, Nq, Nγ are given by in table 3.1. These factors are
a function of φ. 1
qu = qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ

We will not use this table, we will

use a modified version
Terzaghi Bearing Equation

qult =
qult = c Nc Cohesion Term

qult = c Nc + γ1 D Nq Above F.L.

qult = c Nc + γ1 D Nq + 0.5B γ2 Nγ
Below F.L.
Terzaghi Bearing Capacity
q Terzaghi separated the failure 1
zone into three parts qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
q Triangular zone under the
footing (Zone I)

q Two transition or radial shear

zones between the triangular
zone and the Rankine passive
zones (Zone II)
(c)2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thoms on Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.

q Two passive (Rankine) zones

(Zone III)

Terzaghi Bearing Equation

qult = c Nc + γ1 D (Nq)+ 0.5 B γ2 Nγ

γ1 D

Failure Zone (depth ≈ 2B to 4B)

Generalized soil strength : c, φ Soil unit weight : γ2 (total or
(drainage as applicable) effective as applicable)
Foundations on sands (c = 0)
qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
qult = qN q + γBN γ
Terzaghi Bearing Capacity Theory
Saturated Clay
q Undrained at the end of construction

q As the time increases, clay consolidate and gain strength

q So the critical stage of bearing capacity is during and after construction

(undrained condition or friction angle, φ = 0)

q As a result a total stress analysis is used, φ = 0, always use γ = γsat for

q calculations
Foundations on Saturated Clays
q As a result, total stress analysis is used
q use undrained shear strength (Su = c)
q use γsat in the bearing capacity equation

q At φ = 0, Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1, Nγ = 0 (see Table 3.1)

qu = ult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
q Thus, qu = cNc + γsatDf
Remember This?
Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory
q Terzaghi developed the first comprehensive theory
q Terzaghi made the following assumptions
q A general shear mode of failure is assumed
q Shear strength is governed by Mohr-Coulomb’s strength relationship
q The footing is a rigid, continuous strip—B/L! 0
q Df ≤ B
q The foundation base is rough—no sliding between base and soil
q Soil from the ground surface to the bottom of the footing has no strength
and is treated simply as surcharge load
q The applied load is compressive and applied vertically to the centroid of
the footing, i.e. no moments are applied
q Movement of the footing into the soil is necessary to mobilize the
resistance of the soil
q Soil beneath the foundation is a semi-infinite and homogeneous
What about the footing shape?


Terzaghi Bearing Capacity Theory
q Footing is NOT strip
q Terzaghi suggested the following modifications for square and circular

q Square footing
q ult = 1 .3 cN c + qN q + 0 .4 γ BN γ

q Circular footing

q ult = 1 .3 cN c + qN q + 0 .3 γBNγ

q General form
qult = s c cN c + sq qN q + sγγ BN γ

where sc, sq and sγ are shape factors

Foundation Shape Factors
qult = c.Nc Sc + γ1 D Nq Sq + 0.5B γ2 Nγ Sγ

For Rectangular or Square Footing

Sc = 1.0 + 0.30 B/L
Sq = 1.00 Egyptian Code of Practice
Sγ = 1.0 – 0.30 B/L

For Circular Footing

Sc = 1.30
Sq = 1.00 Egyptian Code of Practice
Sγ = 0.70

Allowable Bearing Capacity
q The allowable (safe) bearing pressure is determined from

qall = qu / FS

qall = the allowable or safe bearing capacity of the soil

qu = the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil
FS = factor of safety

q Selecting a FS we are concerned with two things

q Consequences of failure

q Uncertainties in our estimate of qult

q FS = 3 recommended by book
q FS = 2-3 common for cohesionless soil
q FS = 3-4 common for cohesive soil
Remember This? Terzaghi Bearing Capacity
q Terzaghi separated the failure 1
zone into three parts qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
q Triangular zone under the
footing (Zone I)

q Two transition or radial shear

zones between the triangular
zone and the Rankine passive
zones (Zone II)
(c)2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thoms on Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.

q Two passive (Rankine) zones

(Zone III)
Net Allowable Bearing Capacity
q This is defined as the allowable load in excess of the existing
vertical stress at the level of the base of the foundation

(c)2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thoms on Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
qu (net) = qu - q

qall (net) = qu (net) / FS

qu = Ultimate bearing capacity of the soil

qu (net) = Net ultimate bearing capacity of the soil

q = effective stress from the weight of the soil above the base of footing (use
total stress in case of saturated clay)

qall = Allowable or safe bearing capacity of the soil

qall (net) = Net allowable or safe bearing capacity of the soil

FS = factor of safety
Water Table Level Considerations
q The position of the groundwater table have a significant
effect on bearing capacity
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Water Table Level Considerations
q Does the water table have any
effect on bearing capacity if the
depth of water table below the
bottom of the foundation is greater
than B (i.e, D > h) ??
q NO γ1
q What if D < h, does it affect the γsat
bearing capacity?
q YES 1
qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
q Which term of the equation is affected?
q Third
q What changes?
q γ = [γ1 D + (γsat – γw) (h-D)] / h
Water Table Level Considerations
q What if we have this case?
(c)2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.

q Which term of the equation is affected?

q Third

q What changes?
q γ = (γsat – γw)
qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
Water Table Level Considerations
q How about this case?

(c)2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
q Which term of the equation is affected?
q Second and third

q What changes? γsat

q q and γ

q q = effective stress as Df, q = γ1 (Df – D) + (γsat – γw) (D)

q γ = (γsat – γw) 1
qult = cN c + qN q + γBN γ
In case of Saturated clay we use q = total stress and saturated
unit weight
Footings with inclined loads

Inclined Load Factors λci, λqi, λγi 40

Inclined Loads

Geometry of the failure zone


Correction Factors, λci, λqi, and λγi are

empirically determined from experiments 41
General Bearing Capacity Equation
• Terzaghi’s BC equation is widely used
• However, Terzaghi’s BC does not account for many
conditions such as rectangular footings, inclined loads,
footings with moments and/or horizontal forces, footings
with large Df/B ratios, footings with tilted bases and
footings on sloping ground
• Others researched the bearing capacity of shallow
foundations and extended Terzaghi’s original work:
Skempton (1951), Meherhof (1951, 1953, 1963), Brinch
Hansen (1961, 1970), and Vesić (1973, 1975)
• These engineers refined the shape of the failure surface
and thereby the bearing capacity factors and provided
applicability to a much broader range of loading and
geometry conditions
General Bearing Capacity Equation
qult = c’.Nc Fcs Fcd Fci + qNq Fqs Fqd Fqi + 0.5B γ2 Nγ Fγs Fγd Fγi

Fcs, Fqs, Fγs = shape factors
Fcd, Fqd, Fγd = depth factors
Fci, Fqi, Fγi = load inclination factors

• The Vesić bearing capacity factors Nc, Nq and Ng and

other factors are similar to those of Meyerhof and Brinch
Hansen and are often used in place of the Terzaghi
factors. Terzaghi’s BC tends to be conservative by a
factor of about 2 s
General Bearing Capacity Equation
• Some notes on bearing capacity factors:
– The general equations for Nc assume ‘smooth’ conditions
resulting in a different values than Terzaghi’s which assume
‘rough’ conditions
– Note: there are equations/tables for N factors in addition to the
ones that we are using
– The most controversy and variation is in Nγ as relatively small
changes in the geometry of the failure surface below the footing
produce significant changes in Nγ. A literature search by Bowles
(1996) reported a variation of Nγ from 38 to 192 for φ = 40°!!
– Note that for the depth factors for Df/B > 1, the inclusion of the
tan-1(Df/B) term tends to put an upper limit on the increase of this
term and note the tan-1 term must be in radians
General Bearing Capacity Equation
• Some notes on bearing capacity factors:
– Beyond the use of shape, depth, and inclination factors and
different “N” factors, this general bearing capacity equation is
used in the same way as the Terzaghi eqn – e.g. modify this
eqn. in the same way for the position of the groundwater table
relative to the depth of the base of the footing
• If a problem requires the size of the footing to be
determined, an iterative procedure must be used as the
shape and depth factors depend on “B”
General Bearing Capacity Equation
• Some notes on bearing capacity factors:
– Beyond the use of shape, depth, and inclination factors and
different “N” factors, this general bearing capacity equation is
used in the same way as the Terzaghi eqn – e.g. modify this
eqn. in the same way for the position of the groundwater table
relative to the depth of the base of the footing
• If a problem requires the size of the footing to be
determined, an iterative procedure must be used as the
shape and depth factors depend on “B”
Eccentric Loads
• One of the assumptions made in deriving the BC equations is that of
concentric loading of the foundation unit
• This is an assumption that is often violated
• Adjustments can be made to the BC to account for eccentric loads
• Both one-way and two-way eccentricity can be accommodated
• The maximum and minimum bearing pressure can be found from

If moment is in the B direction If moment is in the L direction

P 6M P 6M
qmax,min = ± qmax,min = ±
BL B 2 L BL L2 B

ey=Mx/Pv ex=My/Pv
B’=B-2ey L’=L-2ex
Eccentric or Moment Loads

Note: For the contact pressure to remain +ve, the eccentricity (e1) should not
exceed B/6 from the centerline of the footing, where B is the total length.
Eccentric or Moment Loads

Note that for e > B/6:

1) There is tension
2) One side of the footing will lift
3) Other side will have high
bearing pressure
4) This leads to excessive tilt
Two-way Eccentric or Moment

Note: For the contact pressure to be +ve everywhere below the two-ways
eccentric footing, the resultant must fall inside the diamond-shape called
Layered Soil Under the Foundation
Influence zone depth H beneath the
footing is
H=0.5 B tan (45+φ/2)

Two Methods to calculate

Method I:
Applies when two soils of the same
nature exist under the footing.
Use weighted average.
Layered Soil Under the Foundation
Method II:
Applies when stronger soil overlies weaker soil or when it
is difficult to judge reasonable average

a. Calculate bearing capacity of top soil using normal

procedure qult1
b. Calculate bearing capacity of lower layer using normal
procedure and considering punching resistance of top
q’ult2=qult2+[Po tanφ1 2 (B+L)+C1 2(B+L)d1]/BL

a. Bearing capacity of foundation is the lower value

Bearing Capacity for Compressible Soils

• Loose or compressible soils exhibit different load-settlement

behavior than dense soils and the bearing capacity theories
overestimate their capacity
• Terzaghi, on the basis of stress-strain data, suggested assigning to
φ and c the lower values of
• Tan φ’ = 2/3 tan φ c’ = 2/3 c
• And then using these φ’ and c’ in the tables to find the Nc, Nq and Nγ.
• Note that you may find tables in references labeled N’c, N’q and N’γ.
these bearing capacity factors have the above reduction already
incorporated. (Table 3.2 is an example)
• Das shows a procedure by Vesic’ for estimating the effects of
compressibility. It is a rather complicated correction and in view of
the factors of safety used and the relative accuracy of bearing
capacity equations I suggest using Terzaghi’s and not the Vesic’
Bearing Capacity of Rocks
• Consider
– Rock structure: joints, cleavages, faults, etc.
– Rock material: weathering and strength.

Bearing capacity is calculated using one of two methods:

I) Use of Normal bearing capacity with:

Nc= 5 tan4 ( 45+φ/2)
Nq= tan6 (45+φ/2)
N γ= N q + 1
Then get q’ult = qult (RQD)2

q‘ult = Capacity
RQD = Rock Quality Designation
Bearing Capacity of Rocks
II) qa = Ks x unconfined compressive strength

Ks = Factor that depends on joint spacing and RQD

= 0.4 for joint spacing > 3m

= 0.25 for joint spacing 1-3m
= 0.10 for joint spacing 0.3-1m
Bearing Capacity - Example 1
What is the allowable bearing capacity for a 1.5
m square footing at foundation depth of 1.2 m?
The average unit weight of soil is 17.3 kN/m3,
cohesion of 15 kPa and angle of internal
friction of 20o.

φ = 20°
c = 15 kPa 1.20 m
γ = 17.3 kN/m3

1.50 × 1.50 m
Bearing Capacity - Example 2
For the same conditions in Example 1, find
the required size of square footing under
footing load of 1000 kN.
1000 kN

1.20 m

φ = 20°, c = 15 kPa, γ = 17.3 kN/m3

Layered Soil Under the Foundation
Method II:
Applies when stronger soil overlies weaker soil or when it
is difficult to judge reasonable average

a. Calculate bearing capacity of top soil using normal

procedure qult1
b. Calculate bearing capacity of lower layer using normal
procedure and considering punching resistance of top
q’ult2=qult2+[Po tanφ1 2 (B+L)+C1 2(B+L)d1]/BL

a. Bearing capacity of foundation is the lower value

Bearing Capacity - Example 3

A 6 × 3 footing in soil conditions as shown

in the figure is subjected to:
1. Vertical Footing Load = 630 t
2. Horizontal Load = 70 t

Check bearing capacity.

630 t

70 t

c = 17 t/m2
m φ = 5°
m 6×3m
GWT γ = 1.8 t/m3

c’ = 3 t/m2
φ’ = 20°
γ = 1.6 t/m3

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