10 - Soil Bearing Capacity of Soils
10 - Soil Bearing Capacity of Soils
10 - Soil Bearing Capacity of Soils
10 – Soil Bearing Capacity of Soils
In 1943, Terzaghi developed the bearing capacity solution for continuous shallow foundation with a
footing width B and an embedded depth Df under a level ground.
From the force equilibria of these zones, Terzaghi obtained the following equation to
determine the ultimate bearing capacity, qu .
Ultimate Bearing Capacity.
✓Shallow Foundation
✓Two-dimensional strip footings
✓No shearing resistance through the depth zone
✓Footing load applied in the vertical direction only
Several Researchers (De Beer, Hansen, Vesic, Hanna, and Meyerhof) proposed modified
bearing capacity factors, shape factors, depth factors, and inclination factors based on
experimental observation.
fcs,fqs,fys = Shape factors for different footing shapes other than strip footings
fcd,fqd,fyd = Depth factors for deeper shallow foundations
fci,fqi,fyi = Inclination factors for various directions of footing load than the vertical load
Bearing Capacity by Meyerhof
Ultimate Bearing Capacity for
different types of footing
qu = CNc(1 + 0.3B/L)
qu = CNc +qNq + qu = 1.3CNc +qNq + qu = 1.3CNc + qNq +
+ qNq + 0.5γB Nγ (1 –
0.5γBNγ 0.4γB Nγ 0.3γ BNγ
Correction due to Water
Table Elevation
• One more influential parameter on the bearing capacity is the water table elevation relative to
the footing depth.
✓q = γDf
Case 2: ✓Change γB = (Ysat - Yw)
Zw < B
qu = Q u / A