Unique Genius Possibility Manifesto
Unique Genius Possibility Manifesto
Unique Genius Possibility Manifesto
You Can Make As Much Money As You Want, Doing What You Love
By Aaron Ross
Hi, Im Aaron. Im a corporate refugee, who founded the company PebbleStorm (Make Money Through Enjoyment), and created the Unique Genius body of work to combine the best of money (capitalism) and happiness (buddhism). Were a creating a worldwide movement of work based on values like trust and integrity and fun. I want you to be able to make as much money as you want, doing what you love.
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2/ You Can Make As Much Money As You Want, Doing What You Love
Turn that around and realize that youre just like me, with my potential and the potential of all the other successful people out there you put on pedestals. No one is perfect, and if they seem like it, you just dont know enough about them I guarantee they have their dark sides too! You dont succeed by being perfect or never feeling fear and doubt you succeed by moving forward despite any fears, doubts or uncertainties. Forget any feeling of a lack of money, time, college degrees, skills or people you know There are only three reasons you will not be successful: you dont try new things, you dont learn from what you try, or you give up.
Choose Both
The PebbleStorm and Unique Genius story begins in 2007 (after all the entrepreneurial and corporate stuff Id done), while I was at a Silicon Valley venture capital firm as an Entrepreneur-inResidence. I had a dream job getting paid to figure out what kind of company I wanted to start. And after three months there, I had a huge revelation. I realized that while I enjoyed the salaries, security and often the people in it (if not the management cultures), the corporate world and technology startups held no meaning for me. Regardless of how much money I made or could make in the corporate and startup world, it just wasnt fulfilling. I also realized that I have always had the ability to make money doing what I want to do but I never tried to because I didnt really believe I could do it. (This is true for you, too.) I had bought into the lie that I had to choose between well-paying OR fulfilling work. I committed to choose both, to create work that was well-paying AND fulfilling. And the truth is you too can choose both: you can make money doing what you enjoy, without compromising how much you make or how you make it.
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servitude we accept right here in the USA. You are TIRED of corporate servitude on the career track. We grow up being trained to believe all kinds of lies about what it takes to be successful. (Ill be sharing with you Five Great Lies Of Success and Five Great Truths Of Success.) Because we believe the lies (or were never taught the truth), we end up working at all kinds of jobs that either stress us out, are meaningless, or dont pay us what were worth.
done through non-profits, right? (No!!!) The Second Great Lie Of Success Having Fun At Work Wastes Time: To make more money, first work harder. More work will fix it. Actually, more work will fix anything, and when in doubt, just work harder. Enjoyment and fun arent bad or actively discouraged in work (hopefully!), but they do get in the way of getting things done and making money. The Third Great Lie Of Success You ll Be Discovered: Hope is your strategy; if you work hard, following the career track, at some point youll be noticed. Someday you ll just be discovered. Some people win the lottery too...but do you want to bet your life on it?
The Fourth Great Lie Of Success You Just Need A Promotion: If you get a new job or promotion, then THAT will make you happier, wealthier or more successful. Of course, you thought that same thing before getting this oneand the one before thatand before that. Groundhog day anyone? The Fifth Great Lie Of Success Youre Not Good Enough: What is your dream? Can you make as much money as you want, doing what you love? Your inner critic tells you all the reasons you cant do it, like Who are you to start a business? Who are you to change peoples lives? Youre not special, people dont need you, they dont value
what you have to offer, you dont have enough experience, talent or creativity, and on and on and on. (Those are all lies.) Finally...an Extra Great Lie About Money Earning Money = Making Money: The working world and school teaches you how to earn money, not make it as in being able to create money when you need it. Which, my friend, is thankfully a learnable skill like learning to play a guitar.
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8/ You Can Make As Much Money As You Want, Doing What You Love
A Dream
What if you could work on what you want, when you want, from where you want, with whom you want? What if everyone you worked with partners, clients, coworkers, vendors, managers, employees was someone you liked, respected and trusted? What if values like trust, freedom, authenticity, fun and play were the basis of how you and we all worked together? What if the people you worked with were devoted to helping you succeed? What if there was no competition, only cooperation, because everyone was a Unique Genius who had found their special gifts and turned them into enjoyable, meaningful work? And everyone could bring their unique talents together, like unique puzzle pieces, to jointly create masterful new products, businesses and money? What if work was enjoyable, playful, meaningful and fun and we all made a lot more money because of it? Is this even possible?
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A Vision
I began to think about how I could make the dream real. How could it be possible? And the answer came to me: a community based on trust. Whether they are employees, partners or clients, I dont enjoy work when its with people that I dont like, respect or trust. I love working with people whom I like, respect and trust. What if I could work with trusted people ALL THE TIME? What if you could too? What if we had a community of like-minded people big enough that we could always work with great people whether as partners, employees, or clients? What if we could collaborate, buy, sell and hire based on trusted, long-term relationships rather
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than complex legal, sales, and HR contracts? Where everyone works and makes money together based on principles like trust, integrity, fun, freedom and fulfillment Where there isnt dog-eat-dog competition, because each person has found their special gifts, their Unique Genius and each person is like a unique puzzle piece with their own single place in the broader puzzle What if we could get so many people involved that we reached a tipping point of the world (~1% of the worlds future population, 100 million people) ...and revolutionized the way people work - and thus their lives around the world?
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12/ You Can Make As Much Money As You Want, Doing What You Love
13/ You Can Make As Much Money As You Want, Doing What You Love
The clearer you are on what is important to you, and how you want to work, the easier it is to make it your reality. Start with a single day. If you could start over, from scratch, and could do something you enjoyed as much or as little as you wanted, what would your ideal work day or week look like?
you find your purpose, doubts will come up whether or not you can actually do it. Your desire for it must be stronger than the fear. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. - Marianne Williamson
Its up to you to find it, develop it and make money from it. You will have to find your own path to do this, by starting your own project or business. If you work for other people, without having your own project or business, you will never be able to truly find your full power and value.
you and each other. You have all the help and support you need already around you and out there. The best way to receive support is to ask for it. If thats hard for you, try it once youll see that it works, and notice that people enjoy helping you, if its an authentic request for help.
The Key Ingredient To Making As Much Money As You Want, Doing What You Love
is Authenticity. There is a very simple explanation for why authenticity is the key ingredient to having both money and happiness in work. Fulfillment comes from bringing your full self to work, including your successes and failures, prides and embarrassments. It also includes your past (your life story), present (who you are today) and future (your vision). Its everything you believe in. This total you is your authentic self. Work based on your authentic self: 1. Creates Value for others by teaching, educating or entertaining based on what youve been through in your life (past), who you are today (present), and your vision (future).
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2. Creates Trust in others because you are authentic. 3. Makes You Unique, because no one in the world has your same combination of life experiences, vision, values and talents. So through your work, your authenticity can create value for others, create trust and make yourself unique... which means you can make (and create) money. Authenticity is the key to combining money and happiness in work! If you want to hear me share this live, click http://tinyurl.com/UGEquation
Who is your authentic self? What are you going to do with your life? Why do you matter? How will you make a difference? Why will people miss you when youre gone?
Even more good news: You dont have to quit your day job to start your own thing. Start your project on the side, and nurture it with a few hours a month of attention, until it grows up enough so that it can support you. Do you already have a business? If you dont enjoy it, treat it as your day job, and start a new passion project on the side.
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Confidence: You must believe in yourself and your vision. The good news is that confidence can be learned and practiced, like learning to play a guitar. You turn half-baked ideas into awesome ones by getting them out there to people and evolving them. Remember: Dont worry. Be crappy. Itll work out. Community: No one can do it alone, and creating success with others makes work more enjoyable and easier. At the beginning, it can be hard to find like-minded, truly supportive people. However, once you begin declaring yourself, who you are and what you stand for, you will be surprised at how easy it is to find these people. People move slowly. Be patient in building your community of supporters.
What is a few years in the scheme of the rest of your life? With patience and commitment, the only way you will fail in achieving what you want is if you give up on it, no matter how many dragons you have to fight, mountains you must climb, or deserts you have to cross. Dont give up!
... which you can do, because YOU have the potential to be a Unique Genius and stand out from the noise. How? Not by doing what you should do and finding a market and serving it. In the Unique Genius world, first you decide what you want to do and how you want to do it, then, as you become bolder and clearer in declaring yourself, the market finds you. This is how you stand out by being your best self, figuring out what you stand for in the world, your message and sharing it unabashedly with others. Be a lighthouse... the more clearly and brightly you shine your light, the easier you attract success to yourself.
Beyond that, I had NO IDEA how to make this happen. I did have faith that if I had a clear vision, and kept taking baby steps towards it, never giving up, eventually I would figure it out, even if it took twenty years. You can start with this exercise too. And you can achieve what you want as long as you dont give up.
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Start Now
No matter what you think your issues, ideas or challenges are, there are people out there waiting for you to share your genius and become your champions, cheerleaders, clients, mentors, subscribers or partners. They are waiting for you to take the first step! What baby step can you take RIGHT NOW to move even an inch closer to your vision? Take out a blank piece of paper and do the My Dream Business exercise. Call a friend and have a conversation about what you most want to do. Pick a date to hold a meeting-of-the-minds lunch to invite people to share your ideas, to ask for their ideas, or even just debate the Great Lies and Great Truths of this manifesto. Publicly declare on email, Twitter or Facebook what you are going to do about your work and life! Hint: It is always more effective when you can do something with a like-minded buddy.
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28/ You Can Make As Much Money As You Want, Doing What You Love
Aaron Ross
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