E-Tech CG
E-Tech CG
E-Tech CG
WCC commits itself to the improvement of lives and advancement of society by developing
We are one of Asia’s best multi-disciplinary colleges of choice and a recognized leader in
exemplary globally competitive professionals and leaders through comprehensive outcomes-
producing highly competent, industry-relevant, and value-laden graduates who contribute to
based quality education, innovative learning design with an experiential approach,
nation-building and global progress.
stakeholder collaboration, and a culture upholding Christian values. These we do by God’s
grace to honor and glorify Him.
Christ-centeredness – in everything that you do, in thought and action, you do it to glorify God
Servant-Leadership – leading with humility and being supportive of peers
CORE VALUES Excellence – the quality of being outstanding
Diligence – careful and persistent work and effort
Integrity – the quality of being honest; being morally upright
COURSE DESCRIPTION Information and communication technologies as a tool for curating, contextualizing, collaborating, and creating content and experiences for
learning in the professional tracks.
Information and The learners demonstrate The learners shall be able The learners: Written work Short quiz E - Book
Communication Technology an understanding of: to: Google
covering the topics of: Compare, and contrast the
ICT in the context of global - Applying safety and nuances of varied online
What is ICT? communication for specific security using the platforms, sites, and
professional track internet. content to best achieve
Online safety, security, ethics, - Create a campaign about specific class objectives or
and etiquette cyber security address situational
awareness and challenges
Contextualized online search netiquette.
and research skills SDG:
Developing ICT Content for The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners: Individual Long quiz E - Book
Specific Purposes understanding of: understanding of: hands-on Google
1. uses common activity
Manipulating text, Graphics and the use of advanced tools and productivity tools
Images to Create ICT Content techniques found in common - effectively by
intended for Online Environment productivity and software maximizing advanced
applications in developing ICT - Perform navigation using application
content for specific application programs for techniques
professional tracks specific purpose elements 2. creates an original or
for use in specific derivative ICT
4-5 how to manipulate text, professional tracks content to effectively
graphics, and images to create communicate or
ICT content intended for an - Understand the use of present data or
online environment advanced tools and information related
techniques found in to specific
common productivity and professional tracks.
software applications in
developing ICT content for
specific professional tracks
6-7 The learners shall be able The learners: Written work Short quiz E - Book
Online Platforms as Tool for the principles and techniques to: Google
ICT Content Development of design using online creation - independently apply the evaluate existing online
tools, platforms, and principles and creation tools, platforms
The principles and applications to develop ICT techniques of design and applications in
techniques of design using content for specific using online creation developing ICT content for
Online creation tools, professional tracks tools, platforms, and specific professional tracks
platforms and applications applications to create
to develop ICT content for the key learnings from the original or derivative ICT apply web design
Specific Professional previous weeks, which they content for use in principles and elements
Tracks will synthesize into an specific professional using online creation
integrated ICT content tracks tools, platforms, and
Integrating ICT content
through collaboration with - collaboratively develop applications to
through collaboration with
classmate and teacher classmate and teacher as both an online portal or communicate a message
being peer and partner peer and partner website to showcase for a specific purpose in
and share existing and specific professional tracks
Multimedia and ICT The learners shall be able The learners will able to: Written work Short quiz E - Book
The learners demonstrate an to: Google
Multimedia as Platform for understanding of: 4. explore the principles of
Change how rich media content and - independently assess interactivity and rich content
interactivity affects and one’s experience along a in the context of Web 2.0 and
Working with Peers and changes the user experience range of online rich the participation of the user
External Publics for in the delivery and content on the basis of in the online experience
Developing an ICT Project consumption of ICT content the usability of the
9-10 ICT as a tool, medium, and - independently articulate
force in bringing about action how ICT tools and
and mobilize change in a platforms have changed
population, society, or culture. the way people
communicate, and how
ICT as a tool, medium, and social change has been
force in bringing about action brought about by the
and mobilize change in a use of ICTs
population, society, or culture.
11-12 The learners shall be able Written work Short quiz E - Book
Creating and managing an ICT ICT as a tool, medium, and to: Google
project force in bringing about action demonstrate how online ICT
and mobilize change in a - collaboratively Projects for Social Change are
How to Manage an Online ICT population, society, or culture. participate actively in uploaded, managed, and
Project for Social Change. the creation and promoted for maximum
development of an ICT audience impact
Project for Social Change
relating to an issue in generate a technical report
specific professional interpreting data analytics,
tracks e.g. Google, Facebook, or
- independently and similar traffic data on the
collaboratively co- general aspects of search
manage an online ICT visibility, reach, and virality
Project for Social Change
through available tools,
resources, and platforms
The learners shall be able Written work Short quiz E - Book
How to Maintain and Sustain how to maintain and sustain to: The learners will be able to: Google
the Operation of an ICT the operation of an ICT Project
Project for Social Change for Social Change - independently evaluate generate a report on the
the performance of an performance of their ICT
how to manage an online ICT advocacy via an ICT Project for Social Change on
Project for Social Change Project for Social Change the basis of data gathered
through available from available monitoring
monitoring tools and tools and evaluating
evaluating techniques techniques
such as user interviews,
feedback forms, and
Analytics data
15 The learners shall be able Presentation Short quiz E - Book
how to reflect on the nature to: The learners will be able to: Output Google
Reflecting on the nature of ICT of ICT and the manner by
which the learning process has - independently reflect on - independently reflect on
changed his/her world view. the ICT learning process the ICT learning process
and how his/her world and how his/her world
view has evolved over view has evolved
the past semester Outputs during this week
- may be in the form of, but
not limited to:
1. Video blog
2. Presentation or image
3. Website
4. Illustrated document
5. Podcast or webcast
_______________________ ______________________ __________________________
Fannie Marie M. Flores, MM
Lady Luz L. Mendoza, LPT / Kelly C. Javier Jr., LPT Jeffrey Alemania, RN, LPT
Faculty Teachers SHS Coordinator