book explaining, usually in alphabetical order, words of a language, or giving their equivalent in
another language; reference book of words and topics of subjects arranged in alphabetical order.
It is primarily a book of reference, a book worth studying. It is to supply much more than just
meanings and spellings. It has a wealth of information. It records the changes in vocabulary.
*Dictionary can be easy to use by knowing its Plan, the Dictionary plan. Each and every
dictionary has its unique plan.
What most of people think is that the dictionary has only one function to describe one word&
meaning, but the dictionary has even more functions; that are mentioned below:
1. Usage of words.
2. Parts of speech.
3. Pronunciation.
4. Syllabification.
5. Etymology.
6. Meaning.
7. Synonyms
8. Variants
Guidewords are the two words present on the top of every page of the dictionary. The one on the
left corner is the first word of the page and the last one is present on the right corner.
All the words whose information are given on that page lie within these two words. For example:
Entry words are the words that are explained on the page. They are typed in bold letters so that it
is easy to locate the word we want to search the meaning of.
Synonyms are the words that are same in meanings. Dictionary acts as a Thesaurus and helps
building vocabulary by explaining a word and synonyms too. For example:
A dictionary helps a person by telling the use of a word as well, How should it be used; formally
or informally.
*Informal: Heap.
Thanks a heap!
A dictionary helps us by explaining the parts of speech the word is. A word can be, sometimes,
two or more than two parts of speech. A dictionary explains the meaning of the word according
to related context.
Pronunciation is the the way in which a word is pronounced, it is the manner of speaking. The
pronunciation of entry words follow and these are present in brackets and explains us the way to
pronounce the word we are searching about.
It is Accentuation: Stress pattern. It is important to learn which syllable take stress (it is indicated
by a dash or dot placed immediately after the stressed syllable). Transfer of stress form one
syllable to another sometimes alter the grammatical functions as well as the meaning of a word
For instance, abstract, with stress on first syllable, is a noun and means a summary, while
abstract the stress on the second syllable is a verb.
The most important function of the dictionary for which we commonly consult it is finding the
meaning of a word. A dictionary explains all the possible meanings of a word. For example:
The word Choke has 4 meanings. One as a verb, one as a phrasal verb, and the other two as
Etymology means the study of roots. In dictionary, Etymology of words are given which tell us
from where the word is derived, what is its origin, when was it first spoken, what did it mean
previously, etc.
Variants are the different ways of saying a word. These variations are caused by spellings or
pronunciations. For Example:
In grammar, inflection or inflexion is the modification of a word to express different
grammatical categories; Such as tense, mood, voice, aspect, person, number, gender and case.
Ability to choose and use the right words depends upon the range of one’s vocabulary, and this
will be adequate only if opportunities are taken to refer good dictionaries.
Conversations, By Listening to radio, Watching TV, audio tracks, Reading and Regular use of
It is not enough to know only what a word means one must be able to use it in conversation and