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Pontryagin Duality: (And Fourier Inversion and The Plancherel Theorem, Oh My!)

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Pontryagin Duality

(and Fourier inversion and the Plancherel theorem, oh my!)

Siyan Daniel Li-Huerta

October 8, 2020
Let G be an abelian locally compact topological group. Let m be a Haar
measure on G . For any measurable f : G → C and 1 ≤ p < ∞, define the
Lp -norm
Z 1/p
kf kp = dx |f (x)| ∈ R≥0 ∪ {∞}.

This gives Cc (G ) the structure of a pre-Banach space over C.

Write Lp (G ) for the completion of Cc (G ) with respect to k·kp . Then
Lp (G ) is a Banach space over C, and recall we can identify it with
{f : G → C | f is measurable, and kf kp < ∞}/ ∼,
where f ∼ g if and only if f = g outside a subset of measure zero, i.e.
almost everywhere.
Let f : G → C Rbe in L1 (G ). Its Fourier transform is the function fb : Gb → C
given by χ 7→ G dx f (x)χ−1 (x).
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Note that the triangle inequality yields
|fb(χ)| = dx f (x)χ−1 (x) ≤ dx |f (x)| = kf k1 .

Let G = Z/nZ with the discrete topology, and let m be the counting
measure. Then every function f : G → C lies in L1 (G ), and
fb(ζ) = nk=1 f (k)ζ −k for any n-th root of unity ζ.

Let G = Z with the discrete topology, and let m be the P counting

measure. Then f : G → C lies in L1 (G ) if and only if ∞ k=−∞ |f (k)|
P∞ −k
is finite, and in that case f (z) = k=−∞ f (k)z
b for any z in S 1 .
Let G = S 1 , and let m be the pushforward of the Lebesgue measure
via ϕ : [0, 1] → S 1 . Let f : G → C be in L1 (G ). Then
Z Z 1
fb(k) = dz f (z)z = dx f (ϕ(x))e −2πkix ,
S1 0

i.e. fb(k) is the k-th Fourier coefficient of the periodic function f ◦ ϕ.

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Theorem (Plancherel)
There exists a Haar measure m b on Gb such that, for all f in L1 (G ) ∩ L2 (G ),
its Fourier transform f lies in L2 (Gb) and satisfies kf k2 = kfbk2 .
Furthermore, the set of all such fb is dense in L2 (Gb).

We call mb the dual measure on Gb. Note this implies that f 7→ fb extends

to an isometry L2 (G ) → L2 (Gb), which we also denote using b·.
Next, let x be in G . Consider the group homomorphism evx : Gb → S 1
given by χ 7→ χ(x).
The homomorphism evx is continuous.

We have to show √ev−1
x (N(1)) = {χ ∈ G | χ(x) ⊆ N(1)} is open. But this
equals W ({x}, 1, 3), so it’s open.

Hence we get a map ev : G → Gb, which we see is a group homomorphism.

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Theorem (Pontryagin duality)
The map ev is an isomorphism of topological groups.

Let G = Z/nZ with the discrete topology. Recall we identified

Gb →{ζ ∈ C | ζ n = 1} via χ 7→ χ(1). By choosing a primitive n-th
∼ b
root of unity, we see that Z/nZ → Gb under this identification via
k 7→ (ζ 7→ ζ k ). As χ(1)k = χ(k), this shows ev is an isomorphism of
groups. Since Gb is discrete, it’s a homeomorphism.

Let G = Z with the discrete topology. Similarly, we have Gb → S 1 via
∼ b
χ 7→ χ(1). Recalling also that Z → Gb via k 7→ (z 7→ z k ), the
observation χ(1)k = χ(k) shows that ev is an isomorphism of
topological groups here too.

We use ev to identify Gb with G . Thus m yields a Haar measure on Gb.

b b

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Theorem (Fourier inversion)

Let f be in L2 (G ). Then f (x) = fb(x −1 ) almost everywhere on G .


Let G = S 1 with the usual measure m, and let f be in L2 (G ). Since m
b is a
Haar measure on G = Z, it equals c times the counting measure for some
c > 0. Taking f = 1 in the Fourier inversion formula yields
1=c fb(k)(z −1 )−k = c,

since fb equals the indicator function on 0. Thus mb equals the counting

measure. For general f in L2 (G ), Fourier inversion then becomes
X∞ X∞
−1 −k
f (ϕ(x)) = f (z) = f (k)(z ) =
b fb(k)e 2πkix ,
k=−∞ k=−∞

where we set z = ϕ(x). This is precisely the Fourier expansion of f ◦ ϕ.

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Next, let’s discuss Pontryagin duality relates to closed subgroups.
Let H be a closed subgroup of G .
1 H is an abelian locally compact topological group.
2 G /H is an abelian locally compact topological group.

1 Now H is immediately an abelian Hausdorff topological group. For

any open subset U of G with compact closure, W = U ∩ H is open in

H, and clH W = clG U ∩ H is a closed subset of clG U, thus compact.
2 Since H is closed, we see G /H is an abelian Hausdorff topological
group. Let U be a neighborhood of 1 in G with compact closure.
Because the quotient map π : G → G /H is open, we see π(U) is a
neighborhood of 1 in G /H. Now π(U) is compact and hence closed,
as G /H is Hausdorff. Thus π(U) ⊆ π(U) is also compact.
Note that we can identify G /H with {χ ∈ Gb | χ(H) = 1} as groups.
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This identifies G /H as a closed subgroup of Gb, and we have a short exact
sequence of topological groups 1 → G[ /H → Gb → Hb → 1, where Gb → Hb is
given by restriction.

Let G = F be a local field, and let ψ : G → S 1 be a nontrivial continuous
homomorphism. For any a in G , the homomorphism ψa : G → S 1 given by
x 7→ ψ(ax) is continuous, since multiplication by a is continuous. I claim
this yields an isomorphism ψ· : G → Gb of topological groups.
It is injective because if ψ(ax) = 1 for all x in G , the nontriviality of ψ
implies that a = 0. Next, consider the closed subgroup H = ψ· (G ) of Gb.
We can identify Gb/H with the group {χ ∈ Gb | χ(H) = 1}. This group is
trivial, since H ⊇ ψ· (G ), and if ψ(ax) = 1 for all a in G , then x = 0 as
b ∼ b
before. Thus the proposition shows Gb → H, and Pontryagin duality gives
H = Gb.
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Example (continued)
If we could show ψ· is a homeomorphism onto its image, we’d be done,
because ψ· (G ) would be locally compact and hence closed. For √ continuity,
let a be in G , and consider the neighborhood W (Bc (0, r ), 1, 3)ψa of ψa .
As ψ is continuous, we see ψ(VBc (0, r )) lies in N(1) for √a small enough
neighborhood V of 1. Thus ψ· (V ) lies√ in W (Bc (0, r ), 1, 3), implying
that ψ· sends V + a to W (Bc (0, r ), 1, 3)ψa .
For openness, let x0 6= 0 in G satisfy ψ(x0 ) 6= 1, and consider the
neighborhood Bo (a, ) of a. Any ψb in W (Bc (0, |x0 |/), 1, |ψ(x0 ) − 1|)
must not have x0 in bBc (0, |x0 |/). Therefore |x0 | > |b|(|x0 |/) and hence
 > |b|, implying that ψ·−1 sends W (Bc (0, |x0 |/), 1, |ψ(x0 ) − 1|) to
Bo (a, ).

Our flexibility in choosing ψ for this isomorphism is convenient for making


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Let G = R, and let m be the Lebesgue measure on G . Choose ψ = ϕ, and
let f be in L1 (G ). Under the above identification, the Fourier transform of
f is given by
Z Z ∞
f (a) =
b dx f (x)ψa (x) = dx f (x)e −2πaix ,
R −∞

b is a Haar measure on Gb ∼
i.e. it’s the usual Fourier transform. Since m = G,
it equals c times m for some c > 0. Taking f (x) = e −πx in the above
yields fb(a) = e −πa . Thus c = 1, i.e. the Lebesgue measure on R is
self-dual with respect to this choice of ψ.
Suppose now that f lies in L1 (G ) ∩ L2 (G ). Fourier inversion then becomes
Z Z ∞
f (x) = da f (a)ψa (−x) =
b da fb(a)e 2πaix ,
R −∞

i.e. it’s the classic Fourier inversion formula.

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