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2024 Q1 Week 1 Oral Communication

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School Vigan National High School West Grade Level 11/12

Grades 11/12
Teacher Jefferson R. Ancheta Learning Area Oral Communication in Context
LESSON Teaching Dates and Time July 29 – August 02,2024 Quarter 1st
LOG (DLL) 11 – ARCHIMEDES | 7:30 – 8:30 AM
11 – EINSTEIN | 11:00 -12:00 PM


I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in context.
B. Performance The learners designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on context.
C. Learning Competency The learners should be able to explain the functions, nature and process of communication.

D. Learning Objectives The learners should be able to explain the The learners should be able to explain the The learners should be able to explain the functions, nature and
functions, nature and process of functions, nature and process of process of communication.
communication. communication.
II. Content Introduction to Oral Communication in Context Pretest on Oral Communication in Context Functions, Nature and Process of Communication
III. Learning Resources
A. References F., S. P., & Balgos, A. F. (2016). Oral F., S. P., & Balgos, A. F. (2016). Oral F., S. P., & Balgos, A. F. (2016). Oral Communication in Context
Communication in Context for Senior High Communication in Context for Senior High for Senior High School. South Triangle, Quezon City: C & E
School. South Triangle, Quezon City: C & E School. South Triangle, Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Publishing, Inc. Publishing, Inc. Idang, M. A., & Dasig, E. B. (2020). Oral Communication in
Idang, M. A., & Dasig, E. B. (2020). Oral Idang, M. A., & Dasig, E. B. (2020). Oral Context Week 1. Cainta, Rizal: Department of Education.
Communication in Context Week 1. Cainta, Communication in Context Week 1. Cainta,
Rizal: Department of Education. Rizal: Department of Education.
B. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
C. Materials Powerpoint presentation Handouts of the lesson
Powerpoint presentation
IV. Procedures
A. Warm-up/Review 1.Ask the learners to present their learning The learners will answer a ten (10) – item survey on
contracts. communication.
2.Wrap the said sharing.
B. Establishing a Welcome the learners into a the new school 1.Instruct the learners to prepare for the ORAL SHARING:
purpose for the lesson year. pretest. 1. The learners will have an oral sharing about their
2.Remind the learners about the house background knowledge on communication.
rules. The teacher will wrap the said activity.
C. Presenting The learners and the teacher will do an activity 1. Distribute the reproduced copies of test Ask the following questions:
examples/Instances entitled, “ OPEN BOOKS” papers to the students. 1. What are the things that we do in everyday life that is
of the new lesson Guidelines for the activity. 2. Ask the learners to check the number of considered a form of communication?
1. The learners will write on a quarter paper, papers. 2. What is the nature of communication?
one (1) question they might have over the 3. Let the learners take the test. 3. How does communication function?
following: 4. How do we express the importance of communicaiton?
a. Subject
b. Students
c. Teacher
2. The learners will take turns in asking their
3. The teacher will wrap up the said activity.

D. Discussing new Discussion on the School Orientation/School PRETEST ON ORAL COMMUNICATION IN Interactive discussion on the functions and nature of
concepts and Rules and Regulations CONTEXT communication
practicing new skills #
E. Discussing new 1. The learners will be reminded of the
concepts and following: 1. Show pictures/photos that show the nature,functions and
practicing new skills # a. School Rules and Regulations process of communication.
2 b. Student Handbook 2. Ask the learners what they think about each of the photo
c. Grading System ( if available) presented.
3. Wrap the said activity.
F. Developing mastery Let the learners: Let the learners:
(leads to Formative  share their personal thoughts on the  answer a ten (10) item quiz about the recent discussion
Assessment 3) recently discussed concepts  verify their answers through the key answer
 generalize the lesson.

G. Finding practical Ask the learners, “How will you plan to Ask the learners to verify their answers Ask the learners, “Has your knowledge on communication
application of concepts pass/excel in this subject?” through the key answer. increased or decreased after this discussion?”
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations Ask the learners recap three (3) things they Ask the learners recap three (3) things they have learned from
and abstractions about the have learned from the oral sharing. the interactive discussion.
I. Evaluation Ask the learners to create a ‘learning contract’. WRITTEN/PICTURE/VIDEO RECAP
Guidelines 1. The learners will choose one (1) mode to express their
1. Ask the learners to list down their thoughts about the recent discussion.
expectations, contributions, motivations a. Written – the learner will write a 100 – word essay on
and hindrances as they learn the the importance of communication in our day-to-day
subject. life.
b. Picture – capture/download a photo from the web
that captures the essence of communication.
c. Video – record a 30-second video of themselves,
recapping the recent discussion.
J. Additional activities for Remind the learners to have it presented next Remind the learners to prepare for the Remind the learners who won’t be able to present their works to
application or remediation class. discussion the following meeting. prepare for the succeeding meeting.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflections
No. of Learners within
Mastery Level (80%)
No. of Learners Needing
Other Remarks

Prepared by:
School Principal

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