Automated Flight Test and System Identification For Rotary Wing Small Aerial Platform Using Frequency Responses Analysis
Automated Flight Test and System Identification For Rotary Wing Small Aerial Platform Using Frequency Responses Analysis
Automated Flight Test and System Identification For Rotary Wing Small Aerial Platform Using Frequency Responses Analysis
3 PID Based Rotary Wing Autopilot 2. X-Plane's functionality can be customized using a
plug in. A plug in is executable code that runs
A safe controller for rotary wing platform is needed to inside X-Plane, extending what X-Plane does. Plug
control the platform during frequency swept flight test. It ins are modular, allowing developers to extend the
has been mentioned before that frequency-domain system simulator without having to have the source code
identification is difficult to be conducted by human pilot. to the simulator. Plug ins allow the extension of
For now, only hover condition will be implemented in the the flight simulator's capabilities or gain access to
autopilot. Forward flight condition will be implemented in the simulator's data.
future development.
It has been shown in several previous research conducted
by other institution that PID based controller can be used to
control small rotary wing platform. This controller is
developed based on empirical approach without any
mathematical model. Of course the controller is not optimal
(because no mathematical can be used to justify this
optimality), but this kind of controller proved to be
relatively safe.
The objective of this research is to developed a rotary wing
mathematical model based on flight test, and not first
principle approach. So PID based controller is the logical
choice for the automated flight test. Based on empirical
experience, a PID cascaded controller is implemented.
Figure 4: X-Plane based simulation
A key metric to verify that the flight data is satisfactory for - .6411E + 02 0.0000E + 00 0.3766E + 02
the purpose of system identification is its coherence.
Typically coherence value of larger than 0.6 is expected. F = 0.0000E + 00 - .6803E + 02 0.0000E + 00
0.6056E + 00 0.0000E + 00 - .5749E + 00
6 State-space identification
y = Hx + Ju (t − τ ) (4)
x = R (5) Figure 14: Aileron to P from flight data compared
Ay with state space model result
Where τ is zero, so
u= (6)
So we only need to find F and G matrix. We use DERIVID
utility to find F and G matrix. Here is the result :
7 Concluding Remarks