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ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613

ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Hardware Realization of 2-D General

Model State Space Systems
Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava 1, Prashant Kumar 2, Manish Tiwari 3
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Motilal Neharu National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Pin- 211004, India
prabhatphd@gmail.com, 2 pkumar.mnnit@gmail.com, 3 manishtiwari_me@yahoo.com
Abstract— In this paper, a hardware oriented realization, for the real time two dimensional (2-D) state
space general model systems, is proposed. The proposed design of 2-D systolic array utilizes processing
elements (PEs) which is simpler in use. The number of PEs is made equal to the multiplication of both the
number of rows and column of the considered architecture. The proposed architecture provides excellent
performance in terms of speed, efficiency and accuracy. Further, different designs of PEs are also
proposed for state space feedback controller and unified structure. The unified structure can be work as
state space systems as well as feedback controller after applying some control signals. It is shown that the
area of unified structure is slightly more than that of structure-I and II taken separately. The ASIC
synthesis results shows the proposed unified structure for system/controller of order 7 has taken approx
22% more area and 50% less area than state space system and controller with feedback respectively.
Finally, the proposed architecture is implemented and analyzed using Verilog-HDL and Synopsis Design
Compiler with 90nm TSMC target libraries.
Keyword - 2-D system, FM model, General model, state space filter realization, Synopsis Design Compiler,
The recent past have seen a continuously going research interests in the area of two-dimensional (2-D)
discrete systems, due to their theoretical and practical viability in many application areas such as weather signal,
seismographic data processing signal, mechanical vibration signal, remote sensing and telemetry signals, radio
astronomy signal, biomedical system, navigation signals, gas absorption, water stream heating, radar and mobile
signals etc. [1-3]. In a 2-D discrete system, information propagates in two independent directions, thereby
making the system dynamics a function of two independent integer variables. The state-space methods have
long outlived the other conventional methods to represent and analyze the practical systems. Motivated by this,
many authors have attempted to describe the 2-D filter behavior in terms of linear state-space models [4-8]. In
this paper, we consider the 2-D General state-space model [9] because many other popular state-space models
can be represented as a special case of the General model.
Rapid developments in VLSI design and computing technology have attracted many researchers [10-13] to
study and analyze the hardware architectures for 2-D state-space filtering. In [10], high speed VLSI architecture
is proposed for the realization of 2-D recursive filters. The Local state-space realization of the generalized 2-D
filter transfer function is obtained by mapping its signal flow graph to the 2-D state-space model. The 2-D
recursive digital filter represented by a 2-D block state-space model is considered in [11] and a pipelined SIMD
architecture is developed for the purpose of 2-D block processing. This type of architecture is particularly useful
when similar operations on a large set of data are to be performed. Studies in [10] is further carried out in [12]
for high speed architectures of 2-D state space recursive filter. An advanced state update architecture based on
2-D systolic array is proposed and it is shown that adjustable throughput rates for different requirements can be
obtained due to flexible and modular global speedup architecture. Design of fine grain VLSI array processor for
real time 2-D state-space systems is considered in [13]. The signal processing architecture in [13] consist of a
linear systolic array which is obtained by exploiting the inherent concurrency in the 2-D state-space systems. At
this point, it is worth mentioning that all the hardware architectures reported so far in the literature are based on
the Roesser model due to its simplicity and similarity with the 1-D state-space model. However, designing a
state-space architecture based on the 2-D General model, which is a super set of various other popular models
e.g. Fornasini-Marchesini (FM) First 2-D state-space Model [6] and FM second 2-D state-space Model [8], is
much more complex and tedious than the Roesser model. Here, the authors also feel to mentions that a
processing architecture based upon the General model may be very useful since it can cover a large variety of
signal processing and control applications. Motivated by this, we consider the problem of designing a processing
architecture described by the 2-D General state-space model.
Notations: Throughout this paper, following notation are taken: R n and R n x n denotes real vector space of
dimension n x 1 and n x n respectively.

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i5/170905301 Vol 9 No 5 Oct-Nov 2017 3659

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

The basic preliminaries and definitions are defined in this section.
A. The 2-D General model Filter:
The state space representation of 2-D discrete linear shift invariant General model [9] can be defined by
x(i 1, j 1)  A1x (i, j 1)  A2 x (i 1, j)  A3 x (i, j)  B1u (i, j 1)  B2u (i 1, j)  B3u (i, j) (1.1a)
y (i , j )  C x (i , j )  D u (i , j ) (1.1b)
i  0, j  0 (1.1c)
where x (i , j )  R n x1
is state vector, A 1 , A 2, A 3  R nxn
are the known system matrices,
B 1 , B 2, B 3  R nxm
are the known input matrices, u ( i , j )  R m x1
is the input vector, y (i, j ) is a scalar
output, C  R 1x n
, and D  R 1x m
. For simplicity, we have taken as m = 1 and n  2 throughout the manuscript.
The initial conditions associated with the system are that there exist two positive integers and such that,
x (i,0)  0, i  r1, x (0, j)  0, j  r2 (1.2)
The equilibrium x (i, j )  0 of above systems is said to be globally asymptotically stable if
lim x(i, j )  lim x(i, j )  0
i  and / or j  i  j  (1.3)
Transfer function for the General model is given as:
H ( z1 , z2 )  C ( z1 z2 I  z2 A1  z1 A2  A3 )1 ( z2 B1  z1 B2  B3 )  D (1.4)
In (1.1), if B1  B2  0 and B3  B , then (1.1) become the Fornasini-Marchesini (FM) First 2-D state-space
model [6]. Similarly, When A 3  B 3  0 , then equation (1.1) become the FM second state-space model [8].
The block diagram of the 2-D General Model state space system is shown in figure 1. The block contains
multiplier, adder and shifter circuits which will be discussed in next section.

u (i , j  1) B1 A1 x (i , j  1)
x (i  1, j  1)

z1 1 z11

B2 A2
u (i  1, j ) x (i  1, j )
u(i 1, j 1)

z 2 1 z 2 1

z11 B3 A3

u (i, j ) D
x (i, j )

y (i , j )

Fig.1: Block diagram 2-D General Model State Space System

B. Matrix Multiplication Unit (MTMU)

In 2-D state-space systems, requirement is to process massive amounts of data at high speeds along with
accuracy. Matrix multiplication plays fundamental role in various engineering applications and scientific
computations, like digital signal processing (DSP), digital image processing. Matrix multiplication units
(MTMU) are more important part of proposed structures. The key component in the matrix multiplication is
Multiplier-Accumulator or the MAC unit. The speed of operation and efficiency of the system depends on the
performance and the number of MACs available in the design. The proposed architecture has required two types
of MTMUs, 2 x 2 to 2 x 1 and 2 x 1 to 1 x 2 . Here, we consider two simple methods for 2 x 2 to 2 x 1 matrix
multiplication units which are shown in Figure 2(a) and Figure 2(b).

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i5/170905301 Vol 9 No 5 Oct-Nov 2017 3660

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

A 11
x 011 x 012 x 011
x 111
A 12 MUL
x 012 A 11

A 12 MUL
x 111
A 13

x 112 A 13
A 14 MUL
MUL A 14
x 112

(a) (b) (c)

Fig 2: Matrix multiplication units (MTMU) (a) Method-I (4-multiplier) (b) Method-II (2-Multiplier) (c) Accumulator Unit (ACC).

Method-I in Fig 2(a), uses four multiplier and two adder circuits for operation. Multipliers are the most
important part of any MTMU, because they take most of the area and time for the operation. Method-II, as
shown in Fig. 2(b) utilizes lesser number of multiplier circuits for same operation at the cost of some small
additional circuits which are 2X1 multiplexers and accumulator. Due to simplicity and speed, method-I is very
suitable for proposed design. Finally, Fig. 2(c) shows a conventional MAC unit.
C. Processor Units (PEs)
In this section, we consider the architecture of processing element (PE) for the 2-D state-space system defined
by (1.1). The basic function of a PE is to calculate the next state vector x ( i  1, j  1) , for which it needs
multiple inputs. A simplified block diagram of a basic PE with state inputs is shown in Figure 3(a). To calculate
next state vector x ( i  1, j  1) in accordance with (1.1), a PE has to perform inner matrix multiplications and
matrix addition operations. This is shown in Figure 3(b). Thus, design problem is twofold: fist designing of
efficient matrix multiplication units (MTMU) and second is matrix additions unit (MAU). The design of
MMTUs is further complicated by the fact that a variety of matrix multiplication operation, due to the different
size of matrices in (1.1), is required to calculate the next state. As mentioned in (1.1) we assume m = 1 and n  2
, then we require an MMTU for performing multiplication of matrices with size 2 x 2 to 2 x 1 and another
MMTU to multiply the matrices of size 2 x 1 to 1 x 2 . In Figure 3(b), blocks identified as MAT MUL-1, MAT
MUL-2 and MAT MUL-3 (in blue color) requires first type of MMTU while the blocks identified as MAT
MUL-4, MAT MUL-5 and MAT MUL-6 (in green color) needs second type of MMTU. The output of both the
MMTUs is added in an MAU to generate the next state vector x ( i  1, j  1) , as shown in Figure 3(b). The
values of state vectors x ( i , j  1) , x ( i  1, j ) , x ( i , j ) will be updated after each processing stage so that
calculations at the next processing stage can be done correctly. Usually a systolic array technique, discussed in
the following section of the manuscript, is employed for this purpose.
x (i  1, j  1)


x (i , j  1) u (i , j  1)

A2 B2

x (i  1, j ) u (i  1, j )

A3 B3

x (i, j ) u (i, j )

(a) (b)
Fig. 3: (a) Block diagram of PE. (b) Internal architecture of processor elements (PE).

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i5/170905301 Vol 9 No 5 Oct-Nov 2017 3661

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

A simplified architecture for the 2-D state-space system described by the General model (1.1) is shown in
Figure 4. The whole architecture is divided three different parts namely: external input-data distributer, the
General model state-space system which is a systolic array of PEs (Figure 5) and a memory management unit
(MMU) for storing next state vectors. Each of these parts is now discussed in detail in following subsections.
A. External Input-Data Distributer:
The external input-data distributer (EIDD) hosts arrays of 8-bit shift registers. The task of EIDD is to receive
and store the known matrices A1 , A2 , A3 , B1 , B2 , B3 , C and D in linear manner, then to receive and store the
initial values of state vectors x ( i , j  1) , x ( i  1, j ) and x ( i , j ) , and finally to receive and store the values
of input vectors u ( i , j  1) , u ( i  1, j ) and u ( i , j ) , such that 0  i  7 and 0  j  7 . The values of
input vectors will be required for state space filter only. The values of A and B is connected directly to all the
processing stages through EIDD. The values of C and D are reserved to generate output y ( i , j ) according to
(1.1b), as and when required.
B. Systolic Array of PEs:
The second part of proposed architecture is linear systolic arrays of PEs. Systolic array provides an attractive
solution to mapping signal processing algorithms onto very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI) hardware. The
linear systolic array contains 7 x 7 PEs, each of which is combination of adder and multipliers as shown in
Figure 3(b). The number of PEs used in this architecture is equal to the multiplication of number of rows to
column in given systolic array. Due to its simple structure, localized communication between PEs, the systolic
array of PEs maybe increase up to N xN where N represents number of row/column in systolic array.
Furthermore, the communications between PEs and computations in PEs can be done at the same time without
interrupting the data flow. Since the systolic array of PEs should be initialized to zero, the output of the PE
should be connected to the corresponding entries directly. Neither delays nor other circuits are required to be
connected between two corresponding PEs as shown in Figure 5. Only the computed value of next state vector
x ( i  1, j  1) will move systolically from cell to cell while other inputs remains fixed for all PEs. Due to the
recursive property of proposed architecture, the state value at ( i  1, j  1) cannot be processed until the
instances ( i , j  1) , ( i  1, j ) and (i , j ) are available. E.g. x (1,1) depends upon x (0,1) , x (1, 0) and
x (0, 0) ; x (2,1) depends upon x (1,1) , x (2, 0) and x (1, 0) ; x (1, 2) depends upon x (0, 2) , x (1,1) and
x (0,1) etc.

Fig. 4: Proposed architecture for the 2-D General model state-space system

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i5/170905301 Vol 9 No 5 Oct-Nov 2017 3662

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Fig. 5: Systolic arrays of processor units (7x7)

C. Memory Management Unit For State Vectors:

The last part of proposed architecture is a memory management unit (MMU) for the output of next state
vectors. This unit contains two arrays of 64 8-bit registers These registers receive the next state vectors from
systolic array linearly and store them for future use such as generating the output or displaying the calculated
values etc.
The proposed structure as shown in Figure (4) and Figure (5) may well be used for a variety of filtering, data
processing and control application. To illustrate, we consider the case of 2-D discrete state-space systems with
state feedback controllers which presented in the next section.
In this section, we consider the realization of feedback control gain to stabilize the 2-D state-space system
realized through the architecture proposed in Section III. The state feedback control law to stabilize the state-
space system (1.1) may be given as:
U K X (2.1a)
 u(i, j  1) 
U   u(i  1, j ) 
 u(i, j )  (2.1b)
K   k 1 k2 k 3  (2.1c)
 x (i, j  1) 
X   x (i  1, j ) 
 x (i, j ) 

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i5/170905301 Vol 9 No 5 Oct-Nov 2017 3663

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Thus, (2.1a) becomes

 u(i, j  1)   x (i, j  1) 
 u(i  1, j )    k k2 k 3   x (i  1, j ) 
 (2.1e)
   1
 u(i, j )   x (i, j ) 
Applying (2.1e) into (1.1a) we get,
x (i  1, j  1)  A1 x (i, j  1)  A2 x (i  1, j )  A3 x (i, j )  B1 k 1 x (i, j  1)  B 2 k 2 x (i  1, j )  B 3 k 3 x (i, j )
and finally we get
x (i  1, j  1)  ( A1  B1 k 1 ) x (i, j  1)  ( A2  B 2 k 2 ) x (i  1, j )  ( A3  B 3 k 3 ) x (i, j ) (2.2b)
Equation (2.2b) provides a simple way of realizing the controller gains to stabilize the 2-D state-space system
represented by the architecture proposed by Figure (4) and Figure (5). Processing element (PE) for a 2-D state-
space system with controller gain may be represented by following architecture.


x (i , j  1)


x (i  1, j )
x (i  1, j  1)



x (i, j )

Fig. 6: Processing elements (PE) 2-D system with feedback controller.

It is worth noting that the PE shown in Figure (6) is a simple extension of the PE shown in Figure (3b), where
input to various MMTUs in a PE is redefined. Hence, the architecture proposed in Figure (4) and Figure (5)
remains valid.
A simple inspection of the PE proposed in Figure (6) reveals that the dedicated architecture which can be
used only for the control applications. Whereas, it is desirable that depending upon the situations the hardware
architecture may be used for control applications or any other data processing applications.
We have mentioned in the previous section that the proposed structure with PEs in Fig. (6) is suitable only for
control application. Thus, in this section we consider a unified structure which is suitable for a variety of data
processing and control applications. A comparison between the architecture of PEs of Figure (3b) and Figure (6)
shows that difference lies in the inputs given to various MMTUs. In order to solve the issue in a simplified
manner we introduce a multiplexer which selects input that is feeded to MAT MUL-4, MAT MUL-5 and MAT
MUL-6 blocks of Figure (3b). This is shown in Figure (7). A control signal namely, controller/filter, is provided
in the structure for selecting the input data either for control applications or for signal processing applications.
When this control signal is LOW the structure effectively works as the one proposed in Figure (6) and when this
control signal is HIGH the structure works as the one proposed in Figure (3b). Even though, efficient realization
for the structure proposed in Figure (7) may be obtained, the authors have chosen the above structure to
maintain simplicity in realization. However, readers are encouraged to explore various other realizations which
are simple as well as efficient.

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i5/170905301 Vol 9 No 5 Oct-Nov 2017 3664

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Fig 7: Unified Structure of processing elements for 2-D state-space system.


In this section we have calculated theoretically the hardware and time complexity count of different types of
digital circuits which is used in designing of state-space filters. The theoretical hardware analyses of general
model state-space system (GMSSS), Controller and GMSSS along with feedback controller are shown in Table-
A. Data flow and timing analysis:
The timing operations of proposed design have divided in to three parts such as external input-data distributer,
systolic array of PEs and MMU for state vectors. Both EIDD units and MMU for next state vectors are fixed for
all three structures. The most important part of proposed design is linear systolic array. The propagation delay of
this part depends on time taken by all processing elements together. Here, we have used 49 PEs. The outputs of
PE11 in first diagonal (violet color) of systolic array will be broadcasted to PEs of second diagonal (indium color)
and these will be further broadcasted to third diagonal (green color). The process will be continued up-to last
diagonal. All processing will be done in recursive. The time taken by particular diagonal is fixed and equal to
propagation delay of PE. The number of diagonal in this architecture is thirteen as shown in figure 3(b). Let TPE
and TSA be the propagation delays of one PE and systolic arrays respectively, then total processing time taken by
systolic arrays is thirteen TPE i.e. TSA = ( 2 N -1) TPE. Here, we have discussed two types of 2 x1 to 1 x 2 matrix
multiplication. Each method has particular performance for area and timing. The propagation delays of PE for
method-I is given by TPE = 2T8MUL+72T2FA while method-II gives TPE = 3T8MUL+88T2FA+2T8MUX+2T16DFF,
where T8MUL, T2FA, T8MUX and T16DFF are delays of 8-bits multipliers, 2-bits full adder, 8-bits 2:1 MUX and 16-
bits D flip-flops respectively. The propagation delay of method-I are approximately 50% less than that of
method-II at the cost of area. We have used many methods of matrix multiplication with specific properties and
this is other area of research. Due to simplicity of method-I, we have taken method-I throughout paper. The
time taken by proposed state-space filter is given by
Where TSSS, TTEIDD, TSA and TTMMU are time taken by proposed state space system, external input data
distributer, linear systolic arrays and MMU for next state vectors respectively. The values of TSSF may be varies
according to which type of architecture we have taken.
TSSS = TTEIDD + 13(2T8MUL+72T2FA) +TMMTU (3.2)
Similarly, the times taken by Controller and GMSSS along with feedback controller are defined as TCONT and
TUNF respectively and which is given below.
TCONT = TTEIDD + 13(2T8MUL+88T2FA) +TMMTU (3.3)
TUNF = TTEIDD + 13(2T8MUL+72T2FA) +TMMTU (3.4)

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i5/170905301 Vol 9 No 5 Oct-Nov 2017 3665

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

B. Area Complexity Analysis:

The area of proposed architecture is mainly due to area of systolic array and the associated EIDD and MMU
for next state vectors. Therefore the area required for proposed architecture ASSS can be expressed as:
ASSS = AEIDD + ASA + AMMU (4.1a)
where AEIDD, ASA and AMMU are the area required for a external input data distributor, linear systolic array and
Memory Management Unit for next state vector respectively. From figure 3(a), AEIDD, ASA and AMMU can be
expressed as:
AEIDD = 3x31A8DMUX = 93A8DMUX (4.1b)
ASA = 49APE = 49(18A8MUL + 272A2FA) (4.1c)
AMMU = 126A8MUX + 128A8DFF (4.1d)
where A8DMUX, A8MUL, A8DFF, A8MUX and A2FA are area of 8-bits demultiplexers, multiplier, D-flip flop,
multiplexer and 2-bits full adder respectively. The area of DMUX and MUX are approximately same. Now
equation (4.1a) can be written as:
ASSS = 219A8MUX + 49(18A8MUL + 272A2FA) + 128A8DFF (4.1e)
Similarly, the areas taken by Controller and GMSSS along with feedback controller are defined by ACONT and
AUNF respectively and which is given below.
ACONT = 219A8MUX + 49(30A8MUL + 448A2FA) + 128A8DFF (4.2)
AUNF = 219A8MUX + 49(24A8MUL + 348A2FA+3 A8MUX) + 128A8DFF (4.3)
The details of theoretically timing and area calculation are given below:

Type of
Timing (per unit) Area (per unit)
State Space TTEIDD + 13(2T8MUL+72T2FA) 219A8MUX + 49(18A8MUL + 272A2FA)
System +TMMTU +128A8DFF
Controller TTEIDD + 13(2T8MUL+88T2FA) 219A8MUX + 49(30A8MUL + 448A2FA)
Structure +TMMTU +128A8DFF
Unified TTEIDD + 13(3T8MUL+72T2FA+ TMUX) 219A8MUX + 49(24A8MUL + 348A2FA+3
Structure +TMMTU A8MUX ) +128A8DFF
C. Synthesis Result of Proposed Architecture:
We have coded the proposed design and processing elements in Verilog HDL. Further, designs are
synthesized by Synopsis Design Compiler using 90-nm standard CMOS library. The word length of input
samples and weights are taken to be 8 bits. The details of synthesis results of processing elements and proposed
designs are depicted in TABLE-II and TABLE-III respectively.
From the TABLE-II, it can be observed that, the area of PEs for controller take more area, power and DAT
(data arrival time) than that of PE of unified structure, while unified structure are working for both state space
system as well as controller with feedback. The main region behind this is that, the PE of controller used twelve
8X8 and twelve 8X16 multiplier respectively together and the PE of unified structure used twenty four 8X8
TABLE-III shows the synthesis report of proposed structures at 10MHz frequency. From the results as shown
in TABLEs, the unified structure is more efficient as compare to other structures.

Type of Architecture State Space System Controller Structure Unified Structure

Area (um2) 48439.28 92268.64 63692.63
Power (mw) 27.70 67.37 36.03
DAT (ns) 1.41 2.21 2.51

Type of Architecture State Space System Controller Structure Unified Structure

Area (um2) 2421950.37 4543339.67 3185925.66
Power (mw) 140.31 150.44 163.68

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i5/170905301 Vol 9 No 5 Oct-Nov 2017 3666

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

In this paper the hardware realization problem of two dimensional linear general model state-spaces system
and controller have been proposed. The realization of this architecture has been approached from a system
theoretic point of view as well as hardware. Using this proposed scheme, we have derived a parallel architecture
for the implementation of linear systolic arrays with diagonal scanning methods has included. By using a linear
systolic array instead of single processor element, the time and throughput rate can be increased significantly. In
this paper, we have presented two other architectures such as controller for 2-D system and unified structure
which can be used either state space system or controller using some controlled signals.
The ASIC synthesis results shows the proposed unified structure for system/controller of order 7 has taken
approx 22% more area and 50% less area than state space system and controller with feedback respectively.
Finally, the proposed architecture is implemented and analysed using Verilog-HDL and Synopsis Design
Compiler with 90nm TSMC target libraries.
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Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava received the first class degrees of B.E. (Honours) in
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering from Rajiv Gandhi Technical University,
Bhopal in 2008 and M. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Motilal
Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) Allahabad, India in 2010. Currently,
he is a Senior Research Fellow in Electronics and Communication Engineering, MNNIT
Allahabad, India. His research interests include the digital signal processing, Digital
filter, State Space Filtering architecture design.

Prashant Kumar received the first class degrees of B. Tech in Electronics &
Communication Engineering from SMVDU, Jammu & Kashmir, in 2012 and M. Tech
in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Motilal Nehru National Institute of
Technology (MNNIT) Allahabad, India in 2015. Currently, he is a Junior Research
Fellow in Electronics and Communication Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad, India. His
research interests include the digital signal processing and VLSI architecture design.

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i5/170905301 Vol 9 No 5 Oct-Nov 2017 3667

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Prabhat Chandra Shrivastava et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Manish Tiwari received the first class degrees of B. E. in Electronics Engineering in

1996 and M. E. in Electronics and Controls from Birla Institute of Technology Pilani,
India in 1999. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad, India. His research interests include
microprocessor based system design, embedded system, digital filter architecture
design, multidimensional system design and signal processing.

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i5/170905301 Vol 9 No 5 Oct-Nov 2017 3668

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