Quiz II C
Quiz II C
Quiz II C
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Roll No.
Each Question carrying ½ marks
1. A random process is defined as X(t) = cos(wot + θ), where θ is a uniform random variable over (-π, π).
The second moment of the process is [ ]
a) 0 b)1/2 c)1/4 d) 1
3. If the future value of a sample function cannot be predicted based on its past, values, the process is
referred to as. [ ]
a) Deterministic process b) non-deterministic process c) Independent process d) Statistical process
8. Time average of cross correlation function and the cross spectral density function from ________ pair
a) Laplace Transform b)Z-Transform c) Fourier Transform d) Convolution [ ]
9. X and Y are jointly Gaussian R.Vs with same variance and ρxy = -1. The angle θ of a coordination rotation
that generates non r.v's that are statically independent is
a) π/2 b)-π/2 c) –π/4 d)π
10. The mean of random process X(t) is the expected value of the R.V X at time t i.e., the mean m(t) =
[ ]
a) b) c) d)
11. The expression for joint characteristic function of two r.V's X and Y in integral form is ø X,Y (w1, w2) =
[ ]
a) b)
c) d)
12. The expression for joint characteristic function Ф X,Y (w1, w2) is recognized as the two dimensional
[ ]
(a) Fourier transform of joint density function (b) Fourier transform of joint distribute function
(c) Inverse Fourier transform of joint distribute functions (d) Inverse Fourier transform of joint density
15. A stationary random process X(t) is periodic with period 2T. Its auto correlation function is [ ]
a) Non periodic b) periodic with period T c) Periodic with period 2T d) periodic with period T/2
16. If FX(x1, x2 : t1, t2) is referred to as second order joint distribution function then the corresponding joint
density function is [ ]
a) b) c) d)
17. X(T) = A cos (wot + θ), where A and wo are constants and θ is a R.V uniformly distributed over (0, π). The
average power of X(t) is [ ]
a) b) c) d)
20. The interval between two consecutive occurrences of Poisson process is ____r.v. [ ]
a) Gaussian b) Poisson c) expential d) binomial