RVSP - Impartent Questions
RVSP - Impartent Questions
RVSP - Impartent Questions
1.The joint pdf is fx,y(x,y)=1/18e-(x/6+y/3) for x ≥ 0,y ≥0.Show that X and Y are independent
random variables
2. Find mean and variance of Uniform random variable
3. Explain about Transformation of random variable.
4. Find the expected value of the function where X is a random variable defined by the
density fX(x)=(1/2)u(x)exp(-x/2)
1. Two random variables having joint characteristic function ∅XY(ω1, ω2) = exp(−2ω12
−8ω22). Calculate the moment’s m10& mo1?
2. List the properties of joint moment generating function
3. Find mean and variance of Gaussian random variable
4. Determine the marginal density functions fx(x) and fy(y).