A.G.Theodorakis1 G.A. Vokas1 P. Fergadiotis2
A.G.Theodorakis1 G.A. Vokas1 P. Fergadiotis2
A.G.Theodorakis1 G.A. Vokas1 P. Fergadiotis2
Keywords: Induction heating machine, resonant experimental methods in chemical engineering. In this
converter topology, energy saving, asymmetric research M.F.I.M. is used applying ASCRs as main
thyristors, prototype development switching elements, in Zero Current Resonant converter.
2 Design considerations, study of - Lower Static Voltage Drop when in conductive state
constructive elements and topologies (about 0.3-0.4 times than an Equivalent FTO) [1].
- The voltage after a specific small time period
2.1 ASCRs for Medium Frequency, High Power (0.5µsec) of positive edge of trigger current is the
Induction Heating Inverter Dynamic Voltage Drop. This parameter is minimised
There are many types of PWM converters involved in when commutation occurs from the off-state to
many topologies in the world bibliography [1, 12-16], conductive state, as shown in Fig. 2. [Source: Dynex
implementing Bipolar Transistors, MOSFETS, IGBTs, Semiconductors, ACR44U datasheet (formerly
Thyristors, and recently IGCTs. For a high output power Marconi)].
of an I.H. converter, and after extensive studies, we
figured out that (for the solid state converters) Resonant
Converter is best adapted, because switching losses are
minimized, and conduction losses are under control,
when the ASCR, as main switching element, is used
because of the following reasons:
2.4 PWM and Resonant Converters Investigation Firstly, the gate electrode has been set in the centre of
semiconductor disk (Center Gate Thyristors) and so, the
As known, Resonant Converters are classified as two distribution time of gate charges in the whole thyristor
main categories: The Zero Voltage Resonant & the Zero disk area is minimized. The di/dt is up to 50A/µsec.
Current Resonant (ZVR and ZCR in short). When the Secondly, various power semiconductor companies
voltage input is continuous, converter is operating in apply the “Ring amplification technology” with small
voltage mode or voltage source. When the current input improvements of di/dt rating (Fig 4a, 4b). With this
is continuous, converter is operating in current mode or method, a pilot thyristor provides a high gate current to
current source. Various sub-topologies can be the whole thyristor area, while high enough trigger
implemented (Full of Half Bridge, Push – Pull Center current is delivered to the whole thyristor disk due to
Taped or others). As explained below, every switching amplification effect of pilot thyristor, and finally turn-on
element is optimized for specific mode of conversion. losses are decreased, improving the di/dt to 200A/µsec.
According to references, ZV is optimized for operation
with Power MOSFET, and ZC is optimized for use with
FTOs, and ASCR [13-16, 19-28].
Series Resonant Converter (S.R.C. in short) is A shunt resistance is used in order to be able to measure
inherently non-sensitive to the variation of coupling, but the current that flows into the working coil, in which the
if very strong coupling is achieved, as for example specimen is included. The used shunt resistance is
heating of an iron pipe of large diameter (heavy 100A-75mV, so given that the voltage from the
loading) the boosted type converter (our case) generates oscilloscope is 1,5V, the peak current is almost 2kA and
an additional voltage overshoot at the end of the is calculated as shown in equation (6):
inductive discharging period. In the case of loose 1,5V × 100 A
I peak = ⇒ I peak = 2.000 A (6)
coupling, or no specimen at all, no overshooting 0,075V
problem is observed. The specimen near the working
coil adds an R element into equivalent circuit.
Fig. 8 Topology of the 7kW - 7kHz induction heating machine prototype
Fig. 10 ASCR & antiparallel FRD, with low geometric area Fig. 11 Developed capacitor bank of 30,8µF
in-between & Westcode R3968F Distributed Gate Thyristor
5 Experimental results
The proposed topology was implemented in the pilot
prototype induction heating machine, developed in the
Power Electronics Laboratory of Piraeus University of
Applied Sciences (TEI Piraeus) of the Electronic
Engineering Department. In Fig. 12 a rapid Red-
calcination of an inox 316L steel pipe of 112mm
diameter was achieved in less than 100 seconds.
6 Conclusions
In this paper two variations of the selected topology of
resonant converters are used for an induction heating
pilot machine implementation and experimental
verification at the Power Electronics Laboratory of TEI
Fig. 12 Red-calcination of an inox 316L steel pipe of Piraeus. Resolving implementation problems and
112mm diameter defining operating limitations on them was one of the
main targets of this research. Solutions of the problems
The energy needed for this achievement was about and overcoming of limitations are presented and
0,22kWh (=8kW*100sec/3600sec), significantly less justified. The whole task is expanded in order to achieve
than conventional heating methods. It is obvious that the the construction of an industrial scale high performance
steel pipe was red-calcinated ONLY at the target desired medium frequency induction machine.
place. This means huge energy saving, especially in
industrial applications, as no need for heating of the The pilot prototype operated perfectly as a rapid red-
whole steel pipe is necessary. calcination of an inox 316L steel pipe of 112mm
diameter was achieved in less than 100 seconds, with
The pilot induction heating machine worked properly, very low energy consumption (about 0,22kWh). All the
reaching operational characteristics as clearly shown in photos and oscillograms are original. The various parts
the oscillograms of Figures 13, 14. of the experimental models are handmade, by the
authors of this paper. A large amount of experience is
retrieved from the practical implementation, necessary
for the on-going and future research on this issue.
Moreover, the circular current stresses the switching
element when the converter is unloaded, because in this
case the Q (Quality factor of series resonant circuit) is
higher and because the circular current practically is
multiplied by Q. The resonant current is practically the
switching element current, so in the unloaded case this
b high current stresses them, occurring to an un-
favourable condition for this type of converters.
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