Ijert Ijert: A New Topology For 31-Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With Reduced Number of Switches
Ijert Ijert: A New Topology For 31-Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With Reduced Number of Switches
Ijert Ijert: A New Topology For 31-Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With Reduced Number of Switches
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 9, September - 2013
I. Introduction
Abstract Numerous industrial applications have begun
to require high power apparatus in recent years.
In this paper, a new topology is composed of Multilevel inverters have become more popular
Voltage sources that are connected in over the years in industrial propel applications and
series/parallel by the switching devices makes it high power applications with the promise of less
easily extensible to higher number of output voltage disturbances, smaller common-mode voltage, the
levels associated with less number of switches, possibility to function at lower switching
capacitors, gate driver circuits, protection circuits frequencies, and good potential for further
for switches and blocking voltage on switches. The developments than ordinary two-level inverters.
size, complexity and power consumption in the gate Though Conventional two-level inverters are
driving circuits is also reduced. Reduction of rating effective, but create harmonic distortions in the
of the switches is another advantage. The total output voltage, EMI and high dv/dt (compared to
harmonic distortion (THD) is reduced with more multilevel inverters). As a result the most
number of steps in output voltage without using attractive applications of multilevel inverters are in
pulse width modulation techniques. This topology is the medium to high voltage ranges. The concept of
proposed to get high 31 levels. Simulation results Multilevel Inverters does not depend on just two
are shown and compared with theoretical results. levels of voltage to create an AC signal. Instead
In the asymmetric topologies, the values of dc several voltage levels are added to each other to
voltage sources magnitudes are unequal or create a smoother stepped waveform with lower
changed dynamically. If the voltage sources are dv/dt and lower harmonic distortions. With more
changed during the converter operation, the voltage levels in the inverter, the waveform
voltage balancing should be done for active power becomes smoother, but with many levels the
transfer. In this paper voltage balancing technique design becomes more complicated, with more
is analyzed for cascaded multilevel inverter which components. A multilevel converter not only
shows how to operate the converter in order to achieves high power rating, but also enables the
maintain equal charge/discharge rates from the dc use of renewable energy sources such as
sources and Simulation results for active power photovoltaic, wind, and fuel cells can be easily
transfer & reactive power transfer are shown. interfaced to a multilevel converter system for a
high power application. Proposed topology has
fewer switches than that of in symmetric topology.
switching losses in high power and high voltage Sa1 become ON, the two dc voltage sources could
applications, multilevel inverters have found wide be connected in series and 2Vdc is produced at the
acceptance as they can achieve a low harmonic output as shown in table 1.
component with low switching frequency.
Furthermore, low blocking voltage by switching Table 1. Switching sequence for Basic unit.
devices is the other advantage of this type of
converters as well as minimum harmonic
distortion and switching losses.
The blocked voltage by each switch in a
specific unit is same as the other switches used in
the same unit and is equal to the magnitude of the
dc voltage source used in the unit. Therefore, the
number of gate driving circuits is reduced and as a
result the size of multilevel inverter and its power
consumption are reduced. Another feature of the
proposed topology is that there is any kind of
necessity to bidirectional switches. In this paper, a
new procedure is recommended to find out the
magnitude of the dc voltage sources and produce
all output voltage levels. Finally, a method to find
out the optimal number of switches and dc voltage
sources so that have the maximum output voltage
levels with the minimum blocked voltage by
switches is presented.
Figure 2. Proposed Topology for n-level
Table 3. Switching sequence for 31 level output. IV. Design and Analysis
Switches closed Vout The Matlab/Simulink model of the proposed
S2,S4,S6,S8,S10,S12 0 inverter for 31 level output is shown in Figure 4. It
consists of two upper H-bridges are cascaded with
S9,S12 0.5Vo lower H-bridge of series/parallel circuit.
S5,S8 Vo Simulation is performed for the proposed circuit
S5,S8,S9,S12 1.5 Vo with MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Sc1,S1,S4,S6,S7 2 Vo
Sc1,S1,S4,S10,S11 2.5 Vo
Sc1,S1,S4 3 Vo
Sc1,S1,S4,S9,S12 3.5 Vo
Sc1,S1,S4, S5,S8 4 Vo
Sc1,S1,S4,S5,S8,S9,S12 4.5 Vo
Sa1,S1,S4,S6,S7 5 Vo
Sa1,S1,S4,S10,S11 5.5 Vo
Sa1,S1,S4 6 Vo
Sa1,S1,S4,S9,S12 6.5 Vo
Sa1,S1,S4,S5,S8 7 Vo
Sa1,S1,S4,S5,S8,S9,S12 7.5 Vo
S10,S11 -0.5 Vo
S6,S7 - Vo
S6,S7, S10,S11 -1.5 Vo
Sc1, S2,S3,S5,S8 -2Vo Figure 4. Mat lab/Simulink model for 31 level
Assuming the voltage ratio for 31 level Figure 5. Simulation result for 31 level output.
cascaded multilevel inverter voltage sources as
1:2:6, the inverter requires 15 switching devices 5V for first upper H-bridge, 10V for second
for 31 levels, which is shown in Figure 3. Two upper H-bridge, and two voltage sources of
voltage sources are required in series/parallel series/parallel circuit are 30V each maintaining the
circuit, levels are obtained by the Eq. (1) and the ratio of 1:2:6, then the amplitude of the inverter’s
switching sequence is shown in Table 3. output voltage waveform for 31 levels is 73.3V.
V𝑜𝑢𝑡=𝑣1+𝑣2+𝑣3 (1)
the current direction and if voltage amplitude is models connected to each module capacitor,
negative or positive. If, for example, a capacitor in recharging them over time so that they do not run
a full-bridge module for the Cascaded Multilevel out of stored energy.
Inverter (CMI) has a higher charge (and therefore
higher potential) that certain module can be given
the heaviest workload during a period where the
capacitor is going to be discharged (positive
voltage and current owing to the load), lowering
the voltage closer to the wanted value. The
strategy can also work the other way around, to
charge capacitors with lower potential by
connecting them to the load, with positive
potential forward, when current is owing from the
load, or vice versa. However, this strategy is most
effective when transferring active power. When
transferring only reactive power the sources does
not get unbalanced and this balancing strategy is
not necessary.
VIII. Conclusion
Cascaded multilevel inverters in addition to
acceptable reliability and simple control, provide a
Figure 8. 5level Cascaded multilevel inverter better voltage waveform than the other types of
simulation model for voltage balancing. multilevel inverters. In this paper, a new cascaded
multilevel inverter topology was proposed which
The Cascaded Multilevel Inverter (CMI) with was connected to the dc voltage sources in series
its use of several voltage sources is suitable in and parallel. The suggested topology needs less
Electric Vehicles (EV) since battery cells is the number of switching devices with minimum
power source. The battery cells may not always be standing voltage. THD is also reduced without
equal and depending on the output demand the using modulation techniques. And the proposed
cells may be discharged unequally. It is therefore topology shows how to operate the Cascaded
important to investigate the voltage source multilevel inverter without any voltage unbalance
unbalance problem in the Cascaded multilevel problems. The simulation results are shown which
inverter. are accorded with the theoretical results. The
The 5 level CMI shown in above figure 8. is proposed inverter is used in high power
connected to an active/mixed power load and a applications like EV and HEV drives.
pure reactive power load can be seen. Each
capacitor where charged to 500V during the
beginning of the simulation with the charging
voltage source. The charging voltage source where
disconnected after the circuit reached steady-state
operation. It should be noted that there are battery