Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Chapter 2: Resonance
Assignment :2
2. f 2 f1 1 5M Nov
Prove that for series resonant circuit. Explain magnification in 2008
fr Q
5. Explain reactance curves for series RLC circuit. At what frequency circuit resonates? What 5M Dec
is the effect of variation in R on frequency response
6. L 5M Dec
RL2 ( ) 2009
1 C
Show that W= for circuit shown below, find the value of L at
RC2 ( )
which the circuit resonates at a frequency of 1000 rad/sec.
7. fr 10 M May
For series RLC resonance circuit show that. Qo 2010
f 2 f1
8. Define ‘Q’ in terms of energy basis & show that ‘Q’ at resonance for parallel circuit is 10 M May
given by Q=WCR. For given circuit find value of ‘Q’ at resonance & bandwidth of circuit.
9. For the circuit shown below , find resonant frequency. Calculate quality factor and 5M Dec
10. A current source is applied to parallel RLC. R= 12 Ω, L=2H & C=3µ. Compute resonant 10 M Dec
frequency in rad/ sec. Find quality factor, Calculating B.W. compute voltage appearing
across the parallel elements when input is i(t)= 10 sin 1800t.
11. V(t) = 50 sinwt is applied to a series RLC circuit. At resonant frequency maximum voltage 10 M May
across capacitor is 400V. The bandwidth is 500 rad/sec & impedance at resonance is 100 Ω.
Find resonant frequency & compute upper & lower B.W. Determine L & C.
12. Derive the expression for resonant frequency of series RLC and explain magnification in 5M Dec
series resonance
13. Derive the expression for frequency at which Vc& VL becomes maximum for series RLC 10 M Dec
resonance circuit
14. Find R,L,C in series RLC circuit that resonates at 1.5kHzand consumes 50W from a 50V AC 5M May
source operating at f2. B.W=0.75kHz
15. Derive the expression for resonant frequency for circuit shown below. If R1= 4 Ω, Xc =5 5M May
Ω, XL=10 Ω. Show that, no value of R2 in the circuit shown will make it resonant
16. Compare series and parallel resonance why is a series resonant circuit called an acceptor 5M May
circuit and parallel resonant circuit called rejector circuit.
17. Derive the expression for resonant frequency of a tank circuit. 5M Dec
18. Define resonant frequency, bandwidth, quality factor and derive the relationship between 10 M Dec
them for series RLC resonant circuit.
22. For a series resonant circuit, R=5 Ω, L= 1H, C=0.25 microF. Find the resonance frequency 5M Dec
and bandwidth.
23. A 100 mH inductor with 500 Ω self-resistance in parallel with a 5nF capacitor. Find the 10 M Dec
resonant frequency of the combination. Find the impedance at resonance , quality factor
of the circuit and the half power bandwidth.
24. Derive the expression for resonant frequency for RLC series circuit and find the indicated 10 M May