File 1701314649922 8738292
File 1701314649922 8738292
File 1701314649922 8738292
You are taking your IELTS test next Doing or starting something too
week?? Aren’t you jumping the gun. early
You’ve only just started studying.
The money sent by comic relief to help A very small part of something
poverty in Africa is just a drop in the much bigger
ocean. They need far more than this.
Getting a low score the first time I took Something positive that isn’t
IELTS was a blessing in disguise. It recognized until later
forced me to study extremely hard so I
got a much better score the next time.
I bumped into Jenny in town the other Meeting someone you would not
day. It's a small world. have expected to
Common Idioms Definitions
I hate my job so much I can’t bare going Having two very bad choices.
to work, but if I quit I don’t think I can get
another job. I’m really stuck / caught (note: stuck/caught can be
between a rock and a hard place. omitted)
Come on, cut to the chase. We haven’t Leave out all the unnecessary
got all day! details and just get to the point
Are you putting all of your savings into Putting all of ones resources into
that company? Don’t put all your eggs one possibility
in one basket.
Try not to worry about it. Every cloud Believing that every bad situation
has a silver lining. has a positive side / eventually
leads to something good
My parents are very fixed in their ways. Not wanting to change from the
They won’t start using the internet. normal ways of doing things
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. Say exactly the right thing
That’s the reason he didn’t get the job.
I told him what gift you have bought him Tell someone something that you
for his birthday. Sorry, I didn’t mean to let were not supposed to
the cat out of the bag.
Don’t tell her what you really think of her Hurt or upset someone who is
if she’s helping you with your English! helping you
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
I’m not sure which party he is going to Not making a firm decision
vote for. He’s sitting on the fence. between different choices
Sorry but I think I’ll take a rain check on To decline an offer that you will
that. take up later
I can smell a rat. He said he has a PhD To sense that something is not
but he can’t even remember which right
university he studied at.
She’s the spitting image of her mother. To look exactly like someone
The ball's in your court now. What are Telling someone it's now their
you going to do? turn to make a decision
We've had some big disagreements over Things from the past that are not
the years, but it’s all water under the important anymore
bridge now. We get on fine.
You are what you eat so it’s better to If you eat bad food, you’ll be
have a healthy diet. unhealthy, if you eat good food,
you’ll be healthy
You can’t judge a book by its cover. I The belief that outside
need to get to know him before I decide appearances do not reveal what
what he is like. someone or something is really
I bent over backwards to help him. I Doing all you can to help
hope he appreciates it. someone
Give someone the I was given the green light to start this new
green light To give permission project
To tell a lie that is not very I don't think you should get in trouble for
A white lie serious telling a white lie.
Donkey’s years Know someone for very long time I’ve known her for donkey’s years
Nothing ventured, If you don’t try or take risks, you He’s kind of person who believes nothing
nothing gained won’t succeed. ventured, nothing gained
To be the spitting
image of To look exactly the same as I am the spitting image of my father
To be a loose To say things (often bad) without Tom is talkative and he is loose cannon
cannon thinking or realizing it sometimes
To talk a lot without realising you I shouldn’t have behaved like that. I just
To get carried away are talking too much got carried away.
To go back a long We have known each other a long Rudi is a bosom friend. We go back a
way time/ we are old friends long way.
To set in your ways To not like change Maybe baby boomers are set in their way
To follow in
someone's To achieve the same things that I followed in my mother's footsteps and
footsteps someone else did became a teacher.
Qualities that are similar in We are all good at maths, it runs in the
To run in the family family members family.
I fell over the heals I feel over the heals the first time I visit the
with it Falling in love with someone place
Under the I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I hope I don't have
weather Feeling unwell COVID.
As sick as a dog Feeling very ill I was as sick as a dog last night.
On the mend Recovering, getting better My mother was very sick but now she's on the mend.
To indicate possible
To show promise success The new vaccine is showing promise.
IELTS Idioms Meaning Example
Practice makes To continuously improve by My teacher said that practice makes perfect, so
perfect practising I need to practise more.
Break a leg To wish someone good luck I hope you do really well, break a leg!
Better late than It's better to do something late I didn't know how to drive till I was 30, but
never than not to try it better late than never.