Finals Cfas
Finals Cfas
Finals Cfas
CHAPTER 1 such goods and services will be paid when
THE NEED FOR FINANCIAL due. They are dependent upon the
continuation of the enterprise as a major
REPORTING customer.
● Employees - evaluate the financial status
FINANCIAL REPORTING of the enterprise to assess the latter’s
● Financial Reporting is the disclosure of ability to provide remuneration, retirement
financial results and related information to benefits, and employment opportunities.
management and external stakeholders ● Customers - have an interest in
(e.g., investors, customers, regulators) information about the continuance of an
about how a company is performing over a enterprise, especially when they have a
specific period of time. long-term involvement with, or are
dependent on, the enterprise as their
❖ Users of financial information who have
access to specific types of accounting A business entity is subject to government
information. regulations mainly for the interest of public
❖ Active owners of business and the investors and other parties dealing with it.
management ● Government and its agencies - rely on
➔ To evaluate the entity’s financial information to determine whether
performance, make financial and business entities comply whether business
operational plans and implement entities comply with prescribed rules and
business decisions regulations. They are dependent on the
➔ To continue or to liquidate, to financial information to collect the correct
infuse additional investments, to amount of taxes, to determine taxation
borrow from creditors and to policies and to set the basis for national
change business methods and income and similar statistics.
strategies. ● Public – is interested in finance information
● Management accounting reports usually about the trends and the range of business
provides the information needed by these entities’ economic activities, as the general
users (Board of Directors, Shareholders) direction of business growth is indicative of
the nation’s economic status.
● Those who do not have ready access to DIRECT USERS
readily available information about an entity ● Users with direct interest
● Information needs (profitability, liquidity, ● EXAMPLES: owners, managers, creditors,
solvency, financial flexibility, financial suppliers, customers, employees, taxing
capacity) by these users are provided by authority
general purpose financial reports (financial
accounting). INDIRECT USERS
● Inactive owners - delegate the ● Use accounting information to provide
stewardship of the enterprise’s resources advice or to protect the interest of the direct
to the management, and they use the user.
financial statements to keep track of the ● EXAMPLES: regulatory agencies, labor
enterprise’s financial decision and financial unions, financial and legal consultants.
performance to make decisions whether
they should hold or sell their equity A reporting entity, oftentimes called an accounting
interests. entity, may be a business enterprise, a
● Present and potential creditors - through government unit, a not-for-profit organization, an
the financial information, assess the ability individual, a unit within an enterprise and any other
of the enterprise to pay its loans and the unit that is considered to have a personality
interest attaching to such loans. different from the personality of its owners,
● Suppliers of goods and services - on the members, and employees. The concept that
other hand, determine whether the cost of separates the personality of the enterprise from
that of its owners and other stakeholders is
diamla, foronda, gan 1
conventionally called the “accounting entity ❖ Creation of International Accounting
concept”. An accounting entity is capable of Standards Committee (IASC) in 1973
controlling its own economic resources and ➢ Development of a set uniform
incurring economic obligations. global accounting standards known
as International Accounting
❖ FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING ❖ The IASC was reconstituted in 2001 as
➢ The broadest branch of accounting International Accounting Standards Board
➢ Concerned with recognition, (IASB) under the umbrella of the
measurement, and communication International Financial Reporting Standard
of economic resources and (IFRS) Foundation
economic obligations ➢ IFRS FOUNDATION: a not-for-
➢ Information is communicated profit, public interest organization
through complete set of financial established to develop a single
statements high-quality, understandable,
➢ Conform to the Generally Accepted enforceable and globally accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) accounting standards called the
➢ Serves the information needs of the IFRS, and to promote and facilitate
external users adoption of the standards
❖ The accounting standards that originated
from the works of the IASC, even if
improved or revised by IASB are known as
➢ Serves the information needs of the
IAS while standards that originated from
internal users, specifically the
the works of the IASB are called IFRS
active owners and managers in
❖ IFRS include the following:
making and implementing short-
term and long range plans for the ➢ Specific IFRS
enterprise ➢ Interpretations made by the
➢ Reports are not required to conform International Financial Reporting
with GAAP Interpretations Committee (IFRIC),
the body that interprets the works of
the IASB;
➢ Concerned with the measurement ➢ IAS; and
and recognition of cost of goods ➢ Interpretations made by the
manufactured and sold Standing Interpretations Committee
(SIC), the body that interpreted the
❖ TAX ACCOUNTING works of the IASC.
➢ Concerned with the computation of
taxes and preparation of tax returns IN SUMMARY:
submitting to taxing authority ● IASC issues IAS to be interpreted by SIC
● IASB issues IFRSs to be interpreted by
● Under the present time, the IASB still
➢ The process of analyzing, issues new standards and major
classifying, summarizing and amendments to the existing IFRSs
communicating all transactions ● MISSION STATEMENT OF IFRS: to
involved in receipts and disposition communicate financial information that
of government funds and property achieves Transparency – by enhancing the
and interpreting the results thereof. international comparability and quality of
financial information, Accountability –
reducing information gap between the
● Refers to an independent examination of
investors and the people whom they have
the financial statements conducted by a
trusted their investments, and Efficiency –
CPA for the purpose of rendering an
by helping investors identify opportunities
opinion as to the fairness of the
and risks, thus improving capital allocation.
presentation to the financial statements
● Financial Reporting practices are dynamic,
being influenced by the complicated
FINANCIAL REPORTING AND THE transactions that result innovative business
STANDARD SETTING PROCESS practices that evolve from changes in
The IASB is the independent standard-setting The members were selected by these
body of the IFRS Foundation. At present, the IASB organizations based on some degree of
has 15 members, all of whom work full-time for the recognition for technical expertise.
development and publication of IFRSs.
Although the IASC was created in 1973, earlier
The IASB follows a due process in the than the organization of ASC in 1981, it was only
development of financial reporting standards. The in 1997 that our ASC made a decision to move fully
due process involves interested individuals and to the International Accounting Standard (IAS),
organizations around the world and comprises the although some statements of financial accounting
following stages: standards adopted by the ASC even before 1997
1. setting the agenda had already been based on the IAS.
2. planning the project
3. developing and publishing the discussion The objectives of the ASC in harmonizing the
paper Philippine accounting standards with the
4. developing and publishing the exposure International Accounting Standards were as
draft follows:
5. developing and publishing the standard 1. To develop, in the public interest, a single
6. issuance of the standard set of high quality understandable and
enforceable accounting standards that
THE STANDARD SETTING PROCESS IN require high quality, transparent and
THE PHILIPPINES comparable information in financial
During the year of 1981, the Philippine Institute of statements and other financial reporting to
Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) organized help participants in the various capital
markets and other users of the information
to make economic decisions;
diamla, foronda, gan 3
2. To promote the use and rigorous Due process for projects, normally, but not
application of those standards; and necessarily involves the following steps:
3. To work the convergence of Philippine 1. consideration of pronouncements of IASB;
accounting standards with International 2. formation of a task force, when deemed
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), necessary, to give advice to FRSC;
issued by the IASB and its predecessors, 3. issuing for comment an exposure draft
IASC. approved by a majority of the FRSC
members; comment period will be at least
The ASC was succeeded by the Financial 60 days, unless a shorter period (not less
Reporting Standards Council (FRSC), which was than 30 days) is considered by FRSC;
established in 2006 by the Board of Accountancy. 4. consideration of the comments received
The BoA is the body that regulates the practice of within the comment period, when
accountancy in the Philippines. The FRSC appropriate, preparing a comment letter to
continued the function of the ASC of establishing the IASB; and
GAAP in the Philippines. It carries on the decision 5. approval of a standard or an interpretation
of the ASC to converge Philippine accounting by a majority of FRSC members.
standards with the International Financial
Reporting Standards. To this date, the FRSC is continuously monitoring
the revisions of and the amendments to the IFRSs
The FRSC shall be composed of fifteen (15) to ensure that improvements in the IFRSs are
members with a Chairman, who had been a being made effective in the Philippines.
presently a senior accounting practitioner in any
scope of accounting practice and fourteen (14) Other than the FRSC, the Board of Accountancy
representatives from the following: will closely monitor the implementation of the
1. Board of Accountancy (BoA) (1) Philippine Financial Reporting Standards.
2. Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) (1)
3. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) (1)
4. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) (1)
5. A major organization composed of
preparers and users of financial statements
6. Commission on Audit (COA) (1)
7. Accredited National Organization of CPAs CHAPTER 2
Commerce and Industry (2) FOR FINANCIAL REPORTING
Academe and Education (2)
Government (2)
● A complete, comprehensive and single
document promulgated by the IASB.
The FRSC formed the Philippine Interpretations
● A summary of the terms and concepts that
Committee (PIC) in November 2006 to assist the
underlie the preparation and presentation
former in establishing and improving the financial
of financial statements for external users.
reporting standards in the Philippines. The PIC
● The Conceptual Framework for Financial
issues implementation guidelines on PFRS.
Reporting (Conceptual Framework)
describes the objective of, and the
Similar to IFRSs, the PFRSs consist of:
concepts for, general purpose financial
1. the specific PFRSs which are adopted from
● An attempt to provide an overall theoretical
2. the PASs which are adopted from IASs;
foundation of accounting.
3. the Philippine Interpretations, which are
● Intended to guide standard setters,
adopted from the interpretations of the
preparers and users of financial information
IFRIC and the ISC and the interpretations
in the preparation and presentation of
of PIC.
financial statements.
● The underlying theory for the development
PFRSs are developed through a due process that
of accounting standards and revision of
involves members of PICPA, financial executives,
previously issued accounting standards.
regulatory authorities, members of the academe,
and other interested individuals and organizations.
● Deducted from profit because they are
already included in the proceeds or
● Shows the movement of each equity
payment is classified under either investing
component during a reporting period.
or financing activities
● Final figures of these equity components
are presented in the statement of financial
position under the equity portion
● Increases in AR is deducted from profit
● The statements provide one column for
because it arises from revenue without
each equity component.
cash collections.
● Decrease in A/R is added to profit because
the revenue has been recognized in a prior NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
year but the cash collection is made only ● To achieve completeness, information that
during the year. cannot be appropriately presented in the
● Share capital
➔ Preference share capital
➔ Ordinary share capital
● Share premium/additional contributed
● represent cumulative profits earned by the
corporation reduced by the dividend
● The expense in the income statement may
be presented using two methods:
➔ The nature of expense method
➔ Function of expense method
METHOD, expenses are classified
according to purpose of the expense in the
● FINANCIAL POSITION FORM - operation of business. The function are as
emphasized the working capital of the firm follows:
➔ Cost of goods sold (Merchandising
STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE and Manufacturing Business)
INCOME ➔ Selling expense
● Presents the performance of the entity for ➔ General and administrative
a given period of time: expense
● Two elements: ➔ Other operating expense
➔ EXPENSES METHOD, there is no need to classify the
● The statement presenting the financial expenses by function. Expenses are
performance of an entity is an expanded presented based on their account names in
statements in 2 sections: the general ledger.
required to be presented as a line item in
INCOME section
the income statement.
● ONE-STATEMENT FORM - includes both
the profit or loss and the other
comprehensive income.
statement for the profit or loss and another
statement for the comprehensive income.
● Prior period errors are omissions from, and
misstatements in, the entity’s financial
statements for one or more prior periods
arising from a failure to use, or misuse of,
reliable information that was available
when financial statements for those periods
were authorised for issue and could
reasonably be expected to have been
obtained and taken into account in the
preparation and presentation of those
financial statements.
● EXAMPLES: effects of mathematical
mistakes, mistakes in applying accounting