AP Notes
AP Notes
AP Notes
Modern physics
At the end of 19th century and in the beginning of 20th century, many new phenomena such
as photoelectric effect, Compton Effect, pair production, Zeeman Effect, radiation effects,
nuclear radiations etc., were discovered. Since classical mechanics fails to explain the
above phenomena, a new physics known as modern physics was developed on the basis of
quantum theory of radiation. In order to explain the distribution of energy in the blackbody
radiation Planck introduced the concept of quantum theory of radiation in 1900.
It is a process of transmission of energy from one place to another without the aid of any
intervening medium.
Heat radiation can pass through vacuum just as light. Heat radiation is also called
thermal radiation.
“Radiation is the emission of electromagnetic waves by matter when supplied with
appropriate amount of energy”.
Blackbody radiation
Black body: when thermal radiation is incident on the surface of blackbody, it absorbs a
part of the incident energy. The amount of energy absorbed depends on
1. Nature of the surface
2. Surface area
3. Temperature of the surface
“A body which absorbs radiation of all wavelengths incident on it is called a perfect
blackbody”. Such a body cannot reflect or transmit a radiation and therefore it appears
black. Thus r = 0, t = 0 & a = 1. After absorbing the radiation the blackbody gets heated &
starts emitting radiation of all possible wavelengths.The radiation emitted is independent of
the nature of the body & depends only on the temperature of the blackbody. This radiation
is known as blackbody radiation. Thus a perfect blackbody is a good absorber as well as
good emitter”.
In practice a perfect blackbody doesn’t exist. An artificial blackbody designed by Fery is as
shown in the figure.
It consists of hollow double walled sphere with a fine hole and a pointed projection in front
of the hole. The space between the two walls is evacuated. The inner wall is coated with
lampblack. The pointed projection prevents direct reflection of the incident radiation. Any
radiation entering through the hole is completely absorbed after multiple reflections. That
is at each reflection 98% of the incident radiation is absorbed. Thus after a few reflections
at the inner surface, the radiation is completely absorbed. Hence this device acts as a
blackbody absorber. It can also be used as blackbody radiator by heating it in a suitable
bath to high temperature.
Emissive power and Absorption power
Emissive power: The emissive power (E) of a surface is the amount of radiation of all
wavelengths emitted by unit area of the surface in unit time.
The emissive power (eλ) of a body at a temperature (T) for a wavelength (λ) is defined as
the energy emitted per second per unit surface area of the body within a unit wavelength
The emissive power of a perfect blackbody is maximum and it is denoted by Eλ.
Absorptive power: The absorptive power (A) of a surface is the fraction of the incident
radiation of all wavelengths which is absorbed by it.
Amount of energy (radiation) absorbed Amount of radiation
A =i.e.,
The absorptive power (aλ) of a body at a temperature (T) and for a wavelength (λ) is
defined as the ratio of amount of energy absorbed by the surface in a given time to the
amount of energy incident on the same surface in the same time.
The absorptive power of a perfect blackbody is maximum and it is equal to 1 i.e., Aλ =
According to Kirchhoff’s law, the ratio of the emissive power (eλ) to the absorptive power
(aλ) for a given wavelength (λ) at a given temperature (T) is the same for all bodies and is
equal to the emissive power of a perfect blackbody at that temperature.
Distribution of energy in blackbody radiation
The distribution of energy among the different wavelength of blackbody radiation was
studied by Lummer and Pringsheim in 1809. The curve in the figure shows the variation
of intensity of radiation with wavelength for different temperature of the blackbody (T1 <
T2 < T3). As a result, an examination of these curves leads us to the following conclusions.
1. At a given temperature, the energy distribution is not uniform in the spectrum of blackbody
2. At a given temperature, the blackbody emits continuous range of wavelengths of radiation.
As the wavelength increases the intensity of radiation increases reaches a maximum value
at a particular wavelength λm and then decreases with further increase in wavelength.
3. As the temperature increases, the wavelength λm corresponds to maximum energy density
decreases or shift towards shorter wavelengths region. The points on the dotted line
represent λm at various temperatures. It is found that This shows Wien’s displacement law.
i.e., m 1/T
4. For all wavelengths, an increase in temperature causes an increase in the energy emission
or intensity.
5. For a given temperature, the area under the curve represents the total energy emitted for the
complete spectrum. The area under the curve increases with increase in temperature. It is
found that the area is directly proportional to the
4th power of absolute temperature of the blackbody i.e., E T4.
This represents Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Laws of Blackbody radiation
Stefan’s law or (Stefan-Boltzmann law) :
Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation states that “the emissive power (E) of a blackbody is
directly proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature (T)”.
E T4 or E = T4
Where σ is a constant known as Stefan’s constant. Its value is 5.67x10-8 Wm-2k-4. This law
was suggested experimentally by Stefan and later derived by Boltzmann and hence it is
called as Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Wien’s displacement law:
Wien’s law states that “the wavelength λm corresponds to maximum energy is inversely
proportional to the absolute temperature T of the blackbody”.
i.e., =1/T or = constant
Where b is called the Wien’s constant and it is equal to 2.892x10-3 mK. It shows that, as
temperature increases λm decreases. Thus if λm1, λm2, λm3 etc., are the wavelengths
corresponds to the maximum energy densities at temperatures T1, T2, T3 etc., then
according to Wien’s law we have,
m T1 = m T2 = m T2 =, = b
This is known as Wien’s displacement law.
Wien’s law of Radiation:
Wien has also shown that the “maximum energy Em is directly proportional to fifth power
of the absolute temperature T”. 5
i.e., E T 5 or E T -5 = constant
m m
This is known as Wien’s law of radiation.
Wien’s distribution law:
The energy density emitted by a blackbody in the wavelength range λ and λ + dλ in a given
temperature T is given by,
where C1 & C2 are the constants. This is known as Wien’s distribution law.
Wien’s law holds good only in shorter wavelength region with the experimental results at
high temperature of the source. It fails to explain the gradual decrease in the intensity of
radiation with the wavelength beyond the wavelength λm corresponds to the peak value.
Rayleigh-Jeans Law:
Rayleigh and Jeans gave a mathematical expression for the distribution of energy in
blackbody radiation.
According to Rayleigh-Jeans law the energy density or intensity emitted by a blackbody in
the wavelength range λ and λ + dλ is given by,
This equation doesn’t shows any peak in the energy value but the energy goes on decreases
with increase in wavelength. This law holds good only in the longer wavelength region of
the experimental results.
As λ→0, eλ→∞ thus at lower wavelength region, as the wavelength decreases the energy
density increases and when the wavelength reaches ultraviolet region the energy density
becomes large. Such a large increase in the energy density in the
lower wavelength region below ultraviolet doesn’t occur experimentally. This discrepancy
is known as “ultraviolet catastrophe”.
Planck’s radiation law:
In 1900 Max Planck proposed a new theory called quantum theory which successfully
explained the energy distribution among different wavelengths in the blackbody radiation.
The Planck’s theory is based on the following postulates (or) assumptions.
1. A blackbody consists of a large number of oscillating particles (atoms). These particles can
vibrate in all possible energies.
2. An oscillator can have a discrete set of energies which are integral multiples of a finite
quantum of energies. ie., En = nh
where n is an integer (n = 1, 2, 3, 4…,), h is a Planck’s constant and is the frequency of
the oscillating particle.
3. The atomic oscillator can emit or absorb energy in discrete units only by making a
transition from one quantum state to another.
Thus, the energy of a quantum is directly proportional to the frequency, the quantum
traverse in space with the velocity of light.
According to Planck’s, the energy density emitted from a blackbody at a temperature T
for all wavelength range λ and λ+dλ is given by,
where k is the Boltzmann constant. According to this equation, the distribution of energy in
blackbody radiation agrees well with the experimental observations in all wavelength
range. This equation is known as Planck’s law or Planck’s radiation law.
E = h
En = nh
h = 6.6261 10 −34 Js
−e − 2e − re
N = N 0 + N 0 exp + N 0 exp + .... + N 0 exp + ...
N0 1
= (1 + x + x 2 + x 3 + ...... =
− e 1− x
1 + exp
the total energy
−e − 2e − 3e − re
E = ( N 0 0) + N 0 exp + 2N 0 exp + 3N 0 exp + ... + rN 0 exp + ...
− e −e − 2e − (r − 1)e
= N 0 exp 1 + 2 exp + 3 exp + .... + re exp
−e 1 1
= N 0 exp .......(1 + x + x 2 + .... =
KT − e
(1 − x 2 )
1 − exp
multiplyin g & N
8 2 h
E d = 3 d
c h
exp − 1
8h 3 1
or E d = d
c 3
exp − 1
c c
= & d = − 2 d
8h c 3 1 c
E d = 3 3 2 d
c hc
exp − 1
8hc h
or E d = 5 d
exp − 1
The dual nature of light possessing both wave and particle properties was explained by
combining Plank’s expression for the energy of a photon E = h ν with Einstein’s mass energy
relation E = m c2 (where c is velocity of light , h is Plank’s constant , m is mass of particle )
h ν = m c2
Introducing ν = c / λ, we get h c / λ = m c2
λ = h / mc = h / p where p is momentum of particle
G.P. Thomson investigated high speed electrons produced by applying the high voltage
ranges from10 to 50kV. The principle is similar to that of that of powdered crystal method of X-
ray diffraction.
In this experiment, an extremely thin ( 10-8m ) metallic film F of gold, aluminium etc., is
used as a transmission grating to a narrow beam of high speed electrons emitted by a cathode C
and accelerated by anode A. A fluorescent screen S or a suitable photographic plate P is used to
observe the scattered electron beam. The whole arrangement is enclosed in a vacuum chamber.
The electron beam transmitted through the metal foil gets scattered producing diffraction
pattern consisting of concentric circulars rings around a central spot. The experimental results
and its analysis are similar to those of powdered crystal experiment of X- ray diffraction.
Fig. Thomson’s Apparatus
According to classical mechanics, a moving particle at any instant has a fixed position in
space and a definite momentum which can be determined simultaneously with any desired
accuracy. The classical point of view represents an approximation which is adequate for the
objects of appreciable size, but not for the particles of atomic dimensions.
Since a moving particle has to be regarded as a deBroglie group, there is a limit to the
accuracy with which we can measure the particle properties. The particle may be found
anywhere within the wave group, moving with the group velocity. If the group is narrow, it is
easy to locate its position but the uncertainty in calculating its velocity or momentum increases.
On the other hand, if the group is wide, its momentum can be estimated satisfactorily, but the
uncertainty in finding the location of the particle is great. Heisenberg stated that the simultaneous
determination of exact position and momentum of a moving particle is impossible.
If Δ x is Error in the measurement of position of the particle along X-axis
Δ p is Error in the measurement of momentum
Then Δ x. Δ p = h ---------- (1) where h is Plank’s constant
The above relation represents the uncertainty involved in measurement of both the position and
momentum of the particle.
To optimize the above error, lower limit is applied to the eqn. (1)
Then (Δ x). (Δ p) ≥ Ђ / 2 where ђ = h / 2 Π
A particle can be exactly located (Δ x → 0) only at the expense of an infinite momentum (Δ p →
There are uncertainty relatio0ns between position and momentum, energy and time, and angular
momentum and angle.
If the time during which a system occupies a certain state is not greater than Δ t, then the energy
of the state cannot be known within Δ E,
i e (Δ E ) ( Δ t ) ≥ ђ / 2 .
Schrödinger, in 1926, developed wave equation for the moving particles. One of its forms
can be derived by simply incorporating the deBroglie wavelength expression into the classical
wave eqn.
If a particle of mass ‘m’ moving with velocity ‘v’ is associated with a group of waves.
Let ψ be the wave function of the particle. Also let us consider a simple form of progressing
wave like the one represented by the following equation,
Ψ = Ψ0 sin (ω t – k x) --------- (1)
Where Ψ = Ψ (x, t) and Ψ0 is the amplitude.
Differentiating Ψ partially w.r.to x,
∂ Ψ / ∂ x = Ψ0 cos (ω t – k x) (- k)
= -k Ψ0 cos (ω t – k x)
Once again differentiate w.r.to x
∂2 ψ / ∂ x2 = (- k) Ψ0 (- sin (ω t – k x)) (- k)
= - k 2 Ψ0 sin (ω t – k x)
∂2 ψ / ∂ x2 = - k 2 ψ (from eqn (1))
∂2 ψ / ∂ x2 + k 2 ψ = 0 ----------- (2)
∂2 ψ / ∂ x2 + (4 Π2 / λ2) ψ = 0 --------- (3) (since k = 2 Π / λ)
From eqn. (2) or eqn. (3) is the differential form of the classical wave eqn. now we incorporate
deBroglie wavelength expression λ = h / m v.
Thus we obtain
∂2 ψ / ∂ x2 + (4 Π2 / (h / m v) 2) ψ = 0
∂2 ψ / ∂ x2 + 4 Π2 m2 v 2 ψ / h2 = 0 -------------- (4)
The total energy E of the particle is the sum of its kinetic energy K and potential energy V
i e E = K + V -------------- (5)
And K = mv2 / 2 ---------- (6)
Therefore m2 v 2 = 2 m (E – V) ------------ (7)
From (4) and (7)
=> ∂2 ψ / ∂ x2 + [8Π2 m (E-V) / h2] ψ = 0 ------------ (8)
In quantum mechanics, the value h / 2 Π occurs more frequently. Hence we denote,
Using this notation, we have
∂2 ψ / ∂ x2 + [2 m (E – V) / ђ 2] ψ = 0 ------------ (9)
For simplicity, we considered only one – dimensional wave. Extending eqn. (9) for a three –
dimensional, we have
∂2 ψ / ∂ x2 + ∂2 ψ / ∂ y2 + ∂2 ψ / ∂ z2 + [2 m (E – V) / ђ 2] ψ = 0 ------------ (10)
Where Ψ = Ψ (x, y, z).
Here, we have considered only stationary states of ψ after separating the time dependence of Ψ.
Using the Laplacian operator,
▼2 = ∂2 / ∂ x2 + ∂2 / ∂ y2 + ∂2 / ∂ z2 ------------- (11)
Eqn. (10) can be written as
▼2 Ψ + [2 m (E – V) / ђ 2] ψ = 0 --------------- (12)
This is the Schrödinger Time Independent Wave Equation.
Max Born in 1926 gave a satisfactory interpretation of the wave function associated
with a moving particle. He postulated that the square of the magnitude of the wave function ||2
(or * it is complex), evaluated at a particular point represents the probability of finding the
particle at the point. ||2 is called the probability density and is the probability amplitude.
Thus the probability of the particle within an element volume dt is ||2 d. Since the particle is
certainly somewhere, the integral at ||2 d over all space must be unity i.e.
- ||
.d = 1 ___________________ (28)
A wave function that obeys the above equations is said to be normalized. Energy
acceptable wave function must be normalizable besides being normalizable; an acceptable wave
function should fulfill the following requirements (limitations)
1. It must be finite everywhere.
2. It must be single valued.
3. It must be continuous and have a continuous first derivative everywhere.
Since |(x, y, z) 2| .d is the probability that the particle will be found in a volume element d.
Surrounding the point at positron (x, y, z), the total probability that the particle will be
somewhere in space must be equal to 1. Thus, we have
- |(x, y, z) | .d = 1
Where is a function of the space coordinates (x, y, z) from this ‘normalization
condition’ we can find the value of the complaint and its sign. A wave function which satisfies
the above condition is said to be normalized (to unity).
The normalizing condition for the wave function for the motion of a particle in one
dimension is
- |(x) | .dx = 1
From these equations, we see that for one – dimensional case, the dimension of (x) in L-1/2 and
for the three – dimensional case the dimension of (x, y, z) in L-3/2.
Consider a particle of mass ‘m’ placed inside a one-dimensional box of infinite height
and width L.
Fig. Particle in a potential well of infinite height.
Assume that the particle is freely moving inside the box. The motion of the particle is restricted by
the walls of the box. The particle is bouncing back and forth between the walls of the box at x = 0
and x = a. For a freely moving particle at the bottom of the potential well, the potential energy is
very low. Since the potential energy is very low, moving particle energy is assumed to be zero
between x =0 and x = a.
The potential energy of the particle outside the walls is infinite due to the infinite P.E outside the
potential well.
The particle cannot escape from the box
i.e. V = 0 for 0 < x < a
V = ∞ for 0 ≥ x ≥ a
Since the particle cannot be present outside the box, its wave function is zero
i e │ψ│2 = 0 for 0 > x > a
│ψ│2 = 0 for x = a & x = 0
The Schrödinger one – dimensional time independent eqn. is
▼2 Ψ + [2 m (E – V) / ђ 2] ψ = 0 ----------(1)
For freely moving particle V = 0
▼2 Ψ + [ 2 m E / ђ 2 ] ψ = 0 ----------(2)
Taking 2 m E / ђ 2 = K2 ------------ (3)
Eqn.(1) becomes ∂2 ψ / ∂ x2 + k2 Ψ = 0 -------------(4)
Eqn. (1) is similar to eq. of harmonic motion and the solution of above eqn. is written as
Ψ = A sin kx + B cos kx -----------(5) where A, B and k are unknown quantities and
to calculate them it is necessary to construct boundary conditions.
Hence boundary conditions are
When x = 0, Ψ = 0 => from (5) 0 = 0 + B => B = 0 -------- (6)
When x = a, Ψ = 0 => from (5) 0 = A sin ka + B cos ka ---------- (7)
But from (6) B = 0 therefore eqn. (7) may turn as
A sin ka = 0
Since the electron is present in the box a ≠ 0
Sin ka = 0
Ka = n Π
k = n Π / a -------------- (8)
Substituting the value of k in eqn. (3)
2 m E / ђ 2 = (n Π / a )2
E = ( n Π / a )2 ( ђ 2 / 2 m ) = ( n Π / a )2 ( h2 / 8 m Π2 )
E = n2 h2 / 8 m a2
In general En = n2 h2 / 8 m a2 ------------(9)
Let us find the value of A, if an electron is definitely present inside the box, then
=>∫∞-∞ │ψ│2 dx = 1
=>∫a0 A2 sin2 ( n Π x / a ) dx = 1
=>∫a0 sin2 (n Π x / a) dx = 1 / A2
A = √ 2 / a ---------- (11)
Ψn = √ 2 / a sin ( n Π x / a ) ----------(12)
Eqn. (9) represents an energy level for each value of n. the wave function this energy level is
given in eqn. (12). Therefore the particle in the box can have discrete values of energies. These
values are quantized. Not that the particle cannot have zero energy .The normalized wave
functions Ψ1 , Ψ2, Ψ3 given by eqn (12) is plotted. the values corresponding to each E n value is
known as Eigen value and the corresponding wave function is known as Eigen function.
(2 m / ђ 2 ) ( p2 / 2 m) = k2
=> p2 / ђ 2 = k2
k = p / ђ = p / (h / 2 Π) = 2 Π p / h
It is assumed in quantum free electron theory of metals that the free electrons in a metal
express a constant potential and is free to move in the metal. This theory explains successfully
most of the phenomena of solids. But it could not explain why some solids are good conductors
and some other are insulators and semi conductors. It can be understood successfully using the
band theory of solids.
According to this theory, the electrons move in a periodic potential produced by the
positive ion cores. The potential of electron varies periodically with periodicity of ion core and
potential energy of the electrons is zero near nucleus of the positive ion core. It is maximum
when it is lying between the adjacent nuclei which are separated by interatomic spacing. The
variation of potential of electrons while it is moving through ion core is shown fig.
E = [ ħ2 Π2 / 2 m a2] n2
E = n h2 / 8 m a2 ( since ħ = h / 2 Π )
This expression shows that the energy spectrum of the electron contains discrete energy levels
separated by forbidden regions.
4) When P→0 then
Cos αa = cos ka
α = k , α 2 = k2
but α 2 = 2 m E / ħ2
therefore k = (h / 2 m ) ( 1 / λ2 ) = (h2 / 2 m ) (P2 / h2 )
2 2
E = P2 / 2 m
E =1/2mv2 ----------------(14)
The equation (11) shows all the electrons are completely free to move in the crystal without any
constraints. Hence, no energy level exists ie all the energies are allowed to the electrons and
shown in fig (5). This case supports the classical free electrons theory.
[ ( P / α a ) sin α a + cos α a ] , P → 0
Solids are usually moderately strong, slightly elastic structures. The individual atoms are
held together in solids by interatomic forces or bonds. In addition to these attractive forces,
repulsive forces also act and hence solids are not easily compressed.
The attractive forces between the atoms are basically electrostatic in origin. The bonding
is strongly dependent on the electronic structure of the atoms. The attraction between the atoms
brings them closer until the individual electron clouds begin to overlap. A strong repulsive force
arises to comply with Pauli’s exclusion principle. When the attractive force and the repulsive
force between any two atoms are balanced, they occupy a stable position with a minimum
potential energy. The spacing between the atoms under this condition is called equilibrium
In an isolated atom, the electrons are tightly bound and have discrete, sharp energy levels.
When two identical atoms are brought closer, the outermost orbits of these atoms overlap and
interact. When the wave functions of the electrons on different atoms begin to overlap
considerably, the energy levels corresponding to those wave functions split. if more atoms are
brought together more levels are formed and for a solid of N atoms, each of the energy levels of
an atom splits into N levels of energy. The levels are so close together that they form an almost
continuous band. The width of this band depends on the degree of overlap of electrons of
adjacent atoms and is largest for the outermost atomic electrons. In a solid many atoms are
brought together so that the split energy levels form a set of bands of very closely spaced levels
with forbidden energy gaps between them.
Classification Of Materials
The electrons first occupy the lower energy bands and are of no importance in
determining many of the electrical properties of solids. Instead, the electrons in the higher energy
bands of solids are important in determining many of the physical properties of solids. Hence the
two allowed energy bands called valence and conduction bands are required. The gap between
these two allowed bands is called forbidden energy gap or band gap since electrons can’t have
any energy values in the forbidden energy gap. The valence band is occupied by valence
electrons since they are responsible for electrical, thermal and optical properties of solids. above
the valence band we have the conduction band which is vacant at 0K. According to the gap
between the bands and band occupation by electrons, all solids can be classified broadly into two
In the first group of solids called metals there is a partially filled band immediately above
the uppermost filled band .this is possible when the valence band is partially filled or a
completely filled valence band overlaps with the partially filled conduction band.
E-K Diagram:
Energy band diagrams of (a) Intrinsic semiconductor (b) N- type & (c) P- type semiconductors
Hall Effect
Determination of Hall coefficient RH, Hall voltage VH & Applications of Hall Effect
If a piece of semiconductor carrying a current „I‟ is placed in a transverse or perpendicular
magnetic field, then an Electric field „E H‟ is generated in perpendicular to both „I‟ and „B‟.
Hence production of Hall electric field „E H‟ and generation of Hall voltage VH by applying
current „I‟ & „B‟ in perpendicular directions is called Hall Effect.
A potential difference is formed from top to bottom of the specimen. The potential difference
causes a field EH to flow along negative Y- axis. Due to EH along negative Y- direction a force of
eEH acts in upward direction along positive Y- axis.
Hence FE = e EH
Under equilibrium condition
Upward force due to EH = Downward force due to B.
e EH = Bev
v = 𝐸𝐻 → (1)
If J is the current density then J = nev
v =𝑛𝑒𝐽 →(2)
Equating (1) & (2) we get 𝐸𝐻 = 𝐽
𝐵 𝑛𝑒
EH =
EH =[−1] B J
Let Hall coefficient RH = −1 for electrons
RH = for holes
Hence EH = RH B J → (4)
RH = →(5)
Where n= electron density, P = hole density, E H = Hall electric field, RH = Hall coefficient
B = magnetic field, J = current density
Experimental determination of RH
Consider equation (5)
RH =
Let VH is the Hall voltage across the sample of thickness„t‟
Generally V = Ed
In Hall effect VH = EH × t
H = →(6)
If „b‟ is the width of the sample semiconductor, Area „A‟, thickness„t‟
Area = breadth × thickness
We know that current density J = 𝐴𝐼
J = 𝐼 → (7)
Substituting equations (6) & (7) in (5) we𝑉 get
[ ]
RH = 𝐼
𝐵[ 𝑏 ]𝑡
I = current due to flow of electron
VH = 𝑅𝐻 → (9)
Applications of Hall Effect
1. For determination of type of given semiconductor.
For N-type, Hall coefficient RH = negative; For P-type, Hall coefficient RH = Positive
Construction and working of - Light Emitting Diode:
Emission of radiation from a solid when it is supplied with some form of energy is known as
LUMINESCENCE. Whatever the form of energy input to the luminescent material, the final stage
in the process is an electronic transition between two energy levels, E 2 and E1 (E2>E1). With the
emission of radiation of wavelength 𝜆 given by
= E2-E1 = Eg
i.e) 𝜆 = 𝐸𝑔
→ (25)
Usually E1 and E2 are two groups of energy levels and hence instead of a single
wave length emission, a band of wavelength is emitted.
PN junction diode operated under forward bias gives rise to injection luminescence. Under forward
bias, majority carriers from both sides of the junction across the internal potential barrier and enter
the other side of the junction where there are minority carriers. This process is called minority
carrier injection. These excess minority carriers while diffusing away from the junction undergo
radiative recombination with majority carriers emitting photons.
In reverse bias, no carrier junction takes place and consequently no light is emitted.
The number of radiative recombination’s is proportional to the carrier junction rate and hence to the
total current flowing. The current voltage (I-V) relationship for a diode can be written as
I = I0 [𝑒𝑥𝑝 (𝛽𝐾𝑇) − 1 ] →(26)
Where I0 is the saturation current and 𝛽 varies between 1 and 2 depending on the
Fig. Injection of minority carriers and subsequent radiative recombination with the majority
Actually, all semiconductors diodes produce radiation when electrons from the conduction band
recombine with holes in the valance band and the emitted radiation is absorbed by the
surrounding semiconductor material.
In an LED, the semiconductor as a high energy gap and the junction is constructed such that the
radiation from the junction can escape.
LED Materials
1) It must have an energy gap of appropriate width (the energy gaps greater than or equal to
Silicon carbide (sic) can be doped as both n and p type doping with B, Al, Sc, and Be gives rise to yellow, blue,
green and red emission respectively. But since SIC is an indirect band gap material radiative transition efficiency
is low. Ga, As, Ga P and the ternary alloy GaAs1- xPx are most important III -IV components used.
This is a direct band gap semiconductor with E g = 1.443ev (𝜆g = 860 nm); p-n junctions are readily formed ,
when GaAs is doped with silicon , based on growing condition , either silicon can replace Ga or As. On Replacing
Ga it acts as a donor and on As replacement it acts as an acceptor. In silicon doped diodes the emission lies
between 910 and 1020 nm. This has high quantum efficiency. These diodes have become standard near – IR
emitting devices.
This is an indirect band gap semiconductor with E g = 2.26 ev (𝜆g = 549 nm). Group 5 elements such as n and Bi
are commonly used as do pants. Since they have the same valency as the atoms which they replace (p), they do not
form normal donor accepts states. As the impurity atom differs considerably from the atom it replaces both in the
size and its tendency to acquire negative charge, it acts as a trapping centre called ISOELECTRONIC TRAPS.
Once a carrier is trapped, the resulting potential attracts a carrier of the opposite charge and emits radiation. The
nitrogen isoelectronic traps result in peak emission at about 565 nm i.e. green radiation. At high nitrogen
concentrations the temperature emission shifts to 590nm (i.e. yellow). Using Zn, O for double doping , emission at
690nm(i.e. red) is also possible from GaP.
This material changes from being a direct band gap material (when x<0.45). to being an indirect band gap material
(when x>0.45).at changeover point , the E g ≅ 2.1v. from GaAs0.6 P0.6 ; red emission is obtained From GaAs0.35
P0.85; N, orange and yellow emission are obtained respectively.
In hetero junction formed between n- type Ga0.3 Al0.7 As an p-type Ga0.6 Al0.4 As(with zinc as dopant). Radiative
recombination takes place and emission with higher efficiency occurs at 650nm. When Si is used as dopant to
form both donor and acceptor states, by varying Al concentration, band gap can be varied and emission between
870 and 890 nm can be obtained.
Construction of LED
The typical construction of LED is shown in the figure. LED has to be designed and constructed in
such a way that most of the radiative recombinations takes place from the side of the junction
nearest to the surface so that loss due to reabsorption is minimized
For this p-n junction layer has to be parallel and closer to the surface layer. The LED is constructed
on a GaP n- doped substrate. A thin epitaxial p- doped GaP layer is grown on the top of this
Electrical contacts are made leaving as much of the upper surface of the p- material uncovered.
The recombination takes place and radiation is generated between p and n layers i.e. p-n junction.
Since Gap layer is transparent, the radiation escapes through the top layer.
To the bottom electrode a reflective layer is added to improve the efficiency.
Although the internal quantum efficiencies of some LED materials can approach 100%, the external
efficiencies are much lower. The main reason is that most of the emitted radiation strikes the
material interface at angles greater than critical angle and so lost due to total
internal reflection. Since the III-IV materials have high refractive indices, the critical angles are small.
For example in GaP and air interface, since the critical is 17 0, the rays’ incident at an angle greater
than this are lost.
There are two ways of improving the situations; the first is to ensure that most rays strike surface at
angles less than critical angle. This is achieved shaping in the semiconductor/ air interface in to a
hemisphere; in this the p- material is made in to a hemisphere dome. More
radiation then strikes the semiconductor/ air interface at less than the critical angle and hence are not
lost. This technique is too difficult and more expensive.
The second technique is to encapsulate the junction in a transparent plastic medium of high
refractive index. Moulding the plastic in to an approximately hemispherical shape, loss at the plastic
/ air interface is minimized.
Intensity of the emission is an important optical parameter of an LED. The relative intensity
increases with LED current. LED output is not monochromatic but contains considerable band
width ( ≅ 30 to 40 nm) around the central wavelength.
Output intensity is temperature dependant. If the temperature increases by 25 0 C, the intensity
decreases by 25%.
Another very important characteristic of an LED is its fast response time, typically 90ns for yellow
and red and 500ns for green. This response time makes LEDs suitable as a source in communication
1) Output is bright and the intensity can be controlled easily by varying current.
3) Very fast response time in the order of ns and hence very useful as source for optical Communication.
5) Very small in size and hence can be closely packed for high density display.
Fig. The generation & subsequent separation of an electron – hole pair by photon absorption within the depletion region of
a p –n junction
Only ionized atoms of opposite polarity remain i.e in p- type material negatively ionized atoms
and in n- type material positively ionized atoms remain. This action generates a barrier voltage
that opposes further diffusion of the free carriers in to the junction.
When an electron – hole pair is generated by photon absorption with this region, the internal field
causes the electron and hole to separate. This charge separation can be detected in two ways. If a
device is left an open circuit, an externally measurable potential appear between p and n regions.
This is known as the PHOTO VOLTAIC
MODE of operation. Instead, if we short circuit the device externally, an external current flows
between the p and n regions. This is known as the PHOTOCONDUCTIVE MODE of
operation. Under photoconductive mode it is usually operated under reverse bias conditions.
When forward bias is applied to the junction, it opposes the barrier voltage, reduces the width of
the deflection region and increases the junction capacitance. When the bias
reaches the barrier voltage, the depletion region is eliminated and the junction becomes
When reverse bias is applied, the depletion region is widened, the junction capacitance reduced,
and the junction says non-conductive. The reverse bias junction can conduct current when free
carriers are generated in the junction by radiation of sufficient energy.
2) Faster response
The most common semiconductor material used for photo diodes is silicon. It has an energy gap
of 1.14ev. It provides excellent photodiodes with quantum efficiencies up to 80% at wave length
between 0.8-0.9µm. It shows a typical silicon photodiode structure for photo- conductive
A junction is formed between heavily doped p- type material ( p+ ) and fairly lightly doped n-
type material so that the depletion region extends well into the n- material . The
p+ layer is made fairly thin. Metallic contracts can be made directly to the p+ material but to obtain
an ohmic contact to the n – material an intermediate n+ layer is formed.
The penetration of photons through the layer depends on the wave length of radiation shorter
wave length ( ultra violets ) are absorbed at the surface, while the longer wave length (infrared)
can penetrate deep in to the structure .
A wide response photo diode should therefore have a thin p- layer and a thick depletion layer so
that most of the photons are absorbed in the depletion layer. Hence the response time of the diode
is mainly determined by the thickness of the depletion layer.
The thickness of the layer can be controlled by the doping level of the n- layer lower doping level
increase the thickness of the depletion layer and reduce the diode capacitance . This technique is
used in the PIN type photo diode, where a thick layer of
low doped and highly resistive n- type material is inserted between the p and n- layers. This
middle layer is called the intrinsic or I- layer, hence the name PIN diode.
The PIN diode has a relatively thick depletion layer which, with modest reverse bias of 5v , can
be extended to the bottom of the intrinsic layer . The result is a photo diode with a faster response
time and an extended spectral response. The spectral response of the junction photo diodes
ranges from ultraviolet to infrared. It depends mainly on the semiconductor material, and also on
the junction design and window material.
The silicon photo diode is one of the most popular of all radiation detectors in the wavelength
range 0.4 to 1 µm. it has the following features.
Solar Cell
Solar cell is a P – N junction semiconducting diode which converts light energy into
electrical energy. The energy of light is transmitted by photons, small packets or quantums of light.
Electrical energy is stored in electromagnetic fields, which in turn can make a current of electrons flow.
Thus a solar cell converts light, a flow of photons, to electric current, a flow of electrons.
There are several technologies to construct a solar cell. One of them is Quantum Dot (QD) Solar
Cells. These are built up of a semiconductor (silicon) coated with a very thin layer of Quantum dots.
Quantum dots is just a fancy name of crystals in the size range typically a few nanometers in diameter.
These crystals are mixed into a solution and placed on a piece of silicon which is rotated really fast. The
crystals are then spread out due to the centrifugal force. The reason these quantum dots are given so
much attention is that normally one photon will excite one electron creating one electron-hole pair. The
energy loss is the original energy of the photon minus the energy needed to excite the electron(also
called the band gap). However, when a photon hits a quantum dot made of the same material, there may
be several electron-hole pairs created, typically 2-3, but 7 has been observed.
Working principle
The solar cell is basically a p – n junction diode that converts sunlight directly to electricity. The working
principle of solar cells is based on the photovoltaic effect. In general, the photovoltaic effect means the generation
of a potential difference at the junction of two different materials in response to visible or other radiation.
1. Generation of the charge carriers due to the absorption of photons in the materials that form a junction,
1. Photons in sunlight hit the solar panel and are absorbed by semiconducting materials, such as silicon.
2. Electrons (negatively charged) are knocked loose from their atoms, causing an electric potential
difference. Current starts flowing through the material to cancel the potential and this electricity is
captured. Due to the special composition of solar cells, the electrons are only allowed to move in a single
3. An array of solar cells converts solar energy into a usable amount of direct current (DC) electricity.
Fig. A typical solar cell consists of a glass or plastic cover, an antireflective coating, a
front contact to allow electrons to enter a circuit, a back contact to allow them to complete the circuit, and the semiconductor
layers where the electrons begin and complete their journey.
When a p – n junction diode is exposed to light, the photons are absorbed and electron pairs are
generated in both in both the p – side and n – side of the junction, as shown in the figure below.
The electrons and holes that are produced over a small distance from the junction reach the space
charge region X by diffusion.
The electron – hole pairs are then separated by the strong barrier field that exists across the
region X. The electrons in the p – side slide down the barrier potential to move to the n – side
while the holes in the n – side while the holes in the n – side move towards the p – side.
When the p – n junction diode is open circuited, the accumulation of electrons and holes on the
two sides of the junction gives rise to an open – circuit voltage V0. If a load resistance is
connected across the diode, a current will flow in the circuit. The maximum current, called the
short – circuit current is obtained when an electric short is connected across the diode terminals.
Note that the current flows as long as the diode is exposed to sunlight and the magnitude of the
current is proportional to the light intensity.
Solar cells are used extensively in satellites and space vehicles as most important long duration
power supply. Solar cells are constructed with Silicon, Germanium, Gallium arsenide, Cadmium
sulphide and with many other semiconductors, and in various device configurations.
Fig. (a) p-n junction solar cell with load resistance,RL (b) Diffusion of electrons & Holes (c) Energy band diagram of solar
cell (d) Formation of the open circuit voltage Vo
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Introduction: Dielectrics are insulating materials. In dielectrics, all the electrons are bound to
their parent molecules and there are no free charges. Even with normal voltage or thermal
energy, electrons are not released.
Electric Dipole: A system consisting of two equal and opposite charges separated by a distance
is called electric dipole.
Dipole moment: The product of charge and distance between two charges is called dipole
i e, μ = q x dl
Dielectric constant: The dielectric characteristics are determined by the dielectric constant. The
dielectric constant or relative permittivity of a medium is defined as the ratio between the
permittivity of the medium to the permittivity of the free space.
ε r = ε / ε 0 = C / C 0 where
Units: No Units.
Capacitance: The property of a conductor or system of conductor that describes its ability to
store electric charge.
C=q/V=Aε/d where
C is capacitance of capacitor
q is charge on the capacitor plate
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Units: Farad .
Polarizability (α ) : When the strength of the electric field E is increased the strength of the
induced dipole μ also increases . Thus the induced dipole moment is proportional to the
intensity of the electric field.
α= μ/E
Polarization Vector ( P ) : The dipole moment per unit volume of the dielectric material is
called polarization vector P .if μ is the average dipole moment per molecule and N is the
number of molecules per unit volume then polarization vector
The dipole moment per unit volume of the solid is the sum of all the individual dipole
moments within that volume and is called the polarization of the solid.
Electric Flux Density or Electric Displacement (D): The Electric Flux Density or Electric
Displacement at a point in the material is given by
D = ε r ε 0 E -------------(1) where
As polarization measures additional flux density arising from the presence of the material as
compared to free space, it has same units as D.
Hence D = ε 0 E + P -----------(2)
Since D = ε 0 ε r E
ε 0ε r E=ε 0 E +P
P =ε 0ε r E-ε 0 E
P = ε 0 (ε r - 1 ) E.
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P = ε 0 χe E
Therefore χ e = P / ε 0 E = ε 0 (ε r - 1 ) E / ε 0 E
χ e = (ε r - 1 )
Dielectric Strength: It can be defined as the minimum voltage required for producing
dielectric breakdown. Dielectric strength decreases with raising the temperature, humidity
and age of the material.
Electronic Polarization: the process of producing electric dipoles which are oriented along
the field direction is called polarization in dielectrics
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When an external field of intensity E is applied, the nucleus and electrons experiences Lorentz
forces in opposite direction. Hence the nucleus and electron cloud are pulled apart.
Then Coulomb force develops between them, which tends to oppose the
displacement. When Lorentz and coulomb forces are equal and opposite, equilibrium is reached.
Charge enclosed = ( 4 / 3 ) Π x3 ρ
= ( 4 / 3 ) Π x3 [( - 3 / 4 ) ( Z e / Π R3 ) ]
= - Z e x3 / R3
E = -Ze x / 4 Π ε 0 R3
or x = 4 Π ε 0 R3 E / Ze
The two charges +Ze and -Ze are separated by a distance ‘x‘ under applied field constituting
induced electric dipoles .
The dipole moment per unit volume is called electronic polarization. It is independent of
P = N μ e = N α e E where
N is Number of atoms / m3
P e = N (4 Π ε 0 R3 E ) = 4 Π ε 0 R3 N E where
R is radius of atom
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Electric Susceptibility χ = P / ε 0 E
Therefore P = ε 0 E χ
P = ( 4 Π R3 N ) ε 0 E where χ = 4 Π R3 N
Also P e = ε 0 E (ε r - 1 ) = N α e E
Or ε r - 1 = N α e / ε 0
Hence α e = ε 0 (ε r - 1 ) / N .
Ionic Polarization: It is due to the displacement of cat ions and anions in opposite directions and
occurs in an ionic solid .
Consider a NaCl molecule. Suppose an electric field is applied in the positive direction . The
positive ion moves by x 1 and the negative ion moves by x 2
At equilibrium, Lorentz force and restoring force are equal and opposite
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But μαE or μ = αi E
Orientational Polarization:
In methane molecule, the centre of negative and positive charges coincides, so that there is no
permanent dipole moment. On the other hand, in certain molecules such as Ch3Cl, the
positive and negative charges do not coincide .Even in the absence of an electric field, this
molecule carries a dipole moment, they tend to align themselves in the direction of applied
field. The polarization due to such alignment is called orientation polarization. It is dependent
on temperature. With increase of temperature the thermal energy tends to randomize the
= N α0 E
Internal field or Local field or Lorentz field: Internal field is the total electric field at atomic
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E1 = D / ε 0
D=P+ε 0E
Field E 2 : E 2 is the field intensity at A due to charge density induced on two sides of dielectric
Field E 3 : E 3 is field intensity at A due to other atoms contained in the cavity and for a cubic
Field E 4: E 4 is field intensity due to polarization charges on surface of cavity and was calculated
by Lorentz in the following way:
If dA is the surface area of the sphere of radius r lying between θ and θ + dθ, where θ is the
direction with reference to the direction of applied force.
And dθ = QR / r => QR = r dθ
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dE 4 = P sin θ cos2 θ dθ / 2 ε 0
∫ dE 4 = P / 2 ε 0 ∫ 0 Π sin θ cos2 θ dθ = P / 2 ε 0 ∫ 0 Π cos2 θ d (- cos θ)
Let cos θ = x
∫ dE 4 = - P / 2 ε 0 ∫ 0 Π x2 dx
Therefore E 4= - P / 2 ε 0 [x3 / 3] 0 Π
Local field Ei = E1 + E 2 + E 3 + E 4
Let us consider the elemental dielectric having cubic structure. Since there are no ions and
perment dipoles in these materials, them ionic polarizability α i and orientational
polarizability α 0 are zero.
i.e. αi = α0 = 0
Hence polarization P = N α e E i
= N α e ( E + P / 3ε 0 )
i.e. P [ 1 - N α e / 3 ε 0 ] = N α e E
P = N α e E / P [ 1 - N α e / 3 ε 0 ] ------------- 1
D = P + ε0E
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P = D - ε0E
P = E ε 0 (ε r - 1) ---------------------------- 2
P = E ε 0 (ε r - 1) = N α e E / [ 1 - N α e / 3 ε 0 ]
[ 1 - N α e / 3 ε 0 ] = N α e / ε 0 (ε r - 1)
1 = N α e / 3 ε 0 + N α e / ε 0 (ε r - 1)
1 = (N α e / 3 ε 0 ) ( 1 + 3 / (ε r - 1))
1 = (N α e / 3 ε 0 )[ (ε r - 1 + 3) / (ε r - 1) ]
1 = (N α e / 3 ε 0 )[ (ε r + 2) / (ε r - 1) ]
Dielectric Breakdown : The dielectric breakdown is the sudden change in state of a dielectric
material subjected to a very high electric field , under the influence of which , the electrons are
lifted into the conduction band causing a surge of current , and the ability of the material to resist
the current flow suffers a breakdown .
When a dielectric material loses its resistivity and permits very large current to flow through it,
then the phenomenon is called dielectric breakdown.
There are many factors for dielectric breakdown which are (1) Intrinsic breakdown (2) Thermal
breakdown (3) Discharge breakdown (4) Electro Chemical breakdown (5) Defect breakdown.
(1) Intrinsic breakdown: The dielectric strength is defined as the breakdown voltage per unit
thickness of the material. When the applied electric field is large, some of the electrons in the
valence band cross over to the conduction band across the large forbidden energy gap giving
rise to large conduction currents. The liberation or movement of electrons from valence band is
called field emission of electrons and the breakdown is called the intrinsic breakdown or zener
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(2) Thermal breakdown: It occurs in a dielectric when the rate of heat generation is greater than
the rate of dissipation. Energy due to the dielectric loss appears as heat. If the rate of generation
of heat is larger than the heat dissipated to the surrounding, the temperature of the dielectric
increases which eventually results in local melting .once melting starts, that particular region
becomes highly conductive, enormous current flows through the material and dielectric
breakdown occurs.
(4) Electro Chemical breakdown: Chemical and electro chemical breakdown are related to
thermal breakdown. When temperature rises, mobility of ions increases and hence
electrochemical reaction takes place. When ionic mobility increases leakage current also
increases and this may lead to dielectric breakdown. Field induced chemical reaction gradually
decreases the insulation resistance and finally results in breakdown.
(5) Defect breakdown: if the surface of the dielectric material has defects such as cracks and
porosity, then impurities such as dust or moisture collect at these discontinuities leading to
breakdown. Also if it has defect in the form of strain in the material, that region will also break
on application of electric field.
P(t) = P[ 1- exp ( - t / t r )]
The relaxation time t r is a measure of the time scale of polarization process. It is the time
taken for a polarization process to reach 0.63 of the max. value.
Electronic polarization is extremely rapid. Even when the frequency of the applied voltage
is very high in the optical range (≈1015 Hz), electronic polarization occurs during every cycle
of the applied voltage.
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Ionic polarization is due to displacement of ions over a small distance due to the applied
field. Since ions are heavier than electron cloud, the time taken for displacement is larger.
The frequency with which ions are displaced is of the same order as the lattice vibration
frequency (≈1013Hz). Hence, at optical frequencies, there is no ionic polarization. If the
frequency of the applied voltage is less than 1013 Hz, the ions respond.
Orientation polarization is even slower than ionic polarization. The relaxation time for
orientation polarization in a liquid is less than that in a solid. Orientation polarization occurs,
when the frequency of applied voltage is in audio range (1010 Hz).
Space charge polarization is the slowest process, as it involves the diffusion of ions over
several interatomic distances. The relaxation time for this process is related to frequency of
ions under the influence of applied field. Space charge polarization occurs at power
frequencies (50-60 Hz).
Piezo – Electricity: These materials have the property of becoming electrically polarized when
mechanical stress is applied. This property is known as Piezo – electric effect has an inverse
.According to inverse piezo electric effect, when an electric stress or voltage is applied, the
material becomes strained. The strain is directly proportional to the applied field E.
Piezo – Electric Materials and Their Applications: Single crystal of quartz is used for filter,
resonator and delay line applications. Natural quartz is now being replaced by synthetic material.
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Piezo electric semiconductors such as GaS, ZnO & CdS are used as amplifiers
of ultrasonic waves.
Ferro electricity: Ferro electric materials are an important group not only because of intrinsic
Ferro electric property, but because many possess useful piezo electric, birefringent and electro
optical properties.
Pyroelectric coefficient ‘λ’ is defined as the change in polarization per unit temperature change
of specimen.
λ= dP / dT
change in polarization results in change in external field and also changes the surface.
Required Qualities of Good Insulating Materials: The required qualities can be classified as
under electrical, mechanical, thermal and chemical applications.
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i) Electrical: 1. electrically the insulating material should have high electrical resistivity and high
dielectric strength to withstand high voltage.
2 .The dielectric losses must be minimum.
3. Liquid and gaseous insulators are used as coolants. For example transformer oil, hydrogen and
helium are used both as insulators and coolant.
ii) Mechanical: 1. insulating materials should have certain mechanical properties depending on the
use to which they are put.
2. When used for electric machine insulation, the insulator should have sufficient mechanical
strength to withstand vibration.
iii) Thermal: Good heat conducting property is also desirable in such cases. The insulators should
have small thermal expansion and it should be non-ignitable.
iv) Chemical: 1. chemically, the insulators should be resistant to oils, liquids, gas fumes, acids and
2. The insulators should be water proof since water lowers the insulation resistance and the
dielectric strength.
LCDs are used in digital clocks, cellular phones, desktop and laptop computers, and some televisions and other
electronic systems. They offer a decided advantage over former display technologies, such as cathode ray tubes, in
that they are much lighter and thinner and consume a lot less power to operate. LCD technology relies on special
electrical and optical properties of a class of materials known as liquid crystals, first discovered in the 1880s by botanist
Friedrich Reinitzer.
Physical Principle
Liquid crystals are neither a pure solid nor a pure liquid, but rather a hybrid of both. One particular variety of interest
is the twisted nematic liquid crystal whose rod-shaped molecules have a natural tendency to assume a twisted spiral
structure when the material is sandwiched between finely grooved glass substrates with orthogonal orientations (Fig. T14-
1). Note that the molecules in contact with the grooved surfaces align themselves in parallel along the grooves, from
a y-orientation at the entrance substrate into an x-orientation at the exit substrate. The molecular spiral causes the
crystal to behave like a wave polarizer; unpolarized light incident upon the entrance substrate follows the orientation of
the spiral, emerging through the exit substrate with its polarization (direction of electric field) parallel to the groove’s
direction, which in Fig. T14-1 is along the x-direction. Thus, of the x- and y-components of the incident light, only the
y-component is allowed to pass through the y-polarized filter, but as a consequence of the spiral action facilitated by
the liquid crystal’s molecules, the light that emerges from the LCD structure is x-polarized.
LCD Structure
A single-pixel LCD structure is shown in Fig. T14-2 for the OFF and ON states, with OFF corresponding to a bright-
looking pixel and ON to a dark-looking pixel. The sandwiched liquid-crystal layer (typically on the order of 5 microns in
thickness, or 1/20 of the width of a human hair) is straddled by a pair of optical filters with orthogonal polarizations. When
no voltage is applied across the crystal layer [Fig. T14-2(a)], incoming unpolarized light gets polarized as it passes
through the entrance polarizer, then rotates by 90◦ as it follows the molecular spiral, and finally emerges from the exit
polarizer, giving the exited surface a bright appearance. A useful feature of nematic liquid crystals is that their spiral
untwists [Fig. T14-2(b)] under the influence of an electric field (induced by a voltage difference across the layer). The
degree of untwisting depends on the strength of the electric field. With no spiral to rotate the wave polarization as the
light travels through the crystal, the light polarization will be orthogonal to that of the exit polarizer, allowing no light to
pass through it. Hence, the pixel will exhibit a dark appearance.
x-polarized light
polarizing filter
exit substrate
orientations y-oriented
entrance substrate
polarizing filter
Two-Dimensional Array
By extending the concept to a two-dimensional array of pixels and devising a scheme to control the voltage across each
pixel individually (usually by using a thin-film transistor), a complete image can be displayed as illustrated in Fig. T14-3.
For color displays, each pixel is made up of three subpixels with complementary color filters (red, green, and blue).
+ Liquid crystal + 5 μm
V _ V _
Molecule of
liquid crystal
Polarizing filter
Unpolarized light
Exit polarizer
Magnetic field is the region present around a magnetic object within which other objects
experience an attractive or repulsive force.
In the absence of magnetic field, the charges carriers in the material move in a straight path.
Therefore, electric current flows in a straight path. When the magnetic field is applied to the
material, the magnetic forces cause the mobile charge carriers (free electrons) to change their
direction from direct path to indirect path. This increases the length of electric current path.
Hence, large number of free electrons collides with the atoms and loses their energy in the
form of heat and only a small number of free electrons flow through the conductive path. The
small number of free electrons moving from one place to another place carries the electric
current. Therefore, the resistance of the material increases with increasing magnetic field.
Bubble Memory
Bubble memory is also known as Magnetic Bubble Memory. The inventor Andrew Bobeck
invented bubble memory in the 1970s at Bell Labs. Bubble memory comes under the
category of non-volatile computer memory. The representation of data is in the form of
magnetic bubbles (tiny circular areas) as it uses a thin film of magnetic material. Each
bubble stores 1 bit of data. As it is non-volatile, data is retained in magnetic bubbles when
power is turned off.
The arrangement of magnetic material is made in such a way that a series of parallel tracks
is formed for moving the bubbles whenever the external magnetic field is applied. It was
only a few square inches in size, which included a thin film magnetic recording layer in
which bubbles (bits) were electromagnetically created in circular strings.
The rotation of bubbles corresponds to the equivalent of a read/write head for their reading
or writing. The bubbles are read by bringing them to the material’s edge, where they may
be read by a normal magnetic pickup, and then rewritten on the far side to keep the memory
• The power usage is less in bubble memory.
• The functional packing density is high in bubble memory.
• It is more durable than disc memory since it has no moving parts.
• The most vital feature was its ruggedness, which made the military employ the
technology even after it failed in the market. Hence, many people concluded that
it can be thought of as a “universal memory” that could be utilized for all kinds
of storage. Bubble memory is resistant to extreme temperatures, dust, humidity,
and radiation while also being removable.
• It has limited application because it is to be used where these features prove to
be useful. However, the technology’s initial promise (pioneered by Bell
Telephone Laboratories) has not been fully fulfilled because production prices
have exceeded expectations.
• Bubble memory was never widely employed since other non-volatile memory
formats, such as EEPROM, are faster and less expensive.
• It was widely used for some time in the 1970s. But due to the massive loops
required by a large bubble memory, accessing a bit requires cycling through a
large number of other bits first leading to slow speed. So, in the 1980s, with the
advancement in technology, it was replaced by hard drives and semiconductor
Multiferroic materials are a special class of solid-state compounds, in which at least two
order states such as magnetic, electric or piezo-elastic phases coexist. Therefore, well-known
materials such as ferromagnets displaying strong piezo-magnetic properties, as well as piezo-
ferroelectrics are arguably a special class of magneto-elastic or electro-elastic coupled
multiferroics. In both cases, these materials are extremely important for technological
applications because the coupling between the ferro-phases and the piezo-elastic properties
facilitates a direct control of ferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties via externally applied
mechanical stress. In addition, converse effects, in which externally applied magnetic and
electric fields can modify the shape of the material by inducing a mechanical strain, exist.
This complex coupling between electric polarization - electric field - strain, magnetization -
magnetic field - strain and stress - strain - electric polarization - magnetization is graphically
illustrated in figure 1. While the coexistence of ferro-order and piezo-elastic properties can
give rise to interesting piezo-electric and piezo-magnetic couplings, there are two additional
multiferroic possible states, each displaying cross couplings between the order states. These
additional types of multiferroics are the subject of this review article and they are: i)
magneto-electric multiferroic, in which the electric and magnetic order states coexist; ii)
elasto-magneto-electric multiferroic, in which all three order states are present. It is important
to mention that by electric and magnetic order state it is understood any type of ferroic
ordering including ferromagnetic, anti-ferromagnetic, ferri-magnetic, paramagnetic, super-
paramagnetic and their electrical equivalents, if applicable. However, what makes
multiferroic materials scientifically and technologically fascinating is not only their ability to
display multiple order states but, most importantly, the cross coupling effects that can occur
between the order states
Introduction : The basic aim in the study of the subject of magnetic materials is to understand the
effect of an external magnetic field on a bulk material ,and also to account for its specific
behavior. A dipole is an object that a magnetic pole is on one end and a equal and opposite second
magnetic dipole is on the other end.
A bar magnet can be considered as a dipole with a north pole at one end and
South Pole at the other. If a magnet is cut into two, two magnets or dipoles are created out of one.
This sectioning and creation of dipoles can continue to the atomic level. Therefore, the source of
magnetism lies in the basic building block of all the matter i.e. the atom.
Consider electric current flowing through a conductor. When the electrons are
flowing through the conductor, a magnetic field is forms around the conductor. A magnetic field is
produced whenever an electric charge is in motion. The strength of the field is called the magnetic
Magnetic materials are those which can be easily magnetized as they have
permanent magnetic moment in the presence of applied magnetic field. Magnetism arises from the
magnetic dipole moments. It is responsible for producing magnetic influence of attraction or
Magnetic dipole : it is a system consisting of two equal and opposite magnetic poles separated by a
small distance of ‘2l’metre.
Magnetic Moment ( μ m ) :It is defined as the product of the pole strength (m) and the distance
between the two poles (2l) of the magnet.
i . e . . μ m = (2l ) m
Magnetic Flux Density or Magnetic Induction (B): It is defined as the number of magnetic lines
of force passing perpendicularly through unit area.
Magnetic Field Intensity (H): The magnetic field intensity at any point in the magnetic field is the
force experienced by a unit north pole placed at that point.
The magnetic induction B due to magnetic field intensity H applied in vacuum is related by
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If the field is applied in a medium, the magnetic induction in the solid is given by
Hence magnetic Permeability μ of any material is the ratio of the magnetic induction to the applied
magnetic field intensity. The ratio of μ / μ 0 is called the relative permeability (μ r ).
μr = μ / μ0
Therefore B = μ0 μr H
Magnetization: It is the process of converting a non – magnetic material into a magnetic material.
The intensity of magnetization (M) of a material is the magnetic moment per unit volume. The
intensity of magnetization is directly related to the applied field H through the susceptibility of the
medium (χ) by
χ = M / H ------------(1)
The magnetic susceptibility of a material is the ratio of the intensity of magnetization produced to
the magnetic field intensity which produces the magnetization. It has no units.
We know
= μ0 μr H
i.e B = μ0 μr H + μ0 H - μ0 H
= μ0 H + μ0 H ( μr – 1 )
= μ0 H + μ0 M where M is magnetization = H ( μ r – 1 )
i.e B = μ 0 ( H + M ) ----------(2)
The first term on the right side of eqn (2) is due to external field. The second term is due to the
Hence μ0 = B / H + M
Relative Permeability ,
μr = μ / μ0 = ( B / H ) / ( B / H + M ) = H + M / H = 1 + M / H
μ r = 1 + χ ---------(3)
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The magnetic properties of all substances are associated with the orbital and spin motions of the
electrons in their atoms. Due to this motion, the electrons become elementary magnets of the
substance. In few materials these elementary magnets are able to strengthen the applied magnetic
field , while in few others , they orient themselves such that the applied magnetic field is
Origin of Magnetic Moment : In atoms , the permanent magnetic moments can arise due to the
following :
Orbital magnetic moment of the electrons: In an atom, electrons revolve round the nucleus in
different circular orbits.
Let m be the mass of the electron and r be the radius of the orbit in which it moves with angular
velocity ω.
The electric current due to the moving electron I = - ( number of electrons flowing per second x
charge of an electron )
Therefore I = - e ω / 2 Π --------------(1)
The current flowing through a circular coil produces a magnetic field in a direction perpendicular
to the area of coil and it is identical to the magnetic dipole. the magnitude of the magnetic moment
produced by such a dipole is
μ m = I .A
= ( - e ω / 2 Π ) ( Π r2 )
= - e ω r2 / 2 = ( - e / 2 m ) ( m ω r2 ) = - ( e / 2 m ) L -----------(2)
where L = m ω r2 is the orbital angular momentum of electron. The minus sign indicates
that the magnetic moment is anti – parallel to the angular momentum L. A substance therefore
possesses permanent magnetic dipoles if the electrons of its constituent atom have a net non-
vanishing angular momentum. The ratio of the magnetic dipole moment of the electron due to its
orbital motion and the angular momentum of the orbital motion is called orbital gyro magnetic
ratio , represented by γ.
The angular momentum of an electron is determined by the orbital quantum number ‘l’ given by l
= 0 , 1 , 2 , ……( n – 1 ) where n is principal quantum number n = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , ……
……corresponding to K , L , M , N……shells .
The angular momentum of the electrons associated with a particular value of l is given by l( h / 2 Π
μ el = - ( e / 2 m ) ( l h / 2 Π )
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i.e μ el = - ( e h l / 4 Π m ) = - μ B l ---------------(3)
The quantity μ B = e h / 4 Π m is an atomic unit called Bohr Magneton and has a value 9.27 x 10
ampere metre2
In an atom having many electrons, the total orbital magnetic moment is determined by taking the
algebraic sum of the magnetic moments of individual electrons. The moment of a completely filled
shell is zero. An atom with partially filled shells will have non zero orbital magnetic moment.
Magnetic Moment Due to Electron Spin : The magnetic moment associated with spinning of the
electron is called spin magnetic moment μ es .Magnetic moment due to the rotation of the
electronic charge about one of the diameters of the electron is similar to the earth’s spinning
motion around it’s north – south axis.
An electronic charge being spread over a spherical volume ,the electron spin would cause different
charge elements of this sphere to form closed currents, resulting in a net spin magnetic moment.
This net magnetic moment would depend upon the structure of the electron and its charge
Thus, the magnetic moments due to the spin and the orbital motions of an electron are of the same
order of magnitude. The spin and electron spin magnetic moment are intrinsic properties of an
electron and exist even for a stationary electron. Since the magnitude of spin magnetic moment is
always same, the external field can only influence its direction. If the electron spin moments are
free to orient themselves in the direction of the applied field B. In a varying field ,it experiences a
force in the direction of the increasing magnetic field due to spin magnetic moments of its various
Magnetic Moment due to Nuclear Spin : Another contribution may arise from the nuclear magnetic
moment. By analogy with Bohr Magneton, the nuclear magneton arises due to spin of the nucleus.
It is given by
μ ps = e h / 4 Π M p
The nuclear magnetic moments are smaller than those associated with electrons.
Classification Of Magnetic Materials :All matter respond in one way or the other when subjected
to the influence of a magnetic field. The response could be strong or weak, but there is none with
zero response ie, there is no matter which is non magnetic in the absolute sense. Depending upon
the magnitude and sign of response to the applied field , and also on the basis of effect of
temperature on the magnetic properties, all materials are classified broadly under 3 categories.
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two more classes of materials have structure very close to ferromagnetic materials
but possess quite different magnetic effects. They are i. Anti ferromagnetic materials and ii .
Ferri magnetic materials
1. Diamagnetic materials: Diamagnetic materials are those which experience a repelling force
when brought near the pole of a strong magnet. In a non uniform magnetic field they are
repelled away from stronger parts of the field.
Susceptibility χ is positive and small for these materials. The susceptibility is inversely
proportional to the temperature T.
χ α 1/T
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Below superconducting transition temperatures, these materials exhibit the Para magnetism.
χ=C /(T+θ)
the temperature at which anti ferromagnetic material converts into paramagnetic material is
known as Neel’s temperature.
Examples: FeO, Cr 2 O 3 .
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i). By motion of domain walls: The volume of the domains that are favourably oriented with
respect to the magnetizing field increases at the cost of those that are unfavourably oriented
ii) By rotation of domains: When the applied magnetic field is strong, rotation of the
direction of magnetization occurs in the direction of the field.
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When a weak magnetic field is applied, the domains that are aligned
parallel to the field and in the easy direction of magnetization , grow in size at the expense of
less favorably oriented ones. This results in Bloch wall movement and when the weak field is
removed, the domains reverse back to their original state. This reverse wall displacement is
indicated by OA of the magnetization curve. When the field becomes stronger ,the Bloch wall
movement continues and it is mostly irreversible movement. This is indicated by the path AB
of the graph. The phenomenon of hysteresis is due to this irreversibility.
At the point B all domains have got magnetized along their easy directions. Application of
still higher fields rotates the domains into the field direction which may be away from the
easy direction. Once the domain rotation is complete the specimen is saturated denoted by C.
on removal of the field the specimen tends to attain the original configuration by the
movement of Bloch walls. But this movement is hampered by the impurities, lattice
imperfections etc, and so more energy must be supplied to overcome the opposing forces.
This means that a coercive field is required to reduce the magnetization of the specimen to
zero. The amount of energy spent in this regard is a loss. Hysteresis loss is the loss of energy
in taking a ferromagnetic body through a complete cycle of magnetization and this loss is
represented by the area enclosed by the hysteresis loop.
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Hysteresis loop of the ferromagnetic materials vary in size and shape. This variation in
hysteresis loops leads to a broad classification of all the magnetic materials into hard type and
soft type.
Examples of hard magnetic materials are, i) Iron- nickel- aluminum alloys with certain
amount of cobalt called Alnico alloy. ii) Copper nickel iron alloys. iii) Platinum cobalt alloy.
Soft magnetic materials are those for which the hysteresis loops enclose very small area.
They are the magnetic materials which cannot be permanently magnetized. In these materials
,the domain walls motion occurs easily. Consequently, the coercive force assumes a small
value and makes the hysteresis loop a narrow one because of which, the hysteresis loss
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becomes very small. For the sane reasons, the materials can be easily magnetized and
Applications of soft magnetic materials: Mainly used in electro- magnetic machinery and
transformer cores. They are also used in switching circuits, microwave isolators and matrix
storage of computers.
Nano scale
• Nano scale means 10-9. A nanometer (nm) is one thousand millionth of a meter (10-9).
• The diameter of a single atom can vary from 0.1 to 0.5nm, depending on the type of
the element.
• For example, one carbon atom is approximately 0.15nm in diameter. A red blood cell
is approximately 7000nm wide and a water molecule is almost 0.3nm across. The
diameter of a human hair is about 60,000 to 80,000 nms. 1nm would approximately
be equal to the length of ten hydrogen atoms in a line.
• A material is called a nanomaterial if the size of the material is below 100nm. This is
because, many physical and chemical properties of a material start changing
significantly when the size of the grains is below 100nm. The length that is of interest
in nanoscience is from 100nm down to the atom scale i.e., 0.2nm.
Origin of Nanotechnology
• The existence of nanostructures and nanodevices is not new, while the word
nanotechnology is relatively new.
• Richard Feynman, in 1960, presented a visionary lecture at a meeting of the American
physical society entitled “There is plenty of room at the bottom.” In his lecture, he
speculated on the potential and possibility of nanosized materials.
• He envisioned etching lines of few atoms wide with beams of electrons-today’s
electron beam lithography, used for making silicon chips. He envisioned building
circuits of nanometer scale for use in computer-today’s nanoelectronics. He
recognized the existence of nanostructures in biological systems- biological
• He proposed manipulating individual atoms to make new small structures having very
different properties.
• Ralph landaner, from IBM, proposed nanoscale electronics in 1957. Magnetic fluids
consisting of nanosized magnetic particles were developed in 1960s. In the early
1970s, Bell laboratories and IBM fabricated the first 2 dimensional quantum wells.
Laser vapour deposition method resulted in development of metal nanoclusters in
1981. Later, this method was used to synthesize the fullerene.
• The inventions of Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) in 1981 and Atomic Force
Microscope (AFM) in 1986 provided new important tools for viewing, characterizing
and atomic manipulation of new structures.
• Ijima made Carbon nanotubes in 1991. Super conductivity and Ferro magnetism were
found in C60 structures.
• In 1994, stable gold nanoparticles were made in solution.
• In 1996, scientists at IBM succeeded in moving and precisely positioning individual
molecules at room temperature. In 1999, molecular logic gates were created.
• From 2000, quite a lot of research and development activities are in progress.
• All materials are composed of grains, which in turn comprise of many atoms.
Conventional materials have grains of size varying from hundreds of microns to
• Nanomaterials could be defined as those materials which have structural components with
size less than 100nm at least in one dimension.
• Materials that are Nano scale in one dimension (and are extended in the other two
dimensions) are layers, such as thin films or surface coatings.
• Materials that are Nano scale in two dimensions (and are extended in one dimension)
include nanowires and nanotubes.
• Materials that are nanoscale in three dimensions are particles, for example,
precipitates, colloids and quantum dots (tiny particles of semi conductor devices)
• The factors that differentiate Nano materials from bulk materials are the increase in
surface area to volume ratio and quantum confinement effects.
• As the size of the sphere decreases, the above ratio increases. Alternatively, if the
material is cubic, as it is divided into small cubes, then also, the surface to volume
ratio increases. Hence, the nanomaterials possess large value of surface area to
volume ratio as compared to the bulk materials.
Classification of Nanomaterials
Materials referred to as nanomaterials generally fall into two categories.
1) Fullerenes
2) Nanoparticles
Ex: Gold nanoparticles are stabilized sterically by coating with a layer of polymer or
protein. By attaching ligands with a negatively charged end group, a repulsive force between
the particles can be created, thus avoiding the particles to merge.
1 Physical Properties
At the macro scale, the physical and chemical properties are not dependent on the size of the
material, but at the nanoscale, everything, including colour, melting point and chemical
properties will change, compared to what they exhibit on a macro scale. The various physical
properties are explained below.
(i)Geometric structure
• Large nanoparticles have the same crystal structure as that of the bulk material, but
different lattice parameters.
• In nanomaterials, the surface area to volume ratio increases. Similarly, the
interatomic distance decreases by reducing the size of nanoparticles.
For ex., nanoscale gold particles can be orange, purple, red or greenish in colour,
depending on their grain size. The bulk copper is opaque whereas nanoparticle copper is
transparent. Porous silicon exhibits red photoluminescence, but bulk silicon does not
show this effect.
(iii)Thermal properties
• The melting point of nanogold decreases from 1200k to 800k as the size of the
particles decreases from 300Ao to 200Ao.
• The Debye temperature and ferro electric phase transition temperature are lower for
Nano materials.
• Super plasticity of nanomaterial occurs at lower temperatures by reducing the grain
• Stable Aluminium becomes combustible in nano phase. Solid Gold changes to liquid
as it goes from bulk to nanomaterial at room temperature.
The magnetic properties of nanomaterials are different from that of bulk materials.
• In nanomaterials single domains are used, unlike large no of domains in bulk
materials. The co-ercivity of single domain is very large.
• Fe, Co, Ni and Gd are ferro magnetic in bulk but they exhibit super paramagnetism in
the nanophase. Na, K and Rh are Paramagnetic in bulk but in nanophase, they are
• Small clusters (containing less than 80 atoms) of non-magnetic substances show
spontaneous magnetic moment where as in the case of magnetic nanoparticles, the
magnetic moment is reduced.
• Clusters of non-magnetic element, supported on metal substrates also show
magnetism. This shows that small particles possess more magnetism than the bulk
material. Nanoparticles of even non-magnetic solids are found to be magnetic.
(v)Electronic properties
• The electrical conductivity and energy band width of some materials change when
they pass from bulk phase to nanoparticle phase. For Ex., bulk silicon is an insulator;
it becomes a conductor in the nano phase. Nanomaterial semi-conductors such as Ge
and Si do not show semi-conducting property.
• In nanoceramics and in nanomagnetic composites, electrical conductivity increases
with reducing particle size. In metals, electrical conductivity decreases with reducing
particle size.
• By reducing the size of metal particles from bulk top nano, the energy bands become
narrower and hence the ionization potential energy increases.
(vi)Mechanical properties
2 Chemical Properties
• The nanostructures in chemistry are colloids and these are formed in a condensed
phase having sizes in the range of 1-100nm.
• The ionization potential increases as the cluster size drops below the bulk limit and it
has limited applicability.
• Clusters of Platinum, Iridium or Osmium reduced to the size of 1nm, and supported
on Aluminium or silica exhibits electronic properties similar to those found for large
crystallites of the metal.
• The reactivity of a cluster depends on the cluster size. This is useful in preparation of
catalytic agents.
• Some chemically inert bulk materials become good chemical catalysts in the nano
Ex: Gold, Platinum.
• Most of the metals do not absorb hydrogen; those that absorb have a metal to
hydrogen atom ratio of 1. The small positively charged clusters of Ni, Pd and Pt,
containing atoms in between 2 to 60, can absorb hydrogen atoms up to 8 per metal
• The hydrogen absorption increases with the decrease in the cluster size. Thus, small
particles may be very useful in hydrogen storage in metals.
Production of Nanomaterials
Plasma Arcing
Sol-Gel method
• In solutions, nanosized molecules are dispersed randomly whereas in colloids, the
molecules have diameters in the range of 20µm-100µm and are suspended in the
solvent. So, the colloid appears cloudy.
• A colloid that is suspended in a liquid is called a Sol. The gelation of the sol in the
liquid to form a network is called gel. Gel is the suspension that keeps its shape.
• Sol-gel formation occurs in different stages.
(a) Hydrolysis
(b) Condensation and polymerization of monomers to form particles.
(c) Agglomeration of particles.
This is followed by the formation of networks which extends throughout the liquid
medium and forms a gel.
• Using sol-gel method, silica gels, zirconia and yttrium gels and aluminosilicate gels
are formed. Nanostructured surfaces are formed using the sol-gel method.
• In this method, the material is heated to gaseous phase and allowed to condense on a
solid surface in vacuum.
• Nanomaterials of metallic oxides or metallic carbides can be formed by heating metal
and carbon or metal and oxygen, in a vacuum chamber to gaseous phase, and
allowed to deposit on the surface of a solid.
• Pure metal powders (nanoparticles) are formed by this method. The metal is melted,
excited with microwave frequency and vaporized to produce plasma at 1500oc. By
cooling this plasma with water in a reaction column, nanoparticles are produced.
• The grain size of the nanoparticles depends on the concentration of the metal vapour,
its rate of flow in the reaction column and temperature. This method can also be used
to grow surfaces.
(d) Cathodic arc deposition: In this a high power arc is directed at the target material,
that blasts away some of the material into vapour.
(e) Pulsed laser deposition: In this high power pulsed laser ablates the material from the
target into a vapour.
In all these methods, the material is converted into vapour phase, for further
deposition on the substrate.
• This is a top-down technique, producing very small structures from larger pieces of
the material.
• In this method, small balls of the material are made to rotate inside a drum and drop
under the influence of gravity, onto a solid present in the drum. The solid is broken
into nanocrystallites.
• This is also known as mechanical crushing. This method is used for a large number of
elements and nano oxides. For example, Iron nanoparticles of 13-30 nm can be
Electro deposition
Characterization of Nanomaterials
The characterization technique that is employed for the characterization of Nanomaterial
depends on the type and application of the nanomaterial. For all Nanomaterials, particle size
determination is essential and this can be done using X-ray diffraction and Electron
• Phase identification using X-ray diffraction lies mainly on the position of the peaks in
the diffraction profile and to some extent on the relative intensities of these peaks.
• The shape, particularly the width of the peak is a measure of the amplitude of thermal
vibrations of the atoms at their regular lattice sites.
• It can also be a measure of any deviations from the normal structure.
Ex: Plastic deformation, impurity doping, second phase addition to the host phase.
When X-ray powder pattern is taken on poly crystalline powders, the crystallite size
causes peak broadening. The crystallite size is easily calculated as a function of peak
width, specified as Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM), peak position and
wavelength. The average crystallite size ‘L’ is given by,
〈𝑳〉Vol =
𝑩𝟏/𝟐 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽𝑩
Where, θB is the Bragg’s angle B1/2 is FWHM of the diffraction peak; K is a constant
and λ is the wavelength of X-rays used.
Fig. 10.12 X-ray diffraction of Ag nanoparticles
Electron Microscopy
Electron microscopes are a beam of highly energetic electrons to examine objects on a
very fine scale. The examination gives information about,
a) Topography: The surface features of the object or “how it looks,” its texture, relation
between them and the material properties (hardness, reflectivity etc.,)
b) Morphology: The shape and size of the particles making up the object, direct relation
between these structures and material properties (ductility, strength, reactivity etc.,)
c) Composition: The elements and compounds that the object is composed of, direct
relation between composition and material properties (melting point, reactivity,
hardness etc.,)
d) Crystallographic information: Atomic arrangement in the object, relation between
them and the material properties (conductivity, electrical properties, strength etc.,)
The beam strikes the phosphor screen and image is formed on the screen. The darker areas of
the image represent thicker sample areas since these areas transmit lesser electrons. The
brighter areas of the image represent thinner sample areas since these areas transmit more
TEM gives the information about
1) Morphology: The size, Shape and arrangement of particles as well as their relationship to
one another on the scale of atomic diameters.
2) Crystallographic information: The arrangement of atoms in the specimen and their
degree of order, detection of atomic scale defects, a few nanometers in diameter.
3) Compositional information: The elements and compounds, the sample is composed of and
their relative ratios.
Applications of Nanotechnology
1) Electronics industry
• Reduction in size of electronic components leads to faster switching times.
• Nanotechnology includes fabrication of nanowires used in semiconductors.
• Porous silicon emits visible light. So, it finds application in optoelectronics.
• Quantum dot laser emits good quality laser beam compared to semiconductor laser
diodes. They are cheaper and the emitted wavelength depends on the diameter of the
• Materials like nanocrystalline selenide, zinc sulphide, lead telluride and cadmium
sulphide synthesized by sol-gel method improve the resolution of the image in
television or in a monitor. The resolution depends on the size of the pixel made of
phosphors. The resolution increases as the size of the pixel reduces.
• Batteries made of nanocrystalline nickel and metal hydrides are long lasting and
require minimal recharging.
2) Industry
• Nanocrystalline materials such as tungsten carbide, titanium carbide are harder than
conventional materials. They are more wear resistant and erosion resistant. So, they
can be used in cutting tools and drilling bits.
• Nanocrystalline silicon nitride and silicon carbide are used in the manufacturing of
high strength springs, ball bearings and valve lifters.
• Nanocrystalline ceramics such as zirconia are easily pressed and sintered into
various shapes at lower temperatures, because they are softer than conventional
5) Aero gels
• Aero gels are nanocrystalline and porous. Hence, air is trapped at the interstices.
These materials can be used in offices and homes to reduce cooling and heating bills
by saving power. These are also used for smart windows so that the materials become
darkened when the sun is too bright and lightened when the sun is not shining
6) Energy efficiency
• Energy consumption can be greatly reduced by using quantum edged atoms or LEDs
instead of ordinary filament bulbs.
• Nanostructures have increased solar energy conversion efficiency as compared to
ordinary semiconductor solar cells.
• In hydrogen fuel cells, nanostructured catalyst material is used on carbon supported
noble metal particles, with diameters between 1 & 5nm.
• For hydrogen storage, CNTs, zeolites etc., are used.
7) Medical field
• Nanomaterials are used in the development of diagnostic devices, drug delivery
vehicles, and analytical tools and in physical therapy applications.
• The genetic sequence of a sample can be detected by tagging gold nanoparticles with
short segments of DNA.
• Magnetic nanoparticles are used to label molecules, structures or micro organisms of
an antibody.
• Iron nanoparticles are used in cancer treatment. Nanotechnology is used to repair or
to reproduce damaged tissue.
8) Textile industry
Clothes made of nanofibers are water and stain repellent and wrinkle free. They can
be washed less frequently at low temperatures.
9) Information technology
Nanoscale fabricated magnetic materials are used in data storage. Quantum
computers use fast quantum algorithms and have quantum bit memory space (qubit).
So, it involves several computations at the same time.
10) Cosmetics
• Sunscreens based on mineral nanoparticles such as titanium-di-oxide offer several
advantages. They have high UV protection compared to the bulk material. In addition
to these, there are quantum dots, suntan lotion, nanotubes, and protective coatings.
• Fullerenes (C60) are used as lubricants (molecular ball bearings), diamond seeding,
diamond protection, xerographic materials, photo chronic goggles etc.
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It is a device to produce a powerful monochromatic narrow beam of light in which the waves
are convergent. Laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of
Maser is an acronym of microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
The light emitted from the conventional light source (eg: sodium lamp, candle) is said to be
incoherent. Because the radiation emitted from different atom do not have any definite phase
relationship with each other. Lasers are much important because the light sources having high
monochromaticity, high intensity, high directionality and high coherence.
In the laser the principal of maser is employed in the frequency range of 1014to 1015Hz
and it is termed as optical maser. Laser principle now a day is extended up to γ-rays hence
Gamma ray lasers are called Grazers. The first two successful lasers developed during 1960
were Ruby laser and He- Ne lasers. Some lasers emit light is pulses while others emit as a
continuous wave.
The band width of ordinary light is about 1000A0 . The band width of laser light is about
10A0 . The narrow band width of a laser light is called on high monochromacity.
BAND WIDTH:- The spread of the wavelength (frequency ) about the wavelength of
maximum intensity is band width.
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Laser light is more monochromatic than that of a conventional light source. Because of this
monochromaticity large energy can be concentrated in to an extremely. Small band width.
The conventional light sources like lamp, torch light, sodium lamp emits light in all
directions. This is called divergence. Laser in the other hand emits light only in one direction.
This is called directionality of laser light.
Light from ordinary light spreads in about few kilometers.
Light from laser spreads to a diameter less than 1 cm for many kilometers.
When two light rays are having same phase difference then they are said to be coherent.
It is expressed in terms of ordering of light field
Laser has high degree of ordering than other common sources. Due to its coherence only it is
possible to create high power(1012 watts) in space with laser beam of 1µm diameter.
There are two independent concepts of coherence.
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SPATIAL COHERENCE: The two light fields at different point in space maintain a
constant phase difference over any time (t) they are said to be spatial coherence.
In He- Ne gas laser the coherence length( l c ) is about 600km.It means over the distance
the phase difference is maintained over any time .For sodium light it is about 3cm.
The coherence & monochoremacity is related by
ξ = (∆υ / υ) α 1/ l c
For the higher coherence length ξ is small hence it has high monochromacity
ξ = (∆υ / υ) α 1/ t c
Intensity of a wave is the energy per unit time flowing through a unit area.
The light from an ordinary source spreads out uniformly in all directions and from spherical
wave fronts around it.
Ex:- If you look a 100W bulb from a distance of 30cm the power entering the eye is
1 / 1000 of watt.
But in case of a laser light, energy is in small region of space and in a small wavelength and
hence is said to be of great intensity.
The power range of laser about 10-3W for gas laser and 109W for solid state laser
The number of photons coming out from a laser per second per unit area is given by
Light is emitted or absorbed by particles during their transitions from one energy state to
another .the process of transferring a particle from ground state to higher energy state is
called excitation. Then the particle is said to be excited.
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The particle in the excited state can remain for a short interval of time known as life time.
The life time is of the order of 10-8 sec, in the excited states in which the life time is much
greater than 10-8 sec are called meta stable states. The life time of the particle in the Meta
stable state is of the order 10-3 sec
The probability of transition to the ground state with emission of radiation is made up of
two factors one is constant and the other variable.
The constant factor of probability is known as spontaneous emission and the variable factor is
known as stimulated emission.
SPONTANEOUS EMISSION: The emission of particles from higher energy state to lower
energy state spontaneously by emitting a photon of energy hυ is known as “spontaneous
STIMULATED EMISSION: The emission of a particle from higher state to lower state by
stimulating it with another photon having energy equal to the energy difference between
transition energy levels called stimulated emission.
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Based on Einstein’s theory of radiation one can get the expression for probability for
stimulated emission of radiation to the probability for spontaneous emission of radiation
under thermal equilibrium.
ABSORPTION: If ρ(υ)dυ is the radiation energy per unit volume between the frequency
range of υ and υ+dυ
The number of atoms under going absorption per unit volume per second from level
E 1 to E 2 = N 1 ρ(υ )B 12 ------ 1
E 2 to E 1 = N2 ρ(υ) B 21 ------ 2
E 2 to E 1 =N 2 A 21 --- 3
No of atoms under going absorption per second = no of atoms under going emission per
1 =2+3
N 1 ρ(υ )B 12 = N 2 ρ(υ )B 21 + N 2 A 21
N 2 A 21 = N 1 ρ(υ )B 12 - N 2 ρ(υ )B 21
= ρ(υ )(N 1 B 12 - N 2 B 21 )
ρ (υ) = N 2 A 21 / (N 1 B 12 - N 2 B 21 )
= A 21 / [(N 1 / N 2 )B 12 - B 21 )] -------- 4
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(E - E ) / k T
N1 / N2 =e 2 1 B
= ehυ / k B T -------------- 5
ρ (υ) = A 21 / B 21 (e
hυ / k T
B - 1)--------- 6
ρ (υ) = 8Πhn3 / λ3 x [ 1 / (e
hυ / k T
B - 1)] ------- 7
ρ (υ) = 8Πh / λ m 3 x [ 1 / (e
hυ / k T
B - 1)] ------ 9
A 21 / B 21 = 8Π h / λ m 3
Where A 21 , B 21 are Einstein’s co-efficient of spontaneous emission probability per unit time
and stimulated emission probability per unit time respectively.
A 21 / B 21 << 1
The no of atoms in higher energy level is less than the no of atoms in lowest energy
level. The process of making of higher population in higher energy level than the population
in lower energy level is known as population inversion.
Population inversion is achieved by pumping the atoms from the ground level to the
higher energy level through optical (or) electrical pumping. It is easily achieved at the
matastable state, where the life time of the atoms is higher than that in other higher energy
The states of system, in which the population of higher energy state is more in comparision
with the population of lower energy state, are called “Negative temperature state”.
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Ruby laser is a three level solid state laser having very high power of hundreds of mega
watt in a single pulse it is a pulsed laser.
2) RESONANT CAVITY: A fully reflecting plate at the left end of the ruby crystal and
partially reflecting end at the right side of the ruby crystal both the surfaces are
optically flat and exactly parallel to each other.
3) EXCITING SYSTEM: A helical xenon flash tube with power supply source.
The chromium atom has been excited to an upper energy level by absorbing photons of wave
length 5600A0 from the flash lamp. Initially the chromium ions (Cr+3) are excited to the
energy levels E 1 to E 3 , the population in E 3 increases. Since the life time of E 3 level is very
less (10_8Sec). The Cr+3 ions drop to the level E 2 which is matastable of life time 10-3Sec.
The transition from E 3 to E 2 is non-radiative.
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Since the life time of metastable state is much longer, the no of ions in this state goes on
increasing hence population inversion achieved between the excited metastable state E 2 and
the ground state E 1 .
When an excited ion passes spontaneously from the metastable state E 2 to the ground state
E 1. It emit a photon of wave length 6993A0 this photon travel through the ruby rod and if it is
moving parallel to the axis of the crystal and it is reflected back and forth by the silver ends
until it stimulates an excited ion in E 2 . The emitted photon and stimulated photon are in
phase the process is repeated again and again finally the photon beam becomes intense; it
emerges out through partially silvered ends.
Since the emitted photon and stimulating photon in phase, and have same frequency and are
traveling in the same direction, the laser beam has directionality along with spatial and
temporal coherence.
He- Ne Laser
He - Ne gas laser consists of a gas discharge tube of length 80cm and
diameter of 1cm. The tube is made up of quartz and is filled with a mixture of Neon under a
pressure of 0.1mm of Hg. The Helium under the pressure of 1mm of Hg the ratio of He-Ne
mixture of about 10:1, hence the no of helium atoms are greater than neon atoms. The
mixtures is enclosed between a set of parallel mirrors forming a resonating
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cavity, one of the mirrors is completely reflecting and the other partially reflecting in order to
amplify the output laser beam.
When a discharge is passed through the gaseous mixture electrons are accelerated
down the tube these accelerated electrons collide with the helium atoms and excite them to
higher energy levels since the levels are meta stable energy levels he atoms spend
sufficiently long time and collide with neon atoms in the ground level E 1 . Then neon atoms
are excited to the higher energy levels E 4 & E 6 and helium atoms are de excited to the ground
state E 1
Since E 6 & E 4 are meta stable states, population inversion takes place at there levels. The
stimulated emission takes place between E 6 to E 3 gives a laser light of wave length 6328A0
and the stimulated emission between E 6 and E 5 gives a laser light wave length of 3.39µm.
Another stimulated emission between E 4 to E 3 gives a laser light wave length of 1.15µm. The
neon atoms undergo spontaneous emission from E 3 toE 2 and E 5 to E 2. Finally the neon atoms
are returned to the ground state E 1 from E 2 by non-radeative diffusion and collision process.
After arriving the ground state, once again the neon atoms are raised to E 6 & E 4 by excited
helium atoms thus we can get continuous out put from He-Ne laser.
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But some optical elements placed insides the laser system are used to absorb the infrared
laser wave lengths 3.39µm and1.15µm. hence the output of He-Ne laser contains only a
single wave length of 6328A0 and the output power is about few milliwatts .
We know that a molecule is made up of two or more atoms bound together. In molecule in
addition to electronic motion, the constituent atoms in a molecule can vibrate in relation to
each other and the molecule as a whole can rotate. Thus the molecule is not only
characterized by electronic levels but also by vibration and rotational levels. The fundamental
modes of vibrations of CO 2 molecule shown I fig.
CO 2 Laser is a gas discharge, which is air cooled. The filling gas within the discharge tube
consists primarily of, CO 2 gas with 10 – 20%, Nitrogen around 10 – 20 %
H 2 or Xenon ( Xe ) a few percent usually only in a sealed tube.
The specific proportions may vary according to the particular application. The population
inversion in the laser is achieved by following sequence:
Because CO 2 lasers operate in the infrared, special materials are necessary for their
construction. Typically the mirrors are made of coated silicon, molybdenum or gold, while
windows and lenses are made of either germanium or zinc sulenide. For high power
application gold mirrors and zinc selenide windows and lenses are preferred. Usually lenses
and windows are made out of salt NaCl or KCl ). While the material is inexpensive, the
lenses windows degraded slowly with exposure to atmosphere moisture.
The most basic form of a CO 2 laser consist of a gas discharge ( with a mix close to that
specified above) with a total reflector at one end and an output coupler ( usually a semi
reflective coated zinc selendine mirror ) at the output end. The reflectivity of the out put
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coupler is typically around 5 – 15 %. The laser output may be edge coupled in higher power
systems to reduce optical heating problems.
CO 2 lasers output power is very high compared to Ruby laser or He – Ne lasers. All CO 2
lasers are rated in Watts or kilowatts where the output power of Ruby laser or He – Ne laser
is rated in mill watts. The CO 2 laser can be constructed to have CW powers between mill
watts and hundreds of kilowatts.
In the case direct band gap semiconductors there is a large possibility for direct
recombination of hole and electron emitting a photon. GaAs is a direct band gap
semiconductor and hence it is used to make lasers and light emitting diodes. The wave
lengths of the emitted light depend on the band hap of the material.
CONSTRUCTIONS: The P-region and N-region in the diode are obtained by heavily
doping germanium and tellurium respectively in GaAs. The thickness of the P-N junction
layer is very narrow at the junction, the sides are well polished and parallel to each other.
Since the refractive index of GaAs is high the reflectance at the material air interface is
sufficiently large so that the external mirror are not necessary to produce multiple
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reflections. The P-N junction is forward biased by connection positive terminal to P-type and
negative terminal to N type.
WORKING: When the junction is forward biased a large current of order104 amp/cm2
is passed through the narrow junction to provide excitation. Thus the electrons and holes
injected from N side and P side respectively. The continuous injection of charge carries the
population inversion of minority carriers in N and P sides respectively.
The excess minority electrons in the conduction band of P – layers recombine with the
majority holes in the valence band of P-layer emitting light photons similarly the excess
minority holes in the valence band of N- layers recombine with the majority electrons in the
conduction band of N- layer emitting light photons.
The emitted photons increase the rate of recombination of injected electrons from the N-
region and holes in P- region. Thus more no of photons are produced hence the stimulated
emission take place, light is amplified.
The wave length of emitted radiation depends upon the concentration of donor and acceptor
atoms in GaAs the efficiency of laser emission increases, when we cool the GaAs diode.
1. Only pulsed laser output is obtained
2. Laser output has large divergence
3. Poor coherence
Laser in Medicine:
1) The heating action of a laser bean used to remove diseased body tissue
2) Lasers are used for elimination of moles and tumours, which are developing in the skin
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3) Argon and CO 2 lasers are used in the treatment liver and lungs
4) Laser beam is used to correct the retinal detachment by eye specialist
Lasers in Communication:
1) More amount of data can be sent due to the large band with of semiconductor lasers
2) More channels can be simultaneously transmitted
3) Signals cannot tapped
4) Atmospheric pollutants concentration, ozone concentration and water vapour
concentration can be measured
1. Explain the terms i) Absorption, ii) spontaneous emission, iii) Stimulated emission,
iv) pumping mechanism , v) Population inversion, vi) Optical cavity
2. What is population inversion? How it is achieved?.
3. Explain the characteristics of a laser beam.
4. Distinguish between spontaneous and stimulated emission.
5. Derive the Einstein’s coefficients.
6. With neat diagrams, describe the construction and action of ruby laser.
7. Explain the working of He – Ne laser
8. Describe the CO 2 laser
9. Explain the semiconductor laser.
10. Mentions some applications of laser in different fields.