Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
From time immemorial livestock rearing is given much importance not
only in developing countries but also in developed countries. In third world
countries, where the level of mechanization in agriculture is low, livestock
rearing is mainly for draught purpose. On the other hand, the use of animals for
draught purpose is low in developed countries owing to high level of farm
mechanization and the animals are mainly reared for the consumption of meat
and milk.
Livestock represents an important component of the agricultural sector
in Pakistan especially Sindh. Indeed, crop and livestock activities are, to a
great extent, interdependent upon each other for their functioning within the
farm sector. The latter provides inputs like farm yard manure (IFYM) and
The material presented by the authors does not necessarily represent the view point of editors and
the management of Indus Institute of Higher Education (IIHE) as well as the author’s institute*
Mohammad Pervez Wasim is Staff Economist , Applied Economics Research Centre, University
of Karachi: Pakistan
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 53
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
draught power for the crop sector and, in turn uses fodder, crop products and
residues. The livestock activities accounted for about 36 percent of the total
value of agricultural output and about 9.0 percent of the GDP in the country
during the year 1999-2000 (Economic Survey 2000-2001). The contribution of
livestock to the national economy takes different forms such as, yielding milk,
providing meat and by-products like leather, hide and manure. Its products
constitute an important source of foreign exchange earnings. Its net foreign
exchange earnings were to the tune of Rs.39.5 billion in 1999-2000. During the
year 1999-2000 about 9 percent of total foreign exchange earnings were
generated by animal origin products like wool, hides, skins, etc. The role of
livestock in rural economy may be realized from the fact that 30-35 million
rural population is engaged in livestock raising, having household holdings of
2-3 cattle/buffalo and 5-6 sheep/goat per family deriving 30-40 percent of their
income from it. Economic development in the Third World countries largely
depends on the ability of the rural poor to increase their disposable incomes. In
the present age of rising costs of fuel energy, expanding population and
growing realization of the hazards of environmental pollution, livestock can
help increase incomes and production over the entire year. It enables farmers
in these countries not to be overtaken by mechanization which is becoming
increasingly energy-intensive. Instead they can capitalize on other resources,
solar energy and under-employed labour, which are abundantly available to
them. It is estimated that some 55 percent of all the world’s cattle are found in
the tropics of the Third world as are 60 percent of the world’s buffaloes (mainly
in Asia). In countries like Pakistan, 40 to 60 percent of all goods taken to
market are transported by animals including camels, donkeys, buffaloes and
oxen. In predominantly agricultural countries (like Pakistan), livestock is an
insurance against harvest failures and a source of easily cashable investment
The population of cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats and camels has
become steadily more important in the livestock economy of Sindh during the
last two livestock census as compared to other provinces (Table 1). In Punjab
the population of cattle, buffaloes, sheep and camels decreased in 1996 as
compared to 1986. The population of goats increased marginally. In NWFP
the population of cattle, sheep, goats and camels increased while that of
buffaloes decreased in 1996 as compared to 1986. In Balochistan the
population of cattle and camels increased while that of sheep and goats
decreased. The population of buffaloes remained the same in 1986 and 1996
livestock census. Livestock population of Sindh, increased more percentage
wise, in NWFP and Balochistan. We have chosen the livestock population of
Sindh mainly because of two reasons.
i) Sindh is the major agricultural province after Punjab. The
productivity of most of the crops of Sindh is higher as compared to
Punjab. The population of cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats and camels
increased by more percentage in 1996 as compared to NWFP and
ii) Sindh has a larger percentage of small and medium farmers as
compared to Punjab. Since majority of the small and medium farmers
are poor therefore they kept their own livestock for draught and milk
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
purposes. Due to small holdings neither they can use machinery nor
afford it.
Table – 1
Punjab 50 46 71 64 29 26 36 37 34 23
Sindh 22 27 20 28 11 16 23 24 23 28
NWFP 19 21 8 7 9 12 14 16 7 8
Balochistan 7 6 1 1 48 46 24 23 36 41
Source: Pakistan Livestock Census, (1986 and 1996), Agricultural Census Organization,
Government of Pakistan.
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
2.1 A Male Buffaloes: Till 1964 buffalo was being divided in three
types. The Neeli and Ravi type is found in Punjab and Kundhi type in Sindh.
But those experts who attend the yearly national exhibition of all India and
Pakistan did observe and made a deep study of these types and concluded that
differences between Neeli and Ravi are not much important as far as the
economic aspect is concerned. They also say that going on selecting the
animals on the basis of a little different quality will make the list so long that
the whole exercise of selection process will prove to be ineffective.
Neeli Ravi: This generation is found in the valleys of River Satluj
and Ravi. The first farm of this generation was brought into action in Bahawal
Nagar of Okara tehsil in 1936 which was transferred to Quadrrabad in 1963.
The second farm of such buffaloes was situated in Mianwali in 1951. Beside
these the government of Pakistan granted two more farms in Kalabagh of
Tehsil Mianwali and Kalera of Sargodha Tehsil in 1960. Mostly these
buffaloes are of black colour having a white spot on forehead, white circled
silvery eyes, horns, long thin ground touching white tail. The colour of its back
legs, from hooves to ankle is white. In the middle of its body it is hefty with
raised forehead, long thinner head, sunken eyes, long thin and delicate neck,
gradually increasing its weight from the front to back, wide inflexible waist,
broad and levelled muscles are the liking qualities of Neeli Ravi. A young
buffalo has an average height, length, roundness and weight of the following
denomination. Height = 54”, Length = 62”, Roundness = 89”, Weight =
1763 pounds
A buffalo can be used for the following three purposes:-Breeding, Draught
purposes and Meat production.
Breeding: Those animals that are used for breeding purpose should get
the much of food which may not make them fatter or weaker. Therefore it
should be noted that they should be given, their diet according to their need. In
preparing the mixture of fodder for them precaution should be taken that gravy
parts may not be mixed in large quantity.
Draught Purposes: The bulls which are used for work purposes are
often used when they are castrated, but buffaloes are used without castration.
Their diet depends upon the nature of their job.
Meat Production: Meat plays important role in the development of
human body. Therefore in developed countries special steps are taken to get
meat from animals. They have special brands for meat provision. But in
Pakistan there is no brand like that. It is therefore needed that we may bring up
our animals in that manner that we obtain the required vitaminous meat.
2.2 Female Buffaloes: Buffalo is milk providing pet animal. From
ages it is brought up for three main purposes i.e. for milk, meat and field
cultivation. Its picture on seals found before 2500 B.C. shows that buffalo was
nurtured at that time as well. In earlier days buffaloes were used for cultivation
purpose but later they were traded as pet animals for milk. According to a
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
guess seventy percent milk is supplied by buffaloes and the rest thirty percent is
through cow.
Pakistani buffaloes are famous for large quantity of milk therefore
their demand is found in various countries of the world in which the names of
China, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand and Philippines are included.
Buffalo is an animal of water therefore it likes watery place more than dry land.
As such buffaloes are found more in those areas where water is in abundance
(for example Sindh) rather where the area is dry. In Sindh canal irrigation
system is very good and nearly about 90 percent of irrigation is through canal.
The fodder needed by a buffalo is double than a cow therefore it is mostly
nourished in canal areas because in those areas not only water but also fodder
can be found in plenty. Nourishing a buffalo in a dry and cold area is a difficult
job but a cow can be more fruitful in such climate.
Generally the sexual emotionalism called as heating appears after
twenty one days in buffaloes and remains for ten to thirty six hours. The desire
for sex remains suspended from the time of pregnancy till the end of the issue.
After three weeks of the birth buffalo again heats up. To find out sexual
emotionalism in a female buffalo is difficult without the presence of a male
2.3 Sheep: Sheep is a tame animal which provides milk, meat
and wool. It is called as animal of golden hoof. From the study of human
culture it appears that man started cattle breeding from sheep. During this
period Man was selecting such sheep which was least unruly. With continuous
companionship of men with properly selected sheep, the sheep have lost their
freedom so much that they have completely forgotten their self reliance. This
is the reason that sheep never leaves its herd and wherever a sheep goes
remaining sheep follow. If you like that sheep should go on an unknown path
then get a person to walk on that path in front of them and all sheep will follow
them. It almost never gives birth to twins. The lambs are usually sold at the
age of 4 to 6 months for slaughter. The wool is rather rough, and has
traditionally been woven into blankets. There are two shearing of sheep during
the year, in summer and in winter. The average weight of wool per shearing
was found to be 320 grams per ram and whether, 250 grams per ewe, and 180
grams per lamb, the annual production per animal being double of these
figures. Besides the sale of lambs and the culled adults, and of the wool, a third
important source of earning from sheep is folding the flock on farmer’s lands,
since the droppings are valued as rich organic manure.
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
the age of six or seven years decline starts in their breeding power. The
usefulness of the life of a breeding bullock depends upon its good care, proper
food, breed type and right utility. Using natural process of breeding every
bullock can be used for sixty to one hundred cows in a year.
Bullock either kept for scientific breeding or natural breeding it is
necessary that at the start such cows should be chosen which are fully
motivated so that difficulties may not arise at the time of mating. If in the
beginning the bullock commits wrong way of mating a cow the process will be
difficult to be corrected later on. Cows of high stature should be placed at a
lower place while short ones should be put in mating barricades so that the
energy of bullock may not be wasted. In order to be aware of energy of the
bullock its generating matter should be tested. Many cows may not be pregnant
if the bullock is partially or totally weak in fertilizing energy. It may also affect
the prospect of birth as well as the quantity of milk in the cow. In order to get
best advantage from a bullock, artificial process is adopted.
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
2.6 Goats: Goat is an animal for milk producing. God has gifted it
with special quality of fulfilling the daily needs of human being. The biggest
quality of this animal is the ability of facing any difficult condition. History
tells that goats are found in all countries of the world. In olden times the people
of Mohen-Jodaro and Harappa used to bring up goats. The bulk of goats were
their capital on which they used to live upon. These people used to eat goats’
meat, drink its milk, and cover their bodies with its skin.
Due to its importance and utility goats is still our focus of attention
even today. This is the reason that their number has increased, and its trade has
attained great approval in our country. Unluckily this profession has been
mostly in the hands of illiterates who are unaware of modern techniques of
developing this industry. As a matter of fact this animal is not brought up in
right manner with appropriate food. Mostly its energy is lost in searching food
in hard weather. Their health depends upon their better care. There is a basic
difference between goats and sheep in regard to kidding: There was hardly any
twin birth in the case of ewes. As for feed, the goat essentially depends on
grazing and browsing.
Indeed, the goat is an efficient browser and is a consumer of even the
poorest quality dry vegetation including stubbles. This is why these,
predominantly, are the animals found grazing on degraded lands, often leading
to a conclusion that the goats have been responsible for the degradation. That
the sheep and goats, particularly the latter, are responsible for degradation of
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
forest and other common land has been an unstated or stated assumption for
long. With their proper keep-up following advantages are obtained:
• Meat is obtained out of them which is comparatively more tasty and
delicious than other animals. Due to no acid in its milk it is better digested
by those who have weak digestive system.
• In mountainous areas goats are brought up for milk.
• Goats can also be brought up in unpopulated and desert areas in addition to
all types of climatic conditions where other animals find it difficult to
remain alive.
• Goats skin is used in making shoes, gloves, sandals, and book bindings.
• Goats dung is the best natural fertilizer for, fruit, flower and vegetable
plants. It also proves itself better in land fertility.
• Goat is less expensive and less eating animal.
• Goats dried intestine is very much useful in making tennis rackets.
2.7 Camels: The camel is also called a desert boat. For Arabs it is a
big capital. It is the only animal who can easily walk on sand with fast speed.
Since long ages this animal is used for travelling and carrying goods. History
tells that camel was used more for war purposes in olden time than today. In
facing journey troubles and difficult routes it has been the best companion of
human being. Having the quality of less eating, less sleeping and more labour,
giving it is also called as an animal of “darvaish” mentality. The hearing and
smelling power of camel is very sharp. It finds out its path from unseen routes
with great ease.
The camel serves the purpose of carrying goods and wide travelling in
those areas, where, particularly the movement of machine is difficult or
impossible. In addition to ground and boundary army the camel also serves the
purpose of police.
In the field of agriculture the camel is used in drawing out water from
well and ploughing the field for crop sowing. The job of two bullocks is very
well done by one camel. From camel hair and skin ropes, bags, blankets, and
tents are prepared. Even table lamps and oil containers are also made from its
skin. Its milk and meat is also used as a human diet. A common camel can
easily drag a weight of 30 mounds through camel cart. Without a camel cart
weight of more than 15 mounds should not be put on its back. It should not be
driven for more than twenty miles a day. During journey it should be given a
rest of 15 to 20 minutes after 5 or 10 miles. It should be given more rest of
intervals when it goes on heights. It should not be asked to sit on hard and
stony grounds. In order to keep it healthy an arrangement of its sufficient food,
water, and a comfortable place is necessary.
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
Table – 2
Population of Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats and Camels
in Sindh Province at Different Censuses
(in ‘000’ Numbers)
Type 1955 1960 1972 1976 1986 1996
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
Figure – 1
Trend Showing Population of Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goat
aand Camels in Sindh Province at Different Censuses
Population (000' Numbers)
1955 1960 1972 1976 1986 1996
Census Years
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
4.1 1976-1986: Total cattle population was 3874 thousand. During the
said ten years, it had increased by 35.7 percent (Table 4). Total buffalo
population was 3220 thousand in 1986. During the said ten years it had
increased by 75.5 percent. Total sheep population was 2616 thousand. During
ten years it had increased by 43 percent. The population of goats, which were
6755 thousands in 1986, increased by 59.4 percent during the said ten years.
The camels’ population during the said ten years increased by 51.3 percent.
During the said ten years the population of buffaloes increased by more
percentage (75.5) as compared to other type of livestock. Goats and camels
ranked second and third in percentage increase.
Table – 3
Percentage Distribution of Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats and Camels
in Sindh Total Live Stock Population at Different Censuses
(in Percentage)
Type 1955 1960 1972 1976 1986 1996
Cattle* 23.8 30.6 26.4 16.1 14.8 14.7
Table – 4
Comparison of Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats and Camels
in Sindh Province in 1976, 1986 and 1996
(in Percentage)
% Difference % Difference
Type 1976 1986 1996
1976-1986 1986-1996
Cattle 2854 3874 5464 35.7 41.0
Buffaloes 1834 3220 5615 75.5 74.3
Sheep 1829 2616 3710 43.0 41.8
Goats 4237 6755 9734 59.4 44.1
Camels 144 218 225 1.3 3.2
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
Table – 5
Annual Compound Growth Rate of Livestock between Two Points in Time
(in Percentage)
Cattle Buffaloes Sheep Goats Camels
1955-60 0.40 0.25 0.41 0.11 −1.04
1960-72 −0.05 0.12 −0.64 0.03 0.25
1972-76 0.02 0.19 0.78 0.62 0.59
1976-86 0.30 0.56 0.36 0.45 0.41
1986-96 0.34 0.56 0.35 0.36 0.03
1955-96 0.17 0.04 0.24 0.34 0.16
Of course the growth rates were not uniform from one livestock
census to the other during the 41 years, from 1955-96. Cattle and sheep
recorded a negative population growth rate in 1960 to 1972, while camels’
negative growth rate was in the year from 1955 to 1960. In other census years
though the population growth rate is positive but fluctuating. Buffaloes and
goats recorded positive but fluctuating growth rate, and do not show negative
growth during census years from 1955 to 1996. The smaller ruminants, like
goats and sheep are, however, able to recover fast.
The average size of land holding in Sindh is steadily declining and will
continue to decline until such time in the distant future when, due to
industrialization and consequent emigration from rural areas (or at least from
agriculture), the absolute number of people depending on agriculture begins to
The compound growth rates are estimated by using log linear functions on the census years on
population. The equation fitted to analyze the trend growth rate is semi-log exponential form.
Log Yt = a + bt where,
Y = population of cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats and camels
a = constant
b = expresses the rate of change and when multiplied by 100 gives the percentage
growth rate
t = time variable in year (1, ……, n)
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
decline. Along with smaller size of average land holding, the proportion of
small and marginal land holdings as well as the total land area under such
holdings will continue to rise, mainly because in Sindh a majority of the
farmers are poorer (Wasim, 1990). Many small and marginal farmers are
unable to maintain a pair of bullocks, often even one. But in these categories of
cultivators, the average bullock holding per hectare of net sown area is higher
than in the case of medium and large farmers. Therefore, over time the
proportion of cultivating households without a pair or even one bullock will
increase, but the total number of bullocks will also tend to rise. This will be
checked, if not reversed, by the growing use of tractors by medium and large
farmers. But, at the same time, expansion of irrigation and consequent multiple
cropping will mean increased demand for bullocks. Therefore, absolutely,
there is no reason to expect a declining rate of growth in the number of
bullocks. Of course, there will be a growing number as well as proportion of
farmers, essentially marginal and small, who will be without bullocks, because
they cannot afford to maintain these.
One reason for the low growth rates of buffaloes in Sindh during
1955-96, is that buffaloes are mostly used by small and medium farmers for the
supply of milk and the large farmers have a small number of buffaloes.
The advantage of goats is fully reflected in the growth rate of goats,
which is the highest, much higher than all the type of livestock.
The reason for the low growth rate of sheep than goats during 1955-96
in Sindh is that sheep survive in dry zones – cold or hot, while goat survive in
widely differing climatic conditions.
The greater profitability of goats than sheep under prevailing
conditions in Sindh is mainly due to two reasons: a) the number of kids born
per goat, on an average, is greater than per sheep, and (b) the value of output
per goat from milk is higher than the value of wool and folding per sheep. It is
not surprising, therefore, that while sheep keeping is confined in the province to
a small percentage of households, belonging mainly to the traditional shepherd
class; goat keeping is expanding steadily with the poorer households in Sindh.
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
compared to 1986. The highest number of sheep increased (by 448 thousand)
in Jacobabad and remained same in Thatta – (170 thousand) and Sukkur (1919
thousand) in 1996 as compared to 1986. The number of goats increased in all
the districts except Thatta, Sanghar, Larkana and Shikarpur in 1996 as
compared to 1986. The highest number of goats (2971 thousand) are found in
Tharparkar and lowest in Shikarpur in 1996 as compared to 1986. The highest
number of increment (by 1292 thousand) was recorded in Tharparkar and
lowest increment was recorded in Badin (by 26 thousand). The maximum
number of camels (109 thousand) are found in Tharparkar in both the censuses
mainly because the climate is too hot. Since Tharparkar is a deserted district,
the camels are mostly used for journey and transportation. In Dadu also, its
population is high because most of the areas in Dadu consist of mountains and
forests. In these situations camels are mostly used for transportation purposes.
The highest number of population of cattle, sheep, goats and camels in
Tharparkar are mainly because the valley of Nagarparkar is richer in vegetable
growth which support these type of livestock. Grazing facilities are also
available in Tharparkar in large area. A large number of buffaloes in
Hyderabad and Nawabshah are mainly because in these two districts there are a
large number of big farmers who can afford their farming.
Table – 6
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
Table – 7
Distribution of Sample Households Keeping Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats and Camels
according to the Size of their Cultivated Land Holdings, Sindh, 2000
medium land. They can easily afford to keep sheep, goats, and buffaloes as
compared to cattle. This is also clear from the table that large farmers consist of
those households who has more percentage of cattle and buffaloes as compared
to sheep and goats. The small and medium household farmers keeping more
percentage of buffaloes, sheep and goats as compared to cattle are because they
are used for milk production and the number of kids born per goat and sheep,
on an average is greater. Large farmers consist of less percentage of cattle and
buffaloes household as compared to small and medium farmers. The less
percentage of cattle household keeping by large farmers is mainly because they
can afford to use modern technology. Since large farmers have enough income
from their cultivated land therefore they do not need to have buffalo farming in
order to sell milk.
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
The major objective of this study was to see the trend and growth rate
of cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats and camels in Sindh during 1955 to 1996,
livestock censuses. The study comes with the following major conclusions.
The population of cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats and camels have become
steadily more important in the livestock economy of Sindh during the last two
livestock census as compared to other provinces. Cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats
and camels population showed an increasing trend during 1955 to 1996
censuses except cattle in 1972 and 1976, sheep in 1972, and camels in 1960,
1972 and 1976, when it showed a decreasing trend in Sindh. The population of
goats and buffaloes recorded a positive trend during 1955 to 1996 censuses.
the population of goats are maximum among all the types of livestock. The
population percentage of buffaloes, sheep, goats and camels decreased while
that of cattle increased during 1986-1996, as compared to 1976-1986. The
change in the composition of livestock population was because of the much
higher growth rate in the number of the small ruminants, particularly the goats,
compared to that of buffaloes. Among the large ruminants, cattle, buffaloes
and camels showed very different rates of growth: cattle recorded an average
annual growth rate of 0.17 percent, buffaloes 0.04 percent and camels 0.16
percent only, while goats and sheep a rate of 0.34 and 0.24 percent respectively.
Thus the two types of livestock that showed relatively high growth rates over
the four decades are goats and sheep; the cattle, camels and buffaloes recorded
relatively low growth rates. Cattle and sheep recorded a negative population
growth rate in 1960-1972, while camels negative growth rate was in the year
1955-1960. In other census years though the population growth rate is positive
but fluctuating. Buffaloes and goats recorded positive but fluctuating growth
rate, and do not have negative growth during census years 1955-1996. The
smaller ruminants, like goats and sheep are, however, able to recover fast. One
reason for the low growth rates of buffaloes in Sindh during 1955-96, is that
buffaloes are mostly used by small and medium farmers for the supply of milk
and the large farmers have a small number of buffaloes. The advantage of
goats is fully reflected in the growth rate of goats, which is the highest, much
higher than all the types of livestock. The reason for the low growth rate of
sheep than goats during 1955-96 in Sindh is that sheep survive in dry zones –
cold or hot, while goat survive in widely differing climatic conditions. The
greater profitability of goats than sheep under prevailing conditions in Sindh is
mainly due to two reasons: (a) the number of kids born per goat, on an average,
is greater than per sheep and (b) the value of output per goat from milk is
higher than the value of wool and folding per sheep. It is not surprising,
therefore, that while sheep keeping is confined in the province to a small
percentage of households, belonging mainly to the traditional shepherd class,
goat keeping is expanding steadily with the poorer households in Sindh. The
highest number of cattle, sheep, goats and camels in Tharparkar are mainly
because the valley of Nagarparkar is richer in vegetable growth, which support
these type of livestock. Grazing facilities are also available in large area. A
large number of buffaloes in Hyderabad and Nawabshah are mainly because in
these two districts there are a larger number of big farmers who can afford their
farming. Large farmers consist of those households who have more percentage
of cattles and buffaloes as compared to sheep and goats. The small and
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55
Trends and Growth in Livestock Population in Sindh: A Comparison of Different Censuses
Mohammad Pervez Wasim
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, (Spring, 2007) 53-69 55