mainsail trimming
Matthieu Sacher, Frédéric Hauville, Régis Duvigneau, Olivier Le Maître,
Nicolas Aubin
with the Expected Improvement defined by
-1.5 EI(x) = ˆy2 (x) [u(x) (u(x)) + (u(x))] ,
-2.0 ŷ(x⇤⇤ ) ŷ(x)
u(x) = , (14)
-2.5 ˆy2 (x)
-1.50 -1.25 -1.00 -0.75
-0.50 -0.25 0.00
where and = 0 denote respectively the cumulative dis-
tributions (Erf-function) and density of the standard Gaus-
(a) Assuming ✏ = 0. sian distribution, and x⇤⇤ is the effective best solution:
x⇤⇤ = arg min [ŷ(x) + ˆ (x)] . (15)
1.0 x2⌦
0.5 Meta-model
+ 3σ
- 3σ
When the optimum x⇤ of the AEI is determined, the cor-
0.0 responding performance P(x⇤ ) is evaluated and is included
in the database. A new GP model can then be reconstructed
using the extended data base, leading to a new maximizer
-1.0 x⇤ of the updated AEI, and so on. The iterations carry on
-1.5 until some convergence criterion is satisfied or the resources
allocated to the optimization procedure have been exhausted
(e.g. reaching a prescribed number of performance evalua-
tions). Classical convergence criteria compare the distance
-1.50 -1.25 -1.00 -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00
between two successive iterates, in terms of optimal param-
x eters x⇤ or/and performance prediction P(x⇤ ). Overall, we
remark that each iteration requires the resolution of two op-
(b) Optimal ✏ = 0.143.
timization problems (one for the covariance parameters and
one for the AEI) and one evaluation of the performance. In
Figure 1: Effect of ✏ on the GP model.
practice, all results reported in this work were obtained us-
ing the nonlinear non-convex black-box optimization library
based on the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strat-
egy (Hansen, 2006, Hansen and Ostermeier, 2001).
base. Deterministic optimization approaches would classi-
cally choose x⇤ as the best control parameters, that is the EXPERIMENTAL OPTIMIZATION
minimizer of the meta-model over ⌦. However, GP mod-
els are random and not even bounded, so the definition of This Section concerns the sail trimming optimization per-
the best control parameters needs to be clarified in this con- formed in the wind tunnel of the Yacht Research Unit
text. This is classically achieved by introducing an appro- (YRU) (Flay, 1996) at the University of Auckland.
priate (deterministic) merit function, and combining the ex-
pected prediction ŷ and its variance ˆy2 , requiring x⇤ to be
Experimental setup
the maximizer of this merit function. In fact, the merit func-
tion should balance a selection of x⇤ yielding the minimal The sail model is inspired by an IMOCA 60-foot design
expected prediction ŷ (optimality) with a selection of x⇤ in mainsail at 1:13 scale. It was designed and produced by
areas of large variance ˆy2 to reduce the GP model uncer- the sail-makers of INCIDENCES SAILS company. The sail
tainty. A complete summary of various merit functions pro- has a surface area of 1 m2 , for an height of h = 2 m, and
posed in the literature is provided in (Jones, 2001). In this is supported by a rig consisting of a flexible circular section
work, we use the Augmented Expected Improvement (AEI) carbon mast (constant diameter 14 mm), clamped at its base
merit function (Huang et al., 2006) which is an extension of and without spreader, backstay or forestay. The sail and rig
the popular Expected Improvement (EI) (Jones et al., 1998) are set in the open jet test section of the YRU wind tunnel,
in the case of noisy estimations. The AEI merit function see Figure 2(a). The test section is 7.2 wide and 3.5 m high.
AEI(x) estimates the expected increase in the performance, Three stepper motors and a control card control remotely
taking into account the noise in the observed values and pe- the main sheet length (Lsheet ) and main car position (Lcar )
as shown in Figure 2(b). In the following, Lsheet and Lcar responding Reynolds number, based on the reference chord
are the only trimming parameters to be optimized. Note length c = S/h = 0.5 m, is Re = 1.2 ⇥ 105 . A multi-hole
that the remote system allows for changing these trimming pressure probe (Cobra Probe) was used to measure profiles
parameters without switching off the wind tunnel flow and of the flow velocity at several locations inside the wind tun-
making a new tare of the measurement instruments. A pre- nel. These measurements were repeated with and without
cision of ±2 mm on the imposed trimming parameters was the sail model in the test section to verify its effect on the
estimated through repeated measurements. flow field. Typical profiles are shown in Figure 3; it can be
seen that the inflow has no twist.
(b) Close view on the trimming system. The aerodynamic coefficients are deduced from the aerody-
namic forces through normalization by the reference force
Figure 2: Experimental setup. being q1 S, where q1 is the reference dynamic pressure
measured in the wind tunnel (precision ±1 Pa). In (16), the
A six-components force balance, located under the floor coefficient 0.1 penalizes the side force to account for the re-
of the wind tunnel, was used to measure the aerodynamic sulting hydrodynamic drag and leeway that would be detri-
forces. The X-direction corresponds to the model longitu- mental to the performance. The optimization of the trim-
dinal forward direction (i.e. thrust force direction), while ming parameters then follows the procedure illustrated in
the Y -direction is defined as the positive port-side (i.e. side Figure 4. The primary loop, “Sampling loop”, generates an
force direction) and the Z-direction is the vertical. Af- initial Latin Hypercube Sample (LHS) set of 10 trimming
ter careful calibration and testing, the balance precisions in parameters (McKay et al., 2000). For each initial sample,
the X, Y and Z directions were estimated to be ±0.09 N, the experimental model is remotely set to the corresponding
±0.11 N and ±0.27 N respectively. An additional load sen- trimming values of Lsheet and Lcar . After the transient flow
sor, with 5 daN range, was used to record the load in the is over, the aerodynamic loads reported by the balance are
sheet with a precision of ±0.02 N. Flying shapes were also averaged over an acquisition time of 30 s to smooth-out the
recorded with a V-SPARS acquisition system (Le Pelley and remaining noisy fluctuations in the signals. When the (time-
Modral, 2008), tracking the position of five dark red stripes averaged) loads are collected for all the initial samples (blue
across the sail (see Figure 2(a)). loop in Figure 4), the GP based optimization is carried out
The wind tunnel inflow velocity was measured and found on the initial data set (red block “Trimming optimization”).
to have an apparent wind speed (AWS) of 3.5 ± 0.15 m/s The optimization provides a new trimming point, x⇤ , maxi-
for an apparent wind angle (AWA) of 40 ± 2 deg. The cor- mizing the AEI merit function.
In the “Optimization loop”, the experimental apparatus tion, contrasting two cases. In the first case, the measure-
is remotely tuned to the new trimming point x⇤ . The aero- ment noise is set to ✏ = 0 (noise-free situation) so the con-
dynamic loads are then averaged over 30 s and the new es- structed GP models are interpolating the experimental data.
timate of P(x⇤ ) is included in the database. The Gaussian In the second case, the actual measurement noise is deter-
Process model is updated consequently, generating a new mined experimentally and it is subsequently used in the GP
trimming points x⇤ . These steps (red loop in Figure 4) are model construction.
repeated until the convergence of the trimming parameters,
which is considered achieved when the algorithm proposes
two successive trimming points within a distance less than Experimental optimization with ✏ =0
1 mm (i.e the precision on the enforcement of the trimming
parameters in the experimental apparatus). The results of the experimental trimming optimization in the
case where ✏ is set to zero is now presented.
Start The GP model for the experimental P(x) function, af-
ter 36 iterations of the optimization algorithm, is reported
in Figure 5. Specifically, Figure 5(a) depicts the color con-
tours of the GP model mean as a function of the trimming
Dataset sampling parameters Lcar and Lsheet , while Figure 5(b) shows the
(10 points) standard deviation of the GP model. The black dots are the
data points where the performance was experimentally es-
timated. Regarding the location of the observation points,
Wind tunnel measurements we notice a large dispersion, highlighting the lack of con-
- Set trimming New trim vergence in the successive tentative optimal trimming can-
- Run and save 30 s didates x⇤ . In fact, the algorithm has explored the param-
eter domain ⌦ without discovering a particular sub-domain
of ⌦ likely to contain the global optimum. This can also be
Trimming optimization appreciated from the mean field of the GP model, in Fig-
- Build metamodel
ure 5(a), which, although smooth, presents at least 2 local
minima. The presence of multiple local minima is in fact
- Optimize AEI
Sampling Loop spurious and induced by the interpolating nature of the GP
model for ✏ = 0: the model is fitting the experimental
New trim
noise. This can also be appreciated from the standard devia-
tion field reported in Figure 5(b), which is zero at the obser-
vation points, denoting an inappropriate level of confidence
Wind tunnel measurements in the GP model approximation of P(x) at these locations.
- Set trimming Further, departing from the observation points, the variance
- Run and save 30 s of the GP model prediction quickly increases (observe, in
particular, the standard deviation field in the neighborhood
of isolated data points) and becomes large. As a result of the
Trimming optimization over-confidence in the model at measured points and high
- Build metamodel variance (low confidence) in unexplored areas, the optimiza-
- Optimize AEI tion process is led by the AEI merit function to propose new
candidates in relatively less populated areas.
New trim Figure 6 depicts the measured values of P(x⇤ ) at the suc-
cessive tentative optima as selected along the iterations of
the algorithm (the first 10 iterations correspond to the initial
Conv ? No Latin Hypercube Sampling of ⌦, and are not actual itera-
tions of the algorithm). The plot shows that the measured
Optimization Loop
performance is not converging and it sustains large fluctu-
ations having the same magnitude as for the initial random
sample: the complete absence of an improvement trend in
the successive measurement of P(x⇤ ) is characteristic of the
failure of the present approach. This unsuccessful test high-
lights the negative effect of not accounting for the noise in
Figure 4: Trimming optimization procedure. the estimates of P(x): it prevents the GP model to discover
trends in the actual performance function from the noisy ob-
Below, we present the results of the trimming optimiza- servations.
marginal likelihood in (12). Instead, ✏ is directly estimated
from the experimental apparatus, using repeated measure-
ments at the same trimmings. The same 10 previous initial
LHS points are used to determined the first GP model, with
the prescribed value of ✏ . Then the optimization proceeds
and a different sequence of proposed optima is generated as
the GP models differ from the previous experiment.
In particular, the optimization now converges in 33 iter-
ations, the last two proposed optima being in sufficiently
close distance (less than 1 mm). The convergence of the se-
quence of proposed optima can be seens in Figure 7, where
the mean and standard deviation of the GP model of P(x) at
convergence are plotted. In contrast to the case with ✏ = 0,
the clustering of the successive proposed optima is clearly
(a) GP model expectation. visible. Also, the mean of the GP model in Figure 7(a) re-
mains smooth and now exhibits a single well-defined global
maximum. The converged optimal trimming is found for
Lsheet = 133 mm and Lcar = 138 mm corresponding to
a predicted performance P(xopt ) = 0.397. The standard
deviation of the GP model, depicted in Figure 7(b), is seen
to be minimal in the neighborhood of the optimum, though
assuming values & ✏ . Other regions of ⌦ far from the opti-
mum are not explored by the optimization process, although
the variance can be large.
The convergence of the optimization procedure can also
be appreciated from the plot of Figure 8 which should be
contrasted with the results shown Figure 6. It shows a clear
improvement of the measured performance (after the first
10 random points). In fact after iteration 25, the remain-
ing fluctuations in the measured performances can be essen-
(b) GP model standard deviation.
tially attributed to the measurement noise. These remaining
fluctuations, with amplitude ⇠ ✏ , are much less significant
Figure 5: GP model of the experimental performance P(x)
compared to the previous case.
( ✏ = 0).
In summary, the global optimal trimming parameters are
determined despite the noise in the measurements, thanks to
the non-interpolating nature of the GP approximation which
smooths out the noise. Further, the optimum is found in
few iterations only, owing to the AEI merit function which
0.3 is able to disregard non-interesting areas of ⌦, even if they
carry large prediction variance.
A numerical model of the wind tunnel and sail model has
-0.2 been created to reproduce the previous experimental opti-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
mization problem. The objective is to assess the capabilities
Iteration of the optimization method, when applied to a coupled FSI
software, and compare the resulting optimum with the ex-
Figure 6: Experimental measurements of the performance perimental one.
for the sequence of proposed optima. Case of ✏ = 0.
Numerical model
Experimental optimization with noise
We briefly present the structural and fluid solvers used for
In a second experiment we set ✏ 2 = 0.0272 . This value the resolution of the FSI problem. Steady solution of the FSI
is not determined as part of the optimization of the log- problem are sought by means of a quasi-steady approach.
cables and Constant Strain Triangles (CST) membrane el-
ements of various types) for the static or dynamic simula-
tion of sail boat rigs in large displacement regime (Augier,
2012). The structural model for the simulations presented
hereafter is illustrated in Figure 9; it uses dimensions and
mechanical characteristics (for the mast, boom, and sail fab-
rics) measured on the experimental model.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
For the structural model of the sail we rely on the ARA The fluid domain is meshed using HEXPRESSTM , a
software developed by K-EPSILON. The code ARA consid- semi-automated mesh generator. Note that the mast is not
ers different structural elements (e.g. Timoshenko beams, meshed in the fluid solver. Regarding the turbulence model,
the SST k ! model (Menter et al., 2003) was selected with of the numerical optimization procedure is identical to that
wall function boundary conditions (Kalitzin et al., 2005). of the experiment in Figure 4. However, for the numeri-
This choice requires a sufficiently fine mesh over the sail cal optimization, ✏ is directly inferred from the data when
surface and at the bottom of domain (sea level) to correctly minimizing (12). In addition, the parameter domain for the
capture the vertical profile of the inflow velocity. The later numerical case has been increased to encompass higher val-
is estimated from the experimental profiles previously re- ues of Lcar .
ported in Figure 3, and its shown in Figure 11.
Numerical optimization results
Figure 12 depicts the mean value of the GP model based on
2.5 mean_U
the numerical evaluation of the performance. The GP model
is reported at the end of the optimization procedure, which
2 has converged in 34 iterations. The black dots correspond
again to the sequence of optimization points x⇤ in the data
set. We first remark the smoothness of the mean GP model
Z [m]
(a) Experimental.
(b) Numerical.