Air Layer On Superhydrophobic Surface For Frictional Drag Reduction
Air Layer On Superhydrophobic Surface For Frictional Drag Reduction
Air Layer On Superhydrophobic Surface For Frictional Drag Reduction
1. Introduction SHS and ALDR to attempt to achieve benefits shown for traditional
ALDR, but at a reduced gas flux to increase the achievable net
To achieve air layer drag reduction (ALDR), a significant amount energy savings. As an added benefit, this will also reduce the size of
of energy is required to supply the air from compressors. Although gas compressors and piping needed, and hence shorten payback
net energy savings are achievable, large compressors and piping time.
lead to reduced savings and lengthen the payback time on traditional Frictional drag can account for approximately 60% of a cargo
ALDR systems. Superhydrophobic surface (SHS) alone has been ship’s propulsive power requirement; hence, techniques that can
shown to enable reduced frictional drag in the laboratory, but its significantly reduce a ship’s frictional resistance can have a sub-
benefits are lost if gas trapped in microscopic air pockets (plastrons) stantial impact, both economically and environmentally, on the cost
on the surface is lost because of diffusion or entrainment. Fur- of operation. We explore the possibility of combining two pre-
thermore, durability of a SHS and its effectiveness at high Reynolds viously studied frictional drag reduction (DR) techniques, namely,
numbers are also still a topic of research. We propose to combine a ALDR and SHS DR.
ALDR is based on the general concept of air lubrication, pro-
posed as early as during the 19th century (Latorre 1997). Other
related air lubrication techniques are bubble DR (Madavan et al.
Manuscript received by SNAME headquarters February 4, 2019; accepted 1985; Kodama et al. 2000) and partial cavity DR (Butuzov et al.
March 12, 2019. 1999; Lay et al. 2010; Mäkiharju et al. 2013). ALDR has been
Corresponding author: Simo A. Mäkiharju,
This manuscript is from the 32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
studied in the laboratory (Elbing et al. 2013) and during sea trials
presented in Hamburg, Germany, on August 6, 2018. (Mizokami et al. 2010) by numerous investigators, and its energy
Co-author serving as reviewer: Simo A. Mäkiharju, University of California, economics have been analyzed based on the reported laboratory
Berkeley, Berkeley, California. results (Mäkiharju et al. 2012). When air is injected beneath a
Fig. 1 Model with flow from the left to right, as indicated by the arrow. Dimensions are in meters. Gas is injected through a 3-mm-tall slot on a 6-mm-
tall backward-facing step. All lower surfaces, except for the boundary layer trip, are hydraulically smooth with k1 < 5
The leading edge was a 8:1 machined PVC ellipse to avoid flow Wilkerson modular filter for removal of oil, particulates, and
separation above and below the model. On the under side of the moisture contamination down to .5 microns before flow mea-
leading edge, a 5-cm-wide strip spanning the width of the model surement. The gas flow rate was measured with an Alicat M-series,
with randomly distributed 140 micron roughness elements was used 0-1000 SLPM flow meter (Alicat Scientific, Tucson, Arizona), with
to trip the boundary layer. The painted plate downstream of the manufacturer-specified accuracy of .2% of full scale þ.8% of
injector had an arithmetic mean roughness of 8 2 microns and reading. One control valve at the receiver and another control valve
the root mean square roughness was 10 2 microns. For SHS, the after the flow meter were used to adjust the amount of air injected
arithmetic mean roughness was <1 microns. Assuming a turbulent through the piping. The air was equally divided between six 1/4 ”
liquid boundary layer with a zero pressure gradient and using the NPT injection pipes via two separate round manifolds. A diagram of
formula of Monkewitz et al. (2007) to estimate boundary layer the compressed air piping and valves is shown in Fig. 3. The six
quantities and shear stress, the painted plate’s roughness corre- pipes threaded into a .9-m .3-m 1.6-cm PVC injection plate
sponds to kþ < 1, such that the surface can be considered hy- machined with a cavity for even air flow through the injection slot at
draulically smooth. (Note: Were this not the case, as discussed in the backward-facing step. A .9-m .3-m .3-cm aluminum plate
Elbing et al. (2013), the roughness alone would increase the critical was screwed onto the injection plate and sealed with an O-ring to
gas flux to achieve ALDR.) prevent air leakage. The gas discharged from the back of the plate
The trailing edge of the model was a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) via a .8-m.32-cm injection slot on a 6-mm backward-facing step, as
plate machined into a cone to fair the aft edge of the 1.3-cm-thick shown by Fig. 4. Albeit, for practical application, it should be noted
aluminum plate. The model was attached to the carriage using four
vertical supports that were clamped to the carriage frame. A Na-
tional Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 0015 hy-
drofoil with a chord length of 25.4 cm was 3D printed with
polylactic acid (PLA) filament and painted to seal each hydrofoil
and prevent water intrusion. The hydrofoils were placed over the
vertical supports to avoid vortex-induced vibrations at the struts
(Fig. 2). Two-direction portable bubble levels were attached at four
locations on the test section and used to ensure the model was at zero
trim and list for the duration of the testing. The bottom of the
injection plate was maintained at .2 m (6 in) draft below the free
surface for all experiments. Fig. 3 Compressed air system diagram for the experimental setup
Compressed air was stored in a 227-L (60-gal) receiver and used. With strictly enforced symmetry at the pipe tee connection and
passed through a SMC 7- to 125-psi (SMC Corporation, Chiyoda, identical piping downstream of the tee connection, air was assumed to
Tokyo, Japan) nonrelieving pressure regulator with manufacturer- be uniformly distributed to the six injection pipes leading into the gas
specified accuracy of 2.5%. The compressed air passed through a injection plate
that gas would likely be injected through discrete holes (e.g., Adobe Photoshop image adjustment and measurement tools, the
Mäkiharju et al. 2017; Mäkiharju & Ceccio 2018), and in this case, static contact angle was recorded for each surface. For the painted
presence of SHS may further promote initial formation of ALDR. To aluminum plate, the contact angle measured 74 3° and the average
contain the air under and prevent it from leaking out the sides of the contact angle for the superhydrophobic (SH) coatings measured 156
test section, PVC strakes were installed on the side of the plate, 2°, as shown in Table 1. The experimental contact angle results were
extending 5.1 cm below the bottom of the test section. in close agreement with the coating company’s published contact
The carriage speed (i.e., flow speed in frame of the plate) was angle of 160–175°. Figure 5 shows the gradient image results on the
recorded based on the carriage wheel rotation rate using a Monarch painted non-SH aluminum plate and four different surface prepa-
ROS-W remote optical sensor (Monarch Instruments, Amherst, rations using the SHS coating. The results showed that the effec-
New Hampshire) through a F2A1X frequency to analog converter tiveness of the NeverWet commercial coating system is not
(Monarch Instruments, Amherst, New Hampshire), with manufacturer- measurably dependent on the roughness of the surface being applied
specified accuracy of .005%. All output signals were measured at 250 to, for surfaces examined. It should be noted that after testing, the
kHz with a National Instrument USB-6351 data acquisition board surface was found to remain hydrophobic, albeit degraded, in 5 days
(DAQ) (National Instruments, Austin, Texas) and recorded in Lab- of testing.
View. Each test run was conducted at the maximum carriage speed of
1.7 m/sec corresponding to ReL ¼ 5.1106. Two underwater cameras Table 1 Static contact angle for the MIC-6 aluminum plate using
(GoPro 5, San Mateo, California) were used to visualize the AL from various surface preparation techniques after application of two base
directly below and at an oblique angle during the experiments. During coats and four top coats of NeverWet. All measurements pre-
the experiment, the water temperature in the towing tank was measured sumably had an uncertainty of ±3° based on repeated contact angle
and found to be constant at 19 1°C. measurements
after any changes to the model. During actual data collection, and lowest flow rate measured corresponding to a tAL of 1.0 mm, the AL
with the assumption of a uniform bubbly mixture underneath the on the SHS extends to nearly the entire 1.8-m length of the alu-
plate, the recorded voltage drop was correlated with the calibration minum plate from the injection slot. The conical perturbation on the
curve established for the surface type to estimate the void fraction AL surface, appearing more significant because of the shallow
at a given carriage velocity and air injection rate. angle of lighting, is due to the pressure perturbation originating
from the leading edges of the strakes. We can note that for the
painted surface at tAL ≈ 1 mm, the AL (just a partial cavity forming
3. Results off the backward-facing step) covers only approximately 20% of the
length of the plate, and is spread nearly uniform across the span of
3.1. Critical gas flux results the plate. For increasing gas flux rates, the SHS plate continues to
Using underwater cameras mounted below and at an oblique maintain a steady AL coverage through the entire plate, whereas
angle, videos of the flow under the plate were taken and compared at small patches of air–water interactions occur on the painted plate.
similar gas injection flux rates at the draft pressure for the SHS and Over the SHS, a patch-free AL forms over the entire plate when tAL
painted plates. To ensure a similar aspect ratio between the two ∼ 2.8 mm. On the painted plate, an AL forms when tAL ∼ 6.4 mm,
surfaces, each photo was captured as the injection slot aligned with which is similar to the value predicted of tAL ∼ 6.5 .5 mm by
the right side of the frame. Figure 7 displays the results for varying extrapolating based on previous studies summarized in Mäkiharju
nominal AL thickness, tAL, increasing from the top to bottom, with et al. (2012).
the painted surface on the left and the SHS on the right. The nominal
AL thickness was defined, as in Elbing et al. (2008), as
3.2. Void fraction results
tAL ¼ : (1) Time-averaged void fraction data collected at the bow and stern
U‘ S
locations, 54.6 cm and 156.2 cm aft of the injection slot, re-
Here, Q is the volumetric flux at draft pressure, U‘ is the free-stream spectively, for the painted and SHS plates are shown in Fig. 8. The
velocity, and S is the model span. time-averaged data were collected when the carriage reached top
It is immediately clear, from Fig. 7, that the flux required to speed and the air injection reached a steady-state value. Early
form a stable AL at draft pressure is significantly less for a SHS impedance data collected were unreliable for the bow probe location
than a non-SHS hydraulically smooth painted surface. Near the and have been omitted. With the redesigned flush-mounted probe
4. Conclusion