Abstract-In the development of electrodes, in addition to the space-time yield it IS often us&l
to determine and to establish the degree of utilization of the catalyst.
This is particularly important
in the case of an expensive or scarce material. To evaluate the catalyst, such terms as the “degree
of utilization y” (cd quotient with and without transport limitation) and the “specific ctkctivc
surface area J” (product of q and the specific surface area s of the catalyst) are introduced and
derived for blpor-ous electrodes. The given equations denote lhe influence of the pore dlmenxons
and the reaction parameters. The degree of utilkation can be further affected by the electrolytic
and electronic resmtance in porous electrodes.
Monoporous Biporous
Fig. 1. Types of porous electrodes in electrochemical cells. clcctrolytc tilled diaphragm. 12 electrolyte
filled porous catalyst.
For the conversion of gaseous reactants. electrodes A diminution of the reactant concentration In the
with two mutually interlinked porous systems have coarse pore system can be kept small by streaming
proved to be reliable in fuel cell tcchnology[5]. The a mixture of electrolyte and reactant. In the case
transport of reactants such as HZ, CH,, CIH, and of a dissolved reactant like methanol, the con-
0, takes place in larger gas-tilled pores. and the clec- centration of the reactant in the active pores can
trode reaction proceeds at the walls of the finer elec- be higher by several orders of magnitude. But in
trolyte-filled pores. comparison the exchange current density i0 can be
Technically used electrode types, as shown by the distinctly below that of the gas converting ones.
micrograph of a supported electrode with silver- In the case of non-mixability of the electrolyte and
tungsten carbide cdtalyst[6] in Fig. 2, arc very close reactant, the reactant can fill the coarse pore system
to this model. The silver-tungsten carbide catalyst as a third phase. This is conceivable for instance
is active for electrochemical hydrogen conversion in for the reaction of benzene in sulphuric acid.
fuel cells with an acid electrolyte. The small active If the fine porous system is connected to the elec-
tungsten carbide particles are bound by silver to trolyte chambers on both sides, it can be equally
larger grains. The gas penetrates into the pores Rushed to minimize the concentration gradient[Q.
between the catalyst particles and dissolves in the
electrolyte at the pore mouths of the grains. Then
the gas diffuses into the narrow pores and reacts In earlier work[9] the current yield of an electro-
at the pore walls. lyte filled single pore wus derived by considering both
For the conversion of reactants such as methanol the diffusion of the reactants through the electrolyte
and formiate dissolved in the electrolyte, the three- to the pore walls and the charge transfer reaction.
phase electrode can be easily moditied so that the Saturation concentration c,, of the reactant is main-
coarse pores are used for the transport of the dis- tained at the pore mouth even under charge. Calcula-
solved reactants, see Fig. 1. tion showed that the IR-drop in acidic or alkaline
0 Wl I
3 4
1 I
5 0
/ 2
1 I
Pore lenqth. I , lo-4 cm
Pore length. I. ICY4cm
Fly. 3. Degree of utilization y of the pore of a catalyst Fig. 5. Degree of utilktion q of the pore of a catalyst
as u function of pore length i and pare radius qF/R’l’ = 1. as a function of pore length ! and polarization q.
electrolyte of the pore is negligible compared with The following quantities, unless stated otherwise, are
the total polarlation. kept constant:
The formula (3) indicates the nature of the depen- r = 6 x 10m7 cm, cg = 2 x IO-‘mol cmm3; D =
dency of the current yield IporC on pore size (length 10~5cm’s~ I; T= 298K. i0 = 10-hA.cm~‘; c( =
1, radius 1.). the parameters of the reaction (con- 0.5. They represent roughly the conditions for a hy-
centration c(,, diffusion coefficient D, temperature 7: drogcn-converting electrode with a Raney-nickel
polarization q) and the kinetic data (exchange cd iO, catalyst.
charge transfer coefficient 2):
The pore radius is chosen as parameter in Figs. 3
(I - a)Frl and 4. Polarization has been fixed at RT/F and at
IF”” = Z?rri, . i. exp ‘g - exp - 7 4 RT/F in the former and latter figures respectively.
( i In both cases the diminution of q values with declin-
ing r is perceptible. Fig. 5 illustrates the influence
tanh k (3)
of the parameter TV,and Fig. 6 that of iO,
These diagrams denote clearly how the degree of
utilization q can be adjusted by a proper choice of
nF,r.D,r, I.” W port dimensions.
j.= (4)
2io 2RT’ Some examples showing the influence on q values
C ! .exp--~
of the reaction parameter s are given m Table 1.
I indicates the pen&ration depth of the current. The anodic oxidation of gaseous hydrogen is com-
Without transport limitation (D c,,- m) one gets pared with the conversion of dissolved reactants. The
the ideal current I, pore dimensions have been kept constant corrcspond-
ing to those of a Raney-nickel catalyst particle.
Ii, = Iim Ipure Owing to the high c0 and low in values, the degree
D. ‘,,- Z of utilization y of the reactant A is not subject to
any IimitatIon, even at high polarization. The implica-
Ii, = 2nr I i, exp - - cxp - (JZ$! tion of these results is that narrow and long pores
c RT (coarse particles) can be tolerated. This knowledge
is significant for the technical design of electrodes.
When the ratio of lrorC and Ild 1s formed, one obtains The decrease of q values becomes noticeable only
the utilization coefficient y of a single pore: when the concentration reduces and the exchange
cd increases by an order of magnitude. This is indi-
&#,,, 2” cated in case 0.
tanh i_ (6)
y=I,m= 1
Using this equation, the decrease in the degree of
utilization can be expressed for given reaction condi- A practical electrode consists of catalyst parlicles
tions. This is described in Figs 3-6 with examples. with a large number of single pores. The degree of
\ &A, cm-”
1 1 1 I I I
1 I I I / 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 I 2 3 4 5
Porelength. L . 10-4C~
Porelength. 1. lo-4cm
Fig. 6. Degree of utilization 4 of the pore of a catalyst
Fig. 4. Degree of utilization 4 of the pore of a catalyst as a function of pore length I and exchange current density
as a function of pore length I and pore radius qF/RT = 4 i,,, qF/RT = 4.
Table 1.
utilization 4 is not altered by the addition of pores The physical dimensions are thus associated in the
of equal dimensions. factor B. The effective surface area f is dependent on
The specific cffcctivc surface arca will bc cstimatcd the pore radius r. We may discriminate three cases with
with the aid of a simple model. The catalyst particles respect to the L/I ratio :
in Fig. 7 arc dcscribcd as boards having the dimen-
sions h, 2 I and d. The particles are separated from (11)
one another by a distance y. The electrode has the
length a. The quantity y characterizes the macropore
system and is determined by the technical demands
of the transport of the reactants. In a gas diffusion
electrode the distance y is roughly given by the toler-
able gas pressure. If the electrolyte containing a dis-
solved reactant is flushed through the macropores.
J is determined by the available pump capacity. It follows from these equations that the specific
The catalyst particles are traced with pores having a effective surface area j” attains a high value if the
radius I’ and a length 1. They are accessible from two pore radius Y of the catalyst particles is small, and
sides. The number N of pores of a board is given that the quantity f is proportional to r * in the
by the porosity p: range /1</.
2h . d p In practical cases the pore dimensions are limited
N= mipm (7) only by the size of the diffusing molecules and ions.
7cr It is important to realize the influence of electro-
If1 porp is the current of one pore, the specific current lytic diaphragm resistance and electronic resistance
i in A/cm3 of the electrode is obtained by: in the catalyst and the electrode support. Therefore
the degree of utilization can be additively restricted
2&e P
by term q,,,.
i = (21 + y) 7-d
The polarization resistance w, of an electrode hav-
The quantities Ipore and i. arc known from the equa- ing a thickness d can he described by
tions (3) and (4).
Since s is the surface arca of the pore walls and
considering the degree of utilization q for single pores,
the specific ePfective surface area f can be expressed in which p is the resistivity of electrolyte volume
as: inside the working layer ie the diaphragm resistivity.
‘The meaning of k becomes clear from the limiting
value of the polarization resistance for negligible dia-
0 O-02 0.04 006 008 040