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Module3 3

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7/11/24, 10:12 AM

, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 3:
Reading and 31:55
Writing Hide

Amelia Earhart was a pioneering 1 Mark for Review abc

aviator and a significant figure in

the United States during the early Which choice completes the text
20th century. However, her with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?
influence was not merely ______
America: she became an Ⓐ restricted to
international symbol of courage
and determination, inspiring a
generation of female pilots Ⓑ separated from
around the world to break
through the barriers of a male-
dominated field. Ⓒ opposed to

Ⓓ alienated by

Question 1 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:12 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 3:
Reading and 31:40
Writing Hide

The human body is composed of 2 Mark for Review abc

various types of cells, each with

its specific function. For example, Which choice completes the text
neurons are specialized cells that with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?
______ electrical impulses,
playing a crucial role in Ⓐ inhibit
transmitting information
throughout the nervous system.
Ⓑ conduct

Ⓒ discourage

Ⓓ deter

Question 2 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:12 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 3:
Reading and 31:29
Writing Hide

The following text is adapted from 3 Mark for Review abc

The Shadows of the Canvas by

Tessa Silverman. In the novel, the As used in the text, what does
protagonist, Arlo, is deeply the word “gathered” most nearly
engrossed in the process of
crafting his piece of art. Ⓐ Combined
With each brushstroke and added Ⓑ Improved
detail, the work gathered more
intricacy, transforming its initially
ambiguous and ethereal form into Ⓒ Accumulated
one of sharper elegance and
intrigue. As time passed, the
primary motif of the artwork Ⓓ Created
became increasingly discernible,
even to the average viewer.

Question 3 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:13 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 3:
Reading and 31:18
Writing Hide

The following text is adapted from 4 Mark for Review abc

Mountain's Echo, a 1924 memoir

by Margaret Turner. Turner Which choice best describes the
narrates her experiences growing function of the underlined
sentence in the text as a whole?
up in a small mountain town.
Ⓐ It suggests that, despite
In my quaint mountain town, life the homogeneous environment,
individuality and complexity still
had a rhythm as steady as the persist.
heartbeat of the earth. Everyone
knew everyone else, and there Ⓑ It implies that the houses
was a comforting predictability to
our days. Yet each house, like the in the town are more significant
than the people who inhabit
people within, held its own unique them.
stories and secrets. When
evening fell, I would stroll along Ⓒ It stresses the
the winding lanes, gazing at the
houses silhouetted against the importance of architectural
diversity in shaping the town's
setting sun, each a symbol of a character.
life distinct and intertwined with
others. Ⓓ It insinuates that the
author feels disconnected from
the community despite its

Question 4 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:13 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 3:
Reading and 31:09
Writing Hide

The following text is from Declan 5 Mark for Review abc

Patterson's novel The Ivory

Tower. Arthur is an ambitious Which choice best describes the
scholar in a prestigious university. function of the underlined
sentence in the text as a whole?

Arthur was an intellectual, his Ⓐ It emphasizes Arthur's

world shaped by the rustling admiration for the university
pages of thick textbooks and
profound philosophical debates.
His ambition had always been to Ⓑ It hints at an impending
rise in the academic world, to crisis in Arthur's academic
leave an indelible mark in his field journey.

of study. Yet, as he walked

through the hallowed halls of the ⒸIt elaborates on an idea
university, he felt a sense of that Arthur is struggling with
trepidation. The grandeur of the feelings of self-doubt.
library, with its endless rows of
bookshelves, seemed to echo his Ⓓ It introduces a subplot
feelings of insignificance and about Arthur's personal
doubt. The scent of aged paper, research project.
the soft hum of focused minds –
all seemed to weigh heavily on his

Question 5 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:13 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 3:
Reading and 30:55
Writing Hide

The following text is from Sara 6 Mark for Review abc

Hale's 1872 novel Veils of Mist.

Theodore, the narrator, resides as Which choice best states the
a scholar within the secluded main purpose of the text?

haven of Ivorwood Castle. Ⓐ To showcase Theodore's

deep-seated passion for his
In the quiet hours of the early scholarly pursuits at Ivorwood
morning, while the world outside
remained shrouded in silence, I
found myself wrestling with a Ⓑ To depict Theodore's
myriad of thoughts about my private deliberations on leaving.
tenure at Ivorwood Castle. These
reflections, often as fleeting as Ⓒ To describe Theodore's
the morning mist, hinted at an meticulous planning for his
undercurrent of discontent with departure from Ivorwood
my current station. Yet, rather Castle.
than dismissing these musings as
mere distractions, I let them Ⓓ To reveal Theodore's
linger, pondering the potential appreciation for the solitude
paths my life might take beyond and tranquility of his
the castle's ancient gates—paths environment.

I was yet to tread or even fully


Question 6 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:13 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 3:
Reading and 30:45
Writing Hide

Industrial designer Gavin 7 Mark for Review abc

Matheson advocates for a holistic

approach to design that Which choice best states the
incorporates not only aesthetics main idea of the text?

but also sustainability. His latest Ⓐ Gavin Matheson has

creation, a line of eco-friendly
furniture crafted from recycled gained popularity for his unique
aesthetic sense in furniture
materials, echoes his design design.
philosophy. Since its launch, the
line has seen success not only for Ⓑ Gavin Matheson's
its chic design but also for its
positive environmental impact. furniture line is crafted from
recycled materials, which
Consumers commend Gavin's makes this furniture line eco-
commitment to sustainability. friendly.

Ⓒ Consumers appreciate
Gavin's eco-friendly furniture
for their stylish, sustainable

Ⓓ The line of eco-friendly

furniture has transformed the
design industry's perspective
on sustainability.

Question 7 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:13 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 3:
Reading and 30:35
Writing Hide

The following text is adapted from 8 Mark for Review abc

the 1913 novel The Laughters by

Rosamond Vincy. Opera singer According to the text, what is
Rosalind is listening to a true about Rosalind?

recording of her own Ⓐ She wants to understand

performance for the first time. Sinclair's thoughts on her

Rosalind walked around her

recording with a sense of Ⓑ She doubts Sinclair's
detachment, then finally turned to competence as a manager.
face it. Upon hearing it, she drew
back slightly, a blush of delight Ⓒ She holds recordings in
gracing her cheeks momentarily.
An expression of astonishment higher regard than live
crossed her eyes, overwhelmed
by the peculiar experience of
hearing herself from an external Ⓓ She is pleased by her
source. She stood rooted, own vocal performance.

oblivious to the fact that her

manager, Sinclair, was attempting
to communicate, his words
washing over her without
meaning. The realization of her
own voice's allure hit her like a
wave, a feeling she had never
experienced before.

Question 8 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:14 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 3:
Reading and 30:23
Writing Hide

Over the last two decades, the 9 Mark for Review abc

farming of Atlantic salmon has

become increasingly prevalent, Which choice best states the
driven by high market demand. main idea of the text?

This aquaculture practice Ⓐ The expansion of Atlantic

involves raising salmon in large,
netted areas in the ocean to salmon farming is a response
to its high demand in the
control their lifecycle from market.
hatchling to harvest. Critics argue
that farmed salmon can spread Ⓑ Most salmon farms have
diseases to wild salmon
populations and cause successfully eliminated the
spread of diseases to wild
environmental damage. Yet, in a salmon populations, according
comprehensive study analyzing to recent studies.

the impact of salmon farms on

wild populations across the North Ⓒ Despite controversies,
Atlantic, researchers led by Emily salmon farming has a minimal
Rayfield discovered that while impact on the genetic diversity
there are localized effects, the of wild salmon populations.

overall population genetics of wild

salmon remain largely unaffected. Ⓓ The debate over salmon
farming focuses primarily on its
potential to harm wild salmon
and the environment.

Question 9 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:14 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 3:
Reading and 30:14
Writing Hide

Social scientists have analyzed 10 Mark for Review abc

changes in technology use among

households over a span of 19 Which choice best describes
years. They concluded that the data from the graph that
supports the scientists'
percentage of households with a conclusion?
computer has plateaued while the
percentage of households with Ⓐ The percentage of
Internet access continues to rise. households with a computer
was always higher than the
percentage of households with
Internet access until 2020.

Ⓑ The percentage of
households with Internet
access exceeded the
percentage of households with
a computer in 2020.

Ⓒ Between 2010 and 2020,

the percentage of households
with a computer remained
similar, while the percentage of
households with Internet
access significantly increased.

ⒹThe greatest increase in

the percentage of households
with a computer occurred
between 2001 and 2005.

Question 10 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:14 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 3:
Reading and 30:04
Writing Hide

According to psychologists 11 Mark for Review abc

Helena Foster and Benjamin

Gross, experiencing joy—a state Which result from the
of happiness or pleasure—can experiment, if true, would most
strongly support their claim?
enhance individual creativity and
thus result in increased problem- Ⓐ Participants who solved
solving abilities. To support this more puzzles tended to use a
claim, Foster, alongside peers higher number of positive
Matthew Davis and Sarah Reed, words to describe the film clips
conducted an experiment where than those who solved fewer
participants were either shown a
comedy film clip (known to induce
joy) or a neutral documentary. Ⓑ Participants who solved
Subsequently, all participants fewer puzzles were more likely

were given a set of puzzles to to report having experienced

joy, regardless of the film they
solve. watched.

Ⓒ Participants who
watched the comedy film
solved significantly more
puzzles than those who
watched the documentary.

Ⓓ Participants who
watched the documentary were
significantly more likely to pay
attention to the puzzles than
those who watched the comedy

Question 11 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:14 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 29:44
Writing Hide Annotate

In an effort to improve public health 12 Mark for Review abc

outcomes, a city implemented a

program providing free public Which finding from the study, if
transportation passes to low-income true, would most directly weaken
the proposed explanation?
residents, aiming to increase access
to healthcare services, employment Ⓐ There was a noticeable
opportunities, and grocery stores increase in overall citywide public
offering healthy food options. transportation usage, indicating a
Researchers conducted a study to broader change in travel habits

assess the program's impact and among all demographics, not just
low-income residents.
found that while there was a
significant increase in public
transportation usage among the Ⓑ Many low-income residents
target demographic, there was not a reported that the locations of

corresponding increase in visits to healthcare facilities, employment

opportunities, and grocery stores
healthcare facilities, employment with healthy food options were still
rates, or purchases of healthy foods. not accessible by public

A proposed explanation for these transportation routes, despite the

free passes.
findings is that the provision of free
transportation passes alone is not
sufficient to change established Ⓒ Similar programs in other
behavior patterns without additional cities showed an increase in
healthcare visits and healthy food
supportive measures. purchases when combined with
educational campaigns about the
benefits of such resources.

ⒹAfter the introduction of the

free transportation pass program,
there was a significant increase in
attendance at community health
fairs and job fairs located near
public transportation lines.

Question 12 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:14 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 29:34
Writing Hide Annotate

Salinity levels in soil can significantly 13 Mark for Review abc

affect the germination rates of

seeds, with some plants Which choice most effectively uses
demonstrating greater tolerance data from the table to complete the
than others. A horticulturist aimed to
study this by examining four plant Ⓐ lavender, despite its low
types known for their varying salinity tolerance, showed a higher
tolerance to soil salinity: one with germination rate in high salinity soil
high tolerance, two with medium, than tomato, which has medium

and one with low tolerance. The salinity tolerance.

horticulturist measured the average

germination rates in both high and Ⓑ
rice maintained high
low salinity conditions. After germination rates in both high and
compiling the data, the horticulturist low salinity soils, indicating its

was surprised to discover that strong tolerance to salinity.

Ⓒ tomato seeds exhibited a
drastic decrease in germination
rate when exposed to high salinity
soil, more so than lavender.

Ⓓ all plants showed a

decrease in germination rate under
high salinity conditions, but the
extent varied according to their
tolerance levels.

Question 13 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:15 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 29:21
Writing Hide Annotate

In the densely forested eastern 14 Mark for Review abc

regions of Peru, an unexpected rise

in the local hummingbird population Which finding, if true, would most
has been observed. Notably, these directly undermine Penelope
Mendoza's hypothesis?
regions have experienced an
increase in frequency of forest fires, Ⓐ The hummingbirds in
which generally lead to a decline in eastern Peru are known to have a
avian populations. After extensive diverse diet that includes small
studies, ornithologist Penelope insects and spiders, apart from

Mendoza hypothesized that the fires, nectar.

while destructive, are causing a

proliferation of certain flowering ⒷSome local farmers have
plants upon which these reported seeing fewer
hummingbirds primarily feed. This hummingbirds around their crops

unexpected bloom could be in eastern Peru.

supporting the hummingbirds'

population growth. Ⓒ Other regions of Peru with
similar flowering plants but fewer
forest fires also show an increase
in hummingbird populations.

Ⓓ There has been a significant

decrease in the number of
predators in eastern Peru that
primarily feed on hummingbirds.

Question 14 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:15 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 29:12
Writing Hide Annotate

Táin Bó Cúailnge, an important epic 15 Mark for Review abc

in Old Irish literature, was largely

compiled by local scribes around the Which choice most logically
12th century. It depicts the society completes the text?

and traditions of Ireland before the Ⓐ while its content primarily

Viking invasions, and notes within
the epic suggest that its content predates the invasions, Táin Bó
Cúailnge also contains additions
largely predates these incursions. made after the Viking incursions.
However, certain passages
undeniably reference beliefs and Ⓑ although those who
practices typical of Viking society in
this era. Thus, some scholars have compiled Táin Bó Cúailnge were
proficient in Old Irish, they had
concluded that ______ limited understanding of Viking

Ⓒbefore the Viking invasions,

the scribes of Ireland borrowed
from the literary traditions of other

Ⓓthe references to beliefs and

customs of Vikings should be
attributed to a coincidental
similarity between the societies of
the Vikings and ancient Ireland.

Question 15 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:15 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 28:59
Writing Hide Annotate

Assessing the influence of early 16 Mark for Review abc

childhood education programs on

later academic success presents a Which choice most logically
methodological challenge due to the completes the text?

myriad of external factors that can Ⓐ rely heavily on anecdotal

affect educational outcomes.
Researchers aim to compare evidence and testimonials from
parents and educators about the
students who have attended early benefits of early childhood
childhood education programs with education.

those who have not, ensuring that

both groups are otherwise similar in Ⓑfocus exclusively on
socioeconomic status, parental comparing the immediate cognitive
involvement, and innate abilities. benefits in pre-school aged
Since it is impractical to randomly children, ignoring long-term

assign children to attend or not academic success.

attend such programs, researchers

must ______ Ⓒ utilize statistical methods to
control for differences in
background and characteristics
between the two groups of

Ⓓ abandon attempts to
measure the impact of early
childhood education on academic
success due to the inherent
complexities involved.

Question 16 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:15 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 28:49
Writing Hide Annotate

The Global Seed Vault in Svalbard, 17 Mark for Review abc

Norway, is a critical project for

biodiversity conservation that has Which choice completes the text so
garnered international attention. Its that it conforms to the conventions
of Standard English?
vast seed storage facilities ______
thousands of plant species for future Ⓐ to safeguard
generations, serving as a global
backup for agricultural diversity.
Ⓑ safeguard

Ⓒ safeguarding

Ⓓ having safeguarded

Question 17 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:15 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 28:39
Writing Hide Annotate

At a cursory glance, the architecture 18 Mark for Review abc

of Antoni Gaudi might seem like

whimsical creations inspired by Which choice completes the text so
nature. When studied, however, that it conforms to the conventions
of Standard English?
these buildings show themselves as
______ structural innovations Ⓐ marvels, and the
ingeniously integrated with aesthetic
Ⓑ marvels; the

Ⓒ marvels, the

Ⓓ marvels. The

Question 18 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:15 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 28:30
Writing Hide Annotate

The photographs taken by Ansel 19 Mark for Review abc

Adams capture the grandeur of

American wilderness. By developing Which choice completes the text so
a unique approach to exposure and that it conforms to the conventions
of Standard English?
post-processing techniques, Adams
altered the presentation of a Ⓐ them
traditional landscape photograph,
enhancing its depth of field and
dynamic range, making ______ truly Ⓑ one
Ⓒ these

Ⓓ it

Question 19 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:16 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 28:21
Writing Hide Annotate

The 2020 science fiction film Time 20 Mark for Review abc

Woven explores the possibility of

time travel as a means of personal Which choice completes the text so
redemption, a narrative that ______ that it conforms to the conventions
of Standard English?
"blurs the boundaries between
science fiction and philosophical Ⓐ critic Daniel Lawson states,
Ⓑ critic, Daniel Lawson, states,

Ⓒ critic, Daniel Lawson states,

Ⓓ critic Daniel Lawson, states,

Question 20 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:16 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 28:12
Writing Hide Annotate

Serbian-American inventor Nikola 21 Mark for Review abc

Tesla, whose work has had a lasting

impact on modern technology, Which choice completes the text so
harnessed the principles of that it conforms to the conventions
of Standard English?
electromagnetic induction ______
alternating current power systems, Ⓐ designs
thereby transforming the world of
electric power.
Ⓑ designed

Ⓒ is designing

Ⓓ to design

Question 21 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:16 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 28:04
Writing Hide Annotate

The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los 22 Mark for Review abc

Angeles and the Van Gogh Museum

in Amsterdam are popular Which choice completes the text so
institutions committed to that it conforms to the conventions
of Standard English?
showcasing spectacular works of art
______ inspiring new generations of Ⓐ collection, both classical and
artists; and promoting cultural contemporary,

collection; both classical and

Ⓒ collection both classical and


collection, both classical and

Question 22 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:16 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 27:55
Writing Hide Annotate

In the heart of the Amazon 23 Mark for Review abc

Rainforest, along the Amazon River,

live thousands of unique species— Which choice completes the text so
some small and inconspicuous, that it conforms to the conventions
of Standard English?
others large and unmistakable—that
contribute to the ecosystem's rich Ⓐ rainforest's inhabitants
diversity. Vibrant sounds emanating
from the ______ are a testament to
its teeming life. Ⓑ rainforests inhabitants'

Ⓒ rainforest inhabitants'

Ⓓ rainforests' inhabitants

Question 23 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:16 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 27:47
Writing Hide Annotate

Cosmic microwave background 24 Mark for Review abc

radiation (CMB) is the thermal

radiation left over from the Big Bang, Which choice completes the text
which provides a snapshot of the with the most logical transition?

universe just 380,000 years after its Ⓐ Hence,

birth, when atoms first formed and
the universe became transparent.
______ measuring the CMB has Ⓑ Meanwhile,
provided cosmologists with a wealth
of information about the early
universe and the Big Bang. Ⓒ In contrast,

Ⓓ Nevertheless,

Question 24 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:16 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 27:38
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When water gets contaminated with 25 Mark for Review abc

harmful pathogens, it can be treated

using chlorine to kill off the bacteria. Which choice completes the text
______ contaminated water can be with the most logical transition?

purified via biofiltration: specific Ⓐ Similarly,

types of bacteria and fungi are used
to consume and break down the
pathogens, leaving the water safe for Ⓑ Furthermore,
Ⓒ Regardless,

Ⓓ Alternatively,

Question 25 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:17 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 27:24
Writing Hide Annotate

While researching a topic, a student 26 Mark for Review abc

has taken the following notes:

The student wants to introduce
Caroline Baker’s book to an
audience already familiar with the
New York Times. Which choice
The New York Times newspaper most effectively uses relevant
was first published in 1851. information from the

It's a prominent American Ⓐ Caroline Baker’s Women

newspaper with worldwide Reporters and the New York Times
discusses female journalists who
influence and readership. worked for the newspaper in the
20th century.

In 2021, media analyst Caroline

Baker published the book Ⓑ
A newspaper called the New
Women Reporters and the New York Times, referred to in Caroline
York Times. Baker’s book title, was first
published in 1851.

Its subject is female journalists

who worked for the newspaper in Ⓒ Women Reporters and the
the 20th century. New York Times features
contributors to the New York
Times, a prominent newspaper first
One of the journalists discussed published in 1851.
is Gloria Steine.

A journalist discussed by
Caroline Baker is Gloria Steine,
whose work appeared in the New
York Times in the 20th century.

Question 26 of 27 Back Next

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7/11/24, 10:17 AM New Masters sharon's SAT
Section 1 , Module
3: Reading and 27:11
Writing Hide Annotate

While researching a topic, a student 27 Mark for Review abc

has taken the following notes:

The student wants to present the
study and its methodology. Which
choice most effectively uses
relevant information from the notes
The Fennec Fox is the smallest to accomplish this goal?
fox species, known for its large
ears. Ⓐ The Fennec Fox, known for
its large ears, uses this physical
Zoologist Carla Mendez attribute to dissipate heat and
survive in desert environments.
conducted a study on the
function of these large ears.
Ⓑ The study by Carla Mendez
She used thermal cameras to found that the large ears of the

observe the heat dissipation Fennec Fox assist in dissipating

heat and regulating body
from the Fennec Fox's ears. temperature, an adaptive feature
for desert survival.

The study found that these large

ears help the fox dissipate heat Ⓒ Carla Mendez studied the
and regulate body temperature. purpose of Fennec Foxes' large
ears by observing heat dissipation
through thermal cameras.
Mendez concluded that these
large ears are a crucial adaptive
feature for the fox's survival in Ⓓ Carla Mendez's study found
desert environments. that the large ears of Fennec
Foxes, the smallest fox species,
are crucial for survival in desert

Question 27 of 27 Back Next

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