The Fanes of Barovia
The Fanes of Barovia
The Fanes of Barovia
A Brief History
o Long before Strahd came and civilized the valley, Barovia was once a wild
land. The valley was largely populated by scattered familial villages, usually
no larger than a couple dozen people living in three or four houses to a
village. These people were used to the harsh landscape and were overall
hearty, somewhat barbaric people.
o In addition, there were also groups of forest folk (druids) that lived in the
wilds and didn't settle. The settled people and the forest folk have had a
famously tumultuous relationship over the centuries, with periods of hate
and periods of peace scattered across history.
o In a general sense, the land was separated into three Fanes, or
environments: The Swamp Fane, the Forest Fane, and the Mountain Fane.
This isn't the exact definition of a fane, but for the sake of this history it's
the easiest way to picture them.
The Ladies Three
o The original residents of the valley worshiped a trio of Archfey that were
magically connected to the three fanes of the land. Because of their magical
nature, these Archfey were literally "the land." They were:
The Weaver from the Swamp Fane
The Huntress from the Mountain Fane
The Seeker of the Forest Fane.
o The Ladies of the Wood almost never showed themselves to the people that
worshiped them. Instead, they would appear in auguries, dreams, and
omens, speaking through the mouths of animals and in the wind that
mused the leaves on the trees.
o The people of the valley used to worship the Ladies through a series of
shrines scattered across the land, some small and some large. The three
most prominent shrines were located inside large stone circles that still
stand during the present time of the campaign.
The swamp shrine is the circle of stones in Berez.
The mountain shrine is the circle atop Yesterhill.
And the forest shrine is the collection of monoliths behind Old
o The worship of the Ladies usually came in the form of minor religious
practices and offerings. It's easy to let pop culture taint our imaginations
and let us picture some horrific blood sacrifices for this worship, however
that isn't the case here. The offerings were usually things like, "The best
fruits from the first harvest" or "the antlers of a buck we killed on hunt."
Sometimes the people left small, carved statues or other bits of artistic
o The practices were usually communes with nature, where folk would wonder
into the woods and live entirely alone in respect for the Ladies. Those who
survived would return home spiritually awakened. Other rituals were long
nights spent in respect and worship or village wide pilgrimages to the major
The Fall of the Ladies
o The Ladies presided over the valley until Strahd conquered the land. Strahd,
seeing the power of the fanes, desecrated the three main shrines to the
ladies and reconsecrated them in his own image, giving him dominion over
the valley. Now, Strahd is literally, "The Land."
o By taking over the Fanes, Strahd has the following benefits:
The permanent protection of a nondetection spell
Resistance to Fire, Cold, and Lightning damage
+4 to his Armor Class
With the combined control of all three Fanes, he controls the waters,
winds, and wildlife in the valley. The only of Strahd's environmental
powers that does not come from the Fanes is the ever overcast sky.
That comes from Vampyr.
Reinstating the Ladies
o Part of defeating Strahd will entail disconnecting him from the land. He's
obscenely strong at the moment, even for a Darklord. Breaking down his
power is key to his fall.
o To reconsecrate the shrines and therefore bring back the Ladies of the
Wood, certain rituals will have to be performed.
To reconsecrate the shrine of the Mountain Fane at Yesterhill,
someone must survive a journey through the caverns under the
Gulthias Tree and prove the worth of their soul. (A dungeon of my
own making detailed in a later post.)
To reconsecrate the shrine of the Forest Fane behind Old
Bonegrinder, the players must face one of their possible dark
futures, to understand just how far they could have fallen.
To reconsecrate the shrine of the Swamp Fane in Berez, someone
must provide a great service to the Weaver to prove their respect
and servitude. More specific to the campaign, someone will have to
kill Baba Lysaga, the witch currently poisoning the swamp fane, and
present her heart at the shrine.
As modified, Strahd is immortal due to his connection with the Dark Power, Vampyr. He
literally controls the weather and has extra buffs because of the Ladies. And, you'll likely
end up buffing his stat block and spell lists to extend his terror throughout the game. After
all that, Strahd is verifiably a terrifying demon for any party. Chipping away at his defenses
will prove crucial to taking him down and give most parties much needed purpose to go
galavanting across Barovia.
The Ladies originally used Lycanthropy to gift their faithful followers and to curse their
blasphemers. The Huntress (Mountain Fane/Laura Stoneheart) is responsible for wolf
lycanthropes in Barovia while the Seeker (Madam Eva/Forest Fane/Maggie Treenail) is
responsible for raven lycanthropes in Barovia. In their current, weakened states, they are
incapable of granting or curing lycanthropy however.
To borrow directly from u/DragnaCarta again, a young mage came to Barovia long before
Strahd's time and fell in love with the land. She formed a bond with the locals as well as the
more nature-based tribes living in the woods (the old druid tribes) and managed to broker
a peace between the two factions. Her negotiations brought a beautiful era of peace and
understanding between the early settlers of the valley and the forest folk, which impressed
the Ladies significantly. To help the mage settle the land and start a bountiful vineyard, they
each gifted her with a gemstone to plant in her fields.