Lot L8
Lot L8
Lot L8
As a Keeper of the Word*, I give you greetings and hope that this missive finds you in good health. Given
the general state of the world, I fear you will need to depend on your health in the trying days to come.
Though I can hardly credit it, I hear that the green dragon Beryllinthranox of the Qualinesti Forest has
started looking at opportunities for evil outside her forest. One agent tells me that several cities in
Abanasinia are gathering some form of tribute for her. I hope dearly that this does not rouse the Red
Dragon Malystryx from her own activities. She has been relatively quiet recently, and I dislike thinking she
may intercede in worldly affairs again due to the Green's greed.
A New Culture?
Word has spread of an individual from a strange place visiting Palanthas. My sources state that he comes
from the island south of Kothas that we call Elian Wilds. According to those who have attempted to watch
him, he seemed rather adept at losing them in the streets of Palanthas. He has hindered efforts to find out
what brings him to the city sometimes using lethal means. Those who have interacted with him and lived
call him a stalker of great skill. What brings him to our part of the world? All reports indicate he has a
purpose, but it remains unknown?
Sea Elves
Some mariners have had occasion to talk to the elves of the deep recently. Evidently, the Dimernesti wish
to establish closer contact with the outer world. They seek trade to better prepare themselves for some
problem that threatens them. They state that they sense stirrings of an ancient force in their waters,
though I haven't yet figured out what they mean. They use such vague words that it could be something
living or something dead or something completely inanimate. I hope this has nothing to do with the sea
dragon that once terrorized the elves. Some friends are looking into the matter even as I write this.
Crops Fail in Solamnia
Farmers in Solamnia fear for their next crop. Some foreign agent or strange magic has turned patches of
formerly rich soil in Solamnia into dust. Since the patches occur randomly, I don't suspect that this is a
dragon's attempt at magically changing the land. Instead, I fear that some evil is growing nearby, and the
soil is just a symptom of the problem. Hopefully my people can find out the cause.
My next message will await your pleasure at the Hidden Bough Smithy in Solamnia. I hear that my
predecessor was looking into the state of the elves around Thunder Bay. I shall continue that project with
all haste.
Your servant,
Evrem the Ear
* Keeper of the Word: a bard who has devoted his or her life to studying the tales and storytelling
techniques of the Herald.
Darkhaven Clearing
By Eric Jwo
"Darkhaven Clearing is a forest clearing damned of the gods, set in a time of dragons, in a land without
faith. Death is the only reward for those foolish enough to tread its cursed soil. Death, or, perhaps,
Deep within the free realm of Abanasinia, in a dark forest near Pax Tharkas proper, a sinister glade has
grown infamous among the local woodfolk. Strange occurrences have plagued the forest for quite some
time, ranging from disappearances of lumberjacks to the savage deaths of several well-known travelers.
Even fearless, happy-go-lucky kender have become wary of the dread forest. This area of cursed wood
has grown infamous among all travelers from Abanasinia to Pax Tharkas. Its ill reputation has caused it to
be named the Darkhaven Clearing.
Many have speculated on the origin of Darkhaven Clearing. Currently, this legend gains strength among
the locals (though none will confirm its accuracy):
Near the end of the Fourth Age, a powerful Wizard of the Red Robes named Rhakyl Kormoth lived and
wandered the land. He believed himself so powerful that he felt certain he would be the next head of the
Red Robes. His pride and joy, however, was a potent magical artifact known as the Starsunderer. None
fathomed its limitless and awesome power, save Rhakyl, and he jealously tried to keep knowledge of this
artifact's existence from anyone. Despite this secrecy, some savvy mages knew he possessed it.
When Chaos returned to Krynn, Rhakyl battled the daemon warriors and shadow-wights alongside
others. His searing flames and thunderbolts destroyed many minions of Chaos. In the end, the battle was
won, and Krynn was saved. However, salvation came at a heavy price. The gods abandoned their world
forever, taking High Sorcery with them. Those who had reveled in the magic felt empty and hollow. So it
was with Rhakyl Kormoth.
Grief-stricken, Rhakyl began to pore over his vast collection of magical tomes to find a way to rekindle the
magic. Night after night, and even through the day, Rhakyl painstakingly searched for the answers that
would restore his magic. Mages from the Tower of High Sorcery in Wayreth Forest checked on him from
time to time, though only one or two ever discovered the path he was following. After diligent years of
research, Rhakyl found the solution he had been searching for. Though Aran Glowstrider, a former Red-
Robed Mage, attempted to prevent Rhakyl from following through on the discovery, Rhakyl turned on him
and knocked him unconscious. To this day, people want to know what Rhakyl discovered, but only Aran
knows. Since he won't tell, some folks suspect he brought Darkhaven Clearing into being.
DM's Notes
On a dark and dreary night, when even the pale moon of the new age hid itself from view, Rhakyl entered
the forested mountain area near Pax Tharkas. Bearing the Starsunderer, Rhakyl prepared to embrace the
magic he believed he had discovered. In an arcane ritual, Rhakyl pricked his finger, and let a drop of his
blood land on the surface of the Starsunderer. As the crimson droplet sizzled on the surface of the
artifact, the forest filled with a white light. The Starsunderer began to crackle with magical energy, and the
forest clearing literally pulsated with life.
However, the energy was too intense for the powerless mage to control. The artifact pulled Rhakyl's very
life into itself and, with Rhakyl's last heartbeat, the Starsunderer exploded.
The land was charred and blackened by the magical blast, and the energy infused itself into the very
essence of the glade. From that moment on, the woods where Rhakyl had given his life became damned.
No animal would ever enter the spot, and the plants became hollow, skeletal remnants of their former
Darkhaven Clearing may be placed anywhere within a forest in the Kharolis Mountain region. It may even
move from place to place, much like the Tower of High Sorcery in Wayreth Forest. All of this depends on
the will of the Dungeon Master. The forest clearing itself may also be of variable size.
The trees and plants of Darkhaven Clearing are all dying or dead. It resembles the Silvanesti Forest
during Lorac's nightmare to a lesser degree. Blood may run down the trunks of trees, and sunlight might
not reach the forest floor, but decaying heaps of bodies and constant ruin and devastation would be out of
place. No animals dare to enter the clearing, and few monsters would take such a chance.
Several streams run through Darkhaven Clearing, but these all have a reddish taint. Anyone who drinks
from these streams is poisoned and must succeed in a Fortitude saving throw [challenging
Enduranceaction] or suffer the same effects as id moss poisoning (see Dungeon Master's Guide, page
80). [Saga characters lose 1 point of Reason each minute, and another challenging Endurance action is
allowed after five minutes.] Only magical healing can negate this particular poison. Even if the hero does
succeed in the action, he or she still retches for several minutes, reducing all abilities by 2 points for ten
If the heroes visit the clearing, perhaps in search of a missing person, they encounter the ghost of Rhakyl
after ten minutes have passed. Dungeon Masters can bring him into play sooner to keep the adventure
pace interesting.
Rhakyl Kormoth, male human ghost Wiz7; CR 9; Medium-size undead (incorporeal); HD 7d12; hp 67;
Init +4 (Improved Initiative); Spd fly 30 ft. (perfect); AC 11 (+1 deflection); Atk +3 melee (1d4, incorporeal
attack); SA Corrupting gaze, malevolence; SQ Undead, incorporeal, manifestation, rejuvenation, turn
resistance; AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 11, Dex 11, Con --, Int 18, Wis 9, Cha 13.
Skills and Feats: Alchemy +14; Concentration +10, Craft (blacksmithing) +14, Craft (weaponsmithing)
+14, Hide +8, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Listen +8, Search +8, Spellcraft +14, Spot +8; Craft Staff, Craft
Wondrous Item, Improved Initiative.
SACorrupting Gaze (Su): Rhakyl can blast living beings with a glance, at a range of up to 30 feet.
Creatures that meet his gaze must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or suffer 2d10 points of damage
and 1d4 points of permanent Charisma drain.
SAMalevolence (Su): While ethereal, Rhakyl can merge his body with a creature on the Material Plane.
This ability is similar to magic jar as cast by a 10th-level sorcerer, except that it does not require a
receptacle. If the attack succeeds, Rhakyl's ethereal body vanishes into the opponents body. The target
can resist the attack with a successful Will save (DC 16). A creature that successfully saves is immune to
Rhakyl's malevolence for one day.
SQManifestation (Su): As an ethereal creature, Rhakyl cannot affect or be affected by anything in the
material world. When he manifests, he becomes visible but remains incorporeal. He can strike with his
touch attack (or a with ghost touch weapon). While manifesting, he remains on the Ethereal Plane but can
be attacked by opponents on both the Material and Ethereal planes.
SQIncorporeal: Can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better magic weapons, or
magic, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source. Can pass through solid objects
at will, and own attacks pass through armor. Always moves silently.
SQRejuvenation (Su): 2d4 days after being destroyed, Rhakyl might rejuvenate. He must succeed at a
level check to do so (1d20+3, DC 16).
SQUndead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not
subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.
[Rhakyl Kormoth: Ghost. Co 5, Ph 6, In 7, Es 8, Dmg N/A, Def N/A, also fear aura, drain Spirit.]
So, you need an episode to help the characters in your Dragonlance campaign kill some time between
heroic super-adventures. Or perhaps the heroes are resting on their laurels in a cushy Palanthian inn. If
you want ideas for activities to fill in an adventure gap or want something to get the heroes motivated
again, you've come to the right place. With the aid of fans from across the globe, we've compiled a set of
101 adventure hooks to use in your Dragonlance campaign! Whether you play in the classic period of
Krynn or in the current age, all you have to do to get started is choose your favorite and flesh it out in a
manner that best suits your own personal game.
1. Servant of Good or Evil?: A servant of the Good gods found herself trapped on Krynn, and now Evil
cultists want to use her to power their magic. Possible solutions include locating a portal from Krynn,
battling the cultists, or finding a way to relieve the servant of her powers, making her an ordinary mortal.
What choice do the heroes make when helping her? Does it work?
2. A Robe of Any Other Color: A White-Robed mage from the Fourth Age has taken to practicing Evil
deeds in the absence of the gods. He blames the deeds on a nearby Black Robe, who is blameless.
When the heroes investigate this dispute, what do recommend? How does the White-Robe react?
3. Dragonbait: A young metallic dragon hiding from a Dragon Highlord is starving and dangerously close
to discovery. The heroes have to lure her out and find a way to get the dragon to fly to safety. Do they
4. Fiendish Cult: A servant of the Evil gods stuck on Krynn is maneuvering a cult. The heroes have to find
a way to banish the fiend -- anything from pointing out the cult to a Dragon Highlord (VERY dangerous) to
slaying the fiend directly (which requires weapons with magical power).
5. A Bit of Banditry: Bandits ravage the countryside around a town or city, and the heroes have to flush
them out and bring them to justice. How do they draw the bandits out? This adventure hook is simple, old-
school hack and slash.
6. Gate to Pleasure or Pain?: The heroes discover a tropical valley in the middle of a desolate region (for
example, Nordmaar or the Plains of Dust). Investigating further, they find a magical gate. Where does it
7. Foresight: The heroes arrive at a town and discover a peculiar thing. Everyone responds to their
questions or comments before the heroes even say a word. They find that the townsfolk have opened a
new mine with a strange metal vein. Can these two things be related?
8. Baleful Books: In a forgotten alcove in a disused part of the Great Library of Palanthas, something vile
and noisome is slowly coming out of a book. What fell magic seeks to destroy the library, and who is
behind it?
9. Aim High: An Aurak and a village of gnomes have teamed up to make a flying machine. The gnomes
need some test subjects . . . errr . . . heroes to fly the machine. The Aurak wants to use the device to kill
the heroes, though the heroes can find this out from a gnome if they're cautious and ask questions. What
do the heroes do if they find out the Aurak's plan before they serve as test subjects?
10. Beauty and the Baaz: A Baaz wants to woo a female. He simply hasn't got a clue how to go about
doing it. He asks any romantically successful heroes for help. What advice do the heroes give, and does
it actually work?
11. Mine Enemy, Mine Friend: Some Bozaks have kidnapped an elven princess and are holding her for
ransom. Weeks go by before the heroes are even asked to help recover her. When they come across
her, she sympathizes with the draconians and their plight. Can the heroes get her to leave her captors?
12. A Sucker Is Born Every Minute: A Kapak peddling elixirs of longevity is really bottling his own saliva
and robbing his paralyzed customers. Now he's aiming for the heroes. Do they discover his plot in time?
13. This Hurts Me More Than it Hurts You: Near the heroes, a group of draconians hunts down a Sivak so
they can kill and dissect him. The autopsy should help the draconians discover how they can make
dragonspawn with the help of any dragon. The Sivak puts the heroes between himself and his hunters.
How do the heroes get themselves out of this situation? Do they help the Sivak?
14. Kapak Camp: Dark Knights are holding a group of Kapaks in very bad conditions near the heroes. As
the heroes find out, the Kapaks are being kept for their paralytic saliva, which the Dark Knights bottle up
in small vials and ship to their leaders. What will the heroes do -- rescue the Kapaks or destroy them?
15. I Do?: The Solamnic Knight (or other honor-bound hero) of the group becomes betrothed to a person
of high intelligence but terrible manners and bearing. The Dungeon Master should set up a situation
specific to the hero so that it tickles the hero's sense of honor to refuse the marriage. (Perhaps family
members have arranged the match.) Will the marriage occur?
16. Oh, Dear: The Solamnic Knight (or other honor-bound hero) of the group becomes betrothed to a
person of comely appearance and genteel manners, but the person is a terrible dunderhead. The
Dungeon Master should set up a situation specific to the hero so that it tickles the hero's sense of honor
to refuse the marriage. (Perhaps someone close to the Knight set up the match.) Will the hero go through
with the marriage?
17. Runaway: A young female half-ogre has run away from home to see what the outside world has to
offer her. The villagers around her current residence are up in arms and swearing to kill an "evil magic-
wielding ogre." Her human father wants to find her before she gets herself killed. When the heroes finally
meet up with her, she immediately takes a liking to one of them.
18. Bardic Insults: A bunch of Solamnic Knights want the heroes to help them find a bard who has been
disseminating lies and propaganda about them. While the Knights are busy searching their chosen area
of the city, town, or countryside, the heroes run across the bard, who has switched to mocking the
Knights of Takhisis. Dungeon Masters can have the bard fight any attempts to capture her with
opinionated and loud insults, let her escape to lead the group on a merry chase throughout the area, or
allow her to acquiesce quietly.
19. The Gruesome Glaive is a powerful artifact that bearers use to slay Dragon Highlords and gives the
wielder an ego-boost. However, the primary magic of the glaive makes the bearer think it can do these
things. An investigation proves that the unbalanced item is cursed, in that it throws off the wielder's attack
swings. What happens to the hero bearing this cursed artifact? Does he or she depend on it during a
dangerous situation? Does the artifact lead them into a dangerous situation due to the ego-boost the
bearer receives?
20. Relics of the Gods: The heroes come across a peddler selling "bones from the dead dragon gods
Takhisis and Paladine." In fact, the bones have the telltale signs of being magical. Are these really the
bones of Takhisis and Paladine? What is the magic aura hanging around them? Where did the peddler
get the bones?
21. Plague Strikes Palanthas: A plague with the same symptoms as those seen in Sanction recently
appears in Palanthas. The symptoms include splotchy skin and extreme dehydration, and victims live for
only two days. Rumor has it that Hogan Bight of Sanction found the cure for this plague recently. The
heroes must seek out Bight and ask for his cure. Will Bight tell the heroes what they need to know? And
where will the knowledge lead the heroes? (Enterprising DMs can pick up Clandestine Circle and use
some of the threads within to flesh this hook out fully.)
22. Kender Convoy: Several kender wish to visit the Tomb of the Last Heroes by way of the Qualinesti
Forest. Can the heroes, who have been traveling with the kender, persuade them to skip the tour of the
forest and go straight to the Tomb? What happens if they meet up with Beryl's forces despite their
23. Vengeful Dead: While the heroes are in a town or city, they hear that a vengeful spirit has entered the
settlement and started defiling anything related to the gods. If the heroes investigate, they discover the
ghost of a Knight of Solamnia, who is angry about the departure of the old gods. What do the heroes do?
Calm him down and send him to his rest peacefully? Or do they destroy him?
24. Mistaken Suspect: One of the heroes must listen to a local case, perhaps as a favor to a Knight of
Solamnia. A local man was murdered in his sleep, and the townsfolk have already set up a makeshift
gallows. They fully believe a local entertainer must have done it. However, they are ignoring the fact that
a well-to-do man was seen leaving the murder victim's residence that next morning just before the murder
was discovered. The accused woman also has an alibi, but the person she was with refuses to
substantiate it. Can the heroes help bring justice to the small town?
25. The Egg Caper: A Legionnaire asks the heroes to rescue some brass eggs from a thieving green
dragon. She can't involve herself personally because she can't afford to break cover. As it turns out, the
person the Legionnaire reports to doesn't trust the heroes and tries to send out her own people (excluding
the original Legionnaire). Do the heroes successfully steal the eggs from the dragon despite the
interference from the other Legionnaires? Or do they persuade the Legionnaires to aid them? What of the
mother of the eggs? Does she get involved? (Enterprising DMs can allow the brass to involve herself as a
human or elf.)
26. Down on Your Luck: When the heroes are suitably lacking in funds, they happen across a couple of
dwarves who have found a rich vein of black opals in a nearby cave. The dwarves want to get a mine
going, but they need a few more hardy souls to help them get started. They're quite willing to pay . . . in
opals! Unfortunately, the local folk don't like dwarves, and the nearby elves have planted a sacred tree
whose roots are near the vein of opals. The elves don't want undue attention drawn to the area, and they
definitely don't want dwarves digging a bigger hole in the hill under their sacred tree. On top of all of that,
rumor has it that an elf haunts the cave. If the heroes investigate, they find that this rumor is true. Do the
heroes help the dwarves? Do they help the elves? Do they help both by defining the area that the
dwarves can dig into without ruining the tree? And what about that ghost?
27. The Past Returns: Three nights ago, a haggard wanderer entered town speaking fanatically about a
battle between the Red Dragonarmy and the town's militia, which happened more than 70 years ago and
resulted in most of the town burning to cinders. The innkeep refused to let the raving man stay in his inn.
The heroes discover that the wanderer has not been seen since. However, the last two nights a phantom
Red Dragonarmy attacked the village for 15 minutes, doing some damage to the town. What is
happening? How can it be stopped?
28. Lizard Trouble: A group of bakali from Sable's swamps have escaped from her cruel grasp. Pursued
by her minions, they seek refuge in a small town in the Plains of Dust. Is this an elaborate plot of Sable's
to attack the town, or are the bakali good natured?
29. Return to Past Days: A group of afflicted kender finds an object that restores their jovial, fearless
nature. They recovered the object from a ruined temple of Morgion. They now plan on helping the other
afflicted kender. Is this an object of Evil corrupting the kender? Would an afflicted kender in the group
want to restore her resistance to fear? Is anyone else behind this?
30. Silver Wrath: A blue dragon severely wounded in battle by a silver dragon seeks some protection from
the vengeful silver. The blue recently killed the silver's mate in a battle between their riders (the blue's
rider died, the silver's rider survived). The blue has an object of importance to them that he says he'll give
them if the players get the silver to relent. In addition, he wants to return to his own mate, who is currently
hidden away with a clutch of eggs. Do the heroes accept the object?
31. Thinker vs. Tinkers: A group of gnomes has almost finished creating a time travel machine. They wish
to study past and future gnome inventions and perhaps stop the events that caused the Summer of
Chaos and the departure of the gods. One thinker gnome realizes a flaw in the design could cause an
explosion that would destroy an area roughly the size of Northern Ergoth and needs the heroes' help to
prevent this possible catastrophe. The other gnomes (all tinker gnomes) refuse to listen to her. How do
the heroes prevent this project from coming to fruition?
32. A Trying Companion: An honor-bound hero (cavalier, Solamnic Knight, and so on) is charged with
escorting the local lord's daughter (or son) to an event on behalf of the city. When the two are finally
alone, the young noble proves to be a bit flirtatious and insistent. If the hero refuses to kowtow to the
person's every whim, he or she threatens to stain the hero's honor with the father. What's a hero to do?
33. A Trying Companion Goes Hunting: The hero must escort the young noble from the previous
adventure hook on a trip into the woods the day before the event. However, the hero's charge is highly
accident-prone and insists on going after a boar or something else dangerous. How long can the hero
keep his or her sanity and temper while keeping the noble safe?
34. The Search for Knowledge: A tribe of normally peaceful hill giants attacks all who come near a
prominent city or town in the heroes' area. The heroes are asked to stop the group using any means
necessary. However, once the heroes accept, they are anonymously informed that one of the tribe's
children was kidnapped by a local sorcerer/mystic/bard (whatever is appropriate), who happens to have a
fetish for research through taxidermy. However, this particular person holds a high position of authority in
the area and is very popular. Is the note true? Who wrote it? Who is right, and who is wrong? What do the
heroes do?
35. An Old Acquaintance: The heroes are staying in a small town on the outskirts of a wilderness. While
there, they hear tales about the local ruler--a jovial, older man who is very popular with everyone in town
and never has a bad thing to say about anyone. The heroes see this man, and one of them (potentially an
elf or half-elf) recognizes him from a long time ago as someone involved with either the Knights of
Takhisis or one of the dragonarmies. How do they react? Does it matter that he has changed when he
was responsible for the death of a close friend or relative of the hero?
36. Death Foretold: A crazy-seeming old man wanders into the town the heroes are in and opens up shop
as a soothsayer. All of his prophecies come true within a few hours after he makes them. However, all of
the prophecies are relatively minor things that have major effects on the lives they happen to, and all
prove beneficial. Then, he foresees the death of one of the heroes, but does not know how the death
comes about. What do the heroes do? Who is the old man? How can he tell the future so well? Is death
looming around the corner? If all of the other prophecies bring about good, does this mean that if the hero
lives despite the prophecy, the greater good is not served?
37. Local Legends: While at a coastal village, the heroes discover a dead flying-lizard (dinosaur) washed
up on the beach. Local fisherman reveal that this happens occasionally and speak of a legend of an
island filled with similar beasts far out to sea. Do the heroes try to find the island? What do they discover
if they go?
38. Mystical Market Disappears: Every year at the dawn of Midyear Day (summer solstice), the mystical
Shinara River Market appears out of the mists at the confluence of two rivers. Merchants come from all
over Ansalon to buy and barter for the wondrous items being sold by the strange stall-holders. However,
one year it doesn't show up, and in its place appears a simple gold ring. Though it doesn't detect as
magical, its nature or past cannot be determined by divination or identifying spells of any kind. What
happens when a hero puts it on?
39. Death of a Dragon: One morning, the residents of a small town wake to discover a dead dragon (kind
of dragon is DM's choice) lying in the town square. No one heard anything during the night, and it appears
unharmed with a golden collar around its neck. The heroes are asked to investigate this strange
occurrence and find out how the dragon died, what the collar signifies, and whether the town is in danger
from dragon attack or the thing that killed the dragon.
40. Cloudcatcher: The heroes notice that although the wind is blowing in the opposite direction, all the
clouds are moving towards Mt. Nevermind. What insane device have the gnomes invented now? Will it
blow up and destroy Ansalon, or will it simply cause the gnomes to lose all their facial hair?
41. The Past Intrudes: During the night at an old Solamnic castle, a young Knight relieves another of his
watch. However, the other Knight doesn't seem to hear him, and when he is touched, the Knight falls to
the ground to reveal empty armor. Upon closer inspection, the armor appears to be of a style from long
before the First Cataclysm! The heroes can help investigate, but what do they find?
42. A Mage's Duplicity: When the heroes enter their destination town, they soon notice that no one
notices them. Soon they realize that they must be completely invisible . . . and maybe even noiseless. At
the same time, the heroes feel lethargic and barely have the will to eat and drink. The only person who
sees them in this state is a former Black-Robed mage (now wearing nonaligned colors), who believes a
magical item in the Desolation may help them. He sends the heroes after the item. Since they are
invisible and noiseless, they shouldn't have a problem going in and out of Malys's realm unhindered,
though they may find themselves challenged by their current weakness. In truth, this former Black-Robed
mage searches for items of power and needs heroes to find them for him. He was the one who put the
spell upon them, with the help of a magical item he found some time ago. What do the heroes do? Do
they discover the mage's plan, and do they succeed in getting the item needed? Do they lift the magical
effect shrouding them?
43. A Strange Egg: The heroes find a strange, large egg near a tiny village. Is it the egg of a dragon, or
does it come from some other creature? Should they let it remain where it lies? Maybe the village would
be in danger if an Evil creature issues forth from the egg? Should they destroy the egg or take it with
them? Where is the mother of the egg?
44. Kender-Herders: A village is "terrorized" by kender, who have made this town their personal
playground. The people beg the heroes to help them get rid of the little pests. Should the heroes take the
risk of dealing with kender and maybe losing all their possessions? How will they get those little playful
creatures out of the town? Do the heroes escort the kender back to where they came from? Maybe they
can find another more interesting playground for them?
45. Dragon Summoning: A wealthy Silvanesti elf hires the party to escort him to the Silvanesti Shield.
Unknown to the heroes, the elf is mad and has acquired a special magical device that summons
Onysablet. He plans to summon the Great Dragon to help him break down the shield. Sable, for her part,
plans to activate a disease the elf is carrying by exposing him to a catalyst: a magical gas sealed in a
tube. She won't come herself, so she sends a minion. What kind of disease is this? Will the heroes be
affected? Where can the heroes find a cure?
46. An Ancestor's Blessing: The party is invited to a coming of age ceremony for the son of a Solamnic
Knight at his family's ancient castle. Unknown to all, the traditional ceremony is really a magical one that
allows the spirit of an Evil ancestor to possess the body of the adolescent boy. Several servants and
guests are in on the plot. Working through intrigues and secret passages, the heroes have to stop the evil
ancestor before it's too late. (And if it is too late, that opens some hooks as well).
47. Sky Stones: The heroes somehow acquire a perfectly smooth, round, blood-red stone. If a sorcerer
carries the stone, her magic is radically boosted, but each time she uses the stone, her alignment shifts
toward neutral. Rumor has it that a similar, but smaller, black stone exists, and a bigger white one, also.
They are said to have fallen down on Krynn from the sky during the final stages of the Chaos War.
48. Anaya's Tree: The heroes are asked to take several seeds from Anaya's Tree in the Qualinesti Forest
and bring them to the Wayreth Forest and Jenna's shop in Palanthas. Along the way, the heroes can
interact with troops belonging to Beryl, Porthios, or Gilthas, and confront other possible problems during
the journey between the locations.
49. Solamnic Dealings: A Solamnic Knight wishes to send the heroes to Sanction and investigate the
"Circle" there. The Knight won't tell them what the heroes are looking for, but she does mention that there
has been a recent upheaval in the city and the Knights fear that their resources there are "compromised."
What do the heroes find there? If they discover something wrong, do they tell the Lady Knight? Or do they
try to figure out how to fix the situation themselves. (Enterprising DMs can pick up Clandestine Circle and
use some of the threads within to flesh this hook out fully.)
50. A Citadel Escapade: The heroes take the trouble to escort a wild talent to the Citadel of Light only to
discover him missing in the middle of their first night at the Citadel. Where did he go? Did someone
kidnap him? Why would anyone kidnap the boy, if so? Or did his wild talents allow him to leave?
51. Angry Minotaurs: A village has been suffering attacks by a force of minotaurs, but they don't really
know why. They have nothing of any value, they believe. The heroes must discover the reason behind the
attacks, which just might have something to do with the ancient, yet nicely preserved minotaur horns that
the village's priest keeps in a secure chest hidden under the altar of the village's small church.
52. Crisis of Faith: A young Knight of Takhisis (or Knight of Neraka) defects near the heroes and comes
across them while being chased by her former fellow Dark Knights. The heroes can either allow the
chasing Knights of Takhisis to take the Knight back into their fold (and get out of the way) or intercede. If
they intercede, once they reach relative safety, the young Knight explains that she feels that the
Knighthood is false. (In the case of the Knights of Neraka, she feels strongly that they are following a path
not ordained by the gods.) She also admits that her faith in the gods, while strong, made her do very bad
things, and now her guilt is so strong that she wished to become a follower of Paladine to make up for it.
Do the heroes believe her? If so, how do they help her follow the path of Paladine? (She can also provide
the heroes with information about the new Knights of Neraka, if the DM so wishes.)
53. Clothes Make the Man?: A young man asks for the heroes' help before they journey onward. He has
reason to believe that an ancient suit of Solamnic armor resides at a nearby battleground, and he wants
to retrieve it. He mentions that the source of his information was a dream he had. If asked why he wants
the armor, he states that he believes that if he wears the armor, he will start down the path to becoming a
Solamnic Knight. Do the heroes help him? Do they tell him more about the Solamnic Knighthood?
54. Diplomatic Immunity: While escorting an elven ambassador to a trade conference in the Ergothian
lands, problems arise when the ambassador is murdered. All clues point to one of the heroes being the
prime suspect. Who really killed the ambassador? Why? And can the heroes find the real murderer
before one of their own confronts the wrath of the elves?
55. Malystryx's Demise?: The heroes hear about a new oracle somewhere in or near the Desolation.
They also find out that this oracle is prophesying Malystryx's demise. One of the heroes' acquaintances
asks that the heroes visit this oracle and find out more about this prophecy and whether it is just wishful
thinking. Once there, the heroes find that the oracle is an ogre protected by an unusual creature called
an ogre titan. Can the heroes win past the ogre titan and visit the ogre oracle? And is she an authentic
diviner of the future? What is the prophesy relating to Malys's Demise?
56. Curse of Orneriness: The heroes find themselves in the middle of a family crisis one day. The young
daughter of a man or woman that they know strongly requests that one of the heroes come to her house
to settle a family argument that has gotten a bit out of hand. When the heroes get there, they discover the
family in the middle of a domestic dispute. The instigator of the dispute appears to the be daughter's older
brother, but before the heroes can start calming everyone down, he suddenly gets very quiet and refuses
to say another word. The mother is white-faced with anger and fear. If the heroes investigate further, they
discover that the mother fears that her son has fallen under the family curse of "orneriness." The father
(or other older relative) states that as far as he is concerned, the boy has been replaced by a draconian,
what with the way he has been acting these last few days. The son himself remains mute. What is going
on here? What is this curse of "orneriness" that the mother speaks of? And is the father jesting?
57. Family Inheritances: The heroes come across a man (or woman) working on the docks who wears a
gold medallion prominently on his chest. They notice that all the seafaring minotaurs nearby actually defer
to this man when they pass him by. If asked, the man tells the heroes that the medallion is the one thing
he has left of his father, and he's pretty sure that this medallion is what causes the minotaurs to defer to
him. How do the minotaurs know the medallion, and what does it have to do with his father? (Dungeon
Masters can also make the medallion-bearer a minotaur male or female, but the heroes will need
heightened perception to notice the deference given to a minotaur male.)
58. Missing Cell: The Legion of Steel tried to establish a new cell, but never heard another word from the
five Legionnaires they sent out. The heroes are hired to find out what happened to the five stalwart men
and women without giving away their employer.
59. The Master Storyteller: As the heroes relax somewhere familiar and public, a storyteller comes in and
settles down in a corner. After getting an ale, she starts telling a story involving someone the heroes
know. The end of the story involves the death of the person, which is something the heroes hadn't known
about. When the heroes check, they find out that the person in question is still alive, but that he or she is
currently following the road to death that the storyteller had detailed in her tale. Can they stop their
acquaintance from getting killed? Who is this storyteller? Are all of her stories also foretellings?
60. Falling Waters: The heroes are passing through a natural setting when they hear the sound of a
waterfall nearby. As they near the area of the falls, they notice that the terrain is completely torn up. In
fact, it looks like someone took a giant hoe and dug a furrow into the ground, uprooting trees and the like.
Water from a nearby lake found its way to the newly formed furrow and now falls into the latter part of the
furrow. If the heroes explore further, they discover that the water follows the furrow into a hole in the
ground. What caused this furrow to happen? Why is it there?
61. Religious Fervor: The heroes are visiting a small village when the villagers get it into their heads that
all magic is evil. As a result, they start forming up bands to get known sorcerers, mages, mystics, and any
other person with some form of gift (even nonmagical). The heroes themselves come under suspicion.
Upon investigation, it seems that this fervor emanates from a very persuasive local who just left the
village to "spread the word" of the evils of magic. What is going on here? How can the heroes save this
village from itself? Can they stop the person who intends to spread this fervor into other areas and
possibly set the whole country up against itself?
62. Aura of Peace: After a particularly dangerous mission, the heroes come into possession of a clear
globe of amber-colored glass that contains flecks of blue. If the heroes stare into the globe, they feel a
sense of well-being fall over them that lasts for about an hour. They can perform any actions they wish
during this time, but they remain completely tranquil while doing so. Once the tranquility ends, any
wounds the heroes have sustained look as though they have been disinfected and have healed for a
week. The heroes also feel alert and prepared, as if they had slept comfortably and well. At the same
time, however, they also feel a call to visit some old ruins nearby. What is this globe? Where did it come
from? Why does it call them to the ruins?
63. Sparkling Sunset: At sunset one day, the heroes notice that the sun appears to glimmer and sparkle,
with occasional flares of light. It's a majestic display, but what is causing it? At the same time, all of the
night creatures feel the need to wake up, so the heroes see owls, night rodents, and all manner of night-
creatures (even undead) waking up to view the sunset. If the heroes investigate, they discover that the
Silvanesti records contain reference to a month of such sunsets in the past. The elves, fearing that the
night creatures would be unbalanced in their routines by this display, stopped it by singing a certain song
and activating a certain device. The heroes can find the song in Palanthas, and the device was last seen
by kender in Kalaman. (Dungeon Masters can choose a relevant place in each area, or shift the items to
other locations completely.) Will the heroes find these two pieces and use them to stop the unusual
64. Zombie Skin: A local healer asks the heroes to acquire pieces of ogre zombie skin. He believes that
ogre zombie skin has the power to battle diseases, and he wants to test this theory. However, this is a
ruse. The healer wants the ogre zombie skin so that he can send it to Onysablet. Will the heroes do this?
And do they believe the healer's reason for wanting zombie skin?
65. Sea Elves: The heroes are met by a sea elf while at a port. The sea elves are very concerned about
what it happening on the surface, for they have heard and divined all manner of omens. They also are
missing a highly-placed representative of their people, and ask the heroes for aid in finding her. Do the
heroes help the elf by informing him of current events and by finding the lost representative?
66. Altar of Belief: At a local temple, the altar has started doing strange things. When the heroes
investigate the vague rumors, they discover that the altar cloth changes color every day. The colors vary
from black to red to white to red to black, and so on. During sunrise to noon, the color is white. From noon
to just after sunset, the cloth turns red. Then, from just after sunset to just before sunrise, the cloth turns
black. People who attend the temple receive a blessing, but not consistently. (Some receive blessings
during the black phase, some during the white phase, and some during the red phase. Some don't
receive a blessing at all.) Why is the altar cloth changing color like this?
67. Balm for the Sleepless: A local mystic has his heart set on a certain commodity: Wax from giant bees
near some local ruins. He claims that this wax contains an element that he wishes to identify. He created
some lip balm from this wax once, and he discovered that it tingled nicely and refreshed him as if he had
slept for eight hours. However, he doesn't want to brave the giant bees again, so he has hired the heroes
to do it for him. They aren't allowed to destroy the hive while gathering the wax. Do the heroes help him
out? What do they find at the beehive to help him identify the wax's unusual properties?
68. Search and Recovery: A trusted associate asks the heroes to search for and recover a lost book. The
book is in an enemy's library, and the associate asks that the book be taken quietly so that the enemy
doesn't even know the heroes were there. Do the heroes take on this assignment? How do they breach
the enemy's abode without tipping off the residents?
69. Music of the Heart: A local bard's song seems to have the power to heal, and local mystics wish to
have her come in to be investigated. However, the bard refuses to even talk to mystics for reasons she
won't disclose. Why is this? Can the heroes make her open up to them?
70. Lack of Taste: A nearby village is complaining because of an unusual phenomenon: They can smell
better than before, but all of the food they eat is tasteless. When the heroes investigate, they discover
that all of the people affected are drinking out of a newly dug well. Is it something in the water? If so, what
is it? Can the heroes figure out a way to remove the offending substance from the water?
71. Mirror's Reflection: The heroes are called in to help with a puzzling situation: Jenna (or another
vendor in another town) has a new mirror in her possession. She received it from an anonymous source.
The strange thing about the mirror is that it reflects people who aren't there. The best theory she has
heard so far is that it reflects nearby unseen spirits. It even reflects back those who are invisible. Who
gave this to her, and why?
72. Castaway: The heroes are on a ship heading north when they come across a woman clinging to a
piece of wood. The captain of the ship brings her in, asking for the heroes' help in healing her. Once the
woman is rested, she can tell them her story. She was on a ship heading to Kalaman when a wave broke
her vessel in half. She didn't see what happened to the rest of the crew or passengers, but she did see
several dragons in the area. She believes that most of the people on her ship are still alive. The woman
also insists that the dragons were metallic and that they were fighting something. What were they fighting,
and where did the other passengers go?
73. Dreams of Stained Glass: The heroes start having strange dreams in which they enter a hallway with
stained glass windows, whose images they cannot remember upon waking. A strong light glows through
the windows, causing the floor to be speckled with images. The pictures on the floor then come to life,
beckoning to the heroes, and in the background, the heroes know someone waits with bated breath.
When the heroes wake each time after this dream, they're holding a colored piece of glass with smoothed
edges. What are these pieces of glass? Who is the waiting person? (Intelligent heroes might try to put the
pieces together to form an image. If so, what image does it form? What does it mean?)
74. Steeple Chimes: The local town has a church or temple with a newly-created steeple. However,
whenever the bell is rung to call people to service, the bell doesn't make a sound. When taken out of the
temple, the bell works perfectly. What is causing the bell's chime not to sound while in the temple? Does
this signify anything important?
75. Gnomish Antics: A local group of gnomes have gotten a bit silly while looking for a part for a device
they're building. They inadvertently created a distillery earlier that day and drank the fruits of their labor.
Now stupidly drunk, they want to continue their search for the missing part. They try to hire the heroes to
help them. Do the heroes accept the offer? Or do they allow the gnomes to carry on without guidance
(and with possible dire consequences for any near them)? Most importantly, do they try out the still?
76. Head in the Clouds: The heroes are asked to take on another companion: a dwarf with a particularly
nasty sense of humor. She points out every failing in a person, and rarely rewards people with praise
(unless it highlights other failings at the same time). The dwarf stays quiet and unsmiling during the initial
phase of the journey, but then begins to talk, which is worse than the sullen stillness. If the heroes ask
why the purpose of her journey, she refuses to answer, saying merely that she is on a quest. Should the
heroes stick it out with the dwarf, they eventually might learn that she seeks a dragon who can teach her
how to change into a dragon form. Then she can transcend her earthiness and fly among the clouds.
77. Library of Ideas: A local scholar has heard of a wondrous, mythical place called the Library of Ideas.
He believes that it is on a continent unknown to them thus far. He hopes that the heroes can find an
ancient Irda tome that talks about this Library, so he offers them a reward for entering one of the Irda ruin
sites (DM choice). If the heroes investigate and succeed in their mission, they discover a tome with the
lettering the scholar drew out for them. When they return, what does the scholar find about this Library of
Ideas? What is the library, really? Does it even exist?
78. Cursed Words: A small village has formed on the site of some lost people, though nobody knows for
sure what race lived there. The only remains of the original residents is a fountain with unusual designs
scrolling throughout the stonework. The water runs clear and crisp. If the heroes drink of it, they discover
that they cannot curse in any language. Their tongues stop before they can begin to form the words.
What is causing this to occur? Does the effect wear off? Does it happen only within the area around the
79. Birds Gather: An unusual phenomenon is happening near the heroes: The birds are gathering in all of
the trees nearby with nary a twitter among them. Into this silence, a form settles: a large owl. What is this
owl? What happens if the heroes investigate?
80. Burial Rites: While investigating a cemetery, tomb, or old graveyard, the heroes come across an
unusual marker. The marker is in the ancient Silvanesti writing and says "The One Who Stood Between."
Inside the grave or sarcophagus lie the bones of a small elf, perhaps a child. Who is this child? Why is he
buried here, if he is an elf? What is the significance of the words?
81. Dryad's Journey: The heroes come across a beautiful woman traveling alone. She has the look of an
elf about her, yet she has strange coloration that reflects the foliage of the surrounding trees. If the heroes
ask her about herself, she reveals that she is a treeless dryad in search of the Heart of Wood. What is the
Heart of Wood? How is it that she can leave her dead tree?
82. Satyr's Dance: As the heroes go through the local village, they hear the sound of pipes. If they
investigate the toe-tapping music, they find a satyr producing it. As the music continues, the satyr picks
up the beat, causing all around to start dancing. Not long after, people start coming with wine, beer, and
all manner of foodstuffs. An impromptu party has formed. During the evening, the heroes learn that the
satyr has been staging parties like this one every night for the last two weeks. The locals are so
exhausted from the nightly festivities that they sleep all day, leaving fields untended and businesses
closed. If the heroes stay alert, they notice when the satyr finally gives up his playing, and can talk to him
before he leaves. Meanwhile, all of the partygoers either conk out right there or return to their houses to
sleep. What is the satyr here for? Why does he stage parties for these people? How much more fun can
the town take?
83. Sundial of Shadows: The heroes attend a local gathering, where they notice an unusual feature in the
garden: a sundial. As it is evening, the sundial shouldn't be working, but it actually does! The shadow
continues to point to the time accurately. Is this item magical? Where did it come from? Dungeon Masters
should also pick a hero and allow him or her to see faint runic markings in the light of the moon. What do
the runes say? Are they the maker's marks, or do they relate some dark secret?
84. Gilda's Gleeful Giggle: A dwarf named Gilda thinks she has developed a rather amusing new spell
that she calls Gilda's Gleeful Giggle. It causes the target to start giggling and keep giggling until nobody in
the target's line of sight and range of hearing is smiling or laughing or giggling or generally being happy
and amused. Unfortunately, this effect isn't actually a spell, a local scholar points out. Gilda has a brooch
on her chest that activates whenever she says a specific word (the verbal component of the "spell" she
has created) and causes the effect mentioned above. What is this brooch? Does it have other powers?
(The enterprising Dungeon Master can write up the effect into an actual spell and give it effects that
reduce the target's combat ability and concentration.)
85. Cats Galore!: The local cats are congregating around a specific kender, who finds it rather curious.
They follow him around wherever he goes, and more come to him each day. Why does the kender attract
cats like this? He doesn't smell like fish or other kitty-food favorites. Could it have something to do with
the interesting tiger's eye agate button on his shirt?
86. Fitness Regime: The chubby local lord or lady wishes to get back into shape, and he or she asks the
heroes to help out. The heroes can set up a diet and exercise program, but, after about a week, they see
that the person hasn't improved. In fact, the lord or lady is gaining weight and bulk! What is happening?
Has someone cursed the person? What do the heroes do about it?
87. Runaway: A young child has run away from home, and the wailing mother asks the heroes to help her
find him. If the heroes look into this matter, they discover that he was last seen near the docks, and he
hasn't been seen since. Did he fall into the water? Did he hide away on a ship? What do the heroes do to
help find the boy?
88. Art Imitates Life: The heroes pass by an artist sketching an action-oriented scene. If one of them
looks at the scene, he or she discovers that the scene is one the group just lived through about a week or
so ago. Should the heroes ask the artist about the scene, they discover that the artist has dreams
occasionally, and keeps seeing them in the dreams. What's the connection between the heroes and the
artist? Can they make use of this link, or do they wish to break it?
89. Sculptures: In the local village, a young woman who has never been artistically inclined suddenly
feels the urge to grab some clay and start making clay models. As she finishes her clay model, the model
animates and runs off. The young woman is puzzled and frightened by this gift, so she turns to the heroes
for help. While they're investigating, she takes up marble sculptures. Before she finishes her current work,
which resembles a dryad, the young woman can tell the heroes that she now remembers an old woman
who had passed through town a few weeks go. She touched various people and granted wishes.
Everyone had thought that she was crazy at the time. Is this the clue the heroes need to get started? Who
else made a wish, and has it come true?
90. Master Scheduler: A local business has a new owner, who is getting all kinds of complaints from his
workers. One of the workers finally approaches the heroes and asks for help. If the worker shows up later
than scheduled or has changed shifts with another, something strange happens. The worker finds himself
getting ready for work at the appropriate time and showing up at the time that the owner placed on the
schedule. What do the heroes find out when they talk to the manager?
91. Rose-Colored Glasses: During a crisis, the heroes come across a person who completely ignores the
situation. (For example, if a fire is destroying a building, the person walks on by calmly, ignoring the
demands for her to join the bucket brigade.) The woman is wearing a set of glasses with a rose tint to the
lenses. If asked, she points out that all is well with the world, and she is feeling the best she ever has felt!
Does she not see the crisis? Does this have something to do with the glasses she wears?
92. Cries from Nowhere: The heroes are passing through an area when they hear cries for help. If they
investigate, they find nobody. However, they do find a cairn of stones nearby. Do they pull apart the
cairn? What do they find if they do?
93. Miracle Grow: The heroes visit a village where lush vegetation grows everywhere they look. In fact,
they can see the grass growing! The people in the village are absolutely exhausted trying to keep up with
this fast growth. Do the heroes help them stay on top of it, or do they investigate? What happens when
they find that the culprit is a person with a wild magical talent?
94. Altered States: A young man approaches the heroes and asks for their help. When he pulls off his
hood, the heroes see that his face changes constantly from one race to another. If asked, the man states
that his body is in a kind of flux between elf and human. He is, in fact, a half-elf normally, and he doesn't
understand what is going on. Do the heroes help him out? Is the young man a wild talent?
95. Staff of Stuff: The gully dwarves in the area are congregating for a meeting of some sort, and the
other races around them are suspicious. This has never happened before! If the heroes investigate, they
discover that someone has stolen the sacred gully dwarf Staff of Stuff. The staff usually remains in the
hands of the local gully dwarf leader, but someone stole it yesterday. What does this staff look like and
what can it do? Who is the thief? Do the heroes help the dwarves find the Staff of Stuff?
96. Ghosts or Goons?: The heroes hear of a haunted village nearby. If they visit it, they discover that the
inhabitants fear for their lives. Every evening, something goes around the village and knocks on each
door. Those who looked the first evening swore that they saw a ghostlike figure hovering outside the
door. Ever since, they villagers have cowered in their houses and huts. If asked, they mention that
something goes missing each night, too. Do the heroes investigate this haunting? What do they find? Is it
a ghost, or is someone pulling a trick on the villagers?
97. Ghost Ship: If the heroes are traveling by ship, they find themselves in a bit of a quandary. Two days
after they leave port, the crew mysteriously vanishes, and the ship around them takes on the look of a
ship that hasn't been maintained for a long time. What has happened? Are the heroes aboard a ghost
ship? How can they get home?
98. Special Delivery: The heroes receive a message containing a bunch of nonsense words from
someone. The only thing that makes sense is the salutation, which says "Greetings, Heroes of the Arcane
Order!" Who sent this message? What does it really say? What is the Arcane Order?
99. Secret Admirer: One of the heroes starts receiving small gifts and bouquets of flowers (or something
else appropriate). If the heroes look into this and discover the admirer, not only is it someone rather
surprising, but the admirer goes missing before the hero can talk to him or her. What happened to the
person? Did he or she leave out of embarrassment, or was he or she kidnapped?
100. Gift Horse: As the heroes are traveling, a horse joins their group and refuses to leave them. It won't
allow itself to be saddled or handled in any way. However, the heroes can see a strange brand on its
hide. Can they figure out where this horse came from? If so, do they return it?
101. The Play's the Thing! The heroes enjoyed an evening's performance by a traveling troupe of actors.
The play, a comedy, dealt with a plot by a trio of women to kill their boorish husbands. The only problem
is, that night the local officials receive reports of several assaults on the men of the town -- by their wives!
The heroes can become a part of the investigation when their innkeeper almost becomes a victim. The
wives, all of whom attended the show, can't explain what drove them to violence. They cite only their
husbands' annoying habits as justification. And the actors? They're nowhere to be found. . . .
Thanks goes out to the Dragonlance mailing list subscribers for submitting adventure hooks! If you're on
the list, you might get a change to participate in another project like this in the future! To join the list, visit
Legends of the Lance: First of all, what was your first published work?
What was it like trying to get it published?
Mary Herbert: The first work I had published was titled Dark Horse -- thanks to TSR and Mary Kirchoff --
more years ago than I care to remember. Dark Horse was not only my first sale, but it was my first
attempt at a novel. It made the rounds of publishers for several years before it went to TSR, and they kept
it for a very long time before they agreed to buy it. But I was busy having a baby and didnt really care at
that moment what was happening with the manuscript. Then Mary K. called me one August day and said,
"Wed like to buy your book. Are you still interested?"
Are you kidding?!? Dark Horse stayed in print for years and made the trade paperback best-seller list for
a month or two. It just went out of print last year, but Doubleday picked it up again with its
sequel, Lightnings Daughter, and reprinted them for the Science Fiction Book Club.
Legends: Looking back, what was the toughest part of writing Dark Horse?
Mary: When I wrote Dark Horse, I began with the idea for a short story. Months later it was 500 pages
long. Probably the toughest part was (and still is) getting the ideas out of my head and onto paper in
some coherent and entertaining form. The second toughest part is the editing. It is very difficult to look at
your own "baby" objectively and even harder to have someone else do it for you (accompanied by lots of
red or blue ink or pages and pages of suggestions). I rewrote Dark Horse seven times before it was finally
Legends: Thats a lot of work! Ive noticed that you enjoy including animals in your projects. Why is that?
Mary: I like to include animals simply because I like animals. We have all sorts around here: a dog, a
bird, a guinea pig, fish, a hamster, and the occasional orphan duck or squirrel. I enjoy the company of
animals and am interested in the relationships between humans and other creatures. I would love to have
a Hunnuli horse or a dragon or an owl like Varia as a companion!
Legends: Over the last couple of years, youve made a transition into writing for the Dragonlancesetting.
What do you like most about the world of Krynn?
Mary: Krynn is a fascinating world. It is very rich and constantly changing, and I think it offers something
for almost every reader (or game player) from unicorns to Lord Soth to kender to draconians. One of my
favorite aspects of the world is its dragons, the good ones, the bad ones, and those like Cobalt who fall
somewhere in between because of the relationship they have with their riders. Cobalt was fun to create
because he was a blue dragon allied with a good character.
The interaction between human and dragon on Krynn is endlessly entertaining, and one that I use in
different ways in all three of the Dragonlance books Ive written so far.
Legends: Now that youve written several Dragonlance novels, what do you find that you enjoy most
about working with this shared world?
Mary: I enjoy working with all the different characters the most. Working in a shared world can be tricky
because you have to stay within the rules and boundaries of that world without irritating the readers, the
game players, the creators, or the other authors. On the other hand, it opens up a whole new vista of
ideas, characters, situations, and story ideas that I would never have imagined on my own.
Legends: Since youve mentioned characters several times, which Dragonlance character do you like
the most?
Mary: If you asked my son that question, hed immediately say, "Raistlin. And Tanis. And Tasslehoff. Oh,
and Sturm. And Jasper. And . . ." I feel the same way. It is impossible to pick just one. I like Tika and
Caramon for their longevity and their love for each other, Sturm and Linsha and the Knights of Solamnia,
Sara Dunstan and Cobalt, Lord Bight, every kender (I wish I could write about kender the way Margaret
Weis can! She makes them so funny.), the centaurs, Goldmoon, Ulin and Lucy, etc., etc., etc.
Legends: Do you have a character that youve worked with that you like better than any other?
Mary: It is too difficult to choose one favorite. Since each work takes so much effort and concentration,
the characters become friends (or enemies). How do you choose one friend over another? There are a
few of my characters I would love to meet face to face. Valorian (from the book of that name) is one. He
has always been a favorite. I like Sara Dunstan, too. I can relate to her age and her love for her child. I
wish I had her courage. Gabria and her daughter, Kelene and their Hunnuli horses are very dear to me as
well. Like I said, how do you choose?
Legends: Looking back on your first Dragonlance novel Legacy of Steel, what was the toughest
challenge you faced?
Mary: The greatest challenge I faced when I started writing Dragonlance novels was the fact that Id
never read one. I had no idea what Krynn was about; I didnt know about the dragons, the magic, the
characters, or the history. I thought Mary Kirchoff was kidding when she asked me if I wanted to try writing
a shared world book about a world I knew nothing about. I read a few of the books and anthologies and
decided I liked the world, so I agreed. After that, I took a crash course on Krynn, Dragonlance, and
dragons with the help of Margaret Weis, [former Dragonlance brand manager] Sue Cook, the game
department, and anyone else I could track down to answer my endless questions. Everyone was very
helpful and supportive, and with their help, Legacy of Steel was created.
Legends: What are you working on now for the Dragonlance setting?
Mary: Clandestine Circle is the most recent book to be printed, but I just finished the rough draft of my
third Dragonlance book, which is tentatively titled Dragons Bluff. What grabbed me the most
about Clandestine Circle is the setting. Sanction with its volcanoes, its unique problems, and its very
colorful lord governor held my imagination from the beginning. Very little had been written about the city
itself after Lord Bights arrival, so I basically started from the rubble and a few game descriptions and
rebuilt the city.
Legends: When you were writing Clandestine Circle, what resources did you have to develop Linsha?
Mary: As with Sanction, there was not much previous material about these two, particularly Lord Bight. I
read what I could find and asked Margaret a lot of questions, and [the book editors] sent everything they
could find at Wizards. For the rest, I just filled in the blanks. Linsha had the best character development of
the two, so I added the talking owl, Varia, as Linshas companion, taught her how to juggle, dumped her
in the middle of a conflict of loyalties and let her true character shine through.
Linsha is trying to make the best of a difficult situation that only gets more complicated as the story
progresses. She has lousy taste in men, but she makes good friendships, and I would like to see at least
one of those friendships develop further in another book. Well see if anyone else agrees with me.
Legends: I certainly hope so. It sounds like you had fun with Linsha. Was she one of your favorite
characters to develop in Clandestine Circle?
Mary: Oh, the power of an author! While I enjoyed working with Linsha in this city, the character that I
enjoyed the most was Lord Bight. I modeled part of his character after a friend of mine who has a very
devilish sense of humor. Bight has a complicated personality and an interesting secret I am not allowed to
reveal at this time! I hope one of these days, the powers that rule Krynn will let me write about Lord Bight
and Linsha again.
Legends: So do I! Earlier, you mentioned your current project called Dragons Bluff. Can you tell us a
little bit about it?
Mary: Dragons Bluff is about Ulin and Lucy and is set in Flotsam sometime after the destruction of the
Academy of Sorcery. Its full of dragons and a pirates treasure and rogues and a town with a big problem.
Legends: We have a lot of roleplayers out there reading this who may want to know if you roleplay. Do
Mary: No, I dont roleplay, although my son would like to change that. He wants me to learn so I can
become a Dungeon Master and teach him how to play Dungeons & Dragons. Unless the days become
48 hours long, and I get struck by lightning and suddenly learn to like games, it probably wont happen.
Legends: Before we end this interview, what advice do you have to offer people who may want to write
novels and short stories professionally?
Mary: If writing is something you really enjoy and you are willing to stick with it through those long, lonely
hours in front of a computer, be patient, be persevering, and grow a thick skin to ward off those rejection
slips and critical editors.
Look for Clandestine Circle on our site or in stores near you in July 2000.