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Interactive Mini-Mission

A D&D 3rd Edition Living Greyhawk Mini-mission for Nyrond

Version 1.0

Author: Jeffrey C. Harris

A mini-mission for characters, average party level 2 through 12.

Adventure Background
The gods of chaos have taken direct hand
upon the prime material plane, and PCs find
themselves upside-down, in a state of personal
reversed gravity, standing upon the ceiling deep
within the recesses of the Necropolis of Rel
Wee Jas is not pleased. The goddess of
Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law will set the
proper order back into place, but only if the PCs
who have trespassed unwittingly into her
demesne prove themselves. Their response to
chaos will be weighed and measured against
the strength of their own convictions, as they
confront the City of the Dead, deep below
Nyronds capital. Yet, they need not fail, for
heroes are needed, perhaps especially, among
the dead, where memory and regret live on.
The time of trial is at hand for these PCs.
The appointed task of the PCs is finding a
way out of the Necropolis of Rel Mord without
disturbing the peace of its residents. Doing this
alone will satisfy Deaths Guardian, but not
optimally. Gaining her favor requires a bit more.
If the PCs also succeed at erasing a passage
from the Enchiridion of Lost Souls, one of the
three powerfully magical books secreted within
the Necropolis, the Witch Goddess will find the
PCs satisfactory, and will undo the workings of
the hand of chaos upon the prime material
plane, at least in all areas of her own concern.
Failure will not only prove to the Stern Lady
that she need not take hand to restore order to
the people of Rel Mord, for their heroes are
unimportant failures, but it may also see the
PCs joining the denizens of the City of the

Adventure Synopsis
There are three aspects to this mini-mission.
Aspect one is negotiating the labyrinthine
passages of the upside-down Necropolis itself,
with its traps and dangers.
Aspect two is negotiating the citizenry of the
Necropolis, some of whom are properly
entombed dead not to be disturbed, some of
which are undead not to be hazarded, and
some of which are undead lost souls, who have
been Commanded into chambers of the
Necropolis by the Morticians Guild of Rel Mord -a semi-secret organization with ties of faith to
Wee Jas -- who have sent the lost souls here to
give them a place to reside until the unresolved
issues of their former lives can be assuaged,
freeing them to move on to the afterlife. These
lost souls have been sent here by the Morticians

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

as an act of kindness, granting them a

residence while they work on rectifying that
which keeps them here, and as an act of order,
to keep them from haunting the living. Clerics of
other gods would hasten to simply destroy these
undead as monsters, and for that reason the
Morticians maintain a veil of secrecy over
themselves and the inner workings of the
Necropolis, as well as a healthy dose of
ambivalence toward clerics who call themselves,
good. But, they will welcome heroes who show
enough compassion to free the lost souls from
torment without simply destroying them to suit
the living.
Aspect three is managing the strictures and
gifts of Wee Jas while negotiating her demesne.
The PCs are met by a Mortician of Rel Mord,
who helps them only long enough to establish
their mission and convey his holy vision from the
Stern Lady, along with her gifts and rules. Then
it is up to the PCs to succeed.

Player Introduction
Please read the following player introduction
when the PCs are ready to begin the minimission.
You have no idea what just happened, but
nothing is as it was a moment ago.
All around you is darkness and quiet.
Some would call it peace. But, it doesnt feel
right. This is not the place you belong. Your
eyes hunger to take in your surroundings, yet
they show you only nothingness.
darkness fallen? It hadnt a moment ago.
And, this is unlike other darkness you have
known. Your ears yearn for sound. The
cacophony of life. But, it will not come. A
breath. Another. You are breathing, which
grants you scent. Only damp and must. Then
finally, a sound.
High overhead,
stretching unimaginably into the darkness,
there is the sound of a droplet breaking the
surface of a pool, but are these things only in
your mind? There is no way to verify your
surroundings, and the sound is gone.
Nothingness returns. At least, you are not
in pain. Perhaps you are dead.
The after-effect of the Chaos Strike for these
PCs is not only that they are each affected by a
separate personal reversal of gravity, and that
they have been teleported into a deep unused
chamber within the Necropolis of Rel Mord, but
they are also placed just out of reach of one
another on the ceiling of this chamber, under

Page 2

the rapidly dissipating effects of a deeper

darkness spell centered midway between the
PCs. The deeper darkness fades in about the
same amount of time as it normally takes human
eyes to adjust to being whisked from daylight
into a dark area. Then, the prevailing darkness
of the Necropolis becomes the ambient light of
the area. At this point, light-shedding devices
upon the PCs will fade in again, and low-light
vision or darkvision will begin to function
PCs without light sources or
enhanced vision remain in normal ambient
Listen Checks (DC 10) reveal occasional faint
water droplet sounds from high overhead.
Spot Checks (DC 20), from PCs with means to
see in the darkness, reveal a smooth reflective
surface overhead in a large, empty room of
stone walls. The surface is water.
Search Checks (DC 20), from PCs with
Stonecunning, reveal
superior stonework
underfoot, along the walls, and an underground
depth of several hundred feet. But, something
is curious about the depth (due to being upsidedown).
Intuit Direction Checks (DC 20) reveal that the
PCs are upside-down, somewhere underground
below Rel Mord.

Reverse Gravity: CR --; magical phenomenon
[Chaos]; special trigger; spell effect (reverse
gravity, 14th level Sor). Note: Unlike the typical
reverse gravity spell, this phenomenon has a
range of personal, and affects each PC for a
duration of permanent, until dispelled. It cannot
be dispelled by mortal magic. While attended
items on the PCs will also be affected by the
phenomenon, items that leave the attendance
of PCs will return to normal gravity. This wont
affect a missile or hurled object until it strikes a
surface, but dropped items will immediately fall
according to normal gravity.
After a time, please read the following to the
With a slight rush of air, and a sudden
bloom of light, you see a stone door on the
masonry wall in front of you open. But, it is a
strange door. It opens at the highest point
above you, where the wall should meet the
ceiling, a good twenty feet up. The door
opens onto a small landing on the ceiling,

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

then a flight of stairs ascends from the

landing, stepping ever higher until it becomes
enveloped by a reflective smooth surface
which passes for ceiling in this bizarre room.
After a moment of acclimation, you realize the
reflective smooth surface is water, and its
surface is far above your head.
You have only a moment to puzzle, before
the figure with the light steps into the room.
He steps through the strange door, and
stands upside-down upon the landing. He
holds an elaborate candelabra in one hand,
full of dancing wick flames, and in his other
hand is a small box, reminiscent of a coffin.
A raven perches on his shoulder, also
upside-down. The man looks around puzzled
for a moment, then cranes his neck and
catches sight of you, twenty feet below him.
He is pale, with more than a hint of Suloise
blood, and wears a simple black coat over a
black shirt tucked into black breeches.
Around his neck is a holy symbol depicting a
skull backlit by an exploding fireball.
The man smiles around his pencil-thin
mustache. I bring you the welcome of the
Stern Lady to the Necropolis of Rel Mord, he
says, I am Edgegar Smithe, Chief Undertaker
of the Rel Mord Morticians Association.

Edgegar Smithe: male human Clr9; hp 54; is
not surprised to see the PCs here. He has, in
fact, been informed of the situation by Wee Jas
herself, in a vision. He is appointed to provide
the following information and gifts to the PCs,
then return to his duties. He will carry out this
task with complete efficiency, offering no more
than he has been told to give, and accepting
nothing in return.


Edgegar tells the PCs that the gods of

Chaos have laid direct hand upon the prime
material plane, and thus they find
themselves here, in the Necropolis of Rel
They must leave, as they are
trespassing, but since they had no hand in
the trespass, they will be given the means to
leave unharmed.
Edgegar also notes that Wee Jas, Ruby
Sorceress, Deaths Guardian, and Witch
Goddess will observe them while they make
their way out of her demesne, and she
makes them the following bargain: Prove
their dedication to the proper order of things
by leaving the Necropolis, respecting the
properly entombed remains here, making the
correct choices when confronted by the

Page 3

obstacles of the area, and she will restore

them to normal gravity upon exiting. If they
are especially competent at the task, she will
also reverse the effects of the hand of
chaos upon the material plane for the
people of Rel Mord, inasmuch as it affects
areas of her concern.
To help them at this appointment of duty,
Edgegar mentions that Wee Jas will grant
them three things. First, her welcome. So
long as they wear her symbol (which
Edgegar has six of in the little coffin box),
undead within the Necropolis will begin any
encounter with them disposed neutrally,
almost as if the PCs were undead
themselves. Second, her gift. One time
only, or until they have exited the
Necropolis, Wee Jas will hold deaths door
open for each PC. This means that each
PC may auto-stabilize once during this
adventure while dying (-1 to -9 hit points)
without needing to roll. Third, a guide. The
raven with Edgegar is Nevermore, and is a
familiar of Wee Jas. He speaks Common,
Ancient Suloise, Infernal, and Celestial, and
he will guide the PCs on the proper course
toward the exit of the Necropolis. Despite
speaking the above languages, Nevermore
speaks only his own name in the presence
of the PCs, unless the situation is dire.

Judges Note:
The Necropolis itself is a gargantuan ancient
labyrinthine complex, with tombs, crypts,
greathalls, chapels, laboratories, storehouses of
ancient deceaseds belongings, and secrets lost
to all mortal memory at its farthest depths. Most
of the oldest sections of the Necropolis are
currently flooded and submerged, and have
been for generations, as the Duntide river has
burst the barriers that once kept it out, many
years ago. Nevermore will lead the PCs on a
circuitous path through this labyrinth, choosing a
course to avoid proper tombs, undead that
cannot be helped, traps that cannot be
bypassed, and architecture that cannot be
surmounted while the PCs must traverse the
ceiling. Even doing so, the PCs must still
contend with vaulted ceilings, domes, doorways,
slopes, stairwells, shafts, arches, columns, and
the like, from a precarious upside-down vantage,
where a simple hallway might open into a room
with a ceiling/floor scores of feet below the
PCs, and no way down.
Nevermore will guide the PCs through this
maze. His path will be long and difficult to
understand, seeming to double back on itself or
go off on unnecessary tangents. Really, the

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

raven is taking the PCs through the only safe

course that exists from their starting point to the
Chamber of Tomes, which will allow the PCs to
exit. He also allows his path to cross the
Schoolroom as a test for the PCs, allowing them
the opportunity to gain Wee Jass cooperation.

Encounter 1
APL 2 (EL 6)
6 Childrens Ghosts, male and female human
undead; CR 2, HD 1d12; hp 9 ea.; Init +0 (Dex);
Spd fly 30 (Perfect); AC 12 (+2 deflection) [touch
12, flat-footed 12]; Atks +0 melee (1d4,
corrupting touch); SA Corrupting Touch; SQ
Manifestation, Undead Traits,
Subtype, Rejuvenation, Turn Resistance +4; AL
NG; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 10,
Con --, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Craft (Arts and Crafts) +4,
Profession (Student) +4, Hide +8, Listen +8,
Search +8, Spot +8; Dodge.
Manifestation (Su): As ethereal creatures,
these ghosts cannot affect or be affected by
anything in the material world, unless they
manifest. When they manifest, these ghosts
become visible but remain incorporeal. While
manifested they can strike with their touch
Corrupting Touch (Su): A ghost that hits a
living target with its incorporeal attack deals 1d4
points of damage.
Undead Traits (Ex):
Immune to mindinfluencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, disease, critical hits, subdual damage,
energy drain, death effects, and death from
massive damage.
Incorporeal Subtype (Ex): These creatures
have no physical bodies. They can be harmed
only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better
magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or
supernatural abilities. Even when hit by spells or
magic weapons, there is a 50% chance that
they may ignore all damage from a corporeal
source (except for force effects, or attacks made
with ghost touch weapons). They may pass
through solid objects at will, but not force
effects. Their attacks pass through (and ignore)
natural armor, armor, and shields, although
deflection bonuses and force effects work
normally against them.
Rejuvenation (Su): These creatures, if
otherwise destroyed, will return to this place on a

Page 4

successful level check, 1d20+1 against a DC of

16, unless a way is found for them to be taught
that they have died, and it is time to move on.
Turn Resistance (Ex): Each of these
creatures turns or rebukes as a 5 HD creature.
Possessions: A Search Check (DC 15) in this
room reveals a small gold idol of a human figure
with an onyx jackals head hidden behind a
loose stone in the wall. The figure is worth 600
gp, and is the dolly of one of the ghost

When a living creature enters the twenty by forty
foot stonework room where the ghost children
dwell, they immediately manifest to continue a
game of tag. They laugh and play while the
PCs are present, and are especially interested
in them because they are upside-down. The
PCs will be seen as other children entering the
game of tag, and each round, the ghost child
who is it will try to tag a random PC. It is very
difficult (Diplomacy DC 18) for the PCs to
convince the children to stop playing tag with
them. The ghost children dont understand that
their game is hurting the PCs.
Any ghost child who takes half its hit points
in damage from the PCs will immediately stop

These children were killed en masse when an
evil necromancer exploded a negative energy
burst spell in their school many years ago, to
punish the parents of one child. They do not
know that they are dead, have no concept of
time, and continue to believe that they are at
recess, awaiting the school marm to call them
back into class. If the PCs are able to teach
the children what death means, and that they
have died, the childrens souls will be released
from this world and will immediately be escorted
by one of Wee Jass solars to the home plane of
Berei, where their eternal reward awaits. The
solar will not engage the PCs in any fashion,
under Wee Jass orders, but it will nod to them in
thanks before vanishing with the children.

APL 4 (EL 9)
6 Childrens Ghosts, male and female human
undead; CR 4, HD 2d12; hp 18 ea.; Init +0
(Dex); Spd fly 30 (Perfect); AC 12 (+2 deflection)
[touch 12, flat-footed 12]; Atks +1 melee (1d4,
corrupting touch); SA Corrupting Touch, Frightful
Moan; SQ Manifestation, Undead Traits,
Incorporeal Subtype, Rejuvenation,

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

Resistance +4; AL NG; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will

+0; Str 10, Dex 10, Con --, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha
Skills and Feats: Craft (Arts and Crafts) +5,
Profession (Student) +5, Hide +8, Listen +8,
Search +8, Spot +8; Dodge.
Manifestation (Su): As ethereal creatures,
these ghosts cannot affect or be affected by
anything in the material world, unless they
manifest. When they manifest, these ghosts
become visible but remain incorporeal. While
manifested they can strike with their touch
Frightful Moan (Su): These ghosts can
moan as a standard action. All living creatures
within a 30 foot spread must succeed at a Will
save (DC 13) or become panicked for 2d4
rounds. This is a sonic, necromantic, mindaffecting fear effect. A creature that saves
against the moan cannot be affected by the
same ghosts moan for one day.
Corrupting Touch (Su): A ghost that hits a
living target with its incorporeal attack deals 1d4
points of damage.
Undead Traits (Ex):
Immune to mindinfluencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, disease, critical hits, subdual damage,
energy drain, death effects, and death from
massive damage.
Incorporeal Subtype (Ex): These creatures
have no physical bodies. They can be harmed
only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better
magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or
supernatural abilities. Even when hit by spells or
magic weapons, there is a 50% chance that
they may ignore all damage from a corporeal
source (except for force effects, or attacks made
with ghost touch weapons). They may pass
through solid objects at will, but not force
effects. Their attacks pass through (and ignore)
natural armor, armor, and shields, although
deflection bonuses and force effects work
normally against them.
Rejuvenation (Su): These creatures, if
otherwise destroyed, will return to this place on a
successful level check, 1d20+2 against a DC of
16, unless a way is found for them to be taught
that they have died, and it is time to move on.
Turn Resistance (Ex): Each of these
creatures turns or rebukes as a 6 HD creature.
Possessions: A Search Check (DC 15) in this
room reveals a small gold idol of a human figure
with an onyx jackals head hidden behind a
loose stone in the wall. The figure is worth 900
gp, and is the dolly of one of the ghost

Page 5

When a living creature enters the twenty by forty
foot stonework room where the ghost children
dwell, they immediately manifest to continue a
game of tag. They laugh and play while the
PCs are present, and are especially interested
in them because they are upside-down. The
PCs will be seen as other children entering the
game of tag, and each round, the ghost child
who is it will try to tag a random PC. Likewise,
some of the children who are not it will use a
frightful moan in place of laughter, unaware of
its effect on the living.
It is very difficult
(Diplomacy DC 22) for the PCs to convince the
children to stop playing tag with them. The
ghost children dont understand that their game
is hurting the PCs.
Any ghost child who takes half its hit points
in damage from the PCs will immediately stop

These children were killed en masse when an
evil necromancer exploded a negative energy
burst spell in their school many years ago, to
punish the parents of one child. They do not
know that they are dead, have no concept of
time, and continue to believe that they are at
recess, awaiting the school marm to call them
back into class. If the PCs are able to teach
the children what death means, and that they
have died, the childrens souls will be released
from this world and will immediately be escorted
by one of Wee Jass solars to the home plane of
Berei, where their eternal reward awaits. The
solar will not engage the PCs in any fashion,
under Wee Jass orders, but it will nod to them in
thanks before vanishing with the children.

APL 6 (EL 12)

6 Childrens Ghosts, male and female human
undead; CR 7, HD 5d12; hp 45 ea.; Init +2
(Dex); Spd fly 30 (Perfect); AC 14 (+2 deflection,
+2 Dex) [touch 14, flat-footed 12]; Atks +4
melee (1d4, corrupting touch); SA Corrupting
Touch, Frightful Moan, Corrupting Gaze; SQ
Manifestation, Undead Traits,
Subtype, Rejuvenation, Turn Resistance +4; AL
NG; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 14,
Con --, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: Craft (Arts and Crafts) +8,
Profession (Student) +8, Hide +8, Listen +8,
Search +8, Spot +8; Dodge, Iron Will.
Manifestation (Su): As ethereal creatures,
these ghosts cannot affect or be affected by
anything in the material world, unless they

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

manifest. When they manifest, these ghosts

become visible but remain incorporeal. While
manifested they can strike with their touch
Frightful Moan (Su): These ghosts can
moan as a standard action. All living creatures
within a 30 foot spread must succeed at a Will
save (DC 15) or become panicked for 2d4
rounds. This is a sonic, necromantic, mindaffecting fear effect. A creature that saves
against the moan cannot be affected by the
same ghosts moan for one day.
Corrupting Touch (Su): A ghost that hits a
living target with its incorporeal attack deals 1d4
points of damage.
Corrupting Gaze (Su): These ghosts can
blast living beings with a glance, at a range of
up to 30 feet. Creatures that meet the ghosts
gaze must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15)
or suffer 2d10 points of damage and 1d4 points
of permanent Charisma drain.
Undead Traits (Ex):
Immune to mindinfluencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, disease, critical hits, subdual damage,
energy drain, death effects, and death from
massive damage.
Incorporeal Subtype (Ex): These creatures
have no physical bodies. They can be harmed
only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better
magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or
supernatural abilities. Even when hit by spells or
magic weapons, there is a 50% chance that
they may ignore all damage from a corporeal
source (except for force effects, or attacks made
with ghost touch weapons). They may pass
through solid objects at will, but not force
effects. Their attacks pass through (and ignore)
natural armor, armor, and shields, although
deflection bonuses and force effects work
normally against them.
Rejuvenation (Su): These creatures, if
otherwise destroyed, will return to this place on a
successful level check, 1d20+5 against a DC of
16, unless a way is found for them to be taught
that they have died, and it is time to move on.
Turn Resistance (Ex): Each of these
creatures turns or rebukes as a 9 HD creature.
Possessions: A Search Check (DC 15) in this
room reveals a small gold idol of a human figure
with an onyx jackals head hidden behind a
loose stone in the wall. The figure is worth
1,200 gp, and is the dolly of one of the ghost

When a living creature enters the twenty by forty
foot stonework room where the ghost children
dwell, they immediately manifest to continue a

Page 6

game of tag. They laugh and play while the

PCs are present, and are especially interested
in them because they are upside-down. The
PCs will be seen as other children entering the
game of tag, and each round, the ghost child
who is it will try to tag a random PC. Likewise,
some of the children who are not it will use a
frightful moan in place of laughter, unaware of
its effect on the living. And, the other children
will make faces at the PCs, also unaware that
they are using corrupting gazes. It is very
difficult (Diplomacy DC 24) for the PCs to
convince the children to stop playing tag with
them. The ghost children dont understand that
their game is hurting the PCs.
Any ghost child who takes half its hit points
in damage from the PCs will immediately stop

These children were killed en masse when an
evil necromancer exploded a negative energy
burst spell in their school many years ago, to
punish the parents of one child. They do not
know that they are dead, have no concept of
time, and continue to believe that they are at
recess, awaiting the school marm to call them
back into class. If the PCs are able to teach
the children what death means, and that they
have died, the childrens souls will be released
from this world and will immediately be escorted
by one of Wee Jass solars to the home plane of
Berei, where their eternal reward awaits. The
solar will not engage the PCs in any fashion,
under Wee Jass orders, but it will nod to them in
thanks before vanishing with the children.

APL 8 (EL 15)

6 Childrens Ghosts, male and female human
undead; CR 10, HD 8d12; hp 72 ea.; Init +2
(Dex); Spd fly 30 (Perfect); AC 14 (+2 deflection,
+2 Dex) [touch 14, flat-footed 12]; Atks +6/+1
melee (1d4, corrupting touch); SA Corrupting
Touch, Frightful Moan, Corrupting Gaze; SQ
Manifestation, Undead Traits,
Subtype, Rejuvenation, Turn Resistance +4; AL
NG; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 10, Dex 14,
Con --, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: Craft (Arts and Crafts) +12,
Profession (Student) +12, Hide +8, Listen +8,
Search +8, Spot +8; Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility.
Manifestation (Su): As ethereal creatures,
these ghosts cannot affect or be affected by
anything in the material world, unless they
manifest. When they manifest, these ghosts
become visible but remain incorporeal. While

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

manifested they can strike with their touch

Frightful Moan (Su): These ghosts can
moan as a standard action. All living creatures
within a 30 foot spread must succeed at a Will
save (DC 17) or become panicked for 2d4
rounds. This is a sonic, necromantic, mindaffecting fear effect. A creature that saves
against the moan cannot be affected by the
same ghosts moan for one day.
Corrupting Touch (Su): A ghost that hits a
living target with its incorporeal attack deals 1d4
points of damage.
Corrupting Gaze (Su): These ghosts can
blast living beings with a glance, at a range of
up to 30 feet. Creatures that meet the ghosts
gaze must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17)
or suffer 2d10 points of damage and 1d4 points
of permanent Charisma drain.
Undead Traits (Ex):
Immune to mindinfluencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, disease, critical hits, subdual damage,
energy drain, death effects, and death from
massive damage.
Incorporeal Subtype (Ex): These creatures
have no physical bodies. They can be harmed
only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better
magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or
supernatural abilities. Even when hit by spells or
magic weapons, there is a 50% chance that
they may ignore all damage from a corporeal
source (except for force effects, or attacks made
with ghost touch weapons). They may pass
through solid objects at will, but not force
effects. Their attacks pass through (and ignore)
natural armor, armor, and shields, although
deflection bonuses and force effects work
normally against them.
Rejuvenation (Su): These creatures, if
otherwise destroyed, will return to this place on a
successful level check, 1d20+8 against a DC of
16, unless a way is found for them to be taught
that they have died, and it is time to move on.
Turn Resistance (Ex): Each of these
creatures turns or rebukes as a 12 HD creature.
Possessions: A Search Check (DC 15) in this
room reveals a small gold idol of a human figure
with an onyx jackals head hidden behind a
loose stone in the wall. The figure is worth
1,875 gp, and is the dolly of one of the ghost

When a living creature enters the twenty by forty
foot stonework room where the ghost children
dwell, they immediately manifest to continue a
game of tag. They laugh and play while the
PCs are present, and are especially interested

Page 7

in them because they are upside-down. The

PCs will be seen as other children entering the
game of tag, and each round, the ghost child
who is it will try to tag a random PC. Likewise,
some of the children who are not it will use a
frightful moan in place of laughter, unaware of
its effect on the living. And, the other children
will make faces at the PCs, also unaware that
they are using corrupting gazes. It is very
difficult (Diplomacy DC 26) for the PCs to
convince the children to stop playing tag with
them. The ghost children dont understand that
their game is hurting the PCs.
Any ghost child who takes half its hit points
in damage from the PCs will immediately stop

These children were killed en masse when an
evil necromancer exploded a negative energy
burst spell in their school many years ago, to
punish the parents of one child. They do not
know that they are dead, have no concept of
time, and continue to believe that they are at
recess, awaiting the school marm to call them
back into class. If the PCs are able to teach
the children what death means, and that they
have died, the childrens souls will be released
from this world and will immediately be escorted
by one of Wee Jass solars to the home plane of
Berei, where their eternal reward awaits. The
solar will not engage the PCs in any fashion,
under Wee Jass orders, but it will nod to them in
thanks before vanishing with the children.

APL 10 (EL 18)

6 Childrens Ghosts, male and female human
undead; CR 13, HD 11d12; hp 99 ea.; Init +4
(Dex); Spd fly 30 (Perfect); AC 16 (+2 deflection,
+4 Dex) [touch 16, flat-footed 12]; Atks +9/+4
melee (1d4, corrupting touch); SA Corrupting
Touch, Corrupting Gaze, Horrific Appearance;
SQ Manifestation, Undead Traits, Incorporeal
Subtype, Rejuvenation, Turn Resistance +4; AL
NG; SV Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 18,
Con --, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: Craft (Arts and Crafts) +15,
Profession (Student) +15, Hide +8, Listen +8,
Search +8, Spot +8; Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility,
Combat Reflexes.
Manifestation (Su): As ethereal creatures,
these ghosts cannot affect or be affected by
anything in the material world, unless they
manifest. When they manifest, these ghosts
become visible but remain incorporeal. While

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

manifested they can strike with their touch

Horrific Appearance (Su): Any living
creature within 60 that views these ghosts must
succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18) or
immediately suffer 1d4 points of permanent
Strength, 1d4 points of permanent Dexterity,
and 1d4 points of permanent Constitution drain
A creature that successfully saves cannot be
affected by the same ghosts appearance for
one day.
Corrupting Touch (Su): A ghost that hits a
living target with its incorporeal attack deals 1d4
points of damage.
Corrupting Gaze (Su): These ghosts can
blast living beings with a glance, at a range of
up to 30 feet. Creatures that meet the ghosts
gaze must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18)
or suffer 2d10 points of damage and 1d4 points
of permanent Charisma drain.
Undead Traits (Ex):
Immune to mindinfluencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, disease, critical hits, subdual damage,
energy drain, death effects, and death from
massive damage.
Incorporeal Subtype (Ex): These creatures
have no physical bodies. They can be harmed
only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better
magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or
supernatural abilities. Even when hit by spells or
magic weapons, there is a 50% chance that
they may ignore all damage from a corporeal
source (except for force effects, or attacks made
with ghost touch weapons). They may pass
through solid objects at will, but not force
effects. Their attacks pass through (and ignore)
natural armor, armor, and shields, although
deflection bonuses and force effects work
normally against them.
Rejuvenation (Su): These creatures, if
otherwise destroyed, will return to this place on a
successful level check, 1d20+11 against a DC of
16, unless a way is found for them to be taught
that they have died, and it is time to move on.
Turn Resistance (Ex): Each of these
creatures turns or rebukes as a 15 HD creature.
Possessions: A Search Check (DC 15) in this
room reveals a small gold idol of a human figure
with an onyx jackals head, and emerald eyes,
hidden behind a loose stone in the wall. The
figure is worth 3,150 gp, and is the dolly of one
of the ghost children.

When a living creature enters the twenty by forty
foot stonework room where the ghost children
dwell, they immediately manifest to continue a
game of tag, immediately invoking their horrific

Page 8

appearance ability unwittingly. They laugh and

play while the PCs are present, and are
especially interested in them because they are
upside-down. The PCs will be seen as other
children entering the game of tag, and each
round, the ghost child who is it will try to tag a
random PC. Likewise, some of the children who
are not it will make faces at the PCs, also
unaware that they are using corrupting gazes. It
is very difficult (Diplomacy DC 28) for the PCs to
convince the children to stop playing tag with
them. The ghost children dont understand that
their game is hurting the PCs.
Any ghost child who takes half its hit points
in damage from the PCs will immediately stop

These children were killed en masse when an
evil necromancer exploded a negative energy
burst spell in their school many years ago, to
punish the parents of one child. They do not
know that they are dead, have no concept of
time, and continue to believe that they are at
recess, awaiting the school marm to call them
back into class. If the PCs are able to teach
the children what death means, and that they
have died, the childrens souls will be released
from this world and will immediately be escorted
by one of Wee Jass solars to the home plane of
Berei, where their eternal reward awaits. The
solar will not engage the PCs in any fashion,
under Wee Jass orders, but it will nod to them in
thanks before vanishing with the children.

APL 12 (EL 21)

6 Childrens Ghosts, male and female human
undead; CR 16, HD 14d12; hp 126 ea.; Init +4
(Dex); Spd fly 35 (Perfect); AC 16 (+2 deflection,
+4 Dex) [touch 16, flat-footed 12]; Atks
+11/+6/+1 melee (1d4, corrupting touch); SA
Corrupting Touch, Corrupting Gaze, Horrific
Appearance; SQ Manifestation, Undead Traits,
Incorporeal Subtype, Rejuvenation,
Resistance +4; AL NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +8, Will
+6; Str 10, Dex 18, Con --, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha
Skills and Feats: Craft (Arts and Crafts) +18,
Profession (Student) +18, Hide +8, Listen +8,
Search +8, Spot +8; Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility,
Combat Reflexes, Dash.
Manifestation (Su): As ethereal creatures,
these ghosts cannot affect or be affected by
anything in the material world, unless they
manifest. When they manifest, these ghosts
become visible but remain incorporeal. While

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

manifested they can strike with their touch

Horrific Appearance (Su): Any living
creature within 60 that views these ghosts must
succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 20) or
immediately suffer 1d4 points of permanent
Strength, 1d4 points of permanent Dexterity,
and 1d4 points of permanent Constitution drain
A creature that successfully saves cannot be
affected by the same ghosts appearance for
one day.
Corrupting Touch (Su): A ghost that hits a
living target with its incorporeal attack deals 1d4
points of damage.
Corrupting Gaze (Su): These ghosts can
blast living beings with a glance, at a range of
up to 30 feet. Creatures that meet the ghosts
gaze must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 20)
or suffer 2d10 points of damage and 1d4 points
of permanent Charisma drain.
Undead Traits (Ex):
Immune to mindinfluencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, disease, critical hits, subdual damage,
energy drain, death effects, and death from
massive damage.
Incorporeal Subtype (Ex): These creatures
have no physical bodies. They can be harmed
only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better
magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or
supernatural abilities. Even when hit by spells or
magic weapons, there is a 50% chance that
they may ignore all damage from a corporeal
source (except for force effects, or attacks made
with ghost touch weapons). They may pass
through solid objects at will, but not force
effects. Their attacks pass through (and ignore)
natural armor, armor, and shields, although
deflection bonuses and force effects work
normally against them.
Rejuvenation (Su): These creatures, if
otherwise destroyed, will return to this place on a
successful level check, 1d20+14 against a DC of
16, unless a way is found for them to be taught
that they have died, and it is time to move on.
Turn Resistance (Ex): Each of these
creatures turns or rebukes as an 18 HD
Possessions: A Search Check (DC 15) in this
room reveals a small gold idol of a human figure
with an onyx jackals head, and diamond eyes,
hidden behind a loose stone in the wall. The
figure is worth 4,500 gp, and is the dolly of one
of the ghost children.

When a living creature enters the twenty by forty
foot stonework room where the ghost children
dwell, they immediately manifest to continue a

Page 9

game of tag, immediately invoking their horrific

appearance ability unwittingly. They laugh and
play while the PCs are present, and are
especially interested in them because they are
upside-down. The PCs will be seen as other
children entering the game of tag, and each
round, the ghost child who is it will try to tag a
random PC. Likewise, some of the children who
are not it will make faces at the PCs, also
unaware that they are using corrupting gazes. It
is very difficult (Diplomacy DC 30) for the PCs to
convince the children to stop playing tag with
them. The ghost children dont understand that
their game is hurting the PCs.
Any ghost child who takes half its hit points
in damage from the PCs will immediately stop

These children were killed en masse when an
evil necromancer exploded a negative energy
burst spell in their school many years ago, to
punish the parents of one child. They do not
know that they are dead, have no concept of
time, and continue to believe that they are at
recess, awaiting the school marm to call them
back into class. If the PCs are able to teach
the children what death means, and that they
have died, the childrens souls will be released
from this world and will immediately be escorted
by one of Wee Jass solars to the home plane of
Berei, where their eternal reward awaits. The
solar will not engage the PCs in any fashion,
under Wee Jass orders, but it will nod to them in
thanks before vanishing with the children.

Encounter 2
Chamber of Tomes
Entrancia Muldoon: female human undead
(ghost) Clr7; hp 63; AL LN; is comported as if
waiting for the PCs, when they are led into this
chamber by Nevermore. She greets the PCs,
tells her story, and informs them about the three
overwhelmingly magical tomes, which sit on
three lecterns in this 200 foot circular, flat-ceiling
chamber lined with columns. Her task is to tell
the PCs how to leave, using the Book of Gates,
but she is also permitted to try and convince the
PCs to rescue herself and her lover from their
unending torment.

Entrancia was a priestess of Wee Jas in another
age, long ago, during the Suloise empire. She
fell in love with Borok, one of the officers in the

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

Suloise army, and he began worshipping at the

temple of Wee Jas just to be near her. But, one
of Entrancias evil superior priestesses noticed
the officer repeatedly at services, and wanted
him for herself. When the young lover rebuffed
the advances of the evil priestess, she grew
insanely jealous, and killed the officer, turning
him into a death knight under her command.
Broken hearted, and blaming herself for bringing
her lover to his doom, Entrancia harmed then
used her own death touch on herself, vowing in
that instant to seek the divine justice of Wee
Jas. She became a ghost, and imbued with
new powers, used her malevolence ability to
possess her former superior. Dominating the evil
priestess, she channeled, Commanding Borok to
kill her. Now, both Entrancia and her lost love
serve the Stern Lady in the Necropolis of Rel
Mord, until Entrancia can convince a worthy hero
to destroy her former lover, freeing them both.
Entrancia and Borok, the death knight, are
charged with protecting the Chamber of Tomes
from the unwelcome. But, Wee Jas has granted
the PCs welcome, and indeed, the Book of
Gates is the best way to get from this point in
the Necropolis to the exit. Entrancia is lawfully
bound to tell the PCs how to use the Book of
Gates to leave, but her instructions do not forbid
her from also seeking the PCs help. She will
warn them, however, that if they do champion
the lovers, the Welcome of Wee Jas will no
longer deter Borok, and he will be free to
destroy them. In his undead state, Borok is
warped, is evil, and is deadly. But, if the PCs
can succeed in destroying him, they will save the
souls of both lovers.
Obviously, this challenge is quite beyond low
APL tables, and the judge is encouraged not to
force PCs into championing Entrancia and
Borok. It is enough for them to use the Book of
Gates and leave, especially if they have already
succeeded in saving the children from the
Schoolroom. If they failed in the Schoolroom,
however, this is their only other chance to erase
records from the Enchiridion of Lost Souls, and
be considered competent by the Stern Lady.
Entrancia herself will not enter combat on
either side if the PCs are willing to champion the
former lovers. If attacked, or hit by friendly fire
from the combat, she will stop manifesting until
the battle is over.

Optional Combat, All APLs (EL 13)

Borok du Gaulle, male human undead (death
knight), Ftr8 / Cav2; CR 13, HD 8d12 (Ftr) +
2d12 (Cav); hp 90; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 20 (full

Page 10

plate armor); AC 30 (+1 Dex, +8 full plate, +2

armor enhancement, +2 shield, +2 shield
enhancement, +5 natural) [touch 11, flat-footed
29]; Atks +15 melee touch (1d8+3 and Con
damage, death knights touch) or +19/+14
(1d8+7, 19-20/x3 crit, +2 heavy lance) or
+18/+13 (1d10+6, 19-20/x2 crit, +1 bastard
sword); SA Death Knights Touch, Deadly
Charge, Abyssal Blast, Fear Aura; SQ Tall in the
Saddle, Undead Traits, Immunities, DR 15/+1,
SR 20, Summon Mount, Turn Immunity,
Darkvision 60 ft.; AL LE; SV Fort +9, Ref +3, Will
+6; Str 21, Dex 12, Con --, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha
Skills and Feats: Climb +3, Diplomacy +5,
Handle Animal +3, Hide +1, Intimidate +4, Jump
+3, Knowledge (religion) +2, Knowledge
(nobility) +4, Listen +3, Ride (horse) +9; Spirited
Charge, Weapon Focus (lance), Exotic Weapon
(bastard sword), Weapon Focus (bastard sword),
Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack, Combat
Reflexes, Trample, Power Attack, Improved
Critical (lance).
Death Knights Touch (Su): Death knights
use negative energy to deal damage, in this
case equal to 1d8+3, to living creatures. Each
successful touch also deals 1 point of Con
damage. A Will save (DC 18) reduces the
damage by half and negates the Con damage.
Deadly Charge (Ex): 1/day -- When
mounted, and using the charge action, this
creature deals quadruple damage with his lance
(or triple damage with his sword). He will use this
ability along with his Ride-by attack feat to his
best advantage, then defer to his Spirited
Charge feat (x3 lance damage, x2 sword
damage) for the remainder of the battle.
Abyssal Blast (Su): 1/day -- This blast fills a
20-foot-radius spread anywhere within a range
of 800 feet. The blast deals 10d6 points of
damage. Half of this is fire damage, and half is
divine power. A Reflex save (DC 18) reduces
the damage by half.
Fear Aura (Su): Creatures of less than 5 HD
within 15 feet of this death knight must succeed
at a Will save (DC 18) or be affected as though
by a fear spell cast by a 10th level sorcerer.
Tall in the Saddle (Ex): This death knight
gains a +1 on his Ride skill check when using his
Mounted Combat feat to negate attacks that
would otherwise hit his mount.
Undead Traits (Ex): A death knight is
immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep,
paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects,
necromantic effects, and any effect which
requires a Fort save unless it also works on
objects. It is not subject to critical hits, subdual

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death

from massive damage.
Immunities (Ex): Death knights are immune
to cold, electricity, and polymorph.
Turn Immunity (Ex): A death knight cannot
be turned. It can be banished with holy word,
however, just as if it were an evil outsider. If this
happens, Borok will be banished to Acheron.
Summon Mount (Su): Borok rides Scorn, a
female nightmare, large outsider [evil]; CR 5, HD
6d8+18; hp 45; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved
Initiative); Spd 40, fly 90 (good); AC 24 (-1 Size,
+2 Dex, +13 natural) [touch 11, flat-footed 22];
Atks +9/+9/+4 melee (1d8+4 and 1d4 fire, [x2]
hooves; 1d8+2, bite); FAC 5x10/5; SA Flaming
Hooves, Smoke; SQ
Etherealness; AL NE; SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will
+6; Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha
Skills and Feats: Intuit Direction +10, Listen
+12, Move Silently +11, Search +10, Sense
Motive +10, Spot +12; Alertness, Improved Init.
Flaming Hooves (Su): A blow from a
nightmare hoof sets combustibles alight.
Smoke (Su): Scorn suppresses this ability
each round so as not to interfere with Boroks
ability to target opponents with his charge.
Astral Projection (Su): As the spell, cast by
a 20th level sorcerer. Scorn does not use this
ability while Borok is riding her.
Etherealness (Su): As the spell, cast by a
20th level sorcerer. Scorn does not use this
ability while Borok is riding her. She will use it to
escape if Borok is destroyed, however.
Possessions: +2 heavy lance, +1 bastard
sword, +2 full plate armor, +2 large steel shield,
military saddle.
The armor and shield are
magically coated with a layer of ebony, and both
sport symbols of Wee Jas prominently.

Libram of Shrouds: This book radiates
magic at strong power levels of the Necromancy
school. Any spellcaster who reads from the
book will be able to take a single spell from the
list below at the next normal opportunity,
provided they could normally cast that spell.
Wizards may scribe it into a spellbook at the next
normal opportunity. Sorcerers may learn it at the
next normal opportunity. And, divine casters
may add it to the list of spells they are permitted
to pray for, doing so at the next opportunity,
unless they are forbidden to do so by their faith.
The list of spells is the following: negative
energy ray, command undead, negative energy
burst, negative energy wave, spiritwall, undeath
to death. These spells can be found in Tome
and Blood.

Page 11

Book of Gates: This book radiates magic at

overwhelming power levels of the Conjuration
and Transmutation schools. The book describes
magical gates of vast power that can teleport,
summon, cage, or free even creatures of
awesome power. The book is beyond the
understanding of the PCs, however if they turn
to a specific page within the book there is an
illustration of the entrance / exit gate to the
Necropolis of Rel Mord.
Touching that
illustration from within this chamber will teleport
an individual to stand before the exit of the
Necropolis. Entrancia will convey this knowledge
to the PCs.
Enchiridion of Lost Souls: This book
radiates magic at overwhelming power levels of
the Necromantic school. The book magically
records the existence and whereabouts of every
undead with the Rejuvenation (or similar) ability,
along with the means by which they may be
freed from unlife. The book is a holy artifact to
any PC with the Death domain, to Hunters of the
Dead, to Masters of Shrouds, to True
Necromancers, and to similarly interested PCs,
depending on their alignment. Evil PCs value
the book as a means to gain power over
undead. Good PCs value the book as a tool for
saving souls. And, Lawful PCs value the book
as a mystical recording of those souls who are
improperly placed within the cosmic order. When
a new undead lost soul is created, it is magically
recorded in this book. If such a soul is liberated,
the record fades from the pages of this book
slowly, as all trace of magical unlife leaves the
plane. If the PCs have saved the children from
the schoolroom, Entrancia and Borok, or both
groups, the book will be open to those pages,
and those records will be fading as the PCs look
None of these books can be removed from
the Necropolis, owing to powerful enchantments
placed here. Any attempt to remove a book
from this place will only find the book teleporting
back to its lectern as the PCs leave the room.

Judges Note:
If Entrancias record is erased from the
Enchiridion of Lost Souls by the PCs, i.e. if they
meet the condition that ends her ghostly
rejuvenation by destroying Borok in death knight
form, the avatar of Wee Jas will appear briefly in
this chamber to escort Entrancias and Boroks
souls away. She will do this because they are
being escorted into her own service on her own
home plane. If a PC worshipper of Wee Jas

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

chooses to engage the avatar in a discourse of

some variety, you may play out a brief
conversation between them, and the PC will
have met the Special (q.v.) requirement for the
Contemplative P-Class.

When the PCs use the Book of Gates to
teleport to the exit of the Necropolis, read the
following aloud.
You stand before a huge, impressive gate,
which must function as the portal into and out
of the Necropolis of Rel Mord. You are in a
square stone corridor, thirty feet on each
side. Behind you, the corridor slopes into
darkness. Ahead of you, through the gate, the
corridor slopes up to a set of broad stairs that
climb the final distance upward into a patch of
But, between you and the daylight lies the
gate. On either side of the corridor a floor-toceiling relief figure merges with the stone of
the wall.
On one side, the figure is a
magnificent solar. On the other side, the
figure is a daunting pit fiend. The figures
stand with their backs to one another, looking
over their shoulders at each other with
intense expressions. From their backs, and
forming the lattice of the gate itself, the
gigantic figures wings merge and interlace in
a masterwork metallic gate. The interworking
of the gate is so intricate that it would be
impossible to tell one set of wings from the
other, if the solars were not made of mithril
and shaped to resemble feathers, while the
fiends are of cold red-rusted iron, shaped to
resemble rags of tattered flesh. In the dead
center of the gate is a fine but simple latch
above a key hole.
The air is musty and still until a slight
breeze wafts your way from the direction of
the daylight, beckoning you away from this
macabre place, if only you can pass the gate.
Enervation Trap: CR 4; magic device;
touch/location trigger; automatic resets; spell
effect (enervation, 16th level Wizard, +8 ranged
touch, no save); Search (DC 29); Disable Device
(DC 29); channeling bypass (Simultaneous
positive and negative channeling sufficient to
turn or rebuke a 5 HD undead, directed at the
gate) in conjunction with a lock bypass (Open
Lock [DC 30]).

Page 12

If the PCs are thwarted by the trap for

several hours, Edgegar Smithe will arrive again
from the direction of the daylight, and supply
both the negative channeling and the key to the
gate. If a PC cannot manage to supply the
positive channeling at this point, he will fetch a
fellow mortician (Clr3 [Wee Jas]; AL LG) and let
the PCs out. If the PCs succeed at opening
the lock on the gate, they will be able to leave,
but each living being who passes the threshold
of the gate will be subjected to an enervation
ray. Any negative levels suffered by the PCs, if
they survive, wear off in 16 hours.
Passing the threshold of the Necropolis gate
also ends the Chaos Stroke reverse gravity
hazard on each PC.
If the PCs have
succeeded in erasing at least one record from
the Enchiridion of Lost Souls, Wee Jas will
consider the heroes to have performed
satisfactorily, and removes the other Chaos
Stroke effects in Rel Mord in relation to all areas
of her concern: Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law.
Finally, passing the threshold of the gate also
ends the Welcome of Wee Jas and the deaths
door gift of Wee Jas for the PCs. Any of her
holy symbols worn by PCs who do not also
worship her fall to grave dust, and Nevermore
flies away, up the corridor, shrieking his name
over and over again.
Edgegar will be happy to cast restorations
for any PCs who need them at full market value,
but the PCs may also seek them from any of the
temples of Rel Mord, above. Edgegar will also
raise any PCs at full market value, but he will
need to divine permission from Deaths Guardian
if the PC was shown to be chaotic or weak
during the adventure. Excessively chaotic or
weak PCs will not be given permission to be
raised. Again, the PCs may seek restoration at
any of the other Rel Mord temples as well.
PCs who succeeded at erasing records from
the Enchiridion of Lost Souls will be held in high
esteem by the Morticians Association of Rel
Mord, and their fame will also spread to the
Sepulcre of the Stern Lady in Oldred. These
two organizations are the primary presence of
Wee Jas worship in Nyrond, and these PCs are
free to join either organization if they so desire.

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

Page 13

Experience Point Summary

To award experience for this adventure, add
up the values for the objectives accomplished.
Then assign the experience reward. Award the
total value to each character.
Encounter 1
Defeating the childrens ghosts.
APL 10
APL 12


Encounter 2 (Optional)
Defeating Borok, the death knight.
All APLs

390 XP


Surviving the gate trap. Award nothing if
the PCs required Edgegar to let them
All APLs
120 XP
Roleplaying Reward
For erasing at least one record from the
Enchiridion of Lost Souls
45 XP
67 XP
90 XP
112 XP
APL 10
135 XP
APL 12
157 XP
Total Possible Experience
For completing all goals, defeating the
childrens ghosts, the death knight, the
gate trap, and erasing records from the
Enchiridion of Lost Souls. (Note that
mini-mission maximums have been
APL 10
APL 12

Treasure Key
(L) = Looted gear from enemy; (C) = Coin,
Gems, Jewelry, and other valuables; (M) = Magic
Encounter 1
The ghost childs dolly
APL 10
APL 12




Encounter 2 (Optional)
The death knights gear.
All APLs
10,233 gp (M)
+2 heavy lance (Adventure; 8,310 gp;
DMG), +1 bastard sword (Adventure;
2,335 gp; DMG), +2 full plate armor
(Adventure; 5,650 gp; DMG), +2 large
steel shield (Adventure; 4,170 gp;
DMG). The armor and shield are
magically coated with a layer of ebony,
and both sport symbols of Wee Jas
Total Possible Treasure
For recovering all treasure in the
(Note that mini-mission
maximums have been applied.)
200 gp each PC
300 gp each PC
400 gp each PC
625 gp each PC
APL 10
1,050 gp each PC
APL 12
1,500 gp each PC

Spell Availability

Treasure Summary
Following is a listing of all possible treasure
that can be recovered for this adventure.

In addition to the treasure recovered in this

adventure, spellcasting PCs who read from the
Book of Shrouds will have access to one of the
following spells at their next normal opportunity,
provided they would normally have been able to
cast that spell at the time of reading the book.
Each qualifying PC should circle the chosen
spell on this mini-missions AR.
negative energy ray
command undead
negative energy burst
negative energy wave
undeath to death
These spells are found in Tome and Blood.

Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

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Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

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Passages to the Enchiridion of Lost Souls

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