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Halls of Beoll Dur

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Background information wandering monsters encounters

Saving throws introduction notes

Dungeon Level #1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 rod of lordly might

Dungeon Level #2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18

Dungeon Level #3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 helm of brilliance 10 11
12 - 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

This is an adventure for a group of characters of 4 to 7 members in numbers with the characters
of at least 8th level. This is located in the world of Greyhawk in the Lortmil Mountains in hex Z4/101.
This is a rugged mountain terrain. The characters must be careful as attrition in the adventure will take
its toll. The party must have at least 1 cleric, 1 magic user, and 2 fighter types.
This adventure takes place in an extinct volcano that has just recently become active. The heat in
the cave complex is high. The top level is about 95 degrees. The second level is about 120 degrees. The
third and bottom level is 350 to 400 degrees. The characters need a lot of water in this adventure. The
bottom level's heat means the characters can stay there for I turn at most unless they have or acquire heat
resistant magical devices. There are some devices that can be found on the top level.
Should the characters have a lack of heat resistant devices, then they should mystically find
some. They will need a decanter of endless water during this adventure. If they don't, then they should
find one in a room at random. Those characters that don't drink enough water, or ignore the heat without
magical protection will suffer 1d4 points of damage per round starting ld6 rounds after entering the 3rd
level. Water is needed on the second level. Those that don't drink a lot of water will suffer 1d4 points of
damage per turn on the second level. The character should be told that they are sweating profusely.
Those that don't drink water lose their strength and suffer 1d4 points of damage per turn. Drinking
water, a lot of water, will cure the strength loss in 3 rounds.
The goal of the player will be to kill the Salamander king Searazul. They must also free Beoll-
Dur. This will be hard, and the characters will need to be thoughtful and careful. Those that try to hack
and slash will die. And they should. The party will be needed to act as a team and they will have a fair
chance to win then.


There are no wandering monsters in this lair. This is due to the heat and the power of the
salamanders. This will allow the characters to rest and recuperate in some places. They can rest for days
on the first or second level. On the third level, time is important. The salamanders will organize into a
large force to kill the characters if they allow it. This can allow the king to flee back to the elemental
plane of fire if needed.


Encounters going to the halls are in the civilized terrain. The terrain switches from plains, to hills
to mountains as the characters go on. The weather is temperate.

There are some situations where the saving throws in this adventure is different from the normal
saving throw. These saving throws will be as follows. The character will roll a number of 6 sided dice.
They will add these up to a total. They will then subtract a number equal to their level total. Then the
save is determined if the number total is lower or higher than the statistic the character has. This can be
strength, intelligence, etc. The save modifier does not count numbers. An 11th level character has a
modifier of 5. Those adjusted rolls are considered made if the number is lower than the character's
named score. That means a save vs strength must be lower than the strength score of the character to be
made. There are times when the number of 6 sided dice is variable from 3 to 5 of them.


87 years ago the mightiest of dwarven clerics decided that his students needed a safe and isolated
place to train. The cleric's name was Duinor. He selected a dormant volcano in the Lortmil mountains as
a site to build a college for dwarven clerics. It took over 75 years to build the massive halls that were
known as the HALLS OF BEOL-DUR. The construction was constant and very hard. The volcano made
for difficult access to the area. There were two great levels carved into the rim of the volcano.
Just a few years after the halls became active, the volcano became active. There were some great
fissure formed into the great caverns. Most of the rents never reached the halls, but one did. After
several days of earthquakes and such, there was a great host of salamanders that came up from the
fissures. They attacked the halls and killed many dwarves.
The salamanders were trying to get to this world to rape and pillage the world. They had no idea
that they had come from the elemental plane of fire to this world right under the home of a group of
powerful dwarves. They attacked them hard and fast and relentlessly. They quickly overwhelmed the
dwarven priests. The dwarves fought hard and then retreated to a room. They held the room for 8 days
before they were overwhelmed. But the salamanders had made one terrible mistake. Three of the most
aged dwarven priests transferred their souls the very halls themselves. These souls will help the party
when the can.
The characters will be contacted by an agent for the great high priest of Veluna. They will be
invited to the local temple and taken to the local high priest. This man will be a 14fu level cleric. This
man will speak the characters about what has happened. He knows that all communication with the
fortress of Beoll-Dur has stopped. He likes the dwarves and their leader. He will want the characters to
go there and investigate the place. He will tell the characters of the stairway leading from the top to
ledge inside the crater. He will give them a map leading to this place.

1) The characters must provide light sources unless otherwise stated.

2) The temperature on the 1st level is 95 degrees.
3) The temperature on the second level is 120 degrees. This requires a great deal of rest and water,
unless the characters have heat protective magic.
4) The temperature on the 3rd level is 300 to 400 degrees. This is due to the hot magma in the area.
The characters can stay at most 1 turn before dying unless they have protective magic.

Dungeon Level #1

(1) The Entry

PC's: You are at the top of the volcano. You see where the stairs lead down. The stairs go down about
5' before they have crumbled and fallen into the volcano. You see a ledge about 75' down. The
edge is about 40' wide and 20 deep.

DM: This is the main entrance to this lair. The ledge is very unstable. It can hold 400 pounds. Any
more than that and it will creak and crack for 1 round and then collapse into the crater. Those
falling take 25d6 points of damage.

On the south face of the ledge is a pair of large intricately carved iron doors. These are locked.
They can be picked. There is a trap door in the floor in front of the eastern door. Anyone stepping
on it triggers the trap. This means the character stepping on the door will open the door and fall
through the trap door. The door requires 509 pounds of weight to trigger it open. The door will
open in 1/10th of 1 segment The character can do a saving throw of 4d6 vs dexterity. Those
falling take 17d6 points of damage.

PCs: This is a 40" high 20' wide corridor. There is a large massive portcullis lowered across the hall
about 30' down the corridor. The walls are carved from the natural rock, and radiate a low light
from them. The passage goes at least 100' in a straight line. At the end of the corridor is a room
of some sort.

DM: There is a trap door in the ceiling just in front of the portcullis that can be opened and this leads
into a corridor that leads to room #8. The only way to find it is a true seeing spell or to prod the
ceiling with a pole of some type. This will reveal it 1 in 6 times. Remember that the ceiling is 40'
up. The trap door can be opened by prodding it" but then the characters will need to have a way
to get up 45' above the floor. When they do get up there, they will be in the floor of the corridor.

The portcullis is wrecked. This means that a character of 90 pounds or less can slip through it. A
duo dimension spell will allow the character to get by easy. The portcullis can be raised by
strength with a strength combination of 150 str points. A telekinesis spell will help by a rate of 1
str point equals 20gp the telekinesis spell can raise. A bigby's hand spell can help also.


PC's: You open this door to find a room you can't see the dimension! of This is due to the greenish blue
gas in here. The gas starts to come into the hallway.

DM: This is a poisonous gas. Those that enter the room must save vs poison each round of become
helpless and fall to the floor and die in 2d6 turns. The gas will spread out of the door in all
directions at a rate of 5' per round. The characters will start to cough and know their danger at
that point. They can then shut the door and be safe or the gas will slowly spread throughout the
lair in 2 days killing all in here. There is no end to the gas. A damp cloth across the face or a
neutralize poison will stop the danger to the character.

This room has a desk and a few chairs. The room to north with no door has the mechanism to
raise the portcullis. The mechanism is rusted and needs a strength of at least 14 to move it. The
southern room that has no door has some racks with weapons and armor all of which are
dwarven sized. All these weapons are not magical. They are well made.

There is a secret door in the west wall. This can be found in the normal way. The room beyond it
is not filled with gas. It has nothing here except a hook with three keys in the west wall and in
the north wall is a small nook. In the nook is a crystal globe 2' in diameter. It glows with a milky
white light. Any character touching it with less than a 16 in intelligence will be stunned for 1
round no save. Those characters that touch it with an intelligence of at least 16 are fine, but each
round the globe acts as a legend lore spell. The character can ask a question and the globe will
answer. The character will be unable to move for 1 turn for each round of touching the globe due
to the strength draining of the incident. The character that touches it with an intelligence of at
least 16 must make a saving throw of 4d6 vs intelligence to get this legend lore power.
The three keys can be used later in the dungeon to open some doors. Each key radiates a faint
aura of magic if detected for.

DM: This room has a special entry. The door is a false door. When the first character steps onto the
plate in front of the door, the plate will rotate at a great speed depositing the character into the
room #4 alone. There is room for 1 character to be on the plate. Any other character must make a
saving throw vs dexterity at the normal way to escape taking 1d10 points of damage from be
thrown off the plate and into the wall.

The single character that is pu8t into room #4 is going to be alone. A magic user can open a
dimensional door 10 help him. The wall won't rotate again for a minimum of 24 hours. There is a
key hole in the door that will unlock the door and open it. But no key that the character has will
open this as the key must be found deeper from room #4. A wizard inside the room can use a
knock spell to open the door, but not from the outside.

The character will find a secret door in here. This is an automatic thing as the character must find
it to get out. The character will see a corridor 70' long. It sloaps upward as it goes. At the 40'
point there is a trap door that the character might step onto trigger it dropping the character 20' to
the floor of the room below. The falling character takes 2d10 points of damage due to the trash in
the room below.

Should the character drop into the room the ogre in the room will attack right away. If not, the
ogre will climb up into the corridor and attack the character in 1d4 rounds. The ogre will never
stop attacking as it is oddly charmed.

If the lair of the ogre is inspected, the character will find 50gp / 3,000ep / 3,000cp / 3 gems worth
50gp each / 2 potions of invisibility / 1 potion of heroism / a silver key that opens the door to
room #4

OGRE: hd 4+1 hp 25 thaco 17 morale 12 int low 8 align chaotic evil ac 5

move 9 #att 1 giant club +3 to hit str damage 2d4 +6 str size large 9 tall
exp 270

PC's: This is a round room about 30' in diameter. It is lighted by a pillar. The pillar is in the center of
the room. It is about 6 in diameter. It goes from the floor to the ceiling.


The pillar is the pillar that the chief cleric Duinor transferred his life force to. He is a chaotic
good priest of the greater god Moradin of the dwarves. He was the high priest of the Beoll-Dur . He
watched his entire home overrun and transferred his soul to this pillar in order to watch over the halls
forever. He will help the party. But first he will test the party.
A voice will issue from the pillar when the characters enter greeting them. The voice will say that
it is Duinor. Those characters that make an intelligence check will remember this name as the name of
the dwarven high priest. The pillar will tell the characters that they must prove that they are worthy and
go to the test. These characters must go the south wall and wait for the test.
When the voice issues from the pillar, the room will shift so that the door is gone. When the
voice tells the characters that there is a test, the room will shift some more and there will be an opening
so the characters can go to the test. The characters will be in a room 20' long and 10' wide where a hydra
will attack them until the end.
Those characters that don't heed the call will be cursed to have -1 on all rolls forever and -3 on
all rolls during this adventure.
The creature will attack the characters until the end without any morale rolls. Should the
characters kill it, then the pillar will congratulate them and ask them to come back to the main chamber
of the pillar to be rewarded. There is a list of 10 items to give to the party. Each character rolls a d10 and
then they get that item. The characters are free to distribute these items as they see fit. The pillar also can
give some limited advice. The pillar will tell the characters what had happened. He knows of the
salamander presence. He will tell the party that the salamanders came from below. He will then heal all
the wounds the characters have.

1) Dwarven hammer of retribution. This is a +2 hammer, +5 vs salamanders doing 4d10.

2) Sword of Comfort. This allows the user ignore cold and heat from -50 degrees to 500 degrees.
3) +2 shield +5 vs fire
4) Helm of Brilliance
5) Ring of Fire Resistance 6) Potion of Fire Resistance
7) Potion of Extra Healing 8) Ring of Protection +2
9) Potion of Invulnerability 10) Potion of Healing

In addition to all this, the dwarven priest will cast a bless spell on the party that will last for 10 '-
turns. This adds +1 to all rolls.


PC's: This is a 50' wide and 60' long room. The ceiling is 40' above you. This room is filled with a
double row of bunks. Each bunk has a chest. There is garbage allover the room.

DM: This was the barracks for the men of Beoll-Dur. The place has been ransacked There are 5gp
scattered about the room. There are a few weapons also, but nothing else special.

PC's: This room is fined with steam. The visibility is about 2'. It appears to be a sauna.

DM: This used to be the bath for the lair. There is a constant stream of water coming into the room and
going into the pool from the south wall. The pool is in the center of the room 20' wide and 30'
long and 3' deep. Before the salamanders attacked, the water drained through a pipe under the
stream. Now the water just steams and stays.

There is a water weird in the pool now. This happened when the salamanders came to this plane.
They caused a great rift in the magical fabric and the water weird elemental came here also. The
weird has done well here. There are many bones and skeletons in the water with a fair amount of
treasure. Because of the steam the character will always be surprised. This means the weird gets
a free attack the first round and then always gets the initiative. Those characters with blind
fighting ability won't be surprised and roll initiative normally. Because of the steam, the
characters won't be able to identify their attacker and might actually attack another character.

All character fighting the weird have a 20% chance of falling in the water each round. If they are
hit by the weird must save vs paralyzation. If that fails, the character is paralyzed for 1d10
rounds. The character must then save each round against drowning. The save is 4d6 -1 plus the
level bonus vs constitution.

At the middle of the east side of the pool is a tunnel 2 by 2' .The characters can strip off all
armor and such to get through it. This leads to room #8. The tunnel is 50' long. The character
must roll a save vs constitution with 3d6 or drown in the tunnel. If they save they make it to the
room #8. They would be smart to have a rope on them going from I room to the next so it is easy
10 return.

ELEMENTAL-KIN, WATER WEIRD: hd 3 +3 hp 19 thaco 15 morale 13 int very 11

align chaotic evil ac 4 move 12 #att 0 exp 420
size large 10 long any hit must save vs paralyzation or
be pulled into the water, then save each round and failure
means drowning hurt by 1 point from piercing &
slashing weapons intense cold slows it killed by a
purify water spell only

TREASURE: 9 gems worth a total of 750gp 1300gp / 1,200sp / several dwarven and salamander
skeletons / +1 hand axe / a ring of invisibility on the finger of a skeleton, so the character
must bump into the skeleton

PC's: This room is littered with the bodies of many dwarven people. There is a book on a small table
with a chair in front of it. There is a passage going from the north wall into darkness. There are
some snake like bodies here also.

DM: This is where the dwarves fell back to. The tunnel in the water stopped the salamanders. The
dwarves finally tried to open the trap door into the great corridor and then the salamanders
attacked them and killed them.

The table has a book chronicling the attack and defense. It tells how the earthquakes allowed the
salamanders into the fortress. It tells of the fighting and the fall back to this room and the final
time there. There are some spells in the book also.

The book should be read by the characters. If they read the book until the end, they come to
some unintelligible writing. If this is read aloud, all in the room has their prime attribute raised
point permanently. At that point the writing disappears.

SPELLS: create water / resist fire / cure serious wounds / cure critical wounds / raise dead


PC's: This is a large room. It is about 80' long and 60 wide. The ceiling is 40' above the floor. The
walls and floor and even the ceiling is covered with soot. There are several piles of red dust in
here. There are dwarven skeletons in here allover the room. There are a few snake like skeletons
also. There are two strange brown creatures in here. They have a body similar to a grasshopper
and two long antennae. They have a tail that is a long tail that appears to be plated. They both
advance upon you.

DM: This is where the dwarves made a strong stand. They failed but took a few with them. The piles
of red dust are the remains of armor and weapons that were taken by the 2 rust monsters in here.
They will smell the metal and follow the characters till the end. They are very hungry. If they are
hurt to of their hit point total they will retreat to this room and stay here until they heal. They
will hide under the refuse in the room.

RUST MONSTER: hd 5 hp 23 thaco 15 morale 9 int animal 1 align neutral ac 2

move 18 #att 2 tentacles damage nil sp att If the rust monster's antennae
touch metal (determined by a successful attack roll), the metal rusts. Magical
items have a chance of being unaffected equal to 10% for each plus (a +2 weapon
or armor has a 20% chance of not being affected). Any affected metal rusts or
corrodes and immediately falls to pieces that are easily eaten and digested by the
creature. Metal weapons striking a rust monster are affected just as if the
creature's antennae had touched them. Should a nonweapon metallic magical item
happen to make contact with a rust monster, treat it as a +2 magical weapon for
purposes of determining whether or not it breaks up. size mansized 5 long
exp 270

TREASURE: 40 gems worth 50gp each.


PC's: This is a large room with many basins that are broken. There are booths with curtains. On the
west wall is a portcullis barring passage into another room. There are 2 portcullises on the south

DM: This was the room where the dwarves changed and prepared for the gymnasium. There are
several booths for changing. Each booth has a series of pegs to hold clothing.

The portcullis can be raised with a telekinesis spell of a strength of 19 or a combined strength of
30. This leads to an armory. There are all types of armor and weapons for a cleric of dwarven

There are some magical weapon and armor in here. All the armor is dwarf sized. There are the
weapons, but the weapons and the air and walls and floor will radiate magic. The magic weapons
and armor are +2 at most. All are at random.

There are two portcullis's. These lead to the arena room. The automatically open 1 round after
being stepped in front of. They close immediately after being stepped through.

PC's: You enter a room that is shaped similar to a star of David. This is a hexagon with a triangular
shaped area along each wall. The room is 70' long and wide. Each alcove is 30' on a side. There
is a set of prison bars blocking the alcove to the northwest, northeast, and south. There is a
creature in each cage. The alcove in the southwest and southeast comers are raised 20' above the

DM: The doors and two portcullises' in the north wall will close and wizard lock shut in 2d4 rounds
after the characters enter the room. Then the cages will disappear starting with the northeast
corner and going clockwise. The second cage won't allow the creature free until the creature
from the first cage is dead. The third creature won't be released until the second creature is dead.
The way to escape is to kill all the creatures, then the doors will unlock and the portcullises will

The two raised areas in the south wall are viewing platforms. These were used to watch those in
the arena safely. The portcullises will open when there is a character standing in front of it, just
like an automatic door. But the characters will need to have killed all the creatures here. The
characters must kill the creatures in here to escape, unless they have a spell such as dimensional
door. Knock and breaking the doors down will not work.

The viewing area to the east is for the lower level people and the passage behind it leads to
barracks. The western viewing platform was for the wealthy and important people and the
passage leads to a living quarters for the leaders of the temple.

The three monsters are northeast a minotaur, south cage a cockatrice, northwest cage the same
hydra the characters fought before. It will be somewhat regenerated.

MINOTAUR: hd 6+3 hp 35 thaco 13 morale 13 int low 7 align chaotic evil ac 4

leather armor move 12 #att 2 butts or 1 flail & 1 bite damage 2d4 butt / 1d4 bite
/ 2d6 flail that is giant sized exp 680 sp att can charge a victim that is at least 30
away for 4d4 butt damage size large 7 tall

COCKATRICE: hd 5 hp 28 thaco 15 morale 12 int animal 1 align neutral ac 6

move 6 ground / 18 fly class C #att 1 touch damage 1d3 exp 650
sp att touch means save vs death magic or be petrified size small 3 tall

HYDRA, PYRO: hd 8 heads hp 40 body / 8 per head thaco 12 morale 10 ac 5

int semi 3 align neutral move 9 #att 8 heads damage 1d8 bite
sp att each head can breathe a cone of fire 2 times per day doing 1d8 points. The
cone is 5 wide and 20 long size gargantuan 30 long exp 3,000

PC's: This is a very large octagonal room. The floor is far below you. There is a great bubbling pool of
water in the center of the floor. The smell of sulfur is strong here. There is a bridge spanning the
room. The bridge is nothing more than a stone bar 10' wide at the ends and 2' wide in the center.
The bridge is wet.

DM: This is a room to test the characters. Each round there is a I in 12 chance of the geyser at the
bottom of the room erupting covering the entire room in hot water. Anyone on the bridge must
make a dexterity roll each round of 4d6 vs dexterity or fan off. Those characters that crawl need
only make a save vs dexterity of 3d6 only one time. Anyone within 10' on the center of the
bridge when the geyser erupts, the character must save vs dexterity of 5d6 -1 or falloff the
bridge. Those that fan off the bridge fan 100' to the floor below taking 10d6 points of damage
and then slide into the pool of boiling water taking ld8 points per round while in the water.


PC's: You leave the geyser room and travel a 40' long corridor and come to a door that you open to a
30' square room. There are 2 statues of dwarven warriors in battle stance holding stone weapons.

DM: These two statues are normal statues but have been enchanted to show a faint aura just to confuse
people. The door to the main room of the mausoleum is locked and can't be picked. The key to
this room was in the guard room, and hopefully the characters found these keys.

The main room here is a crypt with vaults lining the 2 walls from the north door to the southern
door. There is a pair of 2 rows of vaults back to back in the center of the room. There are 2
statues flanking each door that are treated as stone golems that will attack the party if they
disturb vault. They won't travel beyond the room. If the party leaves the room, the statues go
back to their normal places.

GOLEM, STONE: hd 14 hp 60 thaco 7 morale 20 int non- 0 align neutral ac 5

move 6 #att 1 damage 3d8 sp def +2 or better weapon to hit
sp att cast slow spell every 3rd round at any opponent within 10
vulnerable rock to mud slows it for 2d6 rounds / mud to rock heals it of all lost
hit points / flesh to stone makes it vulnerable to normal weapons exp 8,000
size large 9 tall

TREASURE: each vault has a 20% chance to have 1d12 gems worth 1,000gp each / 1d12 pieces of
jewelry worth 15,000gp each / 5% chance of a magic item

PC's: This is a small chamber 30' long and 10' wide. There is a 10' square alcove in the center of the
wall to the right and the left. In the alcove is a tall statue of stone. There is a door in the south

DM: When the door in the south wall is tried, the characters will find it to be locked. The door is
sentient and will ask the characters what business they have in the crypt and will detect a lie 90%
of the time. If a lie is detected a statue in the east wall will animate and make threatening moves
at the characters. The door speaks the dwarven language only. If the door is forced, then both
statues will animate and attack the characters. The statues are exactly like the statues in the

Should the characters look at the statue in the west wall, they will notice that the scabbard is
empty. The characters can put a sword into the scabbard and the whole statue will rotate away
showing a door into the back of the alcove. This door will open as the statue moves away and
will remain so as long as the sword is in the scabbard.

Should the characters get into the crypt, they will find 8 stone sarcophagi. Three are occupied
and all are protected. Anyone attempting to open one will be struck with a power word kill. This
will kill a single character with 60 or fewer hit points with no save allowed.

There are three coffins occupied. Each has 5 gems worth 10,000gp each / 2 magical weapons / 1
suit of magical dwarf sized armor / 1 miscellaneous magic item

GOLEM, STONE: hd 14 hp 60 thaco 7 morale 20 int non- 0 align neutral ac 5

move 6 #att 1 damage 3d8 sp def +2 or better weapon to hit
sp att cast slow spell every 3rd round at any opponent within 10
vulnerable rock to mud slows it for 2d6 rounds / mud to rock heals it of all lost
hit points / flesh to stone makes it vulnerable to normal weapons exp 8,000
size large 9 tall

PC's: This passage you follow goes down a small amount and curves to the right. You come to an
intersection. The passage forms a 4 way passage. There is a door in the north, east and west
walls. You stand at the intersection in the southern passage.

DM: This is a very large trap area. The center of the passage has a trigger that can be triggered 30%
chance per character walking over it. This opens a pit covering the entire intersection over a 20'
deep pit filled with spikes. Each character that falls into the pit takes 4d10 points of damage. A
saving throw can be made to catch the edge of the pit and hold onto it. The save is 4d6 vs
dexterity and the level bonus.

The Eastern room has a trap. Those characters in the passage within 10; of the door when it is
opened gets bit by a volley of 1d8 darts each doing 1d3 points of damage. This is automatic as
the entire 10' square area has 40 darts fired through it. Inside the room is 1,254,000gp in gems
and jewelry.

The western room is filled with all kinds of coins pile together in the room covering the floor to a
depth of 2; .The top layer of coins have been coated with a contact poison. This can be detected
as per a trap. And if detected, the characters will notice an odd shine on the coins. The shine has
rainbow sheen to it as if the coins are coated in oil.

The north room has a trap. Those characters in the passage within 10' of the door when it is
opened gets hit by a volley of 1d8 darts each doing 1d3 points of damage. This is automatic as
the entire 10' square area has 40 darts fired through it. Inside the room are many racks with
armor and weapons. All are magical and will radiate magic. There are 15 suits of armor, 20
weapons of various types and sizes. The armor is almost all dwarf sized. Any item touched will
knock the character grabbing it for 2dl0 points of damage. This can kill as there are soo many
items and healing will be needed. Grounding the item can work, but the character must make a
check of 4d6 vs intelligence and only if they figure a way to ground the item. Knocking it over
won't work.

There is a secret door in the center of the west wall in the northern treasure room. It opens
outward revealing a small room. 1d4 rounds after the characters enter the room, the 10' square
block in the northeast comer of the room will rotate allowing the characters to go towards room
#16, but blocking the exit. A key hole can be found in the block after it has been moved, but the
Characters don't have the key yet. A knock spell has a 25% chance of working, but this then
closes the passage to room #16.

PC's: This is a dark room. There are hundreds of small spheres about 6" in diameter floating around the
room at an astonishing speed. They shed some light and you can see a fair way into the room, but
the lights obscure your sight. There is a door on the wall opposite you. The room appears to be
20' wide and 60' long.

DM: If the characters open the door on the wall, they will find it to be a false door that shoots darts.
Each character within 10' of the door takes 1d8 dart hits that each does 1d3 points of damage.
There is no saving throw for this.

The shooting lights will be attracted by any light source the characters have. They win surround
it and discharge electrical power to it to destroy it. These small lights can be struck to be
destroyed. They have an armor class of 3 and have 1 hit point. If struck they discharge 1 d 10
points of electrical damage. If struck by a magical weapon, this discharge will destroy the magic
of the weapon. Should the characters find the secret door in the north wall, then the stars will
attack the characters impacting upon them doing 1d10 points of damage each. There will be ld6
stars hitting each character each segment. A wall of force would be a good thing at this point.

Those characters that come from the secret door won't be attacked.


PC's: This room is about 30' wide and 50' long. There is a great rent in the floor. The heat of this room
is about 110 degrees. There is a skeleton near the rent in the floor. It appears to be a dwarf

DM: This is where the characters can find the key to escape this area of the dungeon. The skeleton is a
dwarf and there is no treasure on the skeleton. There is a key that will unlock the stone block and
allow the characters to escape this area. The fissure can be negotiated at great risk. Every 10' the
character needs to make a dexterity save of 5d6. This is not a good way to go to a lower level.

PC's: This is a large room. There are several long tables and benches in here. All are broken and
ruined. There are a few trays with rotting food on them. There is an opening in the west wall
leading to another room.

DM: This was where the dwarves ate. The tables and benches they used are destroyed. The opening in
the west wall is to the kitchen. The kitchen is in great disrepair. There are cooking utensils all
over the place. There is a door to the south in the kitchen that opens into the officer's dining
room. This is where the high level dwarves and important people ate. This room is like the other
room in that it has been ransacked.


PC's: This room is packed with stacks of rotting foods. The air is fouled by the rotting food. Some of
this food is in boxes, barrels and such and some lies on the floor.

DM: This is where the food stuffs for the temple were kept. It is all rotted and the air stinks with this.
There are rot grubs all over the garbage. Anyone standing or walking through the garbage will
have 2d4 rot grubs attack them each round. To kill a rot grub the character must put hot flame to
the wound doing Id6 points of damage to the character. Otherwise the character is dead in 1d6

There is no treasure here, but the typical character will try to find some, and this can add some
humor to the situation here.

PC's: This is a passage that leads to a set of 4 rooms. There is one at the northeast, northwest,
southeast, and southwest areas of the room. There is a door to each room.

DM: There are two sets of rooms here. The rooms to the west and the rooms to the east. The rooms to
the west are for the high priest Duinor. The north room is an office and the southern room is a
bedroom. The middle room is a sitting room. This was the room for the high priest Duinor. The
rooms to the east were for the military commander.

The bedrooms of each side of the corridor are very well appointed. There are fine linens, silks,
bed materials, tables, and such. These are worth 5,000gp total if transported to a city.

The room to the south east is a large bath area. It has a water level of 4 to 5 inches. The room is
filled with dozens of green slimes. These slimes will go after the party until they reach the edge
of the slime's detection range.

On the west wall of the main passage through this area is a door in the west wall. It is locked and
can't be opened by any key found on this level. The door is of a dull reddish green metal and can
take 100 hit points of damage before being destroyed and opened. Behind the door is a stairwell
leading down into the second level of this temple.

There is an unlimited supply of green slime in here.

OOZE, GREEN SLIME: hd 2 hp 16 thaco 18 morale no fail int non- 0 align neutral
ac 9 move 0 #att special attack by touch sp att This slime cannot
attack but is sensitive to vibrations and often drops from the ceiling onto a
passing victim. Green slime attaches itself to living flesh and in 1-4 melee
rounds turns the creature into green slime (no resurrection possible).
Green slime eats through one inch of wood in an hour, but can dissolve
metal quickly, going through plate armor in three melee rounds. The horrid
growth can be scraped off quickly, cut away, frozen, or burned. A cure
disease spell kills green slime, but other attacks, including weapons and
spells, have no effect. size small exp 65

PC's: This is a 50' square room. There is a platform of wood along the southern wall. There is a
podium in the center of the podium. There are many chairs scattered about the room.

DM: This is where the dwarven teachers would hold class. There was much taught here, but now it is
all wasted. The podium in the eastern room is really a mimic. It will attack as it can.

MIMIC, KILLER: hd 10 hp 62 thaco 11 morale 13 int semi 4 align neutral evil

ac 7 move 3 #att 1 pseudo-pod damage 3d4 sp att anything touching
the mimic is held fast by a glue like substance sp def camouflage
size large exp 3,000


PC's: This is a fair sized room. The room has a pair of spiral stair cases leading down into the earth.
The entire place is brown in color.

DM: This is a way down into the next level. The problem is the brown mold covering the entire area.
The mold drains heat and grows at that same time. Any character in 5' of the mold takes 4d8
points of heat draining damage. A ring of warmth provides total immunity to the mold. Anyone
remaining stationary has a 30% chance of being covered by the brown mold.

The mold is drawn to heat and heat powered light sources. Those sources that are from magic
don't draw the mold, and the mold can't extinguish these sources of light. A cure disease kills the
mold. As does a disintegrate spell. Cold spells make it dormant for 5d6 turns as does white
dragon breath.

At the bottom of the stairs are doors to the second level. These have no keys to open them. They
can be picked at a 10% penalty or attacking them doing 150 points of damage. A pass wall or
dimensional door spell would be the best-

MOLD, BROWN: hd covers all the cavern except the floor hp n/a thaco n/a int non 0
align neutral sp att heat sources, including characters within 5 of the mold
takes 4d8 points of damage from heat loss. A ring of warmth makes the character
immune to this. vulnerability ice storm makes it dormant for 5d6 turns. Cone
of cold and white dragon breath kills it. exp 35
(23) the CHAPEL

PC's: This is a large room. There is a dais raised a small amount on the north wall. There are 2 statues
of dwarven holy figures standing on each end of the alter that is on the dais. There are a series of
pews going from the north wall slanted backward towards the center of the room. There is a
small passage between the lines of pews. There is a door at each end of the dais to the west and
the east.

DM: This is the main worship room for the dwarves here. The room is consecrated to the dwarven
deities. The room to the west is a prep room with some robes and religious books written in
dwarven. The room to the east is a storage room for religious things with candles, and such. The
door to the north leads into an office of the chief priest. This room bas a desk and chair, a
bookcase, and several books in the bookcase. They have no scrolls or other things that might
have clerical spells.

In the storage room are candles, wine, ale, and religious devices. There is a scroll stowed away in
the items. This scroll has a series of spells.

The statue to the east ahs one hand up palm outward with the other hand holding an open book.
If the book is looked at, the character will see a single sentence. If they read it, they will find that
the statue slides to the south and opens a pit. The pit is 10' deep. The bottom of the pit has a
passage that leads to room #24. The statue slides shut 2 turns after opening. It can be reopened
very easy from the inside of the passage.

SCROLL: heal / restoration / flame strike all at the 19th level of ability.

PC's: The pit leads through a corridor to a door. This door is at the top of a stairway about 7' high. The
platform at the top of the stairs has a door in the north wall and nothing else.

DM: Just inside the room door is a pit trap 30' deep doing 3d6 points of damage to the fool that steps
onto it. The room is covered is tapestries and engravings on the walls of dwarven religious
matters. To the north is a room is an additional statue. This is a semi human statue of an evil
looking creature looking over an alter. The alter has many small nicks that show it was used as a
sacrificial place. On the floor between the pit trap and the statue is a pentagram 9' in diameter.

Should anything in the room be disturbed, there is a 30% chance each time that the deity of the
statue will send a Type VI Demon to kill those in the room. The demon can't pass the pentagram
so there may be refuge inside it.

After leaving the statue room, they will find a solemn evil looking creature of a dwarf. This is a
Doppleganger that will attack at the most opportune time. He will demand to know why the
characters are disturbing the temple. There is a small room in the eastern part of the room that is
behind a secret door. Inside the room is the dead body of the last chief priest. The Doppleganger
has a +2 mace and a rod of lordly might.

DEMON TYPE VI: hd 13 hp 77 thaco 7 morale 18 int supra-genius 19 ac -8

align chaotic evil move 15" ground / 36" fly class "B" #att 1 fist or 1 sword
and 1 whip +4 to hit str damage fist 12d6 points and any creature hit must save
vs spells at -6 or flee in terror for 1d6 turns / giant long sword looking like a
lightning bolt in the hands of a Balor it does2d8 +10 points and is a vorpal
weapon. It can detect good or evil 30' radius / any creature that picks it up take
10d6 points and save vs spells or die instantly / whip 1d4 points and magically
wrap around victim's legs. This allows the Balor to pull the victim to their flames.
flames these surround the body of the Balor all the time. Touching the flames
causes 4d6 points of damage spells detect invisible & detect magic is always
active / dispel magic / fear / pyrotechnics / read magic / suggestion / any symbol /
telekinesis / tongues these are at the 2oth level gate 1/hour always successful
bringing 1d8 least or 1d6 lesser or 1d4 greater or 1 true Tanar'ri sp def +3
weapon to hit magic resist 70% size 12' tall immunities total to
electricity / Non-magical fire / poison to cold / magical fire / gas / silver
weapon full or damage acid / magic missile / iron weapon exp 46,000

DOPPLEGANGER: hd 4 hp 22 thaco 17 morale 13 int very 12 align neutral ac 5

move 9 #att 1 +3 to hit str str 18/00 damage 1d12 size mansized
exp 420 ESP at will imitate a victim 90% immune to sleep & charm
spells save as 10th level fighter

Charges: 24

The following powers use no charges:

1) Mace +2
2) Flaming short sword +1
3) +4 battle axe
4) +3 spear 15 long

The following powers use 1 charge per use:

1) Paralyze upon touch if the wielder commands it save vs paralyze

2) Fear on all those within 6' of the rod save vs spells
3) Drain 2d4 points and give them to the wielder

The following are mundane powers and use no charges:

1) Climbing pole up to 50' long

2) plant the pole against a wall and extend the climbing pole and it opens doors as a storm giant
3) Show magnetic north


PC's: This Room is at the bottom of the stairs and looks just like the room at the top of the stairs. There
are double doors to the south in the center of the wall.

DM: This is a way down into the next level. The problem is the brown mold covering the entire area.
The mold drains heat and grows at that same time. Any character in 5' of the mold takes 4d8
points of heat draining damage. A ring of warmth provides total immunity to the mold. Anyone
remaining stationary has a 30% chance of being covered by the brown mold

The mold is drawn to heat and heat powered light sources. Those sources that are from magic
don't draw the mold, and the mold can't extinguish these sources of light. A cure disease kills the
mold. As does a disintegrate spell. Cold spells make it dormant for 5d6 turns as does white
dragon breath.

At the bottom of the stairs are doors to the second level. These have no keys to open them. They
can be picked at a 10% penalty or attacking them doing 150 points of damage. A pass wall or
dimensional door spell would be the best

PCs: You open the double doors to see a large hall. There is a raised platform in the southern end of
the hall and on it is a speaker's podium of dwarven size. There are two rows of wide benches in
here going from a few feet from the door you are at to a few feet from the raised platform. There
are a set of steps leading up to the platform at both ends of it. Behind the podium is a pair of

DM: This is where the dwarves would meet to discuss matter of importance. There is nothing of any
value in here.

There is a secret door in the southwest comer of the room. This opens to a corridor that goes
100' and ends in another room. The floor of this room is set upon a fulcrum at the 50' center point
of the hallway. The arms of this seesaw are 20' long. This means that the 40' long center of the
passage is a seesaw. The north end of the seesaw is blocked from under it. So it won't go down
when stepped upon. The southern 20' will. This means the floor will slowly sink as the character
gets farther away from the fulcrum point.

What the characters need to do is turn back when the floor begins to sink and then spike the
north end of the floor so it won't go up and the southern end won't go down, and then go 1
character at a time. Should the characters be stupid, then they fall into a 30' deep pit taking 3d6
points of damage. There are some skeletons in here and nothing of any value.

There is a secret door 10' south of the secret door that opens into room #2. This secret door leads
to a very secluded area of the dungeon.

At the end of the passage is a small room with a statue of a benevolent appearing dwarf. There is
writing on the base of the statue that is in a very old dwarven tongue. If it is read aloud by a
dwarf of at least 12 in intelligence then the statue will grant 1 random character in the party a
wish. Reading it a second time angers the statue and the character gets teleported to the Arena by
himself The voice of the statue is the real voice of the dwarven deity Moradin.

PC's: This is a stair way from the officer's quarters above to this level. The door at the top of the stairs
is a false door. Opening the door reveals a wall and releases a volley of darts throughout the
hallway. Each character in the hallway will get hit by 1d8 darts doing 1d3 points each. Behind
the false door is a secret door. This opens to the real stairs going to the 1st level.

Any character that steps on the top stair below the top platform level causes a trap to happen
making the stairs turn into a slide and opening a 20' deep pit at the bottom of the stairs. This
means the characters on the stairs slide to the bottom of the pit taking 2d6 points of damage.
Only those at the top within reach of the top platform may save vs dexterity to grab the platform
and pull themselves up.


PC's: You enter a round room with a pillar in here. It is the same pillar from above. The dwarven priest
congratulates your good fortune so far. He asks what has happened to you.

DM: This is the lower half of the pillar that holds the life force of Duinor. He will want to know what
has happened and help the party with a bless spell lasting 10 turns and any healing that is needed
including cure disease and whatnot spells. The room can shift in a clockwise manner allowing
the characters to rest in safety.

The priest Duinor will show the leader of the characters the secret room to the east. This room
has 9 cones that are 8' high and 3 of which glow like the pillar. Two have been shattered and 4
remain inactive. The priest will explain that the lighted cones are the life forces of the remaining
priests. They ca be restored when the temple is freed from the salamanders. When the temple is
freed, he tells the character to come here and shatter the lighted cones and then a dwarf will be
standing there.

Should the character try to shatter a cone before that, then an iron golem will enter the room and
pick up the character and throw them across the area into a small prison. When the characters
land they take 4d6 points of damage. When all the characters that hurt the cones are there, the
golem will push a stone plug into place trapping them forever. This plug weighs 2 tons.

PC's: This is a pair of rooms. They are connected by a 10' wide and 10' long passage. There are many
beds in here. There are tables and a few chairs in here. There is a door in the center of the north
wall of the eastern room.


This is the hospital of the temple. This is where in depth healing took place as well as bed rest.
This is addition to the fact that most of the healing took place with magical healing.
The first door to the west in the passage opens into a small room that belonged to the healer's
office. There is a desk and chair, and little else here.
The 1st door in the east wall opens into the operating room. This was used for those problems that
were natural and couldn't be cured by magic such as the appendicitis and such. There are tables
throughout the room and a large slab for operations and some shelves. There are many towels and such
thrown about the room.
The second door in the eastern wall opens to a storage room. There are many towels, bandages,
ointments, and the following magical items: 2 potions of extra healing / 2 potions of healing / oil of
slipperiness 12 poison potions 1 and a staff of curing with 20 charges. All the potions are in identical
bottles and are not labeled.
The second door in the western wall opens to a room where there is a two sided alters. This alter
lies before a painting of a 2 headed being. One head is benevolent and the other is evil. This is an alter to
the dwarven god of life. This alter can be used to place a dead body less than 24 hours old on it and a
willing person next to it, and then 80% of the time will exchange their life forces. Charming the victim
won't work.
The room at the north end of the passage is a controlled teleported. This was used to rush to any
place in the temple and rush patients back. The controls have broken down and now the command words
don't work. The teleported now teleports those in the room to a random room in the 1st and 2nd level.


PC's: There is a portcullis blocking you. There is a lock in it in the center.

DM: These can be opened by the third key from the guard room on the 1st level. Both are rusted and
require a strength of 30 points to lift it. The western one automatically closed when released. And
there is a small room the north of the eastern portcullis that can be used to raise or lower it.

PC's: This room is filled with a great amount of treasure.

DM: The 1st room to the north is entered by a small antechamber. This room contains silver coins.
Most have melted due to the heat from below. The rest of the coins have sunken to the bottom of
the silver. The silver is 2' deep.

The northern treasure room has golden coins that have all melted. The gold is l' deep.

The southern room has many gems. These have been enchanted to be repelled from any creature
that approaches them. The creatures can get no closer than I' to the gems before the gems move
away. This can cause an interesting effect if the character jumps into the gems. Walking through
them causes a wave away from the character on each side of him. Dispel magic won't affect this


PC's: This is a large room. There is no furniture in here. There is a 20' wide passage leading to the
north to another area of the room.

DM: This is the lair of a fire lizard. The treasure of the lizard is in the northern room area. The secret
door in the eastern wall is too small for the lizard to get through. It will investigate any noise that
happens. The lizard is very long 30' and appears to be a young red dragon. The dragon will flee
to the north room if it's morale fails and will attack at a last resort.

FIRE LIZARD: hd 10 hp 55 thaco 11 morale 11 int animal 1 align neutral ac 3

move 9" #att 2 claws / 1 bite damage 1d8 claw / 2d8 bite sp att breath
fire at any time 10' wide and 15' long doing 2d8 points sp def immune to fire
attacks size gargantuan 30' long exp 3,000

TREASURE: 10,000gp / 30,000ep / 80,000cp / 8 gems worth 150gp each / 2 jewels worth 750gp each /
+2 battle axe / potions of: flying, diminution, levitation, Polymorphing, oil of

PC's: This is an odd room. The door opens to a 10' wide bridge 30' above the floor of the room. There
is a door on the far end of the bridge. There is an opening in the southern wall at the bridge level
leading into the south. This room is very hot. That is due to the fires burning and covering the
floor of the room. The flames reach up 6'.

DM: This is a trap room. The bridge can be walked across and then when the door is opened, there
will be 1d4 skeletons on fife that will come through and attack the characters each segment.
There is no end to these monsters. A cleric can make them retreat or be destroyed.

Falling to the floor will cause 3d6 points of damage. And then 1d10 points of fire damage per
round. There is no save vs the fire damage as the entire floor is covered with flames. The flames
are magical.

The door at the end of the bridge can be opened to release the skeletons. If the characters can get
into this room they will see a fiery pool. If they character try to close the open door then they
have a 1 in 6 chance of success. The attempt to close the door can happen once every two
segments. The pool in the room is a transparent red liquid from which the skeletons are
appearing. A dispel magic spell will stop this for 4d4 turns. There is no treasure at the bottom of
the well.

On the floor of the chamber can be seen 3 open corridors to the north. The corridors are not on v
fire. At the level of the bridge are 1 door and 1 corridor. The passage to the south that has a door
at bridge level turns into a slide that plunges the characters into the geyser unless they save vs
dexterity to stop themselves. If there is a character behind them that fails the save, then the
character that made the save must roll another to stop the character that just ran into him. There
are no ledges or platforms to stand on as the doors are 30' above the floor.

The northwest corridor leads to the lair of the fire lizard. The center passage leads to a room
where there is a gorgon. This creature will attack until it is dead.

GORGON: hd 8 hp 43 thaco 13 morale 10 int animal 1 align neutral ac 2

move 12 #att 1 head butt damage 2d6 sp att 4/day a breath weapon 5 wide at
the base / 60 long / 20 wide at the terminus. All in the cloud must save vs petrification
or be turned to stone size large 8 tall exp 1,400

TREASURE: 5,000gp / 17 jewelry pieces worth 450gp each


PC's: You travel the long hallway and open the door at the end to see an anteroom. It is 20' wide and
30' long. There is a door across the room in the middle of the wall. It is barred with a heavy iron
bar and a great padlock hangs from the bar on chains.

DM: The bar and such is used to keep the Efreeti imprisoned. Should the character leave, then good
for them. If they unbar and unlock the door, they will open the door to see a round room 30' in
diameter. At the far end of the room is an odd shaped area bathed in flames. In the center of the
room is a large 12' tall purple skinned creature. There are horns coming from the head of the

This is an Efreeti. It won't attack the characters unless attacked first. He will tell the characters
that he is hereto grant 3 wishes to the characters. He hates this and will subvert this at any
possible time. When he grants 3 wishes he will assume gaseous form and travel to the elemental
plane of fire.

GENIE, EFREETI: hd 10 hp 55 thaco 11 morale 15 int very 12 align neutral evil

ac 2 move 9 ground / 24 fly class B #att 1 damage3d8 exp 8,000
spells 1 per day grant 3 wishes / invisibility / gaseous form / detect magic /
enlarge / polymorph self / wall of fire / create illusion spells @ will pyrotechnics
immune to normal fires resistant to magical fire -1 to damage taken per dice
size large 12 tall


PC's: This is a great octagonal room. It is at least 100' across. There is a pool of boiling water in the
center of the room octagonal in shape about 100' across it. The smell of super is strong in here.
There is a very large ornate door in the south wan of the room.

DM: There used to be occasional religious services in here. Now this is just another dangerous room.
There is a 1 in 12 chance that the geyser will erupt each round. When it does, the water shoots
upward 100' into the room and then cascades down to the floor. The water will cover the entire
room. When the water comes down, all characters standing on the walkway around the pool have
a 40% chance of being swept in to the pool of boiling water .The character takes 2d10 points of
damage the first round and then I d8 points of damage per round until the character leaves the

PC's: You see a large room 30' wide and about 60' long. There is a large pool of boiling oil in the floor
and a small walkway about 5' wide running around it. There is a very ornate door in the south
wall flanked by two statues.

DM: This is the ante chamber to the temple to the greater dwarven deity. Should the characters probe
the oil, they will find that the oil is bottomless and then there will be a magical creature that will
attack the characters They won't find out what it is. The creature is magical and will attack with
tentacle and then will try to drag a victim into the boiling oil to die.

The south door is very ornate. It is guarded by 2 iron golems. Any dwarf cleric may pass
unchallenged. All others will be challenged and will be attacked if they try to go through the

The chamber beyond the golems is the sanctum to the greater dwarven deity "Dumathoin". He is
a benevolent deity. He will be vengeful if he thinks he is antagonized. If a dwarven character can
show just cause for disturbing him, the deity will bestow a favor upon him. This is easy if the
dwarf says he is here to free the temple. The benevolence will be the battle axe justice. This axe
does 2d8 points of damage plus the magical adjustment of +5 and does 3d8 to fire using and
dwelling creatures and that fire creature must save vs spells or die that instant. The hammer
reduces armor class by 2 points.

The deity appears as the dwarven deity and is awe inspiring. He is armored and armed.

PC's: This is a large library. The walls are lined with shelves and there are 3 sets of double sided
shelves in the open area of the room. There are books and scrolls allover the shelve. There are
some with mold growing on them.

DM: There are many books and shelves here. These are normal books worthless but detailing the
building and occupying of these halls.

In the southeast comer of the room is a secret door. Each character has a normal chance to find it.
In side the door is a short passage that opens to a 20' wide and 30' long room. This room has a
single large shelf unit on the west wall. The covers of each book is moldy and illegible. Each
book has a 10% chance to be one of the following books. The characters will find them all if they
stay and rest here and search the room.

1) Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms

2) Manual of Gainful exercise
3) Manual of Bodily Health
4) Manual of the Golems
5) Manual of Quickness at Action
6) Book of Exalted Deeds
7) Libram of Silver Magic
8) Libram of Gainful Conjurations
9) Libram of Ineffable Damnation
10) Tome of Understanding

(14) Fountain of Jewels

PC's: This is a 30' square room. The room is empty except for the stairs along the north wall leading up
to the east to the raised area. This raised area is about 30' by 40' with a staircase leading up from
the east wall to the north wall curving as it rises. The raised area of the room is 20' above the
floor you stand on and that area makes this room larger.

DM: This room is an entry to the special room at the end of the stairs in the raised area of the room.
There is a fountain in the center of the room. The room is 30' square and the fountain is 25' in
diameter. There is a small walkway around the fountain. The water from the fountain spews
upward and then downward to the floor. When the water strikes the floor, the water turns into
gems. The floor of the room is knee deep in gems of all types.

When the gem is taken from the room, the gem turns back into water. This is just to teach the
characters a lesson in greed.

DM: This room is reached by traversing a 50' long corridor. At the center of the corridor is a pit trap.
This will drop the characters 50' to the bottom, but 10' above the bottom, the character is
teleported to the top of the pit. This means the character will reach 32' per second and then die of
asphyxiation in 1d10 round. Those characters that watch this happen may attempt to help the
falling character.

At the end of the corridor is a portcullis in the north wall that leads into a corridor that has a
second portcullis. These are locked and can be opened by a key that is found in the guard room
in the 1st level.

This opens into a long corridor with several portcullises. There are 5 on the right and 5 on the left
side of the corridor. Each opens into a 10' square room that is a cell. There is a set of keys near
the main door, and all of the cells are vacant.


PC's: This is a large room about 50' wide and 100' long. The area to the far west end of the room is a
sloping path that leads to a raised walkway on the south wall. There is a walled room in here
about 30' square in the southeast comer of the room. The raised walk way appears to be above
the walls of that room. There is a black skinned giant of a man and 3 very large dogs in here.

DM: This is the home of a fire giant and three hell hounds. The 2 strongest hell hounds are guarding
the room where all the treasure is kept. These monsters will attack until the end as there is no
escape here.

There is a passage off the raised walk way going south and another to the east and another walk
way on the east side of the treasure room going north to south.

To get into the treasure room, the characters must go up the raised walkway and drop into the

GIANT, FIRE:hd 15 + 2-5 hp 86 thaco 5 morale 16 int average 9 ac 1 with armor

align lawful evil move 6 with armor #att 1 giant bastard sword +4 to hit str
damage 2d8+1 +10 str sp att throw rocks for 2d10 points exp 8,000
size huge 18 tall

HELL HOUND: hd 4 hp 15 thaco 17 morale 13 int low 6 align lawful evil ac 4

move 12 #att 1 bite damage 1d10 bite sp att fire breath doing 4 points
exp 420

TREASURE: 5,400sp / 600 pp 14 gems worth 250gp each


PC's: This is a short passage 10' wide and 40' tall. The hall is lighted only by your light sources.

DM: This is a teleporting passage made to confuse the characters. The door the characters come
through at first will automatically close behind them and the characters will find that it is a} way
door with a key hole that can't be picked.

There is a magical teleported in the northwest spur. This last 20' of passage is covered by a
darkness spell. So the character steps into the teleporting field and then is moved to the center of
this area that has 2 secret doors. The character will find a +4 mace in here. It is cursed to change
any creature hit with it to a random monster with a save vs spells applicable. There are 2 keys in
here that will open all the one way doors in this area.

There are two teleporters in the southwest comer of this area. These interact with each other.
When a character steps on one of them, they are teleported to the other one heading towards the
one they stepped on. The walls are featureless, so the characters may take a while to figure out
what to do. The best thing to do is to step on a teleported and then turn around and walk away.

TROLL: hd 6+6 hp 34 thaco 13 morale 14 int low 5 align chaotic evil ac 4

move 12 #att 2 claws / 1 bite damage 1d4+4 claw / 1d8 +4 bite sp def
regenerates 3 hit points per round starting 3 rounds after being damaged size large 9
tall exp 1,400


DM: This room is the last room before the characters go down into the third level and confront the
salamanders. There is a large fissure with a steel plank spanning it. The characters will find the
room has a passage leading south and then west and opens up to a 20' square room. There is a
body of a dwarf here. There is a passage leading north to a circular stairwell leading into the final

The stairwell leads down into the ground 650 feet. At that point the stairwell has collapsed and
the characters must go on foot using ropes when the walls are very steep. There is a 2% chance
per turn of a character falling to their death. The third level is 500' below the staircase. The
fissure is mostly negotiable on foot.

The body of the dwarf has cloak of comfort and a ring of fire resistance.

It is important to remember that the temperature here is very high. The characters will have
hopefully gotten some magical items. A cleric can also do things like resist fire to help out.
This level is lighted by a evil looking red light throughout the level. The purpose of the
characters is to free Beoll-Dur and kill the salamanders or chase them back to the elemental plane of
The metal spears of the salamander are worth 500gp each as they can be used to make a ring of
fire resistance. This allows the characters a chance at a lot of easy money.


PC's: You get down to the bottom of the fissure. There is magma covering the entire floor of the
fissure. You can't determine the depth of the lava. There is a narrow ledge 2' wide running along
the fissure.

DM: This ledge goes to this entrance room. There is also two small fissures going across the room.
There is a steel plank going across the closest fissure allowing the characters to get to the north
end of the room. There is a second fissure with a plank across it allowing access to a door in the
north wall. This room is never occupied.

PC's: This is a 20' wide and 50' long room. There are 2 odd creatures that appear to be a cross between
a human and a snake. D.M. show the picture to the characters. These are the salamanders the
dwarven priest told you about. They each have a spear.

DM: This is a practice room for combat for the salamanders. There is salamander #13 and #14 in here.
They will be surprised 50% of the time due to their heavy practice. They attack until the end.

ELEMENTAL-KIN, SALAMANDER: hd 9 hp 49 thaco 12 morale 13 int high 13

ac 5 head / 3 lower body move 9 #att 1 weapon & 1
tail constriction damage 2d6 tail / by weapon type
sp att 1d6 points of heat damage upon touch of it or a
weapon it holds sp def +1 weapon to hit exp 2,000
size mansized 7 long

ELEMENTAL-KIN, SALAMANDER: hd 9 hp 42 thaco 12 morale 13 int high 13

ac 5 head / 3 lower body move 9 #att 1 weapon & 1
tail constriction damage 2d6 tail / by weapon type
sp att 1d6 points of heat damage upon touch of it or a
weapon it holds sp def +1 weapon to hit exp 2,000
size mansized 7 long

PC's: This is a large 40' square room. There are 4 salamanders in here. They are all armed with spears.
They seem to be practicing combat.

DM: This is a second practice room. There are salamanders # 15, 16, 17, 18 in here. They attack until
their morale fails and then flee to raise the alarm. They will be surprised on a roll of 1-3 on a d6.

#17 has a rope of entanglement that can entangle up to 8 characters going 20' per round. It can
take 22 points of damage before being severed. hp 42 str 12 dex 16

#18 has bracers of defense ac 2 hp 44 str 15 dex 15

# 16 has a mattock of the titans. This is a +3 weapon doing 5d6 points of damage but must be
used by a giant sized creature. hp 49 str 15 dex 13

# 15 has a rope of constriction but never uses it. hp 41 str 14 dex 14

ELEMENTAL-KIN, SALAMANDER: hd 7 +7 hp 45 thaco 13 morale 13 int high 13

ac 5 head / 3 lower body move 9 #att 1 weapon & 1
tail constriction damage 2d6 tail / by weapon type
sp att 1d6 points of heat damage upon touch of it or a
weapon it holds sp def +1 weapon to hit exp 2,000
size mansized 7 long


PC's: You open the door to see a room with many barrels, casks, jars and such. There is one
salamander in here.

DM: This is a storage room. Salamander #19 will be in here and be surprised 4 in 6 times. The
corridor to the north of the room is special in that when the characters get to the 1st "X" on the
map, they will begin to hear footsteps echoing. These are their footsteps, and armor clanking and
such is repeated. Should the characters all be moving silently, then there are no echoes. The
echoes stop after 2 turns fading away if they stop moving, or when they reach the 2nd "X" on the
map. This is to make them nervous.

ELEMENTAL-KIN, SALAMANDER: hd 7 +7 hp 45 thaco 13 morale 13 int high 13

ac 5 head / 3 lower body move 9 #att 1 weapon & 1
tail constriction damage 2d6 tail / by weapon type
sp att 1d6 points of heat damage upon touch of it or a
weapon it holds sp def +1 weapon to hit exp 2,000
size mansized 7 long

PC's: This is a dark room. There is no light, and you can't tell what is in here.

DM: This room is occupied by 4 shadows. The room is covered by a set of2 darkness 15' radius spells.
A continual light spell will cancel the darkness spell and itself also. So if the characters have a
continual light spell at the end of a staff the light goes out and I darkness spell also. They will
attack any in the room. They won't attack a salamander. There is a secret door to their treasure

SHADOW: hd 3+3 hp 20 thaco 17 morale no fail int low 6 align chaotic evil
ac 7 move 12 #att 1 touch damage 1d4+1 sp att touch drains 1 point of
strength for 2d4 turns. If the victim is reduced to 0 str points, then they die and become a
shadow sp def +1 or better weapon to hit size mansized exp 420
sp def #2 90% invisible in darkness immune to: sleep & charm & hold spells / cold

TREASURE: 12,000gp / 16 gems worth 60gp each / 10 jewelry pieces worth 500gp each / a ring of
water walking / potion of fire resistance / rod of negation as per the wand 35 charges /
figuring of wondrous power three ivory goats with / charge each left / Scroll with the
spells mending, contact other plane, rope trick, & power word blind


PC's: You open the door to the room to find 3 hobgoblins staring at some balls of light that float
throughout the room at random. There are many such lights. The hobgoblins look at you but
remain seated.

DM: This is a good trap room. After being exposed to the lights for 5 rounds, the character will be
hypnotized. Those with an 18 or more in intelligence can roll a 4d6 save vs intelligence to avoid
this. The only way to break this trance is the sound of the door opening. This means the
hobgoblins will be surprised but then attack the next round Every 12 turns, a guard which is
salamander #32 opens the door to check this room.

GOBLIN, HOBGOBLIN: hd 1+1 hp 6 thaco 19 morale 12 int average 9 exp 35

align lawful evil ac 5 move 9 #att 1 longsword damage 1d8
size mansized 6 tall

ELEMENTAL-KIN, SALAMANDER: hd 7 +7 hp 45 thaco 13 morale 13 int high 13

ac 5 head / 3 lower body move 9 #att 1 weapon & 1
tail constriction damage 2d6 tail / by weapon type
sp att 1d6 points of heat damage upon touch of it or a
weapon it holds sp def +1 weapon to hit exp 2,000
size mansized 7 long

PCs: This is a bare room 40 long and 30 wide.

DM: The salamanders of the peerless legion use this room to gate into the prime material plane from
the elemental plane of fire. This room cant be used unless the king authorizes it.


PC's: This room has a bed in the southwest corner of the room. There is a salamander resting on the

DM: This is the room of the commander of the peerless legion. He will be resting on his bed and be
surprised 2 in 6 times. He will fight until the end as he can't give up. The magic treasure is in the
room behind the secret door.

ELEMENTAL-KIN, SALAMANDER: hd 7 +7 hp 45 thaco 13 morale 13 int high 13

ac 5 head / 3 lower body move 9 #att 1 weapon & 1
tail constriction damage 2d6 tail / by weapon type
sp att 1d6 points of heat damage upon touch of it or a
weapon it holds sp def +1 weapon to hit exp 2,000
size mansized 7 long

TREASURE: 40sp / 20gp / 5 jewelry pieces worth 3.000gp each / eyes of Petrification / decanter of
endless water / crystal ball with clairaudience / potion of healing / medallion of ESP

PC's: This is a 20' wide and 50' long room. There are 4 salamanders practicing combat in here. DM:
They will be surprised 50% of the time. None of them wear any of their magical items. This
room has salamanders

#20 hp 30 str 13 dex 12 magic helm of telepathy

#21 hp 47 str 14 dex 16 magic girdle of femininity / masculinity
#22 hp 51 str 16 dex 12 magic scarab of protection
#23 hp 47 str 14 dex 17 magic helm of brilliance (described below)

ELEMENTAL-KIN, SALAMANDER: hd 7 +7 hp 45 thaco 13 morale 13 int high 13

ac 5 head / 3 lower body move 9 #att 1 weapon & 1
tail constriction damage 2d6 tail / by weapon type
sp att 1d6 points of heat damage upon touch of it or a
weapon it holds sp def +1 weapon to hit exp 2,000
size mansized 7 long


8 DIAMONDS: prismatic spray as 7th level wizard spell

16 RUBIES: wall of fire
3 FIRE OPALS: fireball at 10th level
4 OPALS: light spell

Mundane Powers

1) Glows with a bluish light when undead are within 30', the light does 1d6 points of damage to the
2) Command any sword wielded by the user to become a flaming sword.
3) Produce flame as 15th level druid
4) double strength resist fire
(10) ROOM of the MARQUINS

PC's: This is an odd room. There are the ash and charred remains of some furniture, and there are 10
creatures that are 2' high and look to be made of molten lava. They see you but don't advance.

DM: This room is where the king gated in some odd help. He realized afterward that they are of no
real use. They can do some damage but are not evil. They will watch the characters and not
attack unless threatened. If the characters have a tongues spell, they can communicate with these
creatures and find that they are not evil and don't want any trouble. If the characters have a way
back to the elemental plane of fire, they will be very grateful button have anything to give the

10 MARQU1NS: hd 3 +3 hp 11 thaco 11 morale 10 int average 9 ac 6 align lawful

neutral move 6" #att 1 touch damage 1d20 heat / fire damage
sp att shoot balls of magma 60' doing 2d4 points size small 2' high exp 700


PC's: This room is bare of most items. There is a large metal table and several chairs around it. There
are 6 salamanders in here lounging around. There are many bunks and a few spears around.

DM: These will be surprised 3 in 6 times. There is no treasure. There are 10 extra spears here. There
are 6 salamanders in here resting. Some are in beds and some at the table and some on the floor.
They are scattered about the room. Should their morale fail, then they will flee to raise the alarm
and give their king a chance to escape to the plane of fire.

#25 hp 41 str 14 dex 11 magic rug of smothering

#26 hp 53 str 15 dex 13 magic crystal ball with esp
#27 hp 30 str 11 dex 12 magic horseshoes of speed
#28 hp 51 str 15 dex 10 magic bag of holding the largest size
#29 hp 34 str 14 dex 11 magic 4 javelins of lightning
#30 hp 41 str 11 dex 17 magic amulet of inescapable location

ELEMENTAL-KIN, SALAMANDER: hd 7 +7 hp 45 thaco 13 morale 13 int high 13

ac 5 head / 3 lower body move 9 #att 1 weapon & 1
tail constriction damage 2d6 tail / by weapon type
sp att 1d6 points of heat damage upon touch of it or a
weapon it holds sp def +1 weapon to hit exp 2,000
size mansized 7 long

PC's: This room has a bed in the northwest comer and a chest at the foot of it. There is a salamander in

DM: This is the room to the advisor #1. Finding treasure in a chest is treated as a secret door finding a
false bottom in the chest. The advisor will be surprised 2 in 6 times. Those treasure items after
the slash are under a false bottom.

12) advisor #1
13) advisor #2, 3
14) advisor #4
15) advisor #5, 6 each chest is trapped with a poisoned needle trap, save vs poison or die
16) advisor #7
17) advisor #8~9

ELEMENTAL-KIN, SALAMANDER: hd 7 +7 hp 45 thaco 13 morale 13 int high 13

ac 5 head / 3 lower body move 9 #att 1 weapon & 1
tail constriction damage 2d6 tail / by weapon type
sp att 1d6 points of heat damage upon touch of it or a
weapon it holds sp def +1 weapon to hit exp 2,000
size mansized 7 long


12 33 12 11 3 jewels worth 1,500 each / 5 gems worth 4,000gp each
13 31 8 8 5 jewels worth 4,000gp each
35 14 8
14 38 14 8 3 gems worth 10,000gp total
15 30 11 14 3 gems worth 10,000gp total
31 15 10 3 gems worth 10,000gptotal
16 35 11 7 3 jewels worth 15,000gp total & 2 gems worth 10,000gp
17 33 6 14 see below
40 18 11 see below

Room # 17 has a secret door with a gem worth 1,000gp laying on the floor. Behind that is a second
secret door with a room. Under a false stone in the floor, that is detected by a secret door
roll, is a small chamber holding 12 gems worth 3,500gp total.

PCs: This is a small room 30' long and 20' wide. There is a 10 by 5 table in here. This is in the
middle of the room and has 12 chairs around the table.

DM: This is a normal dining hall. Any noises made in here can be heard by the king due to a pendant
that he wears. Nobody but the king knows of this.


PC's: This is a 20' wide and 30' long room. There is a 10' long and 3' wide table in the center of the
room. There are many chairs around the table.

DM: This is where the work assignments are handed out on a daily basis. This room gives all sounds
to the king through the use of the king's amulet as per room # 18.


PC's: This is a bed room for a large creature. There is a salamander in her laying on the bed.

DM: This is the bedroom to the advisor #10. The treasure is in the room behind the secret door and it
is also hidden by an invisibility spell.

ELEMENTAL-KIN, SALAMANDER: hd 7 +7 hp 45 thaco 13 morale 13 int high 13

ac 5 head / 3 lower body move 9 #att 1 weapon & 1
tail constriction damage 2d6 tail / by weapon type
sp att 1d6 points of heat damage upon touch of it or a
weapon it holds sp def +1 weapon to hit exp 2,000
size mansized 7 long

TREASURE: A highly jeweled dagger worth 15,000gp


PC's: This is a bedroom for 2 salamanders. They are lounging about but rise to meet you.

DM: The treasure is behind the secret door in the northeast comer of the room wall. There are 2
salamanders in here. They are # 11, 12. These are advisors.

ELEMENTAL-KIN, SALAMANDER: hd 7 +7 hp 45 thaco 13 morale 13 int high 13

ac 5 head / 3 lower body move 9 #att 1 weapon & 1
tail constriction damage 2d6 tail / by weapon type
sp att 1d6 points of heat damage upon touch of it or a
weapon it holds sp def +1 weapon to hit exp 2,000
size mansized 7 long

TREASURE: 6 jewelry pieces worth 15,000gp each


PC's: This is a bare room with a river of magma flowing past about 50' from the door. This is where
garbage is thrown into the lava to be destroyed. There is nothing special here.


PC's: This room is piled with many gems. Most appear to be about 50 to 100gp in value. These gems
are piled to a depth of about 2 feet deep.

DM: This is a treasure room. Should the character stay here to loot the room, they will be here 3 days
doing so and will get 750,000gp in gems. Most are low value gems of 10 gp to 50gp.

PC's: This room has numerous jewelry pieces in here. At the far end of the room, they are piled to a
height of 10' and then the pile slants down to where there are none near the door.

DM: There are 4,567,000gp in jewelry in here. It will take a week to loot the room.


PC's: This is a very large room. There are many pillars holding the ceiling up. There is an alter in the
center of the room. Beyond the alter is a raised dais 30' long and 10' deep. There is a throne
sitting atop it at a height of 15'. There is a pool of molten lava in the northeast and northwest
comer of the room. These spew lava up as boiling water would. There is a curtain along the north

DM: This is where the king sits atop the throne and watches the sacrifices to him on the alter. The
curtain blocks the view of a door in the center of the northern wall.

There is a trap door in the floor before the alter about 40' that prisoners are held at for judgment
by the king. If the king wishes~ a knob on the throne's arm, opens the trap door dropping the
victims to their death in molten magma 60' below.

Anyone within 10' of the bubbling pools of lava in the north comers will take 1d10 points of
damage due to the flying lava.

If the alarm has gotten out, then the king will be here with all the rest of the salamanders and will
fight for a long time. Should the king decide to flee, be will do so traveling to room #28 to gate
to the elemental plane of fire and be away forever.

PCs: This is a large room with a table in here. It is 10' wide and 30' long. There are 15 chairs
surrounding the table.

DM: This is where the king holds council meetings. There is nothing of any value in here.


PC's: You have killed the 2 salamanders outside the door. You open the door to see a bedroom for a
large creature. There is a bed, nightstands, chests, wardrobes, a table and 4 chairs. There is a door
in the center of the north wall, and then you see a large salamander. The walls of the room are
intricately carved.

DM: This is the room where the salamander king, Searazul stays. If the characters allowed the alarm
to go out, then he will be in the throne room, otherwise the king will be here. The king will attack
until dead as he sees no way out.

KING: hd 11 hp 57 thaco 10 morale no fail int high 13 align chaotic evil ac 3 torso &
head / 5 body move 9" #att 1 tail constriction & 1 spear damage 2d6 tail / 1d6 spear
sp att spear and tail does 1d6 points of heat damage sp def +1 weapon to hit
immune to sleep, charm, hold spells size 9' long str 16 dex 17 exp 3,000
magic items Gauntlets of ogre Power / +4 long sword of sharpness


PC's: This is a room about 30" wide and 50' long. The far wall is not there. There is a lava pool against
the far end of the room.

DM: This is where the king will come to try to get back to the elemental plane of fire if pressed. There
is no treasure here.

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