UCCD Training Day 1
UCCD Training Day 1
UCCD Training Day 1
Day 1
Aspire Introduction
In the mid-90s, four friends each on a completely So, with this knowledge in mind, they went about
different career course bonded over two things – to create camps for underprivileged children in
their passion for creating positive change in Egypt. The results were outstanding. While on the
people’s lives and their love of sports. Having surface it all seemed like fun and games, these
travelled the world attending leadership schools children emerged with new values and behaviors.
and sports camps, it quickly became evident that Parents, seeing their children become
the best way to penetrate minds and impact people independent, cooperative, and emotionally strong
was not through conventional means. To their were astounded with the results and decided that
surprise and delight it was actually fun, discovery they too wanted a part of this phenomenal change.
and challenge, all components of competitive
games. The rest is history.
Despite its start at a community level, word
They discovered first hand that when people fully eventually got out and market need for
engage for even an hour in a game or sport, their ‘transformational change’ grew high in demand
true personalities involuntarily emerge. Then amongst corporations. That’s when Bassem Emad,
stripped from their personas of everyday life, it Tamer Isaac, Hany Massoud and Maged Fawzy
became easy to address the real issues and cause founded Aspire in 2007 with a clear vision that they
major change. And because people were would champion change through ‘experiential
experiencing the lessons instead of just hearing training’, a method that would revolutionize how
about them, they became engraved on a deeper people learned in corporations, among youths and
level in their minds. within the community.
With over a decade of experience, Aspire Training Solutions provides training solutions with proven track records
of success. Pioneers in our line of work, our distinct methodology heavily relies on simulating real-life settings and
applying practical knowledge so that learnt concepts are firmly grasped over a short period of time. Because we
use ‘experiential’ methods we are able to deliver tangible leaps in performance which is hard to achieve using
conventional techniques that provide only theoretical teaching. We use creativity and a bold approach to create
programs that work for corporates, youths and the communities we live in.
To empower, enlighten and inspire deep lasting To deliver unrivaled integrated experiences in every
transformation in the lives of individuals, teams, training solution we implement using a unique
organizations and communities to live, lead and methodology combining knowledge, experience &
prosper innovation
Training Methodology
People change in behavior or performance in three dimensions; change of mindset, change of direction and
change of practice (action). Aspire has its unique methodology for this change to take place.
Transformation is a process of profound and radical change, whether in mindset, direction or practice. The
journey towards transformation starts with an idea, but it is crucial to understand that this journey is
intentional, it can never be forced unless from within.
Character, connection, competence and commitment are the four aspects which effective leaders should
work on all the time. The character represents motives, and everything you value. Connection is about
relationships and who you connect with while competence is about the skills and commitment is about what
destination you are committed to grow into
Character Connection
الشخصية الداخلية االتصال
Competence Commitment
الكفاءة و القدرات االلتزام
• Personality:
The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive
• Character:
Is who you are when no one is looking.
It represents the person’s principles, virtues, value system, attitudes, beliefs & ethics.
What Impacted You to Be Who You Are
There are many factors that have impacted us to make us who we are today. Our past experiences in addition
to our heritage shape the way we think and act throughout our lives. Based on the well-known book, the 7
habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey, there are three social maps -- three theories of
determinism widely accepted, independently or in combination, that shape the way we are as shown below:
Three theories of determinism adopted from: The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey
You cannot change or control what you have inherited, but you can choose how to react to it. The non- inherited part
that influences who you are is under your control. One part of it is the culture, which we will discuss below.
Nurturing Connectivity: DISC Profiles
• •
Observable Human Behavior
• It Describes HOW we act •
• Measurement of skills & experiences.
grouped into four constants
• Neutral language. • Measurement of education & training.
• Silent Language.
DISC rules:
• Use DISC language only with who know it. • Gaining commitment& cooperation.
• Exhibit your knowledge by talking about • Building effective teams.
your style, silently recognizing others. • Resolving & preventing conflict
• • Gaining endorsement
time for understanding DISC • Increase sales
measures, behaviors & • Better time management
DISC Styles