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Kurikulum 2013






Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris



Hari/Tanggal : 3 April 2018

Waktu : 10.00 – 12.00 ( 120 menit )


1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang tersedia dengan
menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai dengan petunjuk di LJK.
2. Hitamkan bulatan sesuai dengan kolom isian pada LJK.
3. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir pilihan ganda, pada setiap butir pilihan ganda terdapat 4
(empat) pilihan jawaban dan 5 butir soal uraian.
5. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
6. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak,
atau tidak lengkap.
7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan Buku, catatan, HP atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
8. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
9. Lembar soal tidak boleh di coret-coret.


A. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar dari pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan
menghitamkan salah satu option yang ada.

1. Jane : Where are you going, Lena?

Lena : I’m traveling to South Korea for vacation.
Jane : Wow, that’s awesome. How long will you be there?
Lena : Only one week. Where are you going?
Jane : I’m going to see my mother in Manado.
Lena : Please send my best regards to her.
Jane : Sure.
Lena : I think that is a call for my departure. I will get in first and please keep in touch.
Jane : Of course Lena, _________.
Lena : Yes, you too.
The most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue above is ….
A. So long
B. See you
C. Good bye
D. Take care

2. Sheila : Hi, Nindy!

Nindy : Hi, Sheila!
Sheila : Would you like to buy a drink?
Nindy : Yes. Your lemon squash looks fresh. Let me order one.
Sheila : Yes, please. Have you met Meisha?
Nindy : Hi, Meisha. How do you do?
Meisha : How do you do?
Sheila : Nice to meet you.
Meisha : Nice to meet you, too.
What is Sheila’s intention by saying the underlined expression?
A. She wants Nindy to talk to Meisha.
B. She introduces Meisha to Nindy.
C. She attracts Nindy’s attention.
D. She lets Meisha meet Nindy.

3. Peter : What are you doing?

James : I’m reading this book. I’ll finish it tonight.
Peter : What is it about?
James : It’s about reformation.
Peter : Do you mind lending me the book?
James : No, I don’t.
Peter : Thanks.
James : My pleasure.
What does the dialogue talk about?
A. Peter is asking about James’ activity.
B. James is sharing his experience.
C. Peter is asking for permission.
D. James is thanking to Peter.

4. Mr. Sam : Hot! Our city is very hot at the moment.

Mr. Joe : __________ our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
Mr. Sam : Don’t you feel hot?
Mr. Joe : Not at all.
Which is the best expression to complete the dialogue?
A. In our point of view
B. I personally say
C. In my opinion
D. I think so

5. Barbara : Developing countries must take part in reducing gas emissions.

Jake : __________. Every country must do it.
Barbara : Why?
Jake : It is not only certain countries’ responsibility, but also all people around the
world have to be aware and care about this issue. The impact is getting worse and
influencing many aspects in our society.
Barbara : I see.


What should Jake say to comment on Barbara’s statement?
A. I see your point.
B. I couldn’t agree more.
C. I doubt with your point.
D. I simply agree with you.

6. Sandra : I’m deadly starving here. The service is too slow. I’ve been trying to get the
waitress’ attention for the last fifteen minutes.
Jessica : We have a class at one o’clock.
Sandra : What time is it now?
Jessica : It’s half past twelve.
Sandra : I hope she serves us soon.
Jessica : I hope so.

The underlined word can be best replaced by ….

A. cooperation
B. awareness
C. negligence
D. assistance

The following text is for questions 7 to 9.

To: All students of SMP Nasional.

To celebrate the National Education Day, school board will hold some interesting competitions
such as English Speech Contest, Debate competition and Class Wall Magazine Competition.

Time : May 2nd, 2017 at 8 am

Venue : School hall

Contact person for Registration : Mr. Andi (the coordinator)


7. What is the announcement about?
A. School boards activities
B. English Speech Contest
C. National Education Day Celebration
D. Debate and magazine reading Competition

8. What will the school boards hold to celebrate the National Education Day?
A. flag ceremony
B. some competitions
C. national debate competition
D. wall magazine designer contest

9. “…, Students school board will hold some interesting competitions … “

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. selective
B. attractive
C. enjoyable
D. comfortable

The text is for number 10.


10. “…at affordable fee”
What does the underlined word mean?
A. costly
B. minimal
C. moderate
D. inexpensive

The text is for number 11 and 12.

This is an important announcement for all students of grade IX who are
going for picnic to Lombok. Please remember, we are going to leave
tomorrow morning:

Day : Tuesday
Date : 22 May 2018
Time : 05.00 a.m.
Place : School Hall

Please come before 5 or you'll be left. Don't forget to bring your camera
and notebook to accomplish your traveling report.

Head of Traveling Committee,

David Permana, S.Pd.

11. What is the text about? It is about ….

A. the trip’s itinerary
B. the departure time
C. the person in charge
D. the trip’s destination


12. What will students probably do after reading the announcement? They will ….
A. do the report before leaving
B. prepare their photographic tool
C. hand in the report to Mr. David
D. arrive at school yard before 5.00

The text is for number 13 to 15.

 6 fresh avocado
 40 grams sugar
 50 ml water

The followings are the steps how to make an original avocado juice, but
before begin to try it, make sure you choose the fresh avocado.
 First of all, peel the fresh avocado. Then, remove the seeds.
 Put avocado, sugar, and water into blender.
 After that, blend all of the ingredients in the blender. Blend about 2
 Now, pour the juice into the glass. The original avocado juice is
ready to drink. It is easy, isn’t it?

13. The text is mainly about ....

A. what the avocado juice is
B. how to make avocado juice
C. how we get avocado juice is
D. what we need to get avocado juice

14. What should we do after peel the avocado?

A. Remove the seeds
B. Add sugar and water
C. Put them into blender
D. Blend them about 2 minutes


15. “After that, blend all of the ingredients in the blender.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. hook
B. mix
C. pull
D. fit

The text is for number 16

"See You Again"
( Wiz Khalifa feat. Charlie Puth)

[Charlie Puth:]
It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again

[Wiz Khalifa:]
Damn, who knew?
All the planes we flew
Good things we've been through
That I'll be standing right here talking to you
'Bout another path
I know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up
Look at things different, see the bigger picture
Those were the days
Hard work forever pays
Now I see you in a better place (see you in a better place)


16. Based on the song we can learn ….
A. a good meeting support the winner
B. a hard working creates a better place for life
C. a great racer will have a success life in the future
D. the power of cooperation and friendship leads to the succes

The text is for number 17 to 19

My little brother’s name is Putra. Ten years ago, he was born in Bekasi on the twenty first
of February. His hair is dark and short. He has got brown eyes, a pointed nose and dimples on
both his cheeks. He has such a warm smile. He looks very cute when he smiles.
Putra is a kind boy. He is also a caring and clever boy. He is quite a shy person to the people he
just knows but he will talk a lot after you know him better.
His favorite hobbies are watching TV and listening to the music. His favorite TV
program is cartoon. He also likes playing a keyboard so much. Even though he is still young, he
is an expert on playing keyboard. He learns it by him self. He likes to play his keyboard in the
evening. He usually plays ballad songs. They are really nice. We all always enjoy that moment.

17. What does the writer’s brother look like based on the text?
A. His hair is dark and brown.
B. He is a good keyboard player.
C. He is still young and brave person.
D. He is a kind, caring, and clever boy.

18. Based on the text we know that Putra is a ... boy

A. friendly
B. very shy
C. talented
D. talkative


19. They are really nice. (paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to ....
A. his keyboard
B. TV program
C. balad songs
D. the evening

The text is for number 20 to 22

The Flatiron Building is one of the most famous historic landmarks in New York. The
iconic twenty-one story building, best known for its triangular shape, was one of the
early spectacular high rises that have come to define Manhattan.

The Flatiron Building was constructed between 1901 and 1903 at the intersection of
Broadway and Fifth Avenue, at the time one of the most prominent locations in New York
city, It is situated near Madison Square at the end of the Ladies’ Mile, one of Manhattan’s
most important shopping district at the turn of the nineteenth century.

The Flatiron Building was designed by Chicago’s Daniel Burnham as a steel-frame

skyscraper clad in white terra-cotta. At 21 stories and 93 meters, it was one of the city’s
tallest buildings, Its singular shape and prominent location soon made it one of New York
City’s most famous landmarks.

The building probably featured on most postcards than any other building of its time. The
whole area, the Flatiron district, was even named after the building. Originally the
Flatiron Building featured on observation deck on the top floor, but taller buildings have
taken over his function. It is still, however, a popular tourist attraction, and one of the
most photographed landmarks in New York.

20. The purpose of the text is ....

A. to show the wellknown building in New york
B. to invite people to visit a famous historic landmarks in New York
C. to describe The Flatiron Building as the most famous historic landmarks in New York
D. to ask people to conserve The Flatiron Building as the most famous historic landmarks in
New York
21. What will the readers do after reading the text about The Flatiron Building? They will ….
A. sell the post cards of The Flatiron Building
B. visit and enjoy it by taking some pictures
B. set a seminar for tourism promotion
C. send people to take some photos

22. What is main ide of paragraph 3?

A. Daniel Burnham designed the building
B. The famous landmarks in New York City
C. The Flatiron Building is the tallest building
D. The Flatiron Building is located in Chicago

The text is for number 23 to 25

I had always dreamed about going to Hawaii. I thought it was a paradise. It was the end of
the semester when my parents told me that we are going to Hawaii for one week in our holidays
next month.
Two days later we left home and headed toward our first destination, the Big Island of
Hawaii. As soon as we reached there after a long journey, I was stunned by the beautiful scenic
views that I only saw in pictures. I was totally lost in the scenic views that I forgot to blink my
eyes. We stayed in the 5-star hotel in front of the beach.

Next day we hired a helicopter for a trip to see volcano. It was simply amazing. We stayed
in the Big Island for four days, and then we went to the island of Maui for four days. We did so
many activities which included jet ski, scuba diving, parasailing, etc. We also watched the
sunrise of Kalekala’s summit. It was very romantic. At last one the best things we did in Hawaii
was to drive on the Hana Highway. It was the most amazing and spectacular experience of my
life that I was stunned by God’s creation of heaven-like place on earth. The highway has 600-
plus turns, 50 one-lane bridges and breathtaking views that alternate between mountain streams
and soaring sea cliffs, the Hana Highway is less a roadway than an event in itself.
Our journey ended. On our way back we traveled by plane again. During the trip I thought,
“those days were amazing and unforgettable. I wish I had more days to spend over there”
23. What did the writer do in the second day ? The writer ….
A. watched the sunset of Kalekala’s summit
B. had shopping in Hana Highway
C. visited the Big Island of Hawai
D. saw volcano by helicopter

24. The text was written to ....

A. retell her amazing experience of Hawai
B. promote the Hawai tourism object
C. ask people to come to Hawai
D. describe the beauty of Hawai

25. The writer forgot to blink her eyes ... the beautiful scenic views
A. so that
B. because
C. in order to
D. because of

The text is for number 26 to 28

Many years ago in a small Indian village, there lived a farmer who owed a sum of money to
a village money lender. The money lender, who was old and ugly, loved the farmer's beautiful
daughter. He wanted to marry her.
The moneylender told them he would put a small black stone and a white stone into an
empty money bag. Then the girl would have to pick one stone from the bag. If she picked the
black stone, she would become, his wife and her father's debt would be forgiven. If she picked
the white stone, she need not marry him and her father's debt would still be forgiven. If she
refused to pick a stone, her father would be thrown into jail.
The next day, they were on the farmer's garden. The moneylender bent over to pick up two
stones. As he picked them up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black stones
and put them into the bag. Then he asked the girl to pick one of the stones from the bag.


The girl put her hand into the bag and took a stone. Without looking at it, she fell it down among
other white and black stones.
"Oh, how clumsy of me!" She said. "But never mind, if you look into the bag for the one
that is left, you will be able to tell which stone I picked."
The moneylender didn't dare to take the other stone as he didn't want other people knew his
dishonesty. Finally the girl was free and the farmer didn't need to give the money back.

26. The text was written to ….

A. inform the character of a smart girl
B. warn people about a bad person
C. describe a money lender
D. entertain the readers

27. What did the money lender get because of his dishonesty ?
A. He lost all his money
B. He got a lot of money
C. He gave much money to the girl
D. He stucked in his unluckily hope

28. From the text we can learn that ….

A. People must be smart to get much money
B. We may not be a money lender
C. Dishonesty will ruin your life
D. Married is not an easy thing

The text is for number 29 to 30

Once upon a time, a grandmother and her granddaughter lived in Roti Island, Nusa Tenggara
Timur. They had a field and grew some vegetables. The grandmother sold them at the market.
In one morning, the grandmother would go to the market. Before she left, she asked her
granddaughter to cook.
“Please cook some rice for lunch. But just cook one grain of rice. It’s enough for both of us.”
“Why, Grandma?” asked the girl.
“Just do what I said.”
The grandmother then left for the market. Later, the girl started to cook. However, she felt a
grain of rice would not be enough for them.
“I think it’s enough for me and my grandmother.” Then she took two handfuls of rice. Suddenly,
something bad happened to the rice pot. “Oh, no! The rice flowed out of the pot!” shouted the
girl. “What should I do? The rice became rice porridge. It flowed and flowed until it covered the
kitchen. Suddenly, the grandmother came home. The girl explained what happened.
“You are naughty girl! Why didn’t you listen to me? The grandmother was so angry. She hit
the girl with a wooden stick.
Please forgive me, Grandma!” The little girl cried and cried. But the grandmother kept hitting
Then, an incridible thing happened! The girl turned into a monkey. The monkey then ran
away and climbed a tree. The grandmother chased it. From the tree, the monkey said.
“Grandmother, I’m a monkey now. I cannot live with you anymore. You are all alone.”
The monkey climbed up and disappeared. The grandmother was very sad. She regrettes what she
had done to her beloved granddaughter. “Please come back to me. Please forgive me, my
granddaughter!” but it was too late.

The little girl has turned into a monkey and never came home. The people of Roti Island
believe this story. And that is until now; people in Roti Island never hit their children or other
people’s child. They are afraid that the child would turn into a monkey.

29. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?

A. The grandaughter broke the order
B. The rice was not enough for both of them
C. The grandmother came home from the market
D. The poridge flowed and flowed until it covered the kitchen

30. What did happen to the grandmother in the end of the story ? She ....
A. got all alone
B. felt very happy
C. didn’t regret at all
D. turned into a monkey
The text is for number 31 to 33.

How to Use a Microwave

1. Read the instruction and safety warnings thoroughly. There is a lot of stuff you need to know in
that little booklet.
2. Plug your microwave. Don’t plug too many aplliancces at once, or you may cause a power
3. Set the time that you want to microwave something for. The microwave has a dial, turn it
clockwise until the screen displays the desired time. You may have to press “cook” on your
microwave before the time set will activate the microwave.
4. Apply your understanding to microwave specific items. Start with bake a potato in the
microwave. If you are baking just one or two potatoes, reduce the power so the outside doesn’t
scorch by the time the inside is done, and warm a plate of leftover at low power. Warm a milky
coffee at medium power and check carefully when to stop so the milk retain its goodness.

31. The text is written to ...

A. give guidance to use a microwave.
B. how to operate each parts of a mirowave.
C. give instructions how to bake potatoes using a microwave.
D. make people know how to read the booklet of using a microwave.

32. To start the microwave machine we have to ...

A. Press “cook” on the microwave.
B. Set the time according to something for.
C. Turn the dial clockwise in the desired time.
D. Read the instruction and safety warnings thoroughly.

33. “... check carefully when to stop so the milk retain its goodness”
The underlined word refers to ...
A. the power.
B. a plate.
C. the milk.


D. a potato.
The text is for number 34 and 35.

Having a kite flying is interesting and make it by self is easy. Prepare the following materials
to make a kite:

 Butcher cord
 Scotch tape or glue
 1 Sheet of strong paper
 2 Strong, straight wooden sticks of bamboo
 Markers, paint or crayons

After the materials have been prepared, the directions bellow is easy instruction on how to
make a kite:
1. Make a cross with the two sticks, with the shorter stick placed horizontally across the
longer stick.
2. Tie the two sticks together with the string in such a way as to make sure that they are at
right angles to each other.
3. Cut a notch at each end of the sticks. Make it deep enough for the type of string you are
using to fit in to. Cut a piece of string long enough to stretch all around the kite frame.
4. Lay the sail material flat and place the stick frame face down on top. Cut around it,
leaving about 2-3cm for a margin. Fold these edges over and glue it down so that the
material is tight.
5. Make a tail by tying a small ribbon roughly every 10cm along the length of string.
6. Decorate your kite with the markers!

34. What should we do before lying the sail material flat and place the stick frame face down on
top? We should ….
A. cut a notch at each end of the sticks
B. cut around it, leaving about 2-3cm for a margin
C. cut a piece of string long enough to stretch all around the kite frame
D. make a notch deep enough for the type of string you are using to fit in to
35. “ ... to make sure that they are at right angles” (step 2)
The underlined word refers to ….
A. the two sticks
B. the long strings
C. the right angles
D. the tie and the string

The text is for number 36.

Lightning is one of Nature's most dangerous phenomenon. The average lightning flash could
light a 100 watt light bulb for more than three months. The temperature of a lightning bolt may
reach 27.760°C which is hotter than the surface of the sun.
Lightning is not only an outdoor hazard. In houses without adequate lightning protection. It can
be dangerous to take a bath or shower. The electric shock could be delivered along the water
pipes. There is also the risk of lightning shocks being transmitted via telephone or plugged in
electronics in houses without protection. Thus, people who live in these houses should unplug
telephones, computers, and televisions during storms, protecting them from damage in case of
lightning strike. If that is too much work, it's much safer to at least install special socket inserts
that protect against surges.

36. How can the lightning be dangerous while we are taking a bath?
A. The electric shock could be delivered along the water pipes.
B. The lightening can be transmitted via electronics.
C. The lightning strike can protect them from damage.
D. Electronic in houses can deliver telephone and televisions.


The following text is for questions 37 to 40.

Rabbits live in groups. A female rabbit is called a doe while a male rabbit is called a buck, and a
young rabbit is called a kit (or kitten). Rabbits have long ears which can be as long as 10 cm (4
in). More than half of the world’s rabbits live in North America. Rabbits have a lifespan of
around 10 years. Rabbits are herbivores. Pet rabbits that live inside are often referred to as
‘house rabbits’.
Rabbits reproduce very quickly. This can be problem for people living in agricultural
areas where rabbits are seen as pests. Rabbits are born with their eyes closed and without fur.

37. What does the text tell about?

A. How the rabbits reproduce.
B. Where the rabbits live.
C. What the rabbits are.
D. Definition of rabbits.

38. Rabbits usually live ….

A. helplessly
B. separately
C. individually
D. communally

39. Rabbits become enemy for farmers because ….

A. they reproduce very quickly
B. they are born without fur
C. they are plant eaters
D. they live in groups

40. “…where rabbits are seen as pests” (par 2)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to….
A. become
B. produced
C. shown
D. known
B. Essay

Read the text and answer the question.

Rabbits live in groups. A female rabbit is called a doe while a male rabbit is called a
buck, and a young rabbit is called a kit (or kitten). Rabbits have long ears which can be
as long as 10 cm (4 in). More than half of the world’s rabbits live in North America.
Rabbits have a lifespan of around 10 years. Rabbits are herbivores. Pet rabbits that live
inside are often referred to as ‘house rabbits’.
Rabbits reproduce very quickly. This can be problem for people living in agricultural
areas where rabbits are seen as pests. Rabbits are born with their eyes closed and
without fur.

41. Why do people think that rabbits are pests?

42. Arrange these following jumbled words to a good sentence.

study – if – you – succeed – will – your final exam – you – hard – in.

43. Arrange these following sentences to a good order.

1). Then, pour a glass of water into the bowl.
2). First, unpack the instant porridge by using a pair of scissors.
3). Your instant porridge is ready to serve. Eat while warm. Don’t forget to add the crisps.
4). Here are the steps of making instant porridge.
5). Second, put all ingredients into a bowl, except the crisps.
6). Stir the mixture well.

44. Change the verbs in the brackets to the correct verb forms.
My family and I a) ________(go) to the beach last weekend. First, we took a minibus to the
bus station. It was very crowded. Our journey took two hours and twenty minutes.
We were so happy when we b) ___________(arrive) at the beach. My sister, Sita ran
quickly jumped into the water. We swam near the beach. Our father c) ________(tell) us
to be careful.
My father and my father laid down on the sand. My father a read newspaper, while my
mother happily d) _____(sing) number of popular songs. After we e) ______( play), we ate
our picnic lunch. It was a great and fun day.

45. Read the text carefully then answer the questions briefly.
One day wildcat caught a chicken. After that he started walking home. It was getting
dark so he decided to spend the night at Black bear’s house. Black bear welcome wild cat.
Before he went to sleep, wildcat noticed that his friend had many big and healthy chickens.
So later at the late of night, wild cat woke up and ate his chicken. Then he hid the feathers.
The next morning wildcat told his friend that his chicken was lost. Black bear felt sorry for
wildcat, so he gave one of his chickens. Wildcat happily went home with the chicken.
The next week wild cat visited black bear again and tried to trick black bear again.
However black bear was suspicious. So black bear kept eye on wild cat at night. He saw
wild cat ate his chick and then hid the feathers.
The following morning, wildcat talked black bear that his chicken was lost. Black
bear knew that wildcat was lying. He told wild cat to take the feathers and asked him not to
return to his home again.

a. When did wildcat know that black bear had many large and fine chickens?
b. Why did the black bear keep eyes on wildcat at night?
c. Which paragraph tells us that the black bear finally realized he has been fooled by the
d. Find from the text above, the word that has the same meaning as ‘became aware of’!



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