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MCom A22

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M.Com。 (3:Years Program)Part― l:Annual-2022

Sublect: Organizational Behavlor Paper: MC-501 T:me:3 Hrs.Marks:100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE qu6sdo/rs. All quesfions carry equal marks.

Q.l WLa ie valrc of n{icct of orgoizdoal *r,t* 5n naaagc6?

QJ Wht at naic und of $ilttioo d ufty iell€conl abilitics arc mut inputa thm physical
q3 Vhd no nr{c sogn@ of a ditdo ud how coodmc ed nood! frll iI ho YEiottl
Q.{ Dcftuc job sdsec{i@ ud otptainhonr ancmplopo orprcsscsiob dissaflectio"
ri$"'t^-t o4
Qr*'hfu c hsdb?'*** woidb you ildifi r.@Fod, ns lcrd.r&ds.ledd* uriag
condngpdqy rheoricg bf taOocsbipt

Q.6 Wbd is tb diftr,enee bctnecn tomr ad grorrye md nht zc m{c tlpcc of tas?
QJ Ddnc peesooelity ed hiStltgs how pcmmrlity is dctermincd?

l. Cogritiwdssorre
2. Endimldiss@toco
3. Enotionalimclligcocc
4. Tuofictontheory
象呻 M』 N理 辱

き乳舗庸 l猟漑銑″ :i=111:111:
Paper:聞 C‐ 502 Time:3 Hrs.Mark8:100

NOTE: Altempt any FIVE quesfioas. All quesfions carry equal marks.

Q.l Do&. fhdri.l l!&nr&ocd. B.plah to rolo of Fluodat lulaoager to Dcr&rn in bdry'r
aoeglcs hrlincss covtomt
Q, Johoso Irc. b coddorlng t*r mrtuelly cxc&rsirrc g$cc[!, cach witb m inttial imrcsMt of
8100000. Thc oory/s bood of dirabllr ho sct s mdum 3-ycu peybact roqrdrod ed
tar st ib cod of oadtrl d 14y.. Thl msh lnflouB associed wttL tb tm Ddojocb E! stowr in

Cm■ lanows側
Y“ 馘 A b■dB
1 " 37
2 4 6
3 4001
4 25000
5 40000
r) Calodab tto poyt€c& ec{iod ftr Gac& trojGcr.
b) Crlcoho 6o NPV of oroh proioct rr 14* aost of caEitrl.
c) nibi6 pojct umrld pn fually sdoc0 Jruifr you &ciriu.
Q.3 Frrothc&llordngFdclrlrs,a@plattcBalopcshoet ofFfu @tryE:
C\rrtd ratio: 1.50
Tdla$ststnaow: 1.45
Awogo colhaim lcrio& 40 dsys
uargho sslcs: 4095
Gmes pro6t
Celcdadoo is hsodona 355-daypar,

Brbnco Slcct
Ar ol3lJlSIll
e18 AnountS L13bultles&o/E Am● ●nt S
“ Accoun● Panle
A● ● otu輔 山 Ac― Is 30000
eS Total G―tu働 饉t應

20000 L●● gTm勁 80000
Total Ct― 絲 Common Stock
NetF=“ Asu 100000
TOm― 54- … Toml Lbblltlog&o嘔
18 …

Page 1 ot 2 P.T,0
Q4 Jmcs Consol Company cuncotly psys a divid€od of 31.90 pcr shu,o on its coumor do.t" Tt"
compfly apccB to incrqsc th dividend * a 15 pcroeirt amrul rrtc for the &st two yca: and at a
l0 psccot rde fc ths ncurt two yeut, ad thcn grow ths divifud * a 7 pctocot nte tffi.
Ttig phased-groulh psfi€m is in k€eping sie thc €xpeced ti& ryolc of curiry. You roquirc a 15
p€rcGot rchrrD to hvcst in fris $ocls Wh* taluc yur plaoe on a sbGG ofthig Sodfl

Q.5 Fsisal Bmrglses a distibufor of olectronia equipmcnt fu oo$idcring purcnadng &oa WGEtGro
Ilardrure Company &e righo to ns*st itg home s*urity $dcm" The prsposod deal calls for
Flisal Ed€rpircs to pay to the Wcstcm Hardrru€ Compaoy S30000 and $20000 d th cnd of
years I md2 and to nakc snnuEl yer.cndpa5nnem of $15000 in 5rears 3 lfoottgh year 9. A final
pa5pent to Harduru! Company of $20000 wwld bc &le attre eod of you 10.
r) Iay out the cash flou/6 involved inthc oftr on a timc line.
D If fdsal rocrpriece ryplios a roquired rdo of rtturo of l3o/o, wbc is tho Pces€Ntt vahre of
this gcrios of paymonts?
c) A sccond company has offered Faisal Ent€rprises an immedigc lump sun pa5rment of
$100000 for ths rights to narket the horuo seclnity syst€m" Which offer should Faisal
fnrerglss acccpt?

Q“ Fivc Strr matru&cfi:ring conpany produce and sclls 1fin000 uoia pcr year. Each unit Pso&rccd
has avariable operadog cost of $0.80 ed sclls for 81.00. Fixcd oeading oodt EE$lfiXXl0. Thc
fim hs annual intcrcst charges of $15000, prcf€npd dividmds of $20frX), and a 3096 tu rde,
r) Calcutalo tha operattng beafuien pot* in udE.
b) Calculato degrce of operafng lwuage (DOL)
c) Caloilab dsgneo of fnancial kvcrrge @Ft)
O Cslsuldo dcgree oftotal loveuage (DTL)
Q.7 Y Ltd" pcsently gives credit tcrms of 'trct 30 days". It has $5 million in mual crcdit sales, ad its
awcage collecdon pcriod is 40 drys. C\ucotly bad debtr aupl7o of sal6. To rdnulmc satc$ ths
company may giie ccdlt tqms of hS 45 days', Ifit does.ingdgafip t@ lms,.raherrc opectcd
to lncitase by ?.Wo. Aftcr tho changg the avaage collccdm pceiod is orpood to bc 60 days, Bad
&bts will riss from lo/ob 4o/e of gales. Vuiablc costs arc 30.75 for qr€ry Sl.m of salcs, annual
collestion crry@sw will inmse by $120(X), md &e coqlmy's be.frm m rcquir€d rde on
iwestn€,nt in rcceivablcs is 16 p€rc€m Should tb oompoy o(d its orcdit pqiod? (Ihsrc oe
350 days in apar)

Page 2 ot 2
3 UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB ● ● ● ● 0000000。
:・・ ・ ・ ・ ・・ ・ ・

M.Com.(3:Years PЮ gram) Part― ::Annua:… 2022 : Ro‖ No.........・ ・"・・:・ :

%00。 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 00000● :
SubieCt: intemational Business&Finance Paper:MC5o3 Timo:3H腱 。Marks:100

NOTE: Attempt any FlvE guesfions. Ail quesfions carry equal marks.

Q. No. I Explains the implications of global martet placc for the maoagers.

Q' No 2"Why reme nafiens emaeed and ofhcrs fail h intenntionsl competition? Eryl8in in.
tlrc contant of dcterminarts ofnational competitive
advantages: porter,s Diamond.

a' Io:3 Explain various polioy insfirments used by govemmcnts to influencc internstional
tade flows.

Q'No'4' EIPlain &e bcmefits and costs ofFDI to home and host countries.
Q' No'S what is strategic alliance? Explain the advantages and disadvarbges
of strarcgic
alliance with a local firm for expanding business
in a hreign mar*gt.

Q'No'5' what is inrcrnational bond marlcef? Explain thc various risk faced
by MNC,s in
international bond mar*et.

Q. No.7 Briefly dcscribc any four ofthe followings:

a) Bill of Lading b) Leffier of credig c) Future confiact,

d) Euro bon4 c) Ex-work (Exw)

D DAP, g) Certificd invoice, h) Certificatc of origin, i) Trust receipg j) cunency opion

急 M.Com。 (3:Years Program)Part… ::Annual-2022
SubieCt Business Management Paper: MC{04
Time:3 Hrs.Marksl 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE guesfions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.l. Describe Robert L IGtz tree essential managerial skills and how the importarrce of

these skills drangee depending on managerial level

Q.2. Discuss Henri Fayol's and Max Weber's contrlbutlonsto managementtheory.

Q.3. Deflne environment. ldentify elements of the external environment that are critically important

to an organlzation's survival,

Q.4. Explain various steps involveo in piannlng. Describe how rnanagers can effecdvely plan ln

today's dynamlc environment.

Q.5. Explaln what factors lnfluence the amount of centrallzatlon and decentrallzatlon.

Q.6. What ls motivation? Describe how Maslow's Hierarchy of needs theory applles ln an

organlzatlon to motivate employees.

Q.7. Dlscuss the reasons why control ls important. Explaln the steps involved ln controlprocess.
M.Com.(3:Years PЮ gram) Part― ::Annua:… 2022
Principles of Paper:MC‐505

NorE: Attempt any FlvE guesfibns, All questions carry equal marks.

Ql. Disouss in dstsil the common maketing mistakes. How market€rs can avoid malcing such
nistnkcs?-Sqff$ your ansvcr wi& suitabb .examples
Q2. kioing a produet is au important firnstion of marketing u&ich can significantly eonfiibute
towards success or failure of busisess. Howprice ofaproduct intlge11ces business
operatioru andlerforrnance especially sale? Also elaborate the pricing policies
of a firm and
disorss their advantages and disadvantages.

Q3' In detail, describe the marketing management firnctions. What role these functions play in
grou/th of a firm?

Q4' What is the importance ofpromotion for a business venture? Discuss the advantages of
different medirms ofpromotion? How a firm can use social media for
its pro*otioo

Q5' Disouss the similuities and differences betrnreenretailing and whole-selling. What
ue the
wrious opportunities and threats in u&ole-sellingr fxplain your aoswcr
rit6 exaryles.
Q6' Ivdte a detailed note on marketingpf qgdcuttural products? Why the marketing
agricultural prcducts is important for our economy. Justify.

Q7' s/hat is meant by intcmationat marketing? Howis it different then domestic

Discuss the problems of intemational marketing
and nrggest its solutions.
¨"¨ ""¨ ¨¨¨


M.Com.(3:Years Program)Part― ::Annua:… 2022 :Ro‖ No.""......・・"い :

%.¨ ¨ ¨ .¨ "¨ ●¨・・ :
Subject: Banking Law & Practice in Pakistan Paper: MC-506 Time: 3 Hrs. Marks:.100

frr,*-*rr, *r r-rtr*r"

Q.l List out funportantbanthg laws ofPakistm and its main featrnedchracteristics.
Q.2 (a) E:rylain the procedule of Countemad ofpalment of a cheque?
(b) Enlist the mafor rralxxrs of Bouncing of ohequc by a Bank?
QJ (a). Writo Essentials of Payme,nt of chcque in DuG course?

O). Write advanhgcs md disadvantages ofqosd cheque.

Q.4 Whd is memt by bankcr-customcr rel*iomhip? Elrplain th general rcalnns for tcrminaion
of Bmker C\rstom.er Rolationship.

Q.5'Sln16 short notes on ttc followings:

i. Interest frcebooHng
it Principles ofleoding
iii. Frmctions ofbank

Q6. DefioG commercial l*fier of Credit Explain rrarious t),pcs of commercial lsttr of credit
used in internstional tade.

Q7. Bdefly erylain diffa.ent sourrcs of fimds for banlc Exptain statutory rcquiremeirts
ryading Banker's Fuuds.
妙 M.Com.(3:Years Program)Part― │:Annual… 2022
Subject: lnterpersonal Skills Paper: Mc-507
Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100

*rr.^.*rr*rr r,r4

Qt. What is the importahce of Self-awareness? Explain the role of Perception in the development of
one's self.

Q2. what is the importance of listening? How can we improve it?

Q3. What is organizational stress? How can we overcorne the factors that create stress in our
organizational life?

Qa. why do we negotiate? what are the strategies to improve Negotiation skills?

Q5' Draw and explain Time Management Matrix with the tips and importance of tlme management.

Q6' Describe the benefits of self-disclosure and the fears assoclated with it. Explain the remedlal
measures to tackle this issue.

Q7. Write short Notes on the followlng:

a) lntegrative Bargaining
b) Active Listening
呻 M.Com. (3!Years Program)
SubieCt: Non-Banking Financial
Part- l : Annual
lnstitutions Paper:
-2022 i.T:1.Y""':"""'::':
Mc-508 "
i;;t ;il:ffi,:; ,;;
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE guesfions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q. No. I What is moncy market? Explain its instumanB and importanoe.

Q.No. 2 Describe the naturc of Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs) and related
governance issuos in Pakistan

Q. No. 3 Explain fuirctions and achievemcnts of Zani Taraqiati Bank Limitcd (ZTBL).

Q. No.4 lVrite a detailed note on the In&rnational Bsnk for Reconstnrction and Developmcnt

Q.No. 5 What is a Mutual Fund? Describe tho differpnoe betrreen open end and slosed end
Mutual Funds.

Q. No.6 Discuss rcle of Stock Exchange in the development of financial mar{cets. Also
explain how index 100 is prepared.

Q.No.7 Definc Credit R ting. Discuss prooedure and objaotives oforcdit rating.

●●●●●●●●●● ●
:・・・ ・ ・・ ・ ・ ・ .

MECOm● (3:Yeatt PЮ gram) Part… ‖:Annual… 2022 : Ro‖ No.........・・1・・... :

%.....。 。 ..oo● ●●●●● ●● :
SubieCt: Human Resource Management Paper:Mc_601 Time:3 Hrs.Marks:loo

ⅣOTE′ Дffempr a"y FJyE 9″ eS″ 0″s.ハ ″9″ estlions ca″ γ e9“ a′ marts.

QueStion l:Dttc human■ sb珈∝ managemento Explain its hctiOn h detail.

M‐ s=雷 鋼臨斃豊

QueStion 38 ExPlain WhO is responsible for managhg careers.Identit and eXplainthe nve
tndttional smges invOlved in a G田 にE農

Qu“ ■on 43 Dett relative ttЦ 魅由 and absOlute standards h theperfomance management
systeme AIsoD explain Factors■ at Can DistoFtハ

Qu"饉 on s:what are the両 ∝tiVes ofthe OccupatiOnal Safew and Hedal Act?G市 e details・
about COntmpOrary Hcan and safew Lsu“ .

e adVantages md dsadvantages ofFoup inCentiv"鑢
職諾出霞Pl申 d organiation‐ :

Quecdon 7: Definejob evalucioo.ExptainJob evaluation mcthods to dst€rminc


Question 8: Define emplo,yee dwelopmenl Describe why employee training

'-e is important and
erylain on-the-job trcinin! and off-&e-job eaining - --r -
呻 M.Com.(3:Years Prograrn)Part―
SubieCt Operations&Production Management
‖:Annual¨ ‐
Paper:MC‐ 602
2022 1111」 ?l∵ :∵ l・

Time:3Hド .Marks:100
:∵ 1・ :∵ :.三

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE guestions. All questions carry equal marks.

1 What is an lnspectlon? Discuss the types of lnspection.


Q.2 What is Job evaluatlon? What are the advantages of job evaluatlon to the employer?
q3 What is a standardlzation? Discuss how it helps ln simpliflcatlon with the help of an

Q.4 Deflne Job deslgn. Explain the contents and methods of fobs design.
q.5 Briefly explaln dltferent siepsto motlvate the efflclency of lndustrlalworker.
Q,6 - What,are the &teraiaaats,fer hcatlon of a phnt? Explain special eonsideratlon with
reference to location of a textile mlll.
Q.7 Wrlte a short note on the following:
a! JIT
b) Prdect Management.
c) Standardlzation,
d) Waiting lines
e :鷹 踊∬ぷF:F胤 肥02:lⅢllIIII
m謂 誕
SubieCt Management Accounting Pap●『:MC・ 603 T:nte:3 Hrs,Marks:100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE guestions. All questions carry equal marks,

Q#1. A ourpany rnaltea .r!drslb a frUlc prodwt At fic beghnlng d pqlod I , 0rcr! an m oputtg
lnrrolrbdec of fio prodd, foruhlcfi [le varlabh Pmdlffin 6A B 0{ sd lhg sah! pdcc $ pr unit
Fbtcd colb ap 8 000 pcr pubd, of uttrt tf ,600 ou lbad pmOwilor 06. ]{ornul ostil b 1,500
unlb pupclod. ln perbd 1, sfuunre f 300 unt* proddonwa 1,50 unltr. ln pdoda sdsrrem
1,700 rsUB, profircdon wat 1,400 unfE.

nrqumO Prlpor€ profit !0lhnottB br cadt pofiod and ftr thc tro pciorlc ln btsl usftg bdt
abcorpdon co$ng and maqhal @sdrry.

Q#2. Adepartnont ln a brgp orgailsatlonrrutlresto &rcbp a meffrod of prcdlcilng lbtotaN costg

h a pefu& Tha0lorhg data havc besn r€oordsd.
lM, nfr&,udQ &r
.mstY t,f00 28100
F.Dns, e$0 29C00
lluch 1.900 Al,0
fDil 1,300 A,e00
llry r,tm 2CI,s0
Jun l,rUO 8,lS
R.$ilrd (D fnc bhN ood modsl br a F bd sdd be rpntanbd byrlffi egudion?
(O ll,hd b thc ugetulneel dtdghJow irtsfiofi

Q#3.. Ar orgenlsitqr rnrkat and ralls thla pmducit F*G and H-IIts produas arc_ro&ljn $p
proporuona F:G:H a 2:1:3, TIp or3erilsafronl ftrcd or0a arc S80,(Xt0 pr rnonth and &0iils of thc
prcArdrat aclberrc.

ffitr Hffi
The oryw{:don ui$cc to eiln a prsfit of $52,000 nllC npn&.
ne$h.d 0) Calcuhtc the ruqdnd sdes vahp of cadr prodtd h odsr b drlcllc thb try3lt
00 tirliat.rl fic a*umflbnr and frflahnr of C\rp anffi?

O Dtstusc thc cffiOut varbnca lrre on dafr mo6naton atd ffin.
CI) ldcntify and elghin $oso facton that oould and could not bc allorsd b rcvlsa an

Q#5. A company produces and sofis ons product onln fte Thing; the saodad cost formc
unitbeingas follorvs.

Page 1 ot2 P.T.0,

︱ 知””コ 出一
illd rdodsl A - 10 tflomm d *0 por E
D$oot r&fi|B-5 [tGdl0 Wfltro
Dlredwog- d l0 per hour
5 luuns
ToUl Smdrd ood
ThefrGd ovsrhoad hcludod h he strnlad oS b bsrod qr ur ereo6d mffily ot F t of 9U}
rmilr. Fircd pro*tAon ovsrM ls abrorbql on thc b6b ddhcct Sour hour.
Urittg ASil thr actud ructdtrrroc as hllffii.

A 7調 崎 彎鴫 山 St卿
B 40mllm u軋 囲 町 卿

臓 岬 4♂Юm鵬 枷山劇ゎ
『 1躊150
FhS pNtduc0on wcrfiead S47,m0

neqtud (a) Galculab trbe and usagpvs*ncaslbreadt m$rld.

(b) Calculafic labour rab and emerrcy var&ancss.
(c) CahutaE lbred produc0on ovcrlrd cffiIre
and volume vgbru antl &cn
rt6dh,Hc Ote votmt vafuncc.

Q#6. OR€ilU Co har bmn a@ud

by a curbmeruho uodd llc e .pcdd iob b bc dono br
Itn, rd who b tidtrp to pay 82,000 lbr lt ThcFb Hdd r!q&G Utc lblloilfte maUffi;
脚 離 1燿 騰 わ 酬 出口 Hm厳
購 ‖鮨 静 "″ ―帽餞P 度
““ ―
… …
“ 椰 1海 戯 椰“
■ lβ 関 ― - 6
3 1脚' 0000 2 25 5
0 1』 顧D 珈 3 25 4
D 200 200 4 00 0
(a) lulaHal B is uscd r€gnrbrly by O'Rdlly LE, and il unils of B arc rcgultttl br lldo fob, they wu.dd
ned b be l$ced b trcet dra ptoducfron dsrratd.
(b) Ueb&la C and D an in hvenbry ea the reruft of pwlous overfirylng, ad they ]rve a tocfitcbd
uge. l,lo o&er ucc couH be lh$d fu m*crlal C, hl$s urrlb d matcrld D EUH bc ured h :nds
lob a stceft br 300 uiltr dmsrhl E, wlffir curanty Gosilr $5 pcrult (dwfilcfi trc onpmy
hes no tnits h hrcnbry d the momst).

nrqUnC vUhat arc tha rchant estr d raterid, h dcffitg wlicfrrr or nd b aepttrc

Q"。 o &idy dbars! tre typo Ef ffitt uhkh couU afiecl lhc chobe of tu bera en
oryanbeton can usc b appoilm rcillog departnem cod3.

D&ouss any tro nasors of Under/rysreorpilon owfiGada

Dbculs tlre bsucs arroundng ecffing [re dlfrcnlty bvet for e budgoe
Ouffnc tln o!@rca da btdg6'Ey cililr'd ly$cm.

Page 2 of 2

曇 M.Com.(3:Years Program)Part― ‖:Annua:… 2022
SubleCt Research ttethods in Business Paper MC‐ 604
三1葛 lili:.ii:.li:li`l
。。。 。。 ...●
Time:3H“ .Marks1
●●● oO● ●●●●


″OTE′ Afrempr any FfyE g″ es″OrPs.ハ ″ 9″ es″ o"s ca″ y eg“ ar mar■s.

0,1。 Desc‖ be the ha!:marks ofsc:entttc research

Q。 2。 How wou:d vou describe the re"arch process?
Q.3.Whatお slgnttcance oftheoret饉 :mmeworkin the studv?HowvattusvadabLs bemme part
ofthe mmework7
Q.4.What t meant by hvpotheses,what att the varlous ttnds of hvpotheses7
a5。 鞠phh fO:b哺 ng∞ nten“ ofresearch desヒ n h deta:L studvsettln3 Wpe of:msuFt10L and
samp::ng deslgne
Q.6。 Whattt meant by opera■ ona‖ zatbn?ExJJn itemtted ttun3 cOnsensus b卜 poLr and‖ keは
s腱 :esc
07.Exp:ain the∞ ntents Ofa Research ProposaL
Q.8。 Wttb short note on the fo!:ow:ngs:
ao D:価 erentiate fle:d stud■ Oeld experlment and!ab expe"ment
b.D:rerettate bemeen appl:ed and bagcresearct and glvem ttmpLsforanvone
ce Wh費 聰the d織腱nce between qua‖ tatlve and quanutauve deslgn?
do Direrencebetween broad lroblemareaand p"b:em mtement
三二llilil.:il.lil三 1
M.Com.{3:Years Program)Part― ‖:Annual-2022 %。 ¨ ¨¨¨¨ "¨ "¨ :
Subject: Accounting lnformation System & E-Commerce Paper: MC-605 Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100

*rr*."^rr -rr r-r rr ,

θ l・ Whatis e‐ commerce?Desc」 bel愧 unlque features.

Q2。 Explゴ n tte dittrentwpes OfeE∞ mmerce paymentsystems.

Q3.BJeny Desdbe B2B〔 Business to Business3 business model.

Q4.Descibe tte ovewiew ofthe revenue wcle.

Q5.鵬 plalnぬ e payroll procedurein a computer based wstem。

Q6。 Explain direrent dOcumentation techniques。

Q7,Whatis Management RepOrtingsystem〔 MRS〕 ?Describeぬ eね Ors that

in■ uencette Management Repo面 ng System.
M.Com.(3:Years Program)Part― ‖:Annual-2022

│こ ilii.lillil.li° 1
。。"¨ ¨¨¨ .`。 ・・・ :
Subject TotalQuality Management Paper: MC-606 Time: 3 Hrc. Marks: i00

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.l How oontinuous improvemcnt can be obained and sustainod?

Q2 Wbat is ISO and rarious ccrtifications relared to quality? Elaboraie in details.

Q3 How fcedback and feedforwad us difrer€nt? And how both oan contibrrc to the TQM

Q.4 List and arplainths six mostinportantfactorsthatinflucrce oonsurncrprchases?

Q.5 What are the steps uscd in bcnohmarking of organizational products and sewices? Explain

Q.6 Define l*adership. What are the cbaracteristics and rolcs of a quality leadcr?
*doing things bctt€d'and effectiv€ness is *doing bctter things." D€scribe how
Q.7 Efficiency is
benchmar&ing can be uscd to improve both efficiency and effcctiveness?

Q'E U/hat are the seven basic st€ps to strategic qualrty plnnning as qpecified by John R Dcw in
the concept of leadership?
翁 M.Com.(3:VearS PrograFn)Part― ‖:Annual… 2022
SubieCt: Logic & Gritlcal Thinking Paper: MC-607
1i:I'11∵ :・ :∵ :IF:∵ 1.三
Time:3 Hrs.Marks:100

NO丁F′ Дffempr arPy FryE 9Jes″ Ors.Д ″q“ es″ o■ s cary eq“ ar marts.

Q。 1. Denne the fOllowing tems: 00

io Conclusion ind驚濾澪 lit Compomd Proposition
ili, Premi" 飢 Tmm
ve VJedge 宙c hguage FS infOmative
v題 。 Con館 雷急s 宙lit Fdl朧 y of‖ licttmlorttm
ix. Hypdm義 瀬 pmpition xo MttOrtm
Q。 2. D競贈s血 事 IOn‖ 職 wtt
mm藤 ①

Q.3. Dlge覇 oontmposlthn oftheromew4 o

All man300S tt SWa

No魏 h
り。 is口 圏mmal.
C)。 SOme m国 自滅saぃ o conduabr.

0。 Some m軌おarenOt hdworkg

Q.4 USe ven■ Di鴫露n tO ddemlnethe鴨 Ⅲ町にfthe rOlm角唱 81甲 回颯tnd
ato stte the■ ■mo orrabり ●Omttled andthebroLu nb L― Of
lnvatttw. C201
iど AE■4 1ie EAE‐ 2 i五 . AAA‐ 3 市, m・ I

Q.5。 cAI:Iftt B9 C atttme■ ■d球 ユ 8"色 Lthttdetemlnethe枷 曲 ‐ 3■e

ofthe Fom「 Eng. Cl助
郷)u"mth ttbb to demmmewhnerthe FcIIowlngttbo回
stttement tt T8■鯰 h野 ,COnthgent or EIf‐ ●onmdinl聯 (lo
L F・ 0囀 轟m 〈P朝 理輝
Q.a utt tnth ttble to detemitte the Vallett Or lnvalia17 0f ehe Fo唾
鋼諄ment. 0り
(D eっ QDvR 饉.J3CKDLD
聟 :. ″ 鰤埒 DL
夕 ∼Q
Q。 7. Wnte a gLoFe■ OtO om any n“ orthe fOuFlag・ ●り
Cib Qt題的 ,Q劇町 md Dittimh.
ci) Fallacies ofPslmptton.
(lli)Any ttЮ mles of伽甲 面 酬 Syllogism

M.Coma{3:VearS Program)Part_‖ I:Annua:… 2022 illlilili:illil・

SubieCt: investment&Port Folio Management PaperI MC‐ 608 Time:3 Hrs.Marks:100

NOTE: Attempt any F|VE guesfions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q・ 1 Ditrercodato bctrrcen plmsry mar*et aad socmdary mad$t Discuss thc funotions of inrcsfinent

υ Briofly oplain thc followlngs:

e) Suikcpricc
b) Opdonprunium
c) O,[ of&e monGy opior
d) Itrtrinsic valucofan opioa
Q3 Whn ap brokcrqe fims? Expllin diffumt lpes of odors to be placed by an lnvdor with

Q` Affirnc aa lnltbl margin requircncnt is 50 petffi ud maienaooc margin rcquircmcot is 30

pcroerfi Al invosfior lorrys 500 sharts of stook on margh & 860 pcr sbrc. fto pncc of thc $ook
srftsoqn€ntly&opsto S50

e) What is&e acfiulnargitrEt 05m

i) If lbEiEsdclince b 0{6;irecmau3inors?
c) Assme eat tho pice dcelines to tr30. trlhat is thc amount ofths margin calt?

Q5 Rodilon Plasdw pays E divid€md of 03.90 pa Sarc on i6 o(mmm sbck The oompany apaots to
incrcasc thc dividctrd at a 12 puccnt annual rate for &c fim* two ycars and at e l0 pcrout rdc for thc
oCId&tue ycass, ad ltco grow tho rtividcod ata T pcrced ratc thcm&cr. This pho*d-groxil[ pffio
is in tccping with thc orycod li& cycle of cmings. Yor rcquiro a 16 pcrcat rtfirn to invcst in trls
$oah [/hc urhp $ould you placc on a share of&is stook?

Q`6 Flrm tho following infqmdon, csbulab aQccted rcoro and oryccrcd risk (oodard dwiador) of a
portfolio oonsis6 of thrcc stooks, assume that thc invsr will lnvcst 3Po firnds in stock A 5096 tn
stoclcB ed 2Moin$ockC.
C“ 鶴

Expemdmmψ0 125 1&6
釣mttd“ 頑劇bl(ooo 82 H.5
Corelation coefficiqt (p) betvrccn A and B's rcfinn is - 050, bctrvm A and C is 0/5 and bctwccn B
aud C is 030

Q.7 Considcr Pfur;r Gall 8od pt

prrchasod on Atrd 20. Excraisc pioc of call is $22"55 aod f6 tro put
94J5. Calt opion pricc b $134 Ed for tu pS $1J2. CElcuhE ec payoffad pin/loss to ra opion
bnyu fc ch ofttc folhwfu Junc 15 po*ribh oloslng priocs;
SO S10 S15 S17 S20 $23 S25 330 $85 $40

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