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Tybbi Sem5 Ibf Nov19

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Paper / Subject Code: 44301/ International Banking andFinance

T\t tsBt f s en -y / rs-* u- t1

Time: 2r/z Hows

N.ll. 1. All questions are compulsory. //rP2''
l** /
2. Ii;adn question has internal options
3. F'igures to the right indicate full marks *(*,r':l)l
Q.1 1, lvlultiple Chc,ice Qriestions (Any 8)
1. A Japanese company issuing Yen denominated bonds in the US market is
e::arrpL-' of _.__-___ (ferreign bonds/euro bonds/global bonds)
2. lViien a count:']; e:-:i.,-'rierrceS its interest rates are iikel_v to fall.
iFJc l;rri,/ I)e'p r:e s s;,:r,l f-l-tc.e ssion)
3. LInCi:r Celitral ba;rk has the responsibilitl to riaintarn
r-ate riristerr,
cj-Lii-enc}'reserves. (BWSTFlxed Exchange/Floating Exc}iange)
2,{sr.1t-t.,3'1,' l,-r;eig1n
tL. .'r l,ei.tr:r crj:.lrr:clit iririch. canrrot be rnc,ii.iled uniess the export-,:r ccinsaift.i is caiied
ars ___ *-_ L I (J. (lio;-r Revolrring/Non i'ranslerabt-e i N,:n Rei,ccabiel
lt. In tire case oi offsli.ng, tire bonr-s convert into sha.res of ti-re coinpan-'r 1.Lrat
issueC'rire borrcis. (i'CCRi ii'CTEEIGDR)
6. stage is lhe iii'st sia,ge in tire process of loan synCication. (Pre-
rn anda.te / d isburserirer:.ti Post-disbursernenti
7. Ail ti:ansactions betu'een AI)s and their customers are goverr.ed b1- exchange
co ntrol',c ci i'e gu ia tious of _-------.. (Iil.ll"IA,/ IiBi i F EDAI;
is a:l NRi account that can be opened b,v- depositing r"oreign crrircncv in
1..i iF-, a,i rcol.rn t i i'iF:O // N Rit,/ FCI li ll )

']. 'l'.irr,
S;:ritnscniarr agreernent i',-as abanci,oned in March.
10 l-lea-ling Roorr l\,Ianual ar-id cooe of conduct for dealers is given by
(FEDAI / ii'ilv?1\{DA I Eoth)

B State True crr False (Any' 7) (7)

1. Elirc ci:rreri{.'iJr mar}(et is higlt11- regu1are,1.
2. In case of NttC acccunt. gnlr- curlent earnings are repatriable.
3. F:-lli fi:dge,i nonev ch.::r3ers are authorised. to unde{ake bcth prirchase aird sale
trar:sactior.l:; nvl i1t the puhiir:.
-i.. l,{ining is a process of recrr.ding of transii.ctions througLr the utliization of
prclcessin g pou'er cornp,,l ter.
5. The BMS \ /as no louger a functional arrangement from May 1998.
6. Credit risk refers to the risk that a government may default on its obligation.
7. Offshore banking formally started in India frorn 2002.
B. Asymmetric information occurs in a situation rn'here both party in a transaction
has similar informa.tion.
9. US dollar can be described as "Paper Gold".
10. FERA came into force rvhen the foreign exchange reserve position in the country
wasn't good.

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Paper / Subject Code: 44301 / International Banking andFinance

Q.2 A What is Capital Account Convertibility? Explain its advantages and (8)
B Whai is ADR? Explain different types of ADR. (7)
Q2C l)ifferqntiate betlveen fixed exchange rate system and flexible exchange rate (8)
D \,rhat cio 1'ou rncall b1, FDI? What are its advantages? ir)

Ira'e 'r,t/rite brieill- about the Internationa-I payment s1-stems. (8)

,r, What:s: olfuhore bankrng? What are rts advantages and disadvantages? {71
Q.3 C What aie 1-he lhctors re sponsible for grolrih of Euro-curren(:y Market? (8i
il) ilxi;letin tlre rr-r-ie of LIBOR in international lending. (71

Q..1'A risi,- r:ianager:reni. What are trie risks faced by companies?

-:-,)xpia-ln (8)
I] W:':ie ii. cle::.ji ab;ut larticipatcil- notes. (7)

Q.4 C Ca1cr-rl:.te il.,: rate of f,--riicr,ving currencies against lndian F-ripees (,3)

j l,ts! iiiFL 6,q. L3C0 69,760A
i GBP USD t.24to 7.2620
] SGD USD 1.3556 t.3844
i LTSD ELIR 0.8946 0.9156
] USDTHB 31.3450 31.3650
IJSD 1= GBP 2.8i'2Ol4O

Q.5 A What is hedging? What are the intei-nal and external meihods of hedging? (8)

B $/hat a-re Eurobonds? Explain dilfe;:ent types of Eurobond? (/\

Q.5 vVrjte Shortnctes On (Any 3) (1s)
1. Cryptocurrency
2. Basel nor;ns.
3. Features cf Bretton Woods Agreement
4. Indian Depository Receipts

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