The Crossovers & Speaker Systems
The Crossovers & Speaker Systems
The Crossovers & Speaker Systems
Inductors and capacitors are the basic components behind all kinds of wonderful audio
electronics including speaker systems at home or in the car. Each is considered a passive
component parts type as they don’t require a power supply to function.
What’s really cool is how they’re somewhat like polar opposites but can work together in a
non-powered crossover (passive crossover) to greatly improve the sound quality & get the
most from your speakers.
An inductor is a tightly wound coil of wire with a specific number of loops used to take
advantage of a property called inductance. Inductance is the tendency of a conductor
(specifically a coil of wire in this case) to oppose a change in the electric current flowing
through it due to the magnetic fields it generates.
They’re used in electric motors, solenoids, spark plug coils, and, of course, speaker crossover
designs. Inductors behave like the opposite of capacitors: an inductor opposes high
frequency signals meaning it passes low frequency audio signals more easily.
An electrical behavior called reactance is what makes this possible. When the frequency
changes, so does an inductor or capacitor’s opposition to the flow of electricity.
Inductive reactance: An inductor builds up a higher resistance (impedance) to
current as the frequency increases due to the inductance it has.
Capacitive reactance: a capacitor builds up a higher resistance (impedance) to
current as the frequency decreases due to its capacitance.
Units of measurement for inductance
For inductors, the unit of measurement is the Henry. By convention, inductors are usually
sold in units of milliHenries (1/1,000th of a Henry, or .001 Henries). A typical speaker
crossover might use an inductor with a value of 10 mH, for example.
How does a capacitor work?
Capacitors store an electrical charge using extremely thin and tightly wound electric
conductors separated by an insulator. This can be an electrolyte, mica, or several other
types of materials. While they do not allow a direct current (DC) signal to pass, they do
allow alternating current (AC) voltage & signals to pass.
They have an interesting characteristic: capacitors allow only high frequencies to pass –
they increase their impedance (frequency-based resistance) when lower frequencies are
The point at which this takes place is carefully chosen to be the crossover frequency. There
are two fundamental types of capacitors with one in particular used for audio.
For capacitors, the unit of measurement is the Farad. By convention, capacitors are often
sold in units of microFarads (1/1,000,000th of a Farad, or .000 001 F), sometimes written
with the Greek letter mu “µ” to represent “micro.” As an example, when buying capacitors
for your own crossovers you’ll see capacitors listed in “µF” sometimes.
Smaller ones may use picoFarads (pF) or nanoFarads (nF) which are even smaller and are
used in electronics.
Capacitors used in audio nearly always tend to be in the microFarad range. For example, a
bass blocker to a tweeter may use a 47 µF capacitor.
Electrolytic capacitors are essentially the most common and the most affordable type, hence
their popularity in all kinds of electronics and speaker applications. You’ll frequently find
them in a passive crossover or directly connected to a tweeter as a high pass crossover.
They have a thin metal case and contain an electrolyte between the super-thin charged
conductive plates inside.
A film capacitor uses a thin film material to separate its charged plates and is typically a bit
more expensive. They’re also longer-life, have better performance (in some cases) for audio,
and may have higher temperature limits.
Film capacitors are also offered in high voltage types which are great for vacuum tube audio
designs. They’re also a good upgrade for cheaper electrolytic capacitors if you’re handy with
a soldering iron.
3. Ceramic capacitors
Ceramic capacitors aren’t normally used in crossovers because their capacitance values are
usually quite small (in the picoFarad range, for example) while we often need microFarad
range values for speakers.
They’re used for other purposes typically, such as a bypass capacitor in a power supply to
control electrical signal noise or in an active crossover.
A crossover uses a capacitor, inductor, or both to limit the frequency range of audio sent to
one or more speakers. This is extremely useful for preventing bass frequencies from reaching
a tweeter or harsh-sounding midrange and treble from reaching a subwoofer.
A 1st order design uses a single inductor or capacitor while 2 make up a 2nd order, three a
3rd order, and so on. Each stage (order) has a -6dB per octave slope with -12dB/octave being
one of the most commonly used both for speaker or amplifier crossovers.
Likewise, the opposite is true at high frequencies. You’ll often find them installed on a car or
home audio tweeter set to block distorting and potentially damaging bass from being played.
This type is normally used with a woofer or mid range speaker to prevent treble or “highs”
they can’t produce well from being played.
Even inexpensive 2-way 2nd order component sets can sound excellent with speaker drivers
of decent quality and adequate design.
Because of the overlap point at their cutoff frequency, things can get a bit more complicated
when it comes to 2 way crossovers as I’ll explain further below.
How it works:
Why are 1st order crossovers used if 2nd order ones are better?
While 1st order crossover networks are less common now, they’re still around. You’ll often
find them in:
Generally speaking, however, 12dB/octave crossovers are the most popular as they’re a good
compromise between cost, parts count, and complexity. In fact, car amplifiers and home AV
receivers commonly use a 12dB/octave (12dB/octave) design even in their electronic active
Aftermarket home or car speaker crossovers generally use a Linkwitz-Riley design and sum
to a 0dB level at their crossover point. One reason is that it’s assumed the speakers you’re
using will have an adequate output near that point. If that’s not the case you can investigate
more advanced designs yourself and compensate for a particular speaker’s weaknesses.
Crossover phase concerns
Crossovers have another issue to contend with: each single crossover component adds a
90° phase (shift) to the signal sent to the speaker. Capacitors and inductors have a “phase
shift” when a signal passes through them.
For simple single-stage crossovers, this isn’t really a concern as it’s not something you’re
very likely to notice, although it’s a detail for more advanced speaker designs. However, for
2nd order designs, this means there’s a 180° difference between the two outputs, often
resulting in an “odd” sound and also means the sound isn’t arriving at the listener’s ears at the
same time.
To remedy this, 2nd order/even order crossovers normally have the tweeter output
reversed. This reversal of one speaker output means both speakers are “in phase” and there’s
no longer an issue with sound delay. If you’ve ever bought 2-way speaker crossovers you
probably didn’t even know it was designed that way on purpose!
What is a crossover Zobel network?
A Zobel network is an impedance equalization network used to compensate for the rise
in speaker impedance over the frequency range due to voice coil inductance. For
example, many speakers with a voice coil commonly show a rise in their total impedance as
the frequency increases. You can see this on impedance graphs plotted for speakers.
Because a crossover’s behavior is directly affected by impedance, this simple design can
improve the speaker system’s performance by compensating and “flattening” the normal rise
in the speaker Ohm load that the crossover sees.
The network uses a simple RC (resistor-capacitor) network in parallel with a speaker driver to
offset the impedance, resulting in the crossover seeing a nearly flat impedance over the
frequency response range.
The resistor ensures the minimum total impedance is always met while the capacitor works to
decrease the total crossover Ohm load as the frequency rises.
The Crossover - Brain of your Loudspeaker
The Maths
The impedance of a capacitor is determined by the equation: Z =
Where Z = Impedance magnitude,
J = the square root of (-1) ("Imaginary" component to describe the phase)
pi = 3.1414 etc
C = Value of Capacitance in Farads; 1 Farad = 1,000,000 ufd
I think the first time I read about the square root of (-1) I had an allergic
reaction. So, for those of us who are finding it difficult to comprehend phase
for the first time, we can pretend it is not there, and to simplify the
discussion we will admit to this equation being somewhat incomplete
without the “j”, but for the determination of the steady state and not
transient value of the impedance, we are OK.
When a capacitor is put in series (shares one electrical terminal) with a
resistor, the capacitor acts as a high pass filter. At some frequency it has
the same impedance as the resistor, and at a much higher frequency it is
like a short, just a piece of wire with little to no resistance (at least in a
perfect capacitor). At very low frequencies the impedance of the capacitor
becomes so high, that essentially nothing can pass through it. It is this
characteristic which is used in endless electronic circuits to allow AC
signals to pass through yet completely block DC voltages from one part of
the circuit to another.
Figure 1
Lets say we have a 10 ufd capacitor and put in in series with an 8 ohm
resistor. At some frequency, the capacitors impedance magnitude will be
equal to the 8 ohm impedance of the resistor. (Which of course is still 8
ohms at any frequency from DC to daylight.)
Lets do the math.
Z = 8 = 1/{(2)*(3.14)*(F)*(10)*(10-6)}
The capacitor is MICRO Farads, which is millionths of a Farad, so we must
multiply the 10 by 0.000001( 10-6) to convert microfarads into Farads, so we
can solve for the frequency (F) in Hz. By cross multiplying (multiplying both
sides by F and dividing both sides by 8) we get:
F = 1/(2*3.14*8*10*10-6)) = 1990 Hz.
What this tells us is that at 1990 Hz (2 kHz if you are among friends) the
impedance of the capacitor is equal to that of the resistor, so at this point
the power into the resistor is half what it would be without the capacitor. Put
another way, at 1990 Hz, the power into the resistor is 3 db less and this is
your crossover point. Above this frequency the attenuation (reduction in
power to the resistor) is less, and as we go lower in frequency the
capacitors impedance grows larger, while the resistor is unchanged, so the
attenuation of signal to the resistor increases. At a frequency of 995 Hz, the
attenuation will be 6 db. At 498 Hz, it will be 12 db. We call this a first order
or 6 db per octave crossover. That is, in a nutshell, how this works. It grows
in complexity when more parts are used, but the basic function is the same.
Now if your speaker is a perfectly resistive load, your 10 ufd series
capacitor will be a perfect passive 6 db per octave High Pass (HP) filter.
Don't worry, life is not that simple.
The other important element used in a crossover network is the Inductor;
sometimes called a choke, and sometimes called a coil. They are all refer
to the same thing. The Inductor is in many ways the inverse of the
capacitor. It too changes impedance with frequency, but in a way entirely
opposite to the capacitor. The inductors impedance grows LARGER with
increasing frequency, not smaller like the capacitor. Its impedance grows
larger at the same rate as the capacitor grows smaller, and the similarity
ends there. So if we replace our capacitor with an inductor in the first case
we have a first order low pass filter. (As shown in figure # 1)
Note that in higher order networks, second order and above, both inductors
and capacitors are used in the same circuit to provide high-pass (HP) or
low-pass (LP) filtering. In the HP filter, capacitors are put in series with the
load while inductors are put in parallel. (A resistor represents the load in
figure 1, and the speakers represent the load in figure 2). In the LP filter the
opposite is true, the inductors are in series and the capacitors in parallel
with the load (or speaker if you are making a crossover network). Hopefully
this makes sense if you keep in mind the direction of the impedance
changes of the parts with increasing or decreasing frequency.
Figure 2
In the network pictured in figure 2, the HP blocking capacitor, C1, increases
in impedance with decreasing frequency, while at the same time the
shorting inductor L1, decreases in impedance with decreasing frequencies,
hence shorting out the low frequencies while the capacitor is increasingly
blocking them. The inverse is true of the LP filter. L2 is blocking highs and
passes lows, while C2 is shorting out the highs and passing the lows. This
is how the LP filter blocks highs and passes lows while the HP filter is
performing the inverse function. It is this dual action that allows this kind of
network to create twice the blocking action (12 db) per octave of frequency
than the simpler 6 db/octave network. If you did not understand this on the
first read, that is OK, you have a lot of company. Think about how the
capacitor and inductor change their impedance with frequency, and take
another look at this circuit diagram. If you try, you can figure out what is
going on as the frequencies change.
Back to the simplest network, the 6 db per octave. If I have an 8 ohm
resistor, and a 0.001 Henry (1.0 millihenry inductor), at what frequency do I
have a 3 db attenuation across my resistor? Let's calculate the frequency
where the inductor equals 8 ohms.
The value of the impedance of an inductor is determined by the formula
Z = {(2pi)*(J)*(F)*(L)} where F= Frequency in Hz, L = Inductance in Henries
Z= Impedance in Ohm
Like we did for the capacitor, we shall ignore the imaginary "J" term and
push ahead.
8 = (2pi)(F)(0.001H) Therefore: F = 8/{(2pi)(0.001) = 1273 Hz
If we want to set the Low Pass frequency equal to the High Pass frequency
of 1990 Hz, what inductor do we need? We set F = 1990 and then we can
solve for L.
L = 8/{(2pi)(F)} = 6.4 + 10-4 Henries = 0.64 millihenries
We have calculated the parts needed for our first crossover network for our
8 ohm tweeter and 8 ohm woofer with a crossover frequency of 1990 Hz
Network below:
Figure 6 -Impedance of Tweeter and series capacitor (red line) peaks at Tweeter
If you refer to the original Audio Cyclopedia by Howard Tremaine, it refers
to the set of equations widely available in reference texts like the
Loudspeaker Cookbook to calculate crossover component values as
"constant resistance networks". While a good number of real speakers
have relatively flat impedance regions, we rarely cross over those speakers
in that region. It is almost always at the extreme upper frequency range of
woofers where they have a mostly inductive impedance; or the lower end of
tweeters where the HF devices have resonances and therefore impedance
peaks as in our example above. In fact many woofers have a voice coil
inductance considerably higher than the series inductance required for the
first order crossover network. This is why you will often find impedance
compensation networks called Zobel networks used in parallel with the
Since our Dayton woofer is small as is its voice coil, it has a very low self
inductance, so in our example we do not need a Zobel network for a good
result. On the other hand, our problematic tweeter has to be attenuated a
bit to lower its sensitivity to match the woofer, and it also needs a parallel
choke to short out that resonant peak so the series capacitor can do its job.
This is a second order network and is a bit more complex than a first order.
While it brings with it the issues of increased phase shift, more parts and
more expense, it also brings with it a greater amount of control over the
responses of the speakers in and around the crossover region. By fudging
a bit the elements generated by Xover Pro 3, I am able to massage this
curve to look very flat.
Figure 8 - High Pass, Low Pass and Combination Response using Network shown
in figure 7
Now this beautiful curve is not the result of a measurement, but in fact a
simple modeling tool which makes a lot of assumptions that may not be
true. (Both speakers are in the same horizontal and vertical plane, both are
minimum phase, etc.) That said, it sure looks a lot better than what we
started with. As you can see by the impedance curve below, there are no
sudden jags in the curve, and the impedance of both the HP and LP
sections are smooth and quite symmetrical.
Figure 11 -Woofer raw response - first order LP no Zobel - first order LP with Zobel
The two curves which parallel each other at very high frequencies are the
raw woofer (top) and the woofer with the single series inductance (1.7 mh -
lower). You will notice that the inductor simply adds about 6 db of
attenuation and then offers no more rejection. (This is evidenced by the
curves tracking each other at high frequencies). The lowest curve is that of
the woofer using both the series inductor and the Zobel network. By
returning the apparent impedance of the speaker to that of a simple
resistance, the Zobel network allows the series inductor to do its job, that is
to offer ever increasing attenuation with increasing frequency. Below is the
Impedance magnitude of the speaker with the Zobel Network (flat at high
frequencies), the speaker with the series inductor, (highest impedance at 2
kHz) and the speaker with the series inductor and the Zobel network both
(middle curve). What this shows is that the inductance of the speaker and
the inductor add together to present a very high impedance to the driving
amplifier, but not a very effective filter of high frequency information.
So What’s Next?
Now at the outset of this article, I said that we were making certain
assumptions about the actual parts we use in crossover networks being
theoretically perfect. In the real world, capacitors, inductors and resistors
exhibit real world behavior which is neither ideal or perfect. In this part, we
considered the importance of real loudspeaker impedance, and how it acts
as a monkey wrench to complicate and frustrate the function of constant
resistance type crossover networks. In part two of this article, I will discuss
non-ideal behavior of real world parts. This I hope, will allow the reader to
gain some insight into the kinds of mistakes made in crossovers that can
be seen by simply examining the networks, and some flaws which are not
quite so obvious. We will also look at a real world example of a crossover I
build, and how far it actually deviates from the theoretically predicted
Filter & Crossover Types for Loudspeakers
Filter Types
Filter Summary
These generalizations assume that the drivers are properly aligned at the
crossover frequency. This means that they are mounted in such a way that
the direct sound from each driver arrives at the listener's ear at the same
time at the crossover frequency. Another important assumption is that the
impedance response of each driver has been equalized so that it appears
to be approximately resistive to the crossover network. Also, the sensitivity
of the drivers is assumed to have been equalized with an appropriate L-
Finally, the following descriptions assume that all filters in the crossover
network are of the same type. If a two-way crossover network has a 4th-
order Linkwitz-Riley low-pass filter, it is assumed that it also has a 4th-order
Linkwitz-Riley high-pass filter. If you choose to use mismatched filters,
you'll have to rely on the your own measurements and experience to
determine the results.
1st-order Filters
Advantages: Can produce minimum phase response (Butterworth only) and
a maximally flat amplitude response. Requires the fewest components.
Disadvantages: Its 6 dB/octave slope is often too shallow to prevent
modulation distortion, especially at a tweeter's resonance frequency.
Achieving minimum phase and a maximally flat amplitude response
requires very careful driver alignment and only occurs when the listener is
located at exactly the same distance from each driver. It has a 90 degree
phase shift which can result in lobing and tilting of the coverage pattern.
1st-order Butterworth: Produces a -3 dB crossover point to achieve a
maximally flat amplitude response, minimum phase response and flat
power response that qualifies it as both an APC and CPC network. The 90
degree phase shift results in a -15degree tilt in the vertical coverage pattern
if the tweeter and woofer are vertically separated by no more than one
wavelength at the crossover frequency and if the acoustical depth of the
tweeter and woofer are carefully aligned at the crossover frequency. The tilt
will increase and lobing can become severe if the drivers are separated by
a greater distance or are misaligned. These problems appear as a ripple in
the amplitude response. Filter Q = 0.707.
Two-Way & Three-Way
1st-order Solen Split -6 dB: A custom version of the 1st-order Butterworth
filter (twoway crossovers) or 1st-order APC filter (three-way crossovers)
that uses a -6 dB crossover point to minimize the disadvantages of a
crossover network with standard 1st-order Butterworth or APC filters.
Note. 1st-order filters are usually not recommended for three-way
crossover networks because their shallow 6 dB/octave slopes do not
provide adequate separation. 1st-order APC: Produces -3 dB crossover
points to achieve a flat amplitude response.
1st-order CPC: (Seldom used.) Produces -3 dB crossover points to achieve
a flat power response.
2nd-order Filters
Advantages: Can produce a maximally flat amplitude response. Requires
relatively few components. Has a 180 degree phase shift which can often
be accommodated by reversing the polarity of the tweeter and which
produces minimal or no lobing or tilt in the coverage pattern. Is less
sensitive to driver misalignment than 1st-order filters.
Disadvantages: Although the 12 dB/octave slope is better than a 1st-order
filter, it may still be too shallow to minimize the modulation distortion of
many drivers.
2nd-order Bessel: Produces a -5 dB crossover point to achieve a nearly flat
(+1 dB) amplitude response. The summed group delay is flat. It has a low
sensitivity to driver misalignment and resonance peaks. Filter Q = 0.58.
2nd-order Butterworth: Produces a -3 dB crossover point that sums to a +3
dB amplitude response and a flat power response that qualifies it as a CPC
network. It has a medium sensitivity to driver misalignment and resonance
peaks. Filter Q = 0.707.
2nd-order Chebychev: (Seldom used.) Produces a 0 dB crossover point to
achieve a
+6 dB amplitude response with about ±2 dB of ripple. The summed group
delay has a significant peak just below the crossover frequency. It has a
medium sensitivity to driver misalignment and resonance peaks. Filter Q =
1 .0.
2nd-order Linkwitz-Riley: (Very popular.) Produces a -6 dB crossover point
to achieve a maximally flat amplitude response that qualifies it as an APC
network. It has a -3 dB dip in the power response. The summed group
delay is flat. It has a medium sensitivity to driver misalignment and
resonance peaks. Filter Q = 0.49.
2nd-order APC: Produces -6 dB crossover points to achieve a flat
amplitude response but the power response will have approximately 3 dB
of ripple.
2nd-order CPC: (Seldom used.) Produces -3 dB crossover points to
achieve a flat power response but the amplitude response will have
approximately 3 dB of ripple.
3rd-order Filters
Advantages: Can produce nearly flat amplitude response. With an 18
dB/octave slope, it is better able to minimize modulation distortion. Less
sensitive to driver misalignment.
Disadvantages: Requires more components. Has a 270 degree phase shift
which can result in lobing and tilting of the coverage pattern.
3rd-order Butterworth: (Popular for some D'Appolito mid-tweeter-mid
designs.) Produces a -3 dB crossover point to achieve a maximally flat
amplitude response and flat power response that qualifies it as both an
APC and CPC network. A 270 degree phase shift results in a + 15 degree
tilt in the vertical coverage pattern if the tweeter is wired with normal
polarity and a -15 degree tilt if the tweeter is wired with reverse polarity.
(D'Appolito mid-tweeter-mid designs overcome much of this tilt problem
and produce a more symmetrical coverage pattern.) It has better group
delay than a 1st- and 2nd-order Butterworth network. Filter Q = 0.707.
3rd-order APC: Produces -3 dB crossover points to achieve a flat amplitude
response but the power response will have a modest ripple (usually less
then 1 dB) that increases slowly as the spread between the two crossover
frequencies increases.
3rd-order CPC: (Seldom used.) Produces -3 dB crossover points to achieve
a flat power response but the amplitude response will have a varying
amount of ripple (typically 1 to 3 dB) depending on the spread between the
two crossover frequencies.
4th-order Filters
Advantages: Can produce a maximally flat amplitude response. With a 24
dB/octave slope it provides the best isolation between drivers resulting in
the least modulation distortion. Has a 360 degree phase shift which results
in "in-phase" response and which promotes minimal or no lobing or tilt in
the coverage pattern. Is the least sensitive to driver misalignment.
Disadvantages: Requires the most components. The increased number of
inductors can result in substantial insertion loss because of inductor DCR.
4th-order Bessel: Produces a -7 ½ dB crossover point to achieve a nearly
flat (-1 ½ dB) amplitude response. The summed group delay produces a
moderate bump just below the crossover frequency. Filter Q = 0.58.
4th-order Butterworth: Produces a -3 dB crossover point that sums to a +3
dB amplitude response and flat power response that qualifies it as a CPC
network. The summed group delay has a significant peak just below the
crossover frequency. Filter Q = 0.707.
4th-order Gaussian: (A seldom used filter that is constructed with an
asymmetrical filter topology.) Produces a -6 dB crossover point to achieve
a nearly flat amplitude response with moderate ripple. The summed group
delay produces a moderate bump just below the crossover frequency.
4th-order Legendre: (A seldom used filter that is constructed with an
asymmetrical filter topology.) Produces a -1 dB crossover point that sums
to a +5 dB amplitude response with minor ripple. The summed group delay
has a significant peak just below the crossover frequency.
4th-order Linear-Phase: (A seldom used filter that is constructed with an
asymmetrical filter topology.) Produces a -6 dB crossover point to achieve
a nearly flat amplitude response with moderate ripple. The summed group
delay produces a moderate bump just below the crossover frequency.
4th-order Linkwitz-Riley: (Very popular. Sometimes called a "squared
Butterworth" filter. Also used for some D'Appolito mid-tweeter-mid designs.)
Produces a -6 dB crossover point to achieve a maximally flat amplitude
response that qualifies it as an APC network. It has a -3 dB dip in the
power response. The summed group delay produces a moderate bump just
below the crossover frequency. Filter Q = 0.49.
4th-order APC: Produces -6 dB crossover points to achieve a flat amplitude
response but the power response will have approximately 3 dB of ripple.
4th-order CPC: (Seldom used.) Produces -3 dB crossover points to achieve
a flat power response but the amplitude response will have approximately 3
dB of ripple.
Source : Xover Pro Harris Technologies
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank Shane Rich (Technical Director
of RBH Sound, Inc) for helping with the compilation of this information to
serve as a tool in forthcoming technical articles and reviews of
Series vs Parallel Networks - First Order
Despite many of the myths that surround series networks and their
acclaimed superiority over conventional parallel networks for loudspeaker
design, both networks can be designed with identical transfer functions if
the load impedance remains constant. Most of the claims regarding series
networks are either grossly overstated or blatantly wrong and may cause
deleterious effects on system performance. As with all aspects of design,
there are compromises that must be made, and it is impossible to make an
informed decision if you are unaware of the facts.
This article is intended to show that there are no greatly enhanced features
in a series or parallel network - if properly designed their performance is
essentially identical in terms of response, phase and (by extension)
transient response. It is unwise to claim that one type of network is superior
to the other, when simple logic dictates that if amplitude and phase
response are the same, then all of the filter's other characteristics are also
the same.
There are other factors than just the response, and this is where the
differences between the network topologies exist. Each has good and bad
points that must be considered.
Schematic Representation of an Equivalent First Order Series and
Parallel Network
Illustrated above are equivalent series parallel first order crossovers with
1kHz crossover points for a fixed load. Note, resistive loads were used in
order to minimize analysis variables. Complex load impedances, typical of
a loudspeaker, will be covered in latter parts of this article.
Input Impedance Comparison between First Order Series & Parallel
Summed Output Impedances of First Order Series and Parallel
As we can clearly see, both first order series and parallel networks have
identical input impedances and very similar summed output impedances.
The Output impedance of the parallel network has a bump at the crossover
frequency of a mere 0.8mdB which can mostly be considered irrelevant.
Frequency Response Comparison (Constant Woofer and Tweeter
As we can see both series and parallel networks have identical frequency
response and 1kHz 3dB points for the HP and LP filters when the loads are
held constant.
Frequency Response of Parallel Network (Variable Woofer Load;
Constant Tweeter Load)
By varying the woofer impedance ± 2 ohm from the nominal (8 ohms), we
observe the nominal 1 kHz -3dB point of the LPF change from 759 Hz to
1.25 kHz, respectively. Since this is a parallel network, the changing woofer
impedance has no affect on the tweeters crossover frequency as the HPF
is electrically isolated from the woofers load impedance. However, for the
case where Rpwoof = 6 ohms, we see the overlapping bandwidth between
the HPF and LPF decrease while we see it increase when Rpwoof = 10
Frequency Response of Series Network (Variable Woofer Load;
Constant Tweeter Load)
For the series case, when varying the woofer impedance ± 2ohms from
nominal (8 ohms), we see a slightly less 3dB point variance in the LP filter
response, with a convergence at about ½ a decade past its corner
frequency. We now also have variance of the HP filter response. This in
turn has less affect on overlapping bandwidth changes between the two
drivers since they somewhat track each other (an advantage to the series
We can see that a reactive woofer load has had a and minor impact on the
HPF 3dB point, as seen by the shift to 1.08kHz. More importantly, we note
the profound affect the reactive woofer load had on the LPF of the parallel
network as evident by the 3dB point shift from 1kHz nominal to 836 Hz, and
its degenerative stop band attenuation rolloff. The series network also
experiences 3dB point shift to a much lesser degree, with no ill effects on
stop band rolloff. Note, Zobel compensation (series R & C) in shunt with the
LPF of the parallel network is mandatory to restore comparable filter
characteristics and is also recommended for the series network to restore
optimal crossover points.
To figure out the correct R and C values for the Zobel network, the
following equations are usually used:
Rz = 1.25 * Rs where Rs is the series resistance of the driver
Cz = 1*10^6 / (2*pi*Rs*fd) where fd is the frequency where the
impedance of the driver doubles
However, by tweaking these values using trial and error, a more damped
response was achieved.
Calculated values: Rz = 10 ohms , Cz = 2.97uF
Madisound Kit
Do Better Quality Parts Really Matter?
In part one of "Crossover, Brain of your speaker system", we introduced the
concepts of inductance, capacitance, and resistance. We then examined
how these three basic passive elements relate and combine to create
frequency selective networks called High pass and Low pass sections, the
building blocks of the crossover network. We also considered in part one,
the effect of real loudspeaker impedance, and how, unlike a resistor, its
amplitude and phase vary with frequency to complicate and frustrate the
function of constant resistance type crossover networks. These real
loudspeaker impedance variations result in frequency and phase
responses which end up being very different than what our textbook
equations would have us expect, because they assume a speaker behaves
like a simple resistor. We also made the assumption that the parts used in
our crossover networks were theoretically perfect and without flaws. In part
two, we will discuss how in the real world, capacitors, inductors and
resistors exhibit behavior which is neither ideal nor perfect. We will
determine if better quality parts truly yields better performance.
Real world parts, the kind you will actually find in your own crossovers,
suffer from many flaws. In part two, we will discuss and illustrate the
effects of some of these. We will also examine how simple mistakes, like
the physical orientation and location of inductors on the crossover board
can result in non-ideal behavior like cross-talk. This article will allow the
reader to gain some insight into the kinds of mistakes made by amateur
and professional crossover designers alike, and allow us to recognize
compromises in crossovers by simply looking at the networks. We also
hope to gain some understanding into flaws which are not quite so easy to
see with the naked eye. While this article is not going to be an exhaustive
study of crossover component parts, it will touch on most of the major flaws
present in the three basic components used in all real world crossovers,
resistors, capacitors, and inductors.
I am hopeful this light shed on crossover networks will make you all better
and somewhat more cynical consumers, ones who understand the
importance of the passive crossover parts used in their speaker system.
Reading some of the more ardent audiophile press, one can be left with the
opinion that there is all sort of magic going on in this network. In fact the
enemies of these passive components are basically the same as the
enemies of all electronic parts; hysteresis, loss, tolerance, insufficient
power handling capacity, insufficient space, and compromises made on
behalf of cost.
The largest real world problem you will run into with resistors, is a universal
problem for all components, heat sensitivity. As we read the specifications
for any component, we must bear in mind that these specifications are only
met within a certain allowable window of temperature.
An American Made Resistor Bank - 3 times 300 Watts
R = Resistance at temperature T
Ro = Resistance at temperature To
To = Temperature at Reference T (usually 20 degrees C)
alpha (the Greek letter with the bracket and outside parenthesis) =
Percentage change in Resistivity per unit temperature
Let’s work one example. Suppose we put an 8 ohm resistor into a
crossover network, and use it to drop
the sensitivity of the tweeter so it will match the woofer. Lets say we are
driving the speaker system pretty hard, and we are heating the resistors so
that they rise to be 200 degrees F, (a not uncommon operating temperature
for a resistor in a crossover network). 200 degrees F is equal to 93.33
degrees Celsius. (Celsius and Centigrade are the same). If the resistor is
wound from Copper wire, the temperature coefficient would be (3.9 * 10-3))
/ deg C. Since the resistor was 8 ohms at 20 degrees C, and has now
heated up to 93 degrees C, the new value of resistance would be:
8 * [(3.9 * 10-3 / oC(93.33C - 20C) + 1] = 1.286 * 8 = 10.288 Ohms
We can plainly see this increase of 25% is more significant than the
component tolerance of 10%. Suppose we do not use copper in the wire-
wound resistor. If we use a material called Nichrome, which is basically an
alloy of nickel and chromium, our change in resistance will be considerably
less. Nichrome has a low resistance variation (alpha) with temperature,
alpha = 0.4 e-3/ (deg C) Using this material to make the resistor gets us an
eventual resistance of 8.23 ohms at the elevated temperature of 93
degrees C. This is an increase of only 3%. This is no doubt, a small
increase compared to the change of resistance in the voice coil which is
either copper, aluminum, or a combination of those two.
As the power dissipated in a resistor increases, so does its temperature. As
the temperature increases, so does the parts resistance (as illustrated
above). As the resistor is heated, its ability to absorb power is
compromised, and its value in the circuit is not as designed. That resistors
get hot, and can burn out is a well known phenomena. What is not as well
known is that running high power into resistors at or near their limits brings
with it audible effects on your music.
Since the resistor manufacturer has no control over how the part is
mounted to the printed circuit board (PCB), or its orientation, proximity to
other parts on the PCB, they cannot predict with accuracy at what point the
power through the circuit will cause the resistor to go outside of its
allowable range. Take a look at the resistor in the photographs below:
The 20 ohm resistor shown above (white rectangular part) is mounted
directly to the printed circuit board (PCB) which is an effective insulator of
heat. The path for the heat generated inside the resistor to escape has lost
1 of 4 large sides. Now lets take a look at another PCB which has
eliminated this issue.
On this PCB we see the terminals of the resistor are designed to stand the
part off the board. This has the disadvantage of making the part taller, but
the advantage of creating space between the hot resistor (whose only job is
to dissipate power) and the PCB (whose only job is to connect the different
components without routing the heat from one part to another). With the
resistor mounted off the PCB, the hot air can circulate around the part more
easily, dissipating the resistors power more efficiently.
Suppose both of these parts shown above are 20 watt resistors. Which
one burns out first? Now suppose one of the boards is mounted to the
bottom of the cabinet so the heat from the resistor can rise into the entire
cabinet volume, and escape through a nearby port. Suppose the other
PCB is mounted upside down on the top of the cabinet, inside a sealed
speaker box, and under the cabinet stuffing which is fiberglass? Although
both parts are 20 watt resistors, the one in the heat containing environment
is going to burn out faster than the one with good ventilation when it needs
to handle all 20 watts. Power ratings on resistors are NOT independent of
the way in which they are mounted to a PCB.
There are many non ideal behaviors that capacitors show, but perhaps the
worst is dielectric absorption. This is a fancy name for capacitor memory.
The dielectric is the material which insulates the two electrically conductive
rolled plates in contact with the capacitor terminals. This dielectric material
is how we specify the capacitor type, e.g., mylar, polypropylene,
electrolytic, ceramic, etc. With Dielectric Absorption (DA) even after the
initial voltage gets removed from the capacitor terminals by shorting out the
capacitor, the capacitor returns to its prior state of charge without any
signal being supplied. The energy which returns comes from the electrical
insulating film, or dielectric, in which it was stored. Problem is, the
dielectric is not supposed to store a charge. Use of polystyrene,
polypropylene and Teflon as dielectrics will keep this effect to a minimum.
This effect (DA) is also known as dielectric absorption hysteresis.
Hysteresis is the storage of energy in a medium. It is what makes our
permanent magnets work, causes speakers to drift off center position, and
what make a magnetic cored inductor distort even without saturating.
A 27 ufd polypropylene and two 22 ufd non polar electrolytic capacitors
In the photograph above are three capacitors. The two smallest are both
22 ufd, 5% tolerance and 100 Volts ratings. The blue one in the center is
about twice as large (volume not length) as the small black one. You can
see the relative size of the 27 ufd Solen 400 Volt Polypropylene capacitor
at the top of the photo. Which one of these three do you think will handle
the most power? Which will handle the least? If you want a good seat of
the pants approach for determining capacitor quality, here is a clue. For a
given capacitance, bigger is almost always better.
When you are comparing electrolytic capacitors, and you notice some of
these parts are much smaller than others which seem to bear the same
specifications, it means you have left out one very important specification,
that of DF (Dissipation Factor). This is often a good measure of the life of
the part, along with its Voltage and temperature rating. This imperfection is
THE compromise made with capacitors in order to keep both the size and
the cost low. The initial cost that is. If it blows up in your crossover, it may
not have been worth saving the initial $2 you saved at retail. Since this is
something hidden inside the speaker box, the manufacturer often believes
the buyer ignorant of this, so they elect to pocket the savings, hoping the
cheap parts used will outlive the life of the warranty.
For a sense of scale, a flip phone, 18 ufd electrolytic (green) and 18 ufd Mylar
Like the resistor, the capacitor can also be inductive at a high enough
frequency. This ill effect is known as ESL (Equivalent Series Inductance).
(We use the letter L to designate an inductor in a circuit diagram). In case
you have wondered why Choke, Inductor and Coil is represented in
electronic circuits by the letter "L" it is not solely because "C" was already
taken by the capacitor.
For some background on this go to:'s_law
The primary figure of merit for a crossover coil is its Quality factor (or Q) for
short. The quality factor of a coil is determined by:
W(Omega) = 2pi*Frequency
L = Inductance in Henries
R = Resistance in Ohms
Ignoring all else but the resistance of the choke we can see as this figure
goes to zero, the Quality factor (Q) approaches infinity. We can also see
from this, that a choke of 1 millihenry inductance having a resistance of 0.5
ohms, has the same quality factor of a choke of 2 millihenries inductance
having a resistance of 1.0 ohms. This should make it obvious to those who
understand that as the crossover frequency goes lower, the size of, cost of,
and importance of the quality factor (Q) of the inductor becomes more and
more important. Two ohms in series with a four ohm woofer, is still a
bigger problem than one ohms will be with regard to losses. This is one
important reason why manufacturers sometimes shy away from systems
having very low crossover points. Even when it is better for performance, it
is often so costly to do it right, that a higher crossover point gets chosen for
budgetary reasons.
2.0 mH air core Jantzen from Parts Express = $11.00 each = 0.80 ohms
2.0 mH iron core Erse from Parts Express = $ 7.49 each = 0.26 ohms DCR
On the face of it, the magnetic core choke seems to be a better deal.
Like electronic components on a PCB, sometimes the inductors are not just
inductors, sometimes they are transformers as well. (Just like sometimes
loudspeaker voice coils are inductors when they were trying to be simple
resistors). For those of you familiar with the construction of transformers,
you will remember they are two separate electrical windings both put on a
common magnetic core which is intended to link them together by
electromagnetic field coupling, also sometimes called inductive coupling.
Let’s take a look at the following circuit:
An inexpensive LCR meter will Define the deficiencies of your parts
Let’s say we used two chokes, both 3 mH and both randomly placed on the
PCB. Here in my lab on the prototyping board, they look like this:
On the face of it, the magnetic core choke seems to be a better deal all the
way around. So, why then with all these advantages would anybody use
anything but Magnetic core chokes? There are two reasons. Saturation,
(an effect of running out of permeability by the ferrous core) and hysteresis,
the storage of energy, which is present with all magnetic materials. Which
problem is worse for the crossover designer; loss of signal due to higher
resistance, or the nonlinearity of the magnetic core choke? This depends
in large part upon the magnitude of the difference. This is why small value
chokes are almost always air core, while very large value chokes are
almost always magnetic core. I dislike taking sides in such debates when
both approaches have distinct advantages. Personally, I can easily hear
the distortion made by iron and steel core chokes, and would rather live
with the higher cost and higher (but relatively constant) resistive losses in
the air core choke than hear the distortion in a magnetic core choke.
Unfortunately, at very high inductance values, air core chokes quickly
become impractical because of their weight, size and cost.
Let's take a look at the following circuit, a simple first order low pass filter
attached to some lab gear.
The Sine wave symbol indicates the power amp, in this case a bridged
"3000 watt" power amplifier, and the V is the voltmeter, a Fluke model 45.
The 5.6 mH choke is shown here as air core, but both air and magnetic
core chokes were used for this experiment. Clio is a popular
hardware/software system designed specifically for measuring audio. The
input to the Clio box is put across a small 1 ohm resistor, placed between a
pair of 40 ohm resistors so as not to load the bridged power amp, or cause
an input voltage overload to the very expensive Clio box, which might
cause the Clio to smoke, and me to lose my day job.
The point of this circuit is to see if I could measure distortion in the resistor
load, and identify that distortion as originating from the changing
impedance of the magnetic core choke. The theory is, if the core
permeance is changing as it nears saturation, then the impedance of the
choke will also change. Since an AC waveform varies its magnitude with
time, the amount of saturation that occurs will be greater at the peak than
elsewhere in the waveform. If that is true, this will generate a distortion in
the voltage waveform and therefore in the resistor load, as the current
flowing will not be faithful to the original input voltage. As the AC waveform
varies, the current should follow it. Since the AC waveform varies its
amplitude with time, even with a relatively invariant AC signal like a pure
tone, how bad would it be if the signal had a crest factor of 20 db, not
uncommon in music, instead of the relatively modest 3 db crest factor of a
pure tone? Through the entirety of the AC waveform, the current will only
be proportional to the voltage if the impedance does not vary (and like 99%
of all amps, the power amplifier is a voltage amp, not a current amplifier).
At the frequency of 120 Hz, the choke calculates out as a little more than 4
ohms. Since our load is also 4 ohms, and since music tends to have a lot
of power occurring in this frequency range, we shall use 120 Hz as the test
frequency. Under this condition, there will be approximately as much
voltage across the inductance as the resistor. Choosing a much lower
frequency will tend to take the choke out of the equation, and choosing a
much higher frequency would seriously limit the amount of current flowing
through the circuit or put very high demands on the voltage required of the
amplifier. The signal is raised until the voltage across the 4 ohm resistor is
just above 60 volts (61.6 rms), and the power absorbed by the load is 900
watts. This conditions requires about 95 volts from the amplifier. (In the
perfect world, 87 V would do, but nothing is perfect).
The signal is measured and shown below:
High level of 3rd Harmonic Distortion due to the Magnetic core of the 5.6 mH
With the Clio Meter maximized, the THD measures 6.9% and IMD
measures 1.2%. As can be seen from the measurement above, the
distortion is symmetrical, as expected, so the dominant distortion is 3rd
harmonic, with 2nd harmonic low. The waveform is starting to take on the
form of a triangle wave as a result of the changing impedance of the
magnetic core choke.
The distortion Products from the combination of Amplifier and 5.7 mH Air Core
The distortion measured 0.952% THD. As can be seen above, the
spectrum across the resistor looks quite different when driven through the
air-core choke than it does when driven through the magnetic core choke.
The oscillogram too looks free of distortion as well. So, let's ask ourselves,
is this better because the DC resistance is higher by 1.5 ohms? Maybe the
issue was current limitation in the amplifier. This amp is rated to deliver
3000 watts into 4 ohms, which requires 27.3 amps RMS. The 62 volts
across 4 ohms only requires 15.5 amps RMS, just a little more than half
what the amplifier should have available. Maybe the 45 degree phase
angle between voltage and current at 120 Hz is straining the amp? What is
the limit of this amplifier? Let's see. Without a series choke, with the 4 ohm
load alone attached to the amplifier, I drive the amp to clipping, and
measure 88 volts RMS across the resistor terminals.
The following measurement data was taken.
Amplifier in Clipping
As can be seen here, the sine wave is clipped, as the top of the waveform
is flattened. Since we were able to deliver 115 volts unclipped to the higher
load impedance, we have to assume this amp has run out of current. At 88
volts RMS, a 4 ohm load will draw 22 amps RMS. Close inspection of the
amplifier specification claims 3000 watts @ 1% THD when bridged into 4
ohms but only at 1 kHz. Clearly at 120 Hz, this amplifier has clipped at
1936 watts. As had been said before, trust but verify... So, lets drop the
input by 1db, and measure the signal across the resistor again.
Amplifier 1 db below Clipping - No Choke
This time we manage to get 80.6 volts across the resistor, with very low
distortion. Clearly with a zero phase angle, this amp can deliver 20 amps
RMS and 28.3 amps peak without clipping into 4 ohms. We can be pretty
confident that the difference we have measured is the result of the
magnetic core of the choke, and not the amplifier or signal generator.
Suppose we drop the input drive to the magnetic choke to 6 db less than
the 900 watts RMS delivered to the test load. Lets say we drop the voltage
down to 28.5 volts RMS, or 203 watts RMS. What kind of distortion will we
measure? Lets see..
6 db below clipping with Magnetic Core Choke
Even at 6 db below clipping, the Magnetic core choke results in more than 1% THD
While the waveform looks pretty clean, we see the same distinctive line up
of harmonics, with 3rd being very dominant. When metered, the distortion
at 25.5 volts RMS measures 1.3%. This is still higher than 0.952% THD
measured with 62 volts across the resistor, and 115 volts from the amplifier
using the air core choke. At this point we are well below the limitations of
the amplifier, and delivering a current of 7.125 amps RMS, less than half as
much current (1/4 the power) as was delivered through the air core choke
and yet despite our reducing the power to 203 watts RMS, we find we have
more THD in our resistor than what was present at 961 watts when driven
through the air core choke.
The use of magnetic cores in chokes is a two edged sword. While
magnetic materials in chokes will reduce size, cost, and the DCR of the
choke, it comes with a disadvantage in terms of distortion. While amplifier
manufacturers are busy reducing their distortions to numbers well below
0.01%, loudspeaker manufacturers still struggling to build systems which
can play at or below 1% distortion anywhere at or near their output limits.
To add an additional 1% distortion by using magnetic core inductors in
series with the speaker is a price I am personally not willing to pay.
• Air cores chokes are preferable, but suffer from high losses and high
While this is not an exhaustive study of chokes, or of every type of
magnetic core material, we have seen how the use of a non-linear material
can affect the sound of the music we hear. If we are looking to improve our
systems, and purchasing upgrade crossovers, we need not only be
informed about the specifications of the parts used in them, we also need
to consider the PCB layout as well. While perhaps the simplest electrical
circuits in use in audio today, crossovers can play a major role in the sound
we hear coming from our speakers, and our speakers are the most
important link in the audio chain in the vast majority of high performance
home theater systems. The sum of the parts and their quality truly does
matter, especially if you're a golden ear and desire the very best
Paul Apollonio is a Southern California based consulting engineer, with 25
years of experience in the audio industry designing loudspeakers and
crossovers. He may be reached at and his resume
and profile viewed online at