Applied Surface Science: Full Length Article
Applied Surface Science: Full Length Article
Applied Surface Science: Full Length Article
Keywords: This study investigated the formation mechanism of the oxide layer generated by micro-arc oxidation (MAO)
Mg alloy considering surface roughness of AZ31 Mg alloy. For this purpose, a series of MAO treatments under alternating
Micro-arc oxidation current in a silicate-based electrolyte were performed on two present samples with grooved and flat surfaces. The
Surface roughness time-voltage response presented that the grooved sample reached the breakdown voltage earlier than the flat
sample. This indicated the appearance of micro-discharges on the grooved sample occurred earlier than that of
the flat sample since the oxide fragments nucleated preferentially at the ridge areas where electrons were
concentrated severely under high electrical field. The oxide layer of the grooved sample was relatively less dense
than that of the flat sample. This was attributed to the fact that the oxide layer of the grooved sample was likely
to grow with ease on pre-existing coating layer whereas the oxide layer of the flat sample developed conformably
throughout the whole areas. Thus, the growth rate of the grooved sample was higher than that of the flat sample,
which agreed well with micro-discharge activities. Such formation mechanism was proposed in relation to
nucleation and growth of the oxide layer formed on different surface structures.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y.G. Ko).
Received 28 May 2019; Received in revised form 19 August 2019; Accepted 22 August 2019
Available online 23 August 2019
0169-4332/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Nashrah, et al. Applied Surface Science 497 (2019) 143772
factor affecting the inherent performances of the oxide layer, the fun-
damental mechanism that would describe nucleation and growth of the
oxide layer during plasma electrolysis remained less understood by
considering a role of surface roughness.
Therefore, the present study attempts to scrutinize the nucleation
and growth influenced by surface roughness of the initial sample. The
nucleation phenomena of the oxide fragments formed at the ridge and
valley of the initial substrate are compared at the onset of breakdown
where the plasma discharges start to appear. Subsequently, both growth
pattern and rate of the oxide layer are studied to propose formation
mechanism in relation to microstructural interpretation. Two different
corrosion assessments are used to describe the difference in electro-
chemical performances related to surface roughness. In addition, the
stress state of the oxide layer is discussed based on high-energy plasma
discharges formed on the surface during MAO.
2. Experimental procedures
N. Nashrah, et al. Applied Surface Science 497 (2019) 143772
N. Nashrah, et al. Applied Surface Science 497 (2019) 143772
Fig. 2. (a) Responding voltage vs. coating time curves of FS and GS samples during MAO at 50 mA·cm−2 for 300 s. The insets show the evolution of micro-discharges
formed on surfaces with respect to coating time, and (b) the size distribution and fraction of micro-discharges taken from the insets.
Fig. 3. Representative SEM images showing the surface and cross section structures after MAO for 30 and 20 s when breakdown took place for the first time: (a), (b)
FS and (c), (d) GS samples. Points A and B are used for compositional analyses in EDS.
N. Nashrah, et al. Applied Surface Science 497 (2019) 143772
metal anode to be attained during natural chemical reactions. This sample, intense plasma arcs would result in the formation of discharge
process was influenced significantly by how the surface features after channel present in the oxide layer. On the other hand, the size and
mechanical finish would be formed, such as artificial grid in the whole distribution of the micro-pores were relatively uniform in FS sample
surface and the related surface roughness in local area per se. According after MAO for 300 s.
to the recent investigation in the correlation between surface groove This phenomenon was explained by continuous monitoring on
and chemical reactions reported by Zuo et al. [22] using 316 L stainless short-duration PEO treatment that the serial formation of micro-dis-
steel in 0.01 M NaCl solution, the aspect ratio of the surface groove charge was expected on the local region with low electrical resistivity as
defined as w/d (openness parameter), in which w and d were the width discussed by Clyne research group [24]. The oxide layer with either
and depth of one groove at the opening, would control the rate of local deep micro-pores or thin thickness would be the plausible candidate
chemical reactions. They suggested that, depending upon surface finish responsible for electron transfer across the insulation barrier during the
method, the value of w/d higher than threshold would lead to the nu- wet-based oxidation coating. It should be noted that this tendency was
cleation of localized decay by the accumulation of anions. In this study, understood on the same system in a ‘relative’ manner. In this study, the
the present value of openness parameter in any ridge-valley region was valley area with lower volume of the oxide fragments would be sus-
measured to be ~2.5 (w: ~10 and d: ~4). It is certain that the formation ceptible to next breakdown accompanying intense cascades because
of the thin passive film during anodization prior to ignition accom- nucleation of the oxide layer appeared first at the ridge area as evi-
panying plasma arcs was prone to be initiated primarily in the vicinity denced in Fig. 3d. Thus, micro-discharges concentrated at the valley
of valley area with a high surface area. Thus, the passive film at the area would play an important role in the formation of type-B discharge
valley was relatively thicker than that at the ridge. This fact would channels (defined by Hussein et al. [25]) as well as relatively fast
affect the nucleation of the oxide fragments on the onset of breakdown. growth of the oxide layer in the local area. Both XRD data of two
The thin passive film with low electrical resistivity would possess a samples coated by MAO for 300 s were composed of peaks associated
number of electrons to move across the interfaces easier than what the with Mg, MgO, and MgSiO3 as shown in the Fig. 4g. A significant dif-
thick passive film acted unless the thickness of the passive film was ference was detected rarely due to the same substrate and electrolyte
uniform entirely [23]. As a result, myriads of electrons at the ridge area used in this study. The thickness values of the final oxide layers in FS
in PE field would trigger the initial appearance of micro-discharge with and GS samples were measured to be ~11 and ~14 μm, respectively
ease. This was consistent with Fig. 2a that the time to undergo break- after MAO for 300 s as shown in Fig. 4h. Hence, the growth rate of GS
down in GS sample was shorter than that in FS counterpart. It is con- sample was higher than that of FS sample. This finding would be in line
cluded that the preferential nucleation of the oxide fragments was fa- with final responding voltage of GS sample higher than that of FS
cilitated first at the ridge area whereas a relatively uniform the oxide counterpart. All results were also reinforced indirectly by AFM ob-
layer with a thin thickness of 1.2 μm was formed on FS sample, prob- servations as shown in Fig. 5. For FS sample with initial substrate
ably owing to the occurrence of homogeneous nucleation. As the nu- roughness was measured to be ~0.025 μm, the values of Ra would tend
cleation of the oxide fragments related closely to surface roughness to increase with respect to coating time, reaching ~0.05, however, the
might have an influence on subsequent process to develop the oxide initial Ra value of GS sample measured to be ~1 μm would tend to
layer, it is necessary to look into the growth behavior of the oxide layer decrease, reaching ~0.1 μm. Thus, it is inferred that the growth rate of
in the next section. the oxide layer at the valley area was higher than that at the ridge area
in the grooved condition.
3.3. Growth behavior of oxide layer In general, the stress would be considered during MAO coating. As
discussed by Clyne and Troughton [26] in the area of plasma electro-
Fig. 4 displays the growth behavior of the present oxide layer lysis, the generation of stress was known to be related to discharge
through SEM micrographs of the cross-sectional morphologies in FS and characteristics of high-energy plasma arcs that were affected by several
GS samples subjected to MAO for 120 and 300 s together with XRD data variables, such as electrical conditions (current density, frequency, etc.)
of both samples after MAO for 300 s. A graph of the thickness of the and substrate states (crystallinity, surface roughness, etc.). Thus, the
oxide layer with respect to coating time up to 300 s is provided to figure formation of stress might depend on surface roughness. More im-
out the different growth rate of the oxide layer. As seen from Figs. 4a portantly, however, stress would be relaxed by thermal contribution of
and b, the oxide layers with not only fairly uniform thickness but also plasma discharges. During MAO where plasma-assisted electrochemical
relatively dense structure were detected clearly on FS sample. If the reactions governed, the local temperature of transient plasma arcs was
nucleation of the oxide layer occurred uniformly on the substrate reported to be as high as ~2000 K, exceeding the melting temperature
during ignition, the occurrence of micro-discharges would take place of the newly-formed oxide layer. For example, Hussein et al. [25] es-
evenly throughout the surface. This finding was confirmed by surface timated the plasma electron temperature ranging from 4500 to
morphologies of the oxide layer that showed micro-pores which are 10,000 K linked with collective discharge behavior by means of optical
fairly uniform in size (Fig. 4c). In case of GS sample, the contour of the emission spectroscopy. This result was obtained from 1100 Al alloy.
interface between the oxide layer and substrate that defined the ridge Indeed, the present group reported the temperature of plasma arcs on
and valley areas was still visible as shown in Figs. 4d and e. In addition, AZ91 Mg alloy in the range of 2116–2643 K [27]. Thank to high-tem-
the oxide layer in GS sample exhibited more porous structure than that perature, the spontaneous phenomena including solidification and (re-)
in FS sample due to the occurrence of discharge channels that would melting of Mg oxide would take place. Although the evident expansion
provide a short path for harmful ions from corrosive environment. The of plasma arcs after critical voltage affected the local surface area,
present work confirmed the effect of surface roughness on controlling thermal relaxation resulting from the concurrence of high-energy
the overall characteristics of the micro-defects present in the oxide plasma arcs was dominant. As a result, stress generated would tend to
layer. Surface roughness affected directly discharge characteristics be relieved. Thus, the present process differed from the stress devel-
during growth in which GS sample exhibited plasma arcs with various opment during conventional depositions [28]. In this study, the
size and distribution as shown in the inset of Fig. 2a. These plasma morphologies of the oxide layer as well as defect structure were related
activities would modify the defect-structure of the oxide layer in terms closely to plasma characteristics.
of density and size on the basis of the morphological comparison be-
tween Figs. 4c and f. The pores density on the surface in GS and FS 3.4. Electrochemical response of oxide layer
sample treated by MAO for 300 s showed some differences in different
locations as shown in Figs. 4c and f. Considering the bimodal size dis- Electrochemical responses of the oxide layers on GS and FS samples
tribution of plasma arcs shown in the inset of Fig. 2a in case of GS evaluated by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical
N. Nashrah, et al. Applied Surface Science 497 (2019) 143772
Fig. 4. Representative SEM images showing the cross section structures after MAO of (a) FS and (d) GS samples for 120 s, and of (b) FS and (e) GS samples for 300 s,
the surface structures of (c) FS and (f) GS samples for 300 s. (g) XRD spectra of FS and GS samples. The scan ranges are from 10 to 90° with Cu Kα radiation source and
(h) the thickness variation of the oxide layers formed on FS and GS samples with respect to coating time. The growth rate is calculated based on a linear ap-
proximation at the point of 120 s.
impedance tests are presented in Fig. 6. The values of corrosion para- FS sample showed higher impedance value than that on GS sample.
meters, such as corrosion current density (Icorr), corrosion potential Based on equivalent circuit model, it is of importance to note that a
(Ecorr), and Tafel slopes of anodic and cathodic branches (βa and βc) significant difference in Ro value was found between FS and GS samples
were tabulated in Table 2. Polarization resistance (Rp) was calculated whereas the value of Ri remained unchanged each other. On the con-
using representative equation proposed by Stern-Geary [29]. The cor- trary, the value of Ro in FS sample was approximately one-order higher
rosion analysis based on Tafel iteration revealed that the Rp values of than that in GS sample. This was attributed to high porosity in the oxide
GS sample was approximately two-order lower than that of FS sample layer formed on GS sample, which was consistent with microstructural
due to the porous structure of the oxide layer formed on GS sample. observations shown in Fig. 4. In contrast to FS sample, the existence of
EIS analysis was used to describe the protective capability by con- appreciable discharge channels in GS sample would provide the short
sidering microstructural characteristics of the oxide layer of FS and GS paths for Cl− ions that penetrated toward the substrate (Table 3).
samples in a quantitative manner. As reported earlier [30], the present Although the micro-defects exhibited negative effect on corrosion
oxide layer formed by MAO would comprise two different layers where resistance aforementioned, the enlarged surface area by the micro-
the inner layer were thin and compact while the outer layer were thick pores would be beneficial for interface anchoring and heterogeneous
and porous in nature. From Nyquist plot shown in Fig. 6b, the im- compositing. For instance, the ‘porous’ Mg-phosphate layer after MAO
pedance features of the samples were proportional directly to the whole provided preferential sites for secondary substances via chemical in-
diameters of their semicircles, suggesting that the oxide layer formed on terlocking, such as TiO2 and chitosan on OH-terminated Mg-phosphate
N. Nashrah, et al. Applied Surface Science 497 (2019) 143772
Fig. 5. Representative AFM images showing the surface roughness after MAO of (a) FS and (c) GS samples for 120 s, and of (b) FS and (d) GS samples for 300 s.
Fig. 6. (a) Potentiodynamic polarization curves of FS and GS samples treated by MAO for 300 s, ranging from −0.25 to 0.4 V vs. open circuit potential at a scan rate
of 1 mV·s−1 and (b) Nyquist plots taken from 106 to 10 Hz with 10 mV rms perturbation. The inset in Fig. 6b shows the equivalent circuit model that describes
electrochemical response. Both testing are performed in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution.
Table 2
Potentiodynamic polarization results of FS and GS samples treated by MAO for 300 s, which are measured from −0.25 to 0.4 V vs. open circuit potential at a scan rate
of 1 mV·s−1 in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution.
Sample Ecorr (V) Icorr (A·cm−2) βa (V·decade−1) βc (V·decade−1) Rp (Ω·cm2)
N. Nashrah, et al. Applied Surface Science 497 (2019) 143772
Table 3
Electrochemical impedance results of FS and GS samples treated by MAO for 300 s, which are measured from 106 to 10 Hz with 10 mV rms perturbation in 3.5 wt%
NaCl solution. All values are obtained based on equivalent circuit model in inset of Fig. 6b. In this model, Rs, Ro, and Ri refer to the resistance of the electrolyte, outer
layer, and inner layer, respectively. CPEo and CPEi are the constant phase elements related to the outer and inner layers, respectively.
Sample Rs (Ω·cm2) Ro (Ω·cm2) CPEo (S·sn·cm−2) Ri (Ω·cm2) CPEi (S·sn·cm−2)
Fig. 7. A schematic illustration on formation mechanism of the oxide layer formed on grooved surface of AZ31 Mg alloy: (a) initial condition with movement of
anions, (b) the onset of breakdown, (c) nucleation of the oxide fragments formed on ridge area, and (d) growth of the oxide layer as a final stage.
surface [31–33]. Such anchoring, in turn, sealed the micro-pores ef- was in contrast to FS sample where any flaws were removed on surface.
fectively to improve corrosion resistance of Mg alloy, enhancing the In GS sample with relatively large ratio of w/d, the valleys with higher
potential of MAO. surface area than the ridges would provide a preferable site for the
accumulation of anion species, such as OH– and SiO32− in the present
3.5. Formation mechanism of oxide layer on grooved surface electrolyte as shown in Fig. 7a. This promoted the chemical reactions at
the valleys to a greater extent than that at the ridges [22,35]. Hence,
All microstructural evidences aforementioned supported that the the thickness of the passive film formed on the valley was presumably
different surface roughness of the substrate played a critical role in the thicker than that on the ridges, resulting in non-uniform resistivity on
nucleation and growth behavior of the oxide layer formed on AZ31 Mg surface. The formation of the passive film exhibited a linear increase in
alloy via MAO coating. The schematic illustration shown in Fig. 7 de- responding voltage due to the steady growth of the passive film as
scribes the formation mechanism of the oxide layer in a chronological shown in Fig. 2a. Once the passive film would no longer withstand the
order by considering meaningful variation in surface topographies. high electric field by MAO, the number of electrons from the electrolyte
Prior to MAO, the interaction of ions in the present electrolyte with the would be injected into the passive film, generating the emission of
metal substrate would result in the formation of the fragile passive film plasma sparks on the surface as depicted in Fig. 7b. Since the dielectric
through chemical reactions similar to those by anodization [34]. These breakdown would take place first at the ridge area due to lower elec-
chemical reactions to form the passive film were affected locally by the trical resistance as compared to that at the valley area, it was clear that
ridge and valley in GS sample with a uniform period of ~10 μm, which the oxide fragments were nucleated preferentially on the ridge area.
N. Nashrah, et al. Applied Surface Science 497 (2019) 143772
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