Abstract: Now a days house resale is majorly seen in metro cities. The market demand for housing is always increasing every
year due to increase in population and migrating to other cities for their financial purpose. Prediction of house resale price
for long-term temporary basis is important especially for the people who stays who will stay the long time period but not
permanent and the people who do not want to take any risk during the house construction. In this paper, the resale price
prediction of the house is done using different classification algorithms like Logistic regression, Decision tree, Naive Bayes
and Random forest is used and we use AdaBoost algorithm for boosting up the weak learners to strong learners. Several
factors that are affecting the house resale price includes the physical attributes, location as well as several economic factors
persuading at that time. Here we consider accuracy as the performance metrics for different datasets and these algorithms
are applied and compared to discover the most appropriate method that can be used the reference for determining the resale
price by the sellers
A House/Home are a basic necessity for a person and their prices vary from location to location based on the facilities available
like parking space, locality, etc. The house pricing is a point that worries a ton of residents whether rich or white collar class as one
can never judge or gauge the valuing of a house based on area or offices accessible. Buying of a house is one of the greatest and
significant choice of a family as it expends the entirety of their investment funds and now and again covers them under loans. It is
the difficult task to predict the accurate values of house pricing. Our proposed model would make it possible to predict the make it
possible to predict the exact prices of houses.
This project is proposed to predict house prices and to get better and accurate results. The stacking algorithm is applied on various
regression algorithms to see which algorithm has the most accurate and precise results. This would be of great help to the people
because the house pricing ids a topic that concerns a lot of citizens whether rich or middle class as one can never judge or estimate
the pricing of a house on the basis of locality or facilities available
1. Mohammadhossein Kiyaei; Farkhondeh Kiaee [1], The housing market is increasing huge, predicting housing prices is not only
important for a business issue, but also for people. However, housing price fluctuations have a lot of influencing factors. Also, there
is a non-linear relationship between housing prices and housing factors. Most econometric or statistical models cannot capture non-
linear relationships yet. Therefore, we propose housing price prediction models based on deep learning methods, which can capture
non-linear relationships. In this work, we construct a dataset, including the housing attributes data and macroeconomic data in
Taiwan from January 2013 to December 2018. The housing attributes data includes two types of housing transactions, which are
“land + building” (Type1) and “land + building + park” (Type2). Macroeconomic data includes housing investment demand ratio,
owneroccupier housing ratio, housing price to income ratio, housing loan burden ratio, and housing bargaining space ratio. Then,
this dataset is utilized to evaluate the prediction methods based on deep learning algorithms BPNN and CNN to predict housing
prices. Experimental results show that CNN with housing features has the best prediction effect. This study can be used to develop
targetted interventions aimed at the housing market.
2. Dhanabal Thirumoorthy; Umang Rastogi; B.Barani Sundaram [2], Nowadays, house price is extremely essential for human living
and plays an important part in the financial market, especially in the real estate industry. In this paper, we proposed a deep learning
based network for house price prediction. Firstly, a brief introduction and related work are discussed. Then, Linear Regression,
Random Forest Regression, XGBoost, and SVM are all detailed explained, developed and tested. In addition, several types of
densely connected based neural network are proposed and developed. Finally, all methods are evaluated on a publicly available
dataset, Boston house price dataset. Our method performs competitively performance compared with other classical methods
including Linear Regression, Random Forest Regression, XGBoost, and SVM, and evaluated with a variety of evaluation methods
including R2, Adjustable R2, MAE, MSE, RMSE..
3. RPrateek Singh; Mukesh Kumar Lohani; Riya Nagarkoti [3], This paper provides an overview about how to predict house costs
utilizing different regression methods with the assistance of python libraries. The proposed technique considered the more refined
aspects used for the calculation of house price and provide the more accurate prediction. It also provides a brief about various
graphical and numerical techniques which will be required to predict the price of a house. This paper contains what and how the
house pricing model works with the help of machine learning and which dataset is used in our proposed model.
4. P. Raja; A. Thivya; C. Janani [4] ,House price prediction is a popular topic, and research teams are increasingly performing
related studies by using deep learning or machine learning models. However, because some studies have not considered
comprehensive information that affects house prices, prediction results are not always sufficiently precise. Therefore, we propose
an end to end joint self-attention model for house prediction. In this model, we import data on public facilities such as parks, schools,
and mass rapid transit stations to represent the availability of amenities, and we use satellite maps to analyze the environment
surrounding houses. We adopt attention mechanisms, which are widely used in image, speech, and translation tasks, to identify
crucial features that are considered by prospective house buyers. The model can automatically assign weights when given
transaction data. Our proposed model differs from self-attention models because it considers the interaction between two different
features to learn the complicated relationship between features in order to increase prediction precision. We conduct experiments
to demonstrate the performance of the model. Experimental data include actual selling prices in real estate transaction data for the
period from 2017 to 2018, public facility data acquired from the Taipei and New Taipei governments, and satellite maps crawled
using the Google Maps application programming interface. We utilize these datasets to train our proposed and compare its
performance with that of other machine learning-based models such as Extreme Gradient Boosting and Light Gradient Boosted
Machine, deep learning, and several attention models. The experimental results indicate that the proposed model achieves a low
prediction error and outperforms the other models. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first research to incorporate attention
mechanism and STN network to conduct house price prediction
• Costing: The Existing system is high cost and this is main reason most of the system is failed.
• Technology Complexity: Most of system is the complex to understand, Not user friendly as compare to our proposed system
• Time Consuming Feature: In existing system, the performance is low and most of the time system gets hanged due to load.
• Not Easy to Understand: Systems are complex to understand and they were not user friendly
This section describes the various features of the system and also describes the implementation methods. Following are some of the
features explained with their implementation details:
• Pattern Recognition: Pattern recognition is the automated recognition of patterns and regularities in data. It has applications in
statistical data analysis, signal processing, image analysis, information retrieval, bio informatics, data compression, computer
graphics and machine learning.
• Authentication: Authentication is the act of proving an assertion, such as the identity of a computer system user. In contrast with
identification, the act of indicating a person or thing’s identity, authentication is the process of verifying that identity.
Hardware Requirements
• i3 Processor
• Mobile Device
Software Requirement
• IDE : Pycharm
Python PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) used in computer programming, specifically for the Python
language. It is developed by the Czech company JetBrains.[6] It provides code analysis, a graphical debugger, an integrated unit
tester, integration with version control systems (VCSes), and supports web development with Django as well as Data Science with
Anaconda. MySQL 5.1 MySQL provides our small, medium and large enterprise customers with affordable, open access to their
web data warehouses.
MySQL 5.1 or Firebase MySQL provides our small, medium and large enterprise customers with affordable, open access to their
web data warehouses. MySQL allows us to offer our System Administrator low cost, low maintenance database solution for
applications without sacrificing power, performance or scalability. Benefits of MySQL are as follows:
• Easy to maintain & upgrade, does not have a slew of administrative tasks to put up.
• It has cleanly separated table handler modules and can mix access to different type of tables.
• It seems to be developed iteratively, and the features are very stable when they ship them.
• It is a relational database. Over the past several years, this relational database management systems have become the most widely
accepted way to manage data.
We propose an end to end joint self-attention model for house prediction. In this model, we import data on public facilities such as
parks, schools, and mass rapid transit stations to represent the availability of amenities, and we use satellite maps to analyze the
environment surrounding houses
There are a couple of components that impact house costs. In this exploration, partition these components into three essential get-
togethers, there are state of being, thought and territory [2]. States of being are properties constrained by a house that can be seen
by human recognizes, including the range of the house, the amount of rooms, the availability of kitchen and parking space, the
openness of the yard nursery, the zone of land and structures, and the age of the house [3], while the thought is an idea offered by
architects who can pull in potential buyers, for instance, the possibility of a moderate home, strong and green condition, and world
class condition. Zone is a critical factor in shaping the expense of a house.
The proposed technique considered the more refined aspects used for the calculation of house price and provide the more accurate
prediction. It also provides a brief about various graphical and numerical techniques which will be required to predict the price of
a house. This paper contains what and how the house pricing model works with the help of machine learning and which dataset is
used in our proposed model.
1. Easy to use
2. High Performace
3. Scalable
The single problem can be solved by different solutions. This considers the performance parameters for each approach. Thus
considers the efficiency issues.:
Problem Solving Methods are concerned with efficient realization of functionality. This is an important characteristics of
Problem Solving Methods and should be deal with it explicitly.
Problem Solving Methods achieve this efficiency by making assumptions about resources provided by their context (such
as domain knowledge) and by assumptions about the precise definition of the task. It is important to make these
assumptions explicit as it give the reason about Problem Solving Methods.
The process of constructing Problem Solving Methods is assumptionbased. During this process assumptions are added that
facilitate efficient operationalization of the desired functionality
The sales price for the houses are calculated using different algorithms. The sales prices have been calculated with better accuracy
and precision. This would be of great help for the people. To achieve these results, various data mining techniques are utilized in
python language. The various factors which affect the house pricing should be considered and work upon them. Machine learning
has assisted to complete out task. Firstly, the data collection is performed. Then data cleaning is carried out to remove all the errors
from the data and make it clean. Then the data pre-processing is done. Then with help of data visualization, different plots are
created. This has depicted the distribution of data in different forms. Further, the preparation and testing of the model are performed.
[1] Jain, N., Kalra, P., Mehrotra, D. (2019). Analysis of Factors Affecting Infant Mortality Rate Using Decision Tree in R
Language. In Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (pp. 639-646). Springer, Singapore.
[2] R. A. Rahadi, S. K. Wiryono, D. P. Koesrindartotoor, and I.B. Syamwil, —Factors influencing the price of housing in
Indonesia,‖ Int. J. Hous. Mark. Anal., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 169–188, 2015
[3] Limsombunchai, —House price prediction: Hedonic price model vs. artificial neural network,‖ Am. J. ..., 2004
[4] Kadir, T., Gleeson, F. (2018). Lung cancer prediction using machine learning and advanced imaging techniques. Translational
Lung Cancer Research, 7(3), 304-312
[5] Liu, J., Ye, Y., Shen, C., Wang, Y., Erd´elyi, R. (2018). A New Tool for CME Arrival Time Prediction using Machine Learning
Algorithms: CATPUMA. The Astrophysical Journal, 855(2), 109.