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Code Requirements For Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures and COMMENTARY (ACI 350-06)

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ACI Committee 350

Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures

Satish K. Sachdev

Jon B. Ardahl John W. Baker

Vice Chair Secretary

Walter N. Bennett Carl A. Gentry Nicholas A. Legatos Jerry Parnes

Lucian I. Bogdan Gautam Ghosh Ramon E. Lucero Andrew R. Philip
Steven R. Close Charles S. Hanskat Andrew R. Minogue Risto Protic
Patrick J. Creegan Keith W. Jacobson Lawrence G. Mrazek William C.
Sherman Robert E. Doyle M. Reza Kianoush Javeed A. Munshi Lawrence M. Tabat
Anthony L. Felder

Voting Subcommittee Members

Iyad (Ed) M. Alsamsam Daniel J.

McCarthy Paul Hedli Carl H. Moon
Lawrence E. Kaiser Rolf P. Pawski
Salvatore Marques Paul J. St. John

Consulting Members

William Irwin Dennis C. Kohl

Dov Kaminetzky Terry Patzias
David G. Kittridge Narayan M. Prachand

ACI 350 Environmental Structures Code and Commentary




The code portion of this document covers the structural design, materials selection, and construction
of environmental engineering concrete structures. Such structures are used for conveying, storing, or
treating liquid or other materials such as solid waste. They include ancillary structures for dams, spill-
ways, and channels.

They are subject to uniquely different loadings, more severe exposure conditions, and more restrictive
serviceability requirements than non-environmental building structures.

Loadings include normal dead and live loads and vibrating equipment or hydrodynamic forces. Expo-
sures include concentrated chemicals, alternate wetting and drying, and freezing and thawing of saturated
concrete. Serviceability requirements include liquid-tightness or gas-tightness.

Typical structures include conveyance, storage, and treatment structures.

Proper design, materials, and construction of environmental engineering concrete structures are
required to produce serviceable concrete that is dense, durable, nearly impermeable, and resistant to
chemicals, with limited deflections and cracking. Leakage must be controlled to minimize contamination of
ground water or the environment, to minimize loss of product or infiltration, and to promote durability.

This code presents new material as well as modified portions of the ACI 318-02 Building Code that
are applicable to environmental engineering concrete structures.

Because ACI 350-06 is written as a legal document, it may be adopted by reference in a general building
code or in regulations governing the design and construction of environmental engineering concrete struc-
tures. Thus, it cannot present background details or suggestions for carrying out its requirements or intent.
It is the function of the commentary to fill this need.

ACI 350-06 was adopted as a standard of the American Concrete damage arising therefrom. Reference to this commentary shall not be made
Institute on July 3, 2006 to supersede ACI 350/350R-01 in accordance with in contract documents. If items found in this Commentary are desired by
the Insti- tute's standardization procedure. the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, they shall
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, and Commentaries are intended for be restated in mandatory language for incorporation by the
guidance in planning, designing, executing, and inspecting construction. Architect/Engineer.
This Commentary is intended for the use of individuals who are competent Copyright © 2006, American Concrete Institute.
to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content and recommenda- All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or
tions and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by
contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all responsibility any electronic or mechanical device, printed or written or oral, or
for the stated principles. The Institute shall not be liable for any loss or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or
retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the
copyright proprietors.

The 2006 “Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures and Commentary” are
presented in a side-by-side column format, with code text placed in the left column and the corresponding
commentary text aligned in the right column. To further distinguish the Code from the Commentary, the Code
has been printed in Helvetica, the same type face in which this paragraph is set.

This paragraph is set in Times Roman, and all portions of the text exclusive to the Commentary are printed in this type face.
Commentary section numbers are preceded by an “R” to further distinguish them from Code section numbers.

The commentary discusses some of the considerations of the committee in developing the ACI 350 Code,
and its relationship with ACI 318. Emphasis is given to the explanation of provisions that may be unfamiliar
to some users of the code. References to much of the research data referred to in preparing the code
are given for those who wish to study certain requirements in greater detail.
The chapter and section numbering of the code are followed throughout the commentary.
Among the subjects covered are: permits, drawings and specifications, inspections, materials,
concrete quality, mixing and placing, forming, embedded pipes, construction joints, reinforcement
details, analysis and design, strength and serviceability, flexural and axial loads, shear and torsion,
development of reinforce- ment, slab systems, walls, footings, precast concrete, prestressed concrete,
shell structures, folded plate members, provisions for seismic design, and an alternate design method in
Appendix I.
The quality and testing of materials used in the construction are covered by reference to the
appropriate standard specifications. Welding of reinforcement is covered by reference to the appropriate
AWS standard. Criteria for liquid-tightness testing may be found in 350.1.
Keywords: Chemical attack; coatings; concrete durability; concrete finishing (fresh concrete); concrete slabs, crack width, and spacing;
cracking (fracturing); environmental engineering; inspection; joints (junctions); joint sealers; liquid; patching; permeability; pipe columns; pipes
(tubes); prestressed concrete; prestressing steels; protective coatings; reservoirs; roofs; serviceability; sewerage; solid waste facilities; tanks
(containers); temperature; torque; torsion; vibration; volume change; walls; wastewater treatment; water; water-cementitious material ratio;
water supply; water treatment.

INTRODUCTION Requirements more stringent than the code provisions may be

desirable for unusual structures. This code and this
The code and commentary includes excerpts from ACI 318- commen- tary cannot replace sound engineering knowledge,
02 that are pertinent to ACI 350. The commentary discusses experience, and judgment.
some of the considerations of Committee ACI 350 in
developing “Code Requirements for Environmental A code for design and construction states the minimum
Engineering Concrete Structures (ACI 350-06),” requirements necessary to provide for public health and
hereinafter called the code. Emphasis is given to the safety. ACI 350 is based on this principle. For any structure,
explanation of provisions that may be unfamiliar to users of the owner or the structural designer may require the quality
the standard. Comments on specific provisions are made of materials and construction to be higher than the minimum
under the corresponding chapter and section numbers of the requirements necessary to provide serviceability and to
code and commentary. protect the public as stated in the code. Lower standards,
however, are not permitted.
This commentary is not intended to provide a complete
histor- ical background concerning the development of the ACI 350 has no legal status unless it is adopted by
code, nor is it intended to provide a detailed summary of the government bodies having the power to regulate building
studies and research data reviewed by the committee in design and construction. Where the code has not been
formulating the provisions of the code. However, adopted, it may serve as a reference to good practice.
references to some of the research data are provided for
those who wish to study the background material in depth. The code provides a means of establishing minimum standards
for acceptance of design and construction by a legally
As the name implies, “Code Requirements for Environ- appointed building official or his designated representatives.
mental Engineering Concrete Structures” may be used as The code and commentary are not intended for use in
part of a legally adopted code and, as such, must differ in settling disputes between the owner, engineer, architect,
form and substance from documents that provide detailed contractor, or their agents, subcontractors, material
specifications, recommended practice, complete design suppliers, or testing agencies. Therefore, the code cannot
procedures, or design aids. define the contract responsibility of each of the parties in
usual construction. General references requiring
The code is intended to cover environmental engineering compliance with ACI 350 in the job specifications should be
concrete structures, but is not intended to supersede ASTM avoided, since the contractor is rarely in a position to
standards for precast structures. accept responsibility for design

details or construction requirements that depend on a detailed a) The concrete mixture is well proportioned, well
knowledge of the design. Generally, the drawings, speci- consol- idated without segregation, and properly cured.
fications, and contract documents should contain all of the b) Crack widths and depths are minimized.
necessary requirements to ensure compliance with the c) Joints are properly spaced, sized, designed, water-
code. In part, this can be accomplished by reference to stopped, and constructed.
specific code sections in the job specifications. Other d) Adequate reinforcing steel is provided, properly
ACI publi- cations, such as ACI 301, “Specifications for detailed, fabricated, and placed.
Structural Concrete,” are written specifically for use as e) Impervious protective coatings or barriers are
contract documents for construction. used where required.
Committee 350 recognizes the desirability of standards of Usually it is more economical and dependable to resist
performance for individual parties involved in the contract liquid permeation through the use of quality concrete,
documents. Available for this purpose are the certification proper design of joint details, and adequate reinforcement,
programs of the American Concrete Institute, the plant certifi- rather than by means of an impervious protective barrier or
cation programs of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, coating. Liquid-tightness can also be obtained by
the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, and the appropriate use of shrinkage-compensating concrete.
qual- ification standards of the American Society of However, to achieve success, the engineer must recognize
Concrete Constructors. Also available are “Standard and account for the limita- tions, characteristics, and properties
Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction of shrinkage-compensating concrete as described in ACI 223
Inspection and/or Testing” (ASTM E 329) and “Standard and ACI 224.2R.
Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and Concrete
Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for Minimum permeability of the concrete will be obtained by
Laboratory Evaluation” (ASTM C 1077). using water-cementitious materials ratios as low as
possible, consistent with satisfactory workability and
Design aids (general concrete design aids are listed in consolidation. Impermeability increases with the age of the
ACI 318-02): concrete and is improved by extended periods of moist
curing. Surface treat- ment is important and use of smooth
“Rectangular Concrete Tanks,” Portland Cement forms or troweling improves impermeability. Air entrainment
Associa- tion, Skokie, IL, 1994, 176 pp. (Presents data for reduces segregation and bleeding, increases workability, and
design of rect- angular tanks.) provides resistance to the effect of freeze-thaw cycles.
Because of this, use of an air- entraining admixture results in
“Circular Concrete Tanks Without Prestressing,” Portland
better consolidated concrete. Other admixtures, such as
Cement Association, Skokie, IL, 1993, 54 pp. (Presents
water-reducing agents and pozzolans, are useful when
design data for circular concrete tanks built in or on
they lead to increased workability and consolidation, and
ground. Walls may be free or restrained at the top. Wall
lower water-cementitious ratios. Pozzolans also reduce
bases may be fixed, hinged, or have intermediate degrees
of restraint. Various layouts for circular roofs are
presented.) Joint design should also account for movement resulting from
thermal dimensional changes and differential settlements.
“Concrete Manual,” U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau Joints permitting movement along predetermined control
of Reclamation, 8th edition, 1981, 627 pp. (Presents planes, and which form a barrier to the passage of fluids,
technical information for the control of concrete shall include waterstops in complete, closed circuits. Proper
construction, including linings for tunnels, impoundments, rate of concrete placement operations, adequate
and canals.) consolidation, and proper curing are also essential to control
GENERAL COMMENTARY of cracking in envi- ronmental engineering concrete
structures. Additional infor- mation on cracking is contained
in ACI 224R and ACI 224.2R.
Because of stringent service requirements, environmental
engineering concrete structures should be designed and The design of the whole environmental engineering
detailed with care. The quality of concrete is important, concrete structure as well as all individual members
and close quality control must be performed during should be in accordance with ACI 350-06, which has been
construction to obtain impervious concrete. adapted from ACI 318-02. When all relevant loading
conditions are considered, the design should provide
Environmental engineering concrete structures for the adequate safety and serviceability, with a life expectancy of
contain- ment, treatment, or transmission of liquid such as 50 to 60 years for the structural concrete. Some
water and wastewater as well as solid waste disposal components of the structure, such as jointing materials,
facilities, should be designed and constructed to be have a shorter life expectancy and will require
essentially liquid-tight, with minimal leakage under normal maintenance or replacement.
service conditions.
The size of elements and amount of reinforcement should
The liquid-tightness of a structure will be reasonably assured be selected on the basis of the serviceability crack-width

limits and stress limits to promote long service life.



CHAPTER 1—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS....................................................................9
1.1 —Scope 1.3—Inspection
1.2 —Drawings and specifications 1.4—Approval of special systems of design or construction

CHAPTER 2—DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................21


CHAPTER 3—MATERIALS........................................................................................31
3.0 —Notation 3.5—Steel reinforcement
3.1 —Tests of materials 3.6—Admixtures
3.2 —Cements 3.7—Storage of materials
3.3 —Aggregates 3.8—Reference standards
3.4 —Water


CHAPTER 4—DURABILITY REQUIREMENTS............................................................47
4.0 —Notation 4.4—Corrosion protection of metals
4.1 —Water-cementitious materials ratio and 4.5—Chemical effects
cementitious material content 4.6—Protection against erosion
4.2 —Freezing and thawing exposures 4.7—Coatings and liners
4.3 —Sulfate exposures 4.8—Joints

CHAPTER 5—CONCRETE QUALITY, MIXING, AND PLACING..............................63

5.0 —Notation 5.6—Preparation of equipment and place of deposit
5.1 —General 5.7—Mixing
5.2 —Selection of concrete proportions 5.8—Conveying
5.3—Proportioning on the basis of field experience, 5.9—Depositing
trial mixtures, or both 5.10—Curing
5.4—Average strength reduction 5.11—Cold weather requirements
5.5—Evaluation and acceptance of concrete 5.12—Hot weather requirements


AND MOVEMENT JOINTS.....................................................................79
6.1 —Design of formwork 6.4—Construction joints
6.2 —Removal of forms, shores, and reshoring 6.5—Movement
joints 6.3—Conduits and pipes embedded in concrete

CHAPTER 7—DETAILS OF REINFORCEMENT..........................................................85

7.0 —Notation 7.7—Concrete protection for reinforcement
7.1 —Standard hooks 7.8—Special reinforcement details for columns
7.2 —Minimum bend diameters 7.9—Connections
7.3 —Bending 7.10—Lateral reinforcement for compression members
7.4—Surface conditions of reinforcement 7.11—Lateral reinforcement for flexural members 7.5
—Placing reinforcement 7.12—Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement
7.6—Spacing limits for reinforcement 7.13—Requirements for structural integrity


8.0 —Notation 8.6—Stiffness
8.1 —Design methods 8.7—Span length
8.2 —Loading 8.8—Columns
8.3 —Methods of analysis 8.9—Arrangement of live
load 8.4—Redistribution of negative moments in continuous 8.10—T-beam construction
flexural members 8.11—Joist construction
8.5—Modulus of elasticity 8.12—Separate floor finish


9.0 —Notation 9.3—Design strength
9.1 —General 9.4—Design strength for reinforcement
9.2 —Required strength 9.5—Control of deflections

CHAPTER 10—FLEXURE AND AXIAL LOADS........................................................127

10.0 —Notation 10.9—Limits for reinforcement of compression members
10.1 —Scope 10.10—Slenderness effects in compression members
10.2 —Design assumptions 10.11—Magnified moments—General 10.3—
General principles and requirements 10.12—Magnified moments—Nonsway
frames 10.4—Distance between lateral supports of 10.13—Magnified moments—Sway frames
flexural members 10.14—Axially loaded members supporting slab system
10.5—Minimum reinforcement of flexural members 10.15—Transmission of column loads through floor system
10.6—Distribution of flexural reinforcement 10.16—Composite compression members
10.7—Deep beams 10.17—Bearing
strength 10.8—Design dimensions for compression members

CHAPTER 11—SHEAR AND TORSION..........................................................................159

11.0 —Notation 11.6—Design for torsion
11.1 —Shear strength 11.7—Shear-friction
11.2 —Lightweight concrete 11.8—Deep beams
11.3 —Shear strength provided by concrete for 11.9—Special provisions for brackets and corbels
nonprestressed members 11.10—Special provisions for walls
11.4 —Shear strength provided by concrete for 11.11—Transfer of moments to columns
prestressed members 11.12—Special provisions for slabs and footings
11.5 —Shear strength provided by shear reinforcement


12.0—Notation 12.9—Development of prestressing strand 12.1—
Development of reinforcement—General 12.10—Development of flexural reinforcement—General
12.2—Development of deformed bars and deformed 12.11—Development of positive moment reinforcement
wire in tension 12.12—Development of negative moment reinforcement
12.3—Development of deformed bars and deformed wire 12.13—Development of web reinforcement
in compression 12.14—Splices of reinforcement—General 12.4—
Development of bundled bars 12.15—Splices of deformed bars and deformed wire in
12.5—Development of standard hooks in tension tension
12.6—Mechanical anchorage 12.16—Splices of deformed bars in compression
12.7—Development of welded deformed wire fabric in 12.17—Special splice requirements for columns
tension 12.18—Splices of welded deformed wire fabric in tension
12.8—Development of welded plain wire fabric in tension 12.19—Splices of welded plain wire fabric in tension


CHAPTER 13—TWO-WAY SLAB SYSTEMS.......................................................233
13.0 —Notation 13.4—Openings in slab systems
13.1 —Scope 13.5—Design procedures
13.2 —Definitions 13.6—Direct design method
13.3 —Slab reinforcement 13.7—Equivalent frame method

CHAPTER 14—WALLS.............................................................................................253
14.0 —Notation 14.5—Empirical design method
14.1 —Scope 14.6—Minimum wall thickness
14.2 —General 14.7—Walls as grade beams
14.3 —Minimum reinforcement 14.8—Alternative design of slender walls
14.4—Walls designed as compression members

CHAPTER 15—FOOTINGS............................................................................................259
15.0 —Notation 15.6—Development of reinforcement in footings
15.1 —Scope 15.7—Minimum footing depth
15.2 —Loads and reactions 15.8—Transfer of force at base of column, wall,
15.3—Footings supporting circular or regular polygon or reinforced pedestal
shaped columns or pedestals 15.9—Sloped or stepped footings
15.4—Moment in footings 15.10—Combined footings and mats
15.5—Shear in footings

CHAPTER 16—PRECAST CONCRETE......................................................................267

16.0 —Notation 16.6—Connection and bearing design
16.1 —Scope 16.7—Items embedded after concrete placement
16.2 —General 16.8—Marking and identification
16.3 —Distribution of forces among members 16.9—Handling
16.4 —Member design 16.10—Strength evaluation of precast construction
16.5—Structural integrity


17.0 —Notation 17.4—Vertical shear strength
17.1 —Scope 17.5—Horizontal shear strength
17.2 —General 17.6—Ties for horizontal shear
17.3 —Shoring

CHAPTER 18—PRESTRESSED CONCRETE............................................................279

18.0 —Notation 18.12—Slab systems
18.1 —Scope 18.13—Post-tensioned tendon anchorage zones
18.2 —General 18.14—Design of anchorage zones for monostrand or
18.3—Design assumptions single 5/8 in. diameter bar tendons 18.4—
Serviceability requirements—Flexural members 18.15—Design of anchorage zone for multistrand tendons
18.5—Permissible stresses in prestressing steel 18.16—Corrosion protection for unbonded single-strand
18.6—Loss of prestress prestressing tendons
18.7—Flexural strength 18.17—Post-tensioning ducts 18.8—
Limits for reinforcement of flexural members 18.18—Grout for bonded tendons 18.9—
Minimum bonded reinforcement 18.19—Protection for prestressing steel
18.10—Statically indeterminate structures 18.20—Application and measurement of prestressing force
18.11—Compression members—Combined flexure and 18.21—Post-tensioning anchorages and couplers
axial loads 18.22—External post-tensioning

CHAPTER 19—SHELLS AND FOLDED PLATE MEMBERS.................................311

19.0 —Notation 19.3—Design strength of materials
19.1 —Scope and definitions 19.4—Shell reinforcement
19.2 —Analysis and design 19.5—Construction


20.0 —Notation 20.4—Loading criteria
20.1 —Strength evaluation—General 20.5—Acceptance criteria 20.2—
Determination of required dimensions and material 20.6—Provision for lower load rating
properties 20.7—Safety
20.3—Load test procedure

CHAPTER 21—SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SEISMIC DESIGN..............................325

21.0—Notation 21.8—Special structural walls constructed using precast
21.1—Definitions concrete
21.2—General requirements 21.9—Structural diaphragms and trusses
21.3—Flexural members of special moment frames 21.10—Foundations
21.4 —Special moment frame members subjected 21.11—Frame members not proportioned to resist forces
to bending and axial load induced by earthquake motions
21.5 —Joints of special moment frames 21.12—Requirements for intermediate moment frames
21.6—Special moment frames constructed using 21.13—Intermediate precast structural walls
precast concrete
21.7—Special reinforced concrete structural walls and
coupling beams


CHAPTER 22—STRUCTURAL PLAIN CONCRETE.....................................................367

COMMENTARY REFERENCES...................................................................369

APPENDIX A—NOT USED...........................................................................................387


B. 0—Notation B.1—Scope


C. 1—General

APPENDIX D—ANCHORING TO CONCRETE...............................................................401

D. 0—Notation D.6—Design requirements for shear loading
D.1—Definitions D.7—Interaction of tensile and shear forces
D.2—Scope D.8—Required edge distances, spacings, D.3—
General requirements and thicknesses to preclude splitting
failure D.4—General requirements for strength of anchors D.9—Installation of anchors
D.5—Design requirements for tensile loading

APPENDIX E—NOTATION..........................................................................................427

APPENDIX F—METAL REINFORCEMENT INFORMATION........................................441


G.0—Notation G.3—Materials
G.1—Scope G.4—Construction procedures

APPENDIX H—SLABS-ON-SOIL.................................................................................459
H.1—Scope H.5—Joints
H.2—Subgrade H.6—Hydrostatic uplift
H.3—Slab thickness H.7—Curing

APPENDIX I—ALTERNATE DESIGN METHOD............................................................463

I.0—Notation I.4—Development and splices of reinforcement
I.1—Scope I.5—Flexure
I.2—General I.6—Compression members with or without flexure
I.3—Permissible service load stresses I.7—Shear and torsion


SUMMARY OF CHANGES FOR 350-06 CODE.............................................................481

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