JETS - Ecomotive STP
JETS - Ecomotive STP
JETS - Ecomotive STP
We provide solutions that make people’s lives
easier. That is the story behind our vision:
Jets™ Sanitary Systems – Made to Please.
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Jets™ has more than 25 years of experience in sewage tre-
atment plants. The result of this experience is a treatment
plant which reduces space requirements and is both relia-
ble and affordable.
1 2
featuring floating biofilm carriers. These carriers provide a large growing surface
on which bacteria can live and thrive as they decompose the organic matter of HIGH QUALITY MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS
sewage. 4 reasons to choose an MBBR based plant The plant is manufactured to the highest standards, by a highly skilled and well trained workforce.
Built in-house at our own production facilities, Jets™ stands behind the quality of the Ecomotive™ plant.
By using biofilm carriers in Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors we can offer advantages that
are not available with traditional treatment technologies. MBBR was invented seve- MBBR based plants can be
ral years ago by a group of built significantly more com- The Ecomotive™ range of sewage treatment plants suits most vessels
Norwegian scientists, yet it pact than traditional sewage
belongs to the most recent treatment plants. BOD/KG/D LOAD GRAVITY VACUUM UNIT WITH INLET TANK & VACUUM UNIT
Ecomotive™ by Jets™ was developed by our subsidiary Ecomotive AS, in close
developments in wastewater
cooperation with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The plant is designed 1.11 1 850,0 10 13 30MB-D 2238x2065x1941
treatment technology.
to treat both sewage and grey water. The Ecomotive™ plant was tested under real- 2.22 3 700,0 20 27 30MB-D 2238x2065x1941
3 4
life conditions at the university’s on-site student dormitories equipped with vacuum 3.33 5 550,0 30 41 30MB-D 2238x2065x1941
toilets. 4.44 7 400,0 40 54 30MB-D 2782x2345x1941
5.55 9 250,0 50 68 30MB-D 2782x2452x1941
6.66 11 100,0 60 82 30MB-D 2782x2558x1941
Certified by IMO, EC, US Coast Guard, Transport Canada and Russian Maritime
7.77 12 950,0 70 95 50MBA 3043x2675x2259
Register of Shipping. Approved according to MARPOL Annex 227(64). Due to the continuous mo- The Ecomotive™ plant’s vo-
8.88 14 800,0 80 109 50MBA 3043x2760x2259
Meets today’s and future IMO requirements by a good margin. vement of the biofilm carri- lume and footprint sizes are
9.99 16 650,0 90 123 50MBA 3043x2867x2259
ers, it makes a self-cleaning only 60% to 70% in compa-
action inside the reactor that rison with conventional bio- 13.32 22 200,0 100 164 50MBA 3660x3227x2259
cleans the reactor walls and logical treatment plants. 16.65 27 750,0 150 205 50MBA 3661x3367x2259
outlet grids. 22.20 37 000,0 200 274 190MBA* 4700x3863x2952
33.30 55 500,0 300 411 190MBA* 5472x4512x2953
44.40 74 000,0 400 548 190MBA* 6251x4968x2913
CHIEF ENGINEERS The biofilm carriers are supplied with the Ecomotive™
A modern engine room is required to contain so much machinery that space is at a premium. With its
compact size and flexible installation options, the Ecomotive™ plant offers the most space saving solution
plant, and are expected to retain full functionality available. Much to the benefit of designers, yards, crews and owners.
throughout the service life of the plant without requi-
ring replacement.
Biological treatment of waste water using the MBBR approach is a tried and tested method. The technol-
ogy is competitive, virtually maintenance-free and gives long operational life. Chief Engineers consulted
Black, during development are confident about the Ecomotive™ plant’s first class qualities.
Water Inlet
Yard supply
1 2 3 5
Inlet Tank Bio Tank 1 Bio Tank 2 Settling Tank Clean Water
Tank A complete treatment plant including the
- Overboard Vacuumarator™ pumps and the inlet tank
- Holding Tank takes up a bare minimum of deck space.
- Shore Connection
The treatment plant, Vacuumarator™ pumps
4 - Overboard
and inlet tank can also be installed in separate
locations. The three main components can
- Shore Connection
thereby be installed where they fit most
Black Water
Sludge Tank
1 2 3 4 5
By using an existing hull tank in place of the
The inlet tank mixes black water The bio chambers feature a The settling tank features a cen- The sludge removal pump ensu- The treated water is exposed
inlet tank normally supplied with the plant,
(sewage) and grey water, as well seamless interface which always trally installed inlet pipe which res that excessive sludge is remo- to UV light sterilisation on
even more space can be saved.
as providing ample capacity for maintains the important retenti- reduces the speed of the liquid ved from the plant. This is an au- its way to the clean water
peak loads. Using a Vacuumara- on time at the correct level. Due flowing into the tank, thereby tomatically controlled procedure tank. A dedicated pump is
tor™ pump to feed the treatment to the steady flow created by the improving the settling process. that does not require the crew’s then used to discharge the
plant ensures a steady and conti- feeding pump, effluent moves in The funnel-shaped lower section attention. water overboard, effectively
nuous flow of waste water from an optimal pattern from cham- of the tank directs sludge toward eliminating the risk of cross
the inlet tank to the bio tanks. ber to chamber. Aeration keeps the tank’s discharge point, pre- contamination.
The inlet tank can be supplied the suspended biofilm carriers in venting deposits inside the tank.
with the plant for either integra- motion while providing oxygen
ted or separate installation, or a for the microbes.
hull tank can be used in its place.
This diagram is designed to show the working principle of the plant, The inlet tank or hull tank should be installed as close to the plant as possible.
and does not reflect its very compact dimensions. Please contact Jets™ for further information.
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© 2015-2016 Copyright, Jets Vacuum AS. Rev. D-2016.
(including, but not limited to, VACUUMARATOR™ pump technology) are patent protected by Jets Vacuum AS.
JETS™ and VACUUMARATOR™ are trademarks of Jets Vacuum AS. ECOMOTIVE™ is a trademark of Ecomotive AS. Parts of the JETS™ sanitary systems
Photos: Tony Hall // iStock // Jets™ and its respective agents and customers // 3D illustrations: Fantastiske Osberget AS //
Jets™ was founded in 1986 in the unique maritime
community on the west coast of Norway, where
passion, excellent craftsmanship and the commitment
to always do better are centuries-long traditions.