Custom 465
Custom 465
Custom 465
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Custom 465® Stainless Add to My Materials
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U.S. Patent Number
z 5,681,528 z 5,855,844
UNS Number
z S46500
Type Analysis
Carbon (Maximum) 0.02 % Manganese (Maximum) 0.25 %
Phosphorus (Maximum) 0.015 % Sulfur (Maximum) 0.010 %
Silicon (Maximum) 0.25 % Chromium 11.00 to 12.50 %
Nickel 10.75 to 11.25 % Molybdenum 0.75 to 1.25 %
Titanium 1.50 to 1.80 % Iron Balance
General Information
Custom 465® stainless is a premium melted, martensitic, age-hardenable alloy capable of ultimate tensile
strength in excess of 250 ksi in the overaged (H 950) condition. This alloy was designed to have excellent notch
tensile strength and fracture toughness in this condition.
Overaging to the H1000 condition provides a superior combination of strength, toughness and stress corrosion
cracking resistance compared with other high-strength PH stainless alloys such as Custom 455® stainless or
Carpenter 13-8 stainless.
Corrosion Resistance
The general corrosion resistance of Custom 465 stainless approaches that of Type 304 stainless. Exposure to 5%
neutral salt spray at 95°F (35°C) (per ASTM B117) caused little or no rusting after 200 hours regardless of
condition (i.e., annealed or H900-H1100 conditions).
Double-cantilever-beam tests conducted in 3.5% NaCI (pH 6) show Custom 465 stainless to possess inherently
good resistance to stress corrosion cracking which improves with increasing aging temperature.
Important Note:The following 4-level rating scale is intended for comparative purposes only. Corrosion testing
is recommended; factors which affect corrosion resistance include temperature, concentration, pH, impurities,
aeration, velocity, crevices, deposits, metallurgical condition, stress, surface finish and dissimilar metal contact.
Nitric Acid Moderate Sulfuric Acid Restricted
Phosphoric Acid Restricted Acetic Acid Restricted
Sodium Hydroxide Moderate Salt Spray (NaCl) Good
Sea Water Restricted Humidity Excellent
Physical Properties
Annealed/CT 7810 kg/m³
Condition H 900 7820 kg/m³
Condition H 950 7830 kg/m³
Condition H 1000 7840 kg/m³ 23/09/2010
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Mean CTE
25 to 100°C, Annealed/CT 10.3 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 200°C, Annealed/CT 10.8 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 300°C, Annealed/CT 10.9 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 400°C, Annealed/CT 11.1 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 500°C, Annealed/CT 10.9 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 600°C, Annealed/CT 9.86 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 100°C, Condition H 900 10.4 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 200°C, Condition H 900 11.1 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 300°C, Condition H 900 11.4 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 400°C, Condition H 900 11.7 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 500°C, Condition H 900 12.0 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 600°C, Condition H 900 11.2 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 100°C, Condition H 1000 10.6 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 200°C, Condition H 1000 11.1 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 300°C, Condition H 1000 11.5 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 400°C, Condition H 1000 11.7 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 500°C, Condition H 1000 12.0 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 600°C, Condition H 1000 12.2 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 100°C, Condition H 1100 11.3 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 200°C, Condition H 1100 12.0 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 300°C, Condition H 1100 12.4 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 400°C, Condition H 1100 12.7 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 500°C, Condition H 1100 12.9 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
25 to 600°C, Condition H 1100 13.1 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
Thermal Conductivity
23°C, Annealed/CT 14.07 W/m/K
100°C, Annealed/CT 15.65 W/m/K
200°C, Annealed/CT 17.71 W/m/K
300°C, Annealed/CT 19.37 W/m/K
400°C, Annealed/CT 21.43 W/m/K
500°C, Annealed/CT 23.85 W/m/K
600°C, Annealed/CT 25.76 W/m/K
23°C, Condition H 900 14.85 W/m/K 23/09/2010
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Electrical Resistivity
21°C, Annealed/CT 945.7 micro-ohm-mm
21°C, Condition H 900 824.4 micro-ohm-mm
21°C, Condition H 1000 821.0 micro-ohm-mm
21°C, Condition H 1100 771.2 micro-ohm-mm
Magnetic Properties 23/09/2010
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Heat Treatment
Solution Treatment
Condition A (Solution Annealed)
Heat to 1800°F±15°F (982°C±8°C), hold one hour at heat and cool rapidly. Sections up to 12" can be quenched in
a suitable liquid quenchant. Sections over 12" should be cooled rapidly in air. For optimum aging response, solution
annealing should be followed by refrigerating to -100°F (-73°C), holding eight hours, then warming to room
temperature (CT). Subzero cooling should be performed within 24 hours of solution annealing.
Custom 465 stainless normally will be supplied from the mill in the solution annealed/cold treated condition
(annealed/CT), ready for the one-step hardening treatment. Billet product will be provided in the hot finished
Condition H 900, H 950, H 1000, H 1050 and H 1100
The high strength levels of Custom 465 stainless are derived from a single age hardening step consisting of heating
to a selected temperature between 900/1150°F (482/621°C), holding for four to eight hours, followed by air cooling
or suitable liquid quenchant. A liquid quench is preferred for section sizes greater than about 3". Aging temperature
will depend upon the desired combination of strength, toughness and stress corrosion cracking resistance. While the
alloy does develop maximum strength after a 900°F age, it is not recommended because toughness is significantly
degraded compared to aging at higher temperatures. The best combination of properties is obtained after aging at
950°F (482°C) and above.
Condition H 1150M 23/09/2010
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While the alloy typically will be machined in the annealed/CT condition, optimum machinability of Custom 465
stainless can be achieved by overaging to the H 1150M condition. Material is heated to 1400°F±15°F (760°C±8°C)
for two hours, air cooled, then reheated to 1150°F±15°F (621°C±8°C) for four hours and air cooled. If this practice
is used, parts must be reannealed at 1800°F (982°C), cold treated at -100°F (-73°C) and aged at a selected
Hot Working
Custom 465 stainless typically is forged within the temperature range of 1850/2000°F (1010/1093°C), followed by
air cooling. Forgings must be solution annealed prior to age hardening.
Cold Working
Because of a relatively low annealed yield strength and low work hardening rate, Custom 465 stainless can be
readily cold formed by drawing or rolling. Single step aging of cold worked material results in enhanced
strengthening response as illustrated in the hyperlink entitled "Effects of Cold Work and Aging on Yield and
Ultimate Tensile Strengths". 23/09/2010
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Custom 465 stainless can be machined in both the solution-treated and various age-hardened conditions. In
Condition A the alloy gives good tool life and surface finish when machined at speeds 20 to 30% lower then those
used for Carpenter Custom 630 (17Cr-4Ni) or 20 to 30% lower than used for Stainless Types 302 and 304. The
machinability as age-hardened will improve as the hardening temperature is increased.
Condition H 1150M provides optimum machinability. Having procured Condition H1150M for best machinability,
higher mechanical properties can be developed only by solution treating and heat treating at standard hardening
Following are typical feeds and speeds for Custom 465 stainless. 23/09/2010
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Figures used for all metal removal operations covered are average. On certain work, the nature of the part may
require adjustment of speeds and feeds. Each job has to be developed for best production results with optimum
tool life. Speeds or feeds should be increased or decreased in small steps.
Custom 465 stainless can be satisfactorily welded by the GTA process using matching filler metal. When the GMA
process is employed, Pyromet® X-23 alloy filler metal is suggested to provide high strength and avoid weld-bead
cracking associated with this higher-heat-input process.
Welds should be fabricated employing the minimum amount of heat-input required to achieve complete
penetration. If lower strength can be tolerated, Custom 450® stainless or Custom 630 stainless filler metal may
be used. Oxyacetylene welding is not recommended, since carbon pickup in the weld may occur. Preheating is not
required to prevent cracking during the welding of this alloy.
The material has been welded satisfactorily in the overaged or solution annealed/cold treated condition. Welding
in the overaged (H1150M) condition requires subsequent solution annealing with cold treating and aging. Direct
aging of weldments on annealed base metal is possible, but hardness throughout the weld is not uniform. The
optimum combination of properties is obtained by solution annealing and cold treating the weldment and then
Other Information
Applicable Specifications
z AMS 5936 z ASTM A564
z ASTM A693 z ASTM F899
z MMPDS-01
Forms Manufactured
z Bar-Flats z Bar-Rounds
z Bar-Squares z Billet
z Strip z Wire
Technical Articles 23/09/2010
Custom 465® Stainless Page 16 of 16
z Advanced Stainless Offers High Strength, Toughness and Corrosion Resistance Wherever Needed
z New Ph Stainless Combines High Strength, Fracture Toughness and Corrosion Resistance
z New Stainless Hand Tools Have High Strength, Toughness for Service in Corrosive or Clean Room
z New Stainless Steel for Instruments Combines High Strength and Toughness
z One of the Word's Most Powerful Revolvers Gets Lift From Aerospace Alloys
z Selection of High Strength Stainless Steels for Aerospace, Military and Other Critical Applications
z Specialty Alloys And Titanium Shapes To Consider For Latest Medical Materials Requirements
The information and data presented herein are typical or average values and are not a guarantee of maximum or
minimum values. Applications specifically suggested for material described herein are made solely for the purpose of
illustration to enable the reader to make his/her own evaluation and are not intended as warranties, either express or
implied, of fitness for these or other purposes. There is no representation that the recipient of this literature will
receive updated editions as they become available. 23/09/2010