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Interview Questions For Freshers MMCOE

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Marathawada Mitramandal College of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering.

Common Interview Questions for Fresher’s

Data Structures
● What is a data structure?
● Can you explain the difference between an array and a linked list?
● What are the advantages and disadvantages of using arrays?
● What is a stack and how does it work?
● What is a real-world example where a stack might be used?
● Describe a queue and its main operations.
● Can you name some common operations of a stack?
● What is a binary tree? How is it different from a binary search tree?
● Explain the concept of a hash table.
● What is the difference between a singly linked list and a doubly linked list?
● How do you add an element to the beginning of a linked list?
● What is the difference between a directed and an undirected graph?
● What is the time complexity of adding an element to a stack or a queue?
● Why are data structures important in programming?
● What is the time complexity of accessing an element in an array?
● What are graphs? Can you describe different types of graphs (e.g., directed, undirected, weighted,
● How would you implement a stack using arrays or linked lists?
● Write a function to reverse a linked list.
● How would you detect a cycle in a graph?
● Explain the concept of Big O notation and its significance.
● How would you sort a list using merge sort or quicksort?
● Can you describe a real-world problem where a priority queue would be useful?
● Given an array of integers, find two numbers that add up to a specific target.
● How would you implement a breadth-first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS) for a graph?
● Solve a problem where you need to find the shortest path in a weighted graph.
● What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a doubly linked list over a singly linked list?
● When would you use a balanced binary search tree (like AVL or Red-Black Tree) instead of an
ordinary binary search tree?
● How would you implement a stack using two queues?

● What is an algorithm?
● What is time complexity, and why is it important?
● Can you explain what Big O notation is?
● What are some common sorting algorithms?
● How does Bubble Sort work?
● What is the time complexity of Quick Sort?
● What is the difference between linear search and binary search?
● What is the time complexity of binary search?
● What is recursion?
● Can you give an example of a recursive algorithm?
● What are the base case and the recursive case in a recursive function?
● What is a graph traversal algorithm?
● How does Depth-First Search (DFS) work?

Marathawada Mitramandal College of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering.

Common Interview Questions for Fresher’s

● What is Dijkstra's algorithm used for?
● What is a greedy algorithm?
● Can you provide an example of a problem that can be solved using a greedy algorithm?
● How do data structures and algorithms work together?
● Write an algorithm to find the maximum element in an array.
● Given a list of integers, write an algorithm to find the sum of all elements.
● How would you approach solving a problem you haven’t encountered before?
● Can you provide an example of a problem that uses dynamic programming?

Database Management Systems

● What is a Database Management System (DBMS)?
● What are the key functions of a DBMS?
● Can you explain the difference between a database and a DBMS?
● What are tables, rows, and columns in a relational database?
● What is a primary key?
● What is SQL, and what is it used for?
● Can you write a simple SQL query to select all columns from a table named Employees?
● How do you add a new record to a table using SQL?
● What is normalization, and why is it important?
● What are some normal forms (e.g., 1NF, 2NF, 3NF)?
● Can you explain what a foreign key is?
● What is a database transaction?
● What are the ACID properties?
● What is an index in a database?
● What are some common types of indexes?
● How does indexing affect database performance?
● What is database security, and why is it important?
● What are some common database security measures?
● What is database backup, and why is it important?
● What are the different types of database backups?
● How would you restore a database from a backup?
● How do you update existing records in a table?
● How do you delete records from a table?
● What is a JOIN in SQL?
● Can you explain the difference between INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, and RIGHT JOIN?
● How do you select only distinct values from a column named Department in a table named
● Write a query to find all employees with a salary greater than $50,000.
● Write a query to list all employees, ordered by their Salary in descending order.
● How would you retrieve the top 5 highest salaries from the Employees table?
● Write a query to get a list of employees and their respective department names from Employees
and Departments tables. Assume Employees has a DepartmentID that links to Departments.
● Write a query to find the average salary of employees in each department.
● Write a query to find employees who earn more than the average salary of the company.
● How would you use a subquery to find the names of employees who have placed more than 3
● How would you delete records of employees who have not placed any orders?
● What is a window function? Can you provide an example of its use?
● Write a query to concatenate first and last names into a full name column.

Marathawada Mitramandal College of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering.

Common Interview Questions for Fresher’s

Software Engineering.
● What are the different phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
● Describe a time when you worked on a team project. What was your role, and how did you
● Can you explain the Agile methodology?
● What is the difference between Agile and Waterfall methodologies?
● Can you explain the concept of design patterns?
● What is the difference between monolithic and microservices architecture?
● Can you describe what an API is and its use in software development?
● What are RESTful APIs and how do they differ from SOAP APIs?
● What are some common security vulnerabilities in software applications?
● How do you protect sensitive data in your applications?
● How do you handle feedback and criticism on your code or work?
● How do you prioritize tasks and manage deadlines in a software development project?

Computer Networking
● Can you explain the difference between a LAN and a WAN?
● What is the OSI model, and can you name its layers?
● What is the role of a router in a network?
● Can you explain what a switch does in a network?
● What is the difference between IPv4 and IPv6?
● Can you explain what a subnet mask is and its purpose?
● What is the purpose of the TCP/IP model?
● Can you explain the difference between TCP and UDP?
● What is DNS, and how does it work?
● What is routing, and how does it differ from switching?
● Can you explain what a routing table is and its purpose?
● What are some common network security threats?
● Can you explain what a firewall does?
● What is a VPN, and how does it work?
● What is the purpose of the ping command, and how do you use it?
● How would you use the tracert or traceroute command?
● What are some common wireless networking standards?
● Can you explain what SSID stands for and its role in wireless networks?
● What is SNMP, and what is its purpose?

Object Oriented Programming Language

● Can you explain what encapsulation is and why it is important?
● What are the four main principles of Object-Oriented Programming?
● What is inheritance, and how does it work?
● Can you explain polymorphism with an example?
● What is abstraction in OOP?
● What is the difference between a class and an object?
● Can you write a simple class in your preferred language that includes attributes and methods?
● How do you create an instance of a class?
● What is a constructor, and how is it used in a class?
● What is a destructor, and when is it called?
● What are access modifiers, and can you explain their types?

Marathawada Mitramandal College of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering.

Common Interview Questions for Fresher’s

● How do you make an attribute private in a class, and why might you want to do that?
● Can you explain the difference between single inheritance and multiple inheritance?
● How does method overriding work in inheritance?
● What is method overloading, and how is it different from method overriding?
● Can you give an example of polymorphism in action?
● What is an abstract class, and why would you use one?
● What is an interface, and how does it differ from an abstract class?
● What is a UML class diagram, and what does it represent?
● How would you represent inheritance and associations in a UML diagram?
● Describe a real-world problem you solved using OOP principles. What was your approach?
● How would you design a class for a simple banking system? What attributes and methods would
you include?


Mr. Rudragouda Patil,

Assistant Professor, & TPC,
MMCOE Karve Nagar, Pune


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