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7 Wonders Architects Rules ENG

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Once one player has finished constructing their Wonder, the game is over at the end of that player’s turn.
Calculate your score by adding up any   Victory points shown on your:
Alexandria Halicarnassus
• Constructed Stages of your Wonder,
• Cat pawn, if you have it, Take the top card from any deck anywhere Take the top 5 cards from the deck to your left
• Blue cards, on the table and place it in front of you. or your right. Choose 1 and place it in front of you.
Shuffle the other cards back into their deck.
• Military Victory tokens,
• Progress tokens. Ephesus
Take the top card from the central deck and place Olympia You have but one goal:
The player with the highest score wins the game.
it in front of you. construct a Wonder so grandiose
In case of a tie, the player who constructed the most Stages wins. Take the top card from the decks to your left it will leave your mark on history.
If there’s still a tie, both players share the victory. Babylon and your right and place them in front of you.
Your legacy is on the line!
Choose 1 Progress token from the 4 available
and place it in front of you. Giza

Rhodes This Wonder has no special effect, but provides

more Victory points than the other Wonders.
Add 1 Shield to your total Shields.


Urbanism: When you take a     or   Grey card, Engineering: When you construct a Stage of your
choose 1 extra card from the 3 available and place it Wonder, you can use any Resources, without adhering
in front of you. to the “identical” or “different” restrictions.

Crafts: When you take a     or     Grey card, choose

Tactics: Add 2 Shields to your total Shields.
1 extra card from the 3 available and place it in front
of you.
Decor: At the end of the game, gain 4 Victory points
if your Wonder is still under construction or 6 Victory Watch
Jewellery: When you take a     Grey card or a Yellow
the rules video!
card, choose 1 extra card from the 3 available and place it points if it is entirely constructed.

2 PLAYER GAME in front of you.

Politics: At the end of the game, gain 1 Victory point OVERVIEW AND GOAL OF THE GAME
Science: When you take a Green card, choose 1 extra per icon on your Blue cards.
For 2-player games, the only change happens during the Resolving a Battle phase. card from the 3 available and place it in front of you. The game 7 Wonders Architects plays over several turns. On your turn, choose one of three cards. These cards represent different char-
If you have more Shields than your opponent, take 1 Military Victory token.
Strategy: At the end of the game, gain 1 Victory point acters who will help you gather resources to construct your Wonder, make scientific discoveries, or even Battle with your neighbors.
However, if you have at least twice as many Shields than your opponent, take 2 Military Victory tokens instead of just one. Propaganda: When you take a Red card with 1 or 2  
per Military Victory token you have. The game ends when a Wonder is entirely constructed. Achieve the highest score to win the game!
  icons, choose 1 extra card from the 3 available
and place it in front of you.
Education: At the end of the game, gain 2 Victory points
per Progress token you have (including this one). CONTENTS
Architecture: When you construct a Stage of your 235 cards (8 different card backs)
Wonder, choose 1 extra card from the 3 available 7 Wonders with 5 pieces
7 card holders
and place it in front of you. Culture: There are 2 copies of this token. 8 component trays
CREDITS At the end of the game, gain 4 Victory points To accommodate every type of colorblindness,
15 Progress tokens
6 Conflict tokens
Designer: Antoine Bauza © REPOS PRODUCTION 2021. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Economy: 1 of your Yellow cards is worth 2 Coins if you have 1 token or 12 Victory points each card color in the game uses a different symbol. 28 Military Victory tokens
Illustrator: Etienne Hebinger Repos Production SRL • Rue des Comédiens, 22 • 1000 Brussels – Belgium 1 Cat pawn and its stand
instead of just one. if you have both.
Publisher: Repos Production team
Full credits: rprod.com/en/7-wonders-architects/credits
+32 471 95 41 32 • www.rprod.com
The contents of this game may only be used for purposes of private entertainment.
  Grey   Blue   Yellow   Red   Green This rulebook

Setup example for 3 players
Going clockwise and starting with the youngest player, Depending on the cards and tokens you have, take the different actions
the game plays over several turns. explained below, in any order.
On your turn, choose a card from the 3 available: When you cannot take any more actions, your turn is over and the player
to your left can begin their turn.
• The top card of the deck directly to your left,
• The top card of the deck directly to your right, Notes:
• If a deck is empty, it remains empty until the end of the game.
• The top card of the central deck.
• Stack your cards of the same color so that their banners are visible
Place your chosen card in front of you, near your Wonder. (see example on page 5).


For each player Grey cards provide Resources that will let you construct Yellow cards provide Coins that act Green cards provide Science symbols that let you gain Red cards provide Shields that increase your military strength.
the Stages of your Wonder. as a wild Resource. Progress tokens. Additionally, 1 or 2 icons are shown on certain Red cards.
Choose a tray (or take one randomly), then remove the 5 pieces of your Wonder and the holder containing
your cards. If you have the Resources needed to construct a Stage These Coins must replace any missing If you have 2 identical or 3 different Science symbols, When you take a Red card with 1 or 2 icons, flip over 1
of your Wonder, you must construct it during your turn. Resource needed to construct a Stage you must take a Progress token during your turn. or 2 Conflict tokens respectively to their Battle side.
Each Wonder is made of 5 Stages of construction with an Under Construction side and a Constructed side. of your Wonder.
Assemble your Wonder with the Under Construction faceup, referring to the diagram on your tray. Make a horn sound when you take this action!

Shuffle your cards and put them faceup in your holder to make a deck between the player to your left and yourself. Taking a Progress token When you flip the last Conflict token to its Battle side,
you trigger a Battle, at the end of your turn, for all players.
Constructing a Stage Discard any Green cards used, then choose a Progress token
from the 4 available: Note: If you must flip over multiple Conflict tokens, but there is
For all players, in the middle of the table The construction cost of each Stage is shown Unavailable
• Any one of the three faceup tokens, only one left on its Peace side, only flip over this one token
on each piece: Stage and ignore any extra icons.
Shuffle the common cards and make a central deck, facedown. Blue cards provide Victory points.
• Or the top token of the facedown stack.
2 different Resources. Additionally, a icon is shown
Leave a space for the discard next to the central deck: you’ll place all used cards here, faceup. on certain Blue cards. Once a faceup Progress token is taken, immediately replace it
2 identical Resources. As soon as you take a Blue card
with the top token of the stack, placing it faceup. Resolving a Battle
Shuffle the Progress tokens and make a stack, facedown. Constructed
with a icon, take the Cat pawn Put the chosen Progress token faceup in front of you. Each player counts the number of Shields on their Red cards
Take the top 3 tokens and put them faceup next to the stack. 3 different Resources. Stages
from wherever it is on the table You immediately benefit from its effect, now until the end and compares it with their 2 neighbors (the players seated
When you have the Resources needed (Grey of the game (see page 6). to their left and right).
Consult the table below and place the corresponding number of Conflict tokens, Peace side up. 3 identical Resources. and place it in front of you.
Remove the remaining Conflict tokens from the game. and/or Yellow cards) to construct an available
Note: The Rhodes Wonder and the Tactics Progress token can
4 different Resources. Stage, discard them, and then flip the Stage
provide additional Shields (see page 6).
Number of players 2-3 4 5 6-7 over to its Constructed side.
Peace side Battle side Each Wonder is constructed Stage by Stage Once constructed, certain Stages will let you
Using the Cat pawn Using Progress tokens For each neighbor, if you have more Shields than them,
Number of Conflict tokens 3 4 5 6 and always from bottom to top. take 1 Military Victory token. You can therefore gain either
immediately benefit from special effects As long as you have the Cat pawn, During your turn, you can use your Progress tokens in any
A Stage is available to construct only when all Stages at the beginning of your turn, order and whenever you want. 0, 1, or 2 Military Victory tokens per Battle.
(see page 6 or each Wonder tray).
Make a reserve of Military Victory tokens. below it are constructed. you can secretly look at the top Each of your Progress tokens can only be used once per turn, Then, all players discard their Red cards with 1 or 2 icons.
Certain Wonders will give you an option Note: If you have the Resources to construct multiple card of the central deck before except for those that provide Victory points, which will only Only Red cards without a icon should remain in front of you.
Finally, place the Cat pawn. choosing your card. be used at the end of the game.
for the order of construction. Stages in one turn, you must do so. Finally, flip over all of the Conflict tokens to their Peace side.

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