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ACSI 2021 Prelims

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Anglo-Chinese School

Year 4 Express
Preliminary Examination 2021

Tuesday 17th August 2021 1 hour 45 minutes
Additional materials:

Write your candidate number in the box at the top of this page and on any separate answer paper used.


Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
Section A
Section B
Answer all three questions in the spaces provided.
The last question is in the form of EITHER / OR and only one
alternative should be attempted.
At the end of the examination, hand up the paper in one bundle. B10


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each
question or part question. significant figures
A copy of the Periodic Table is printed on page 23.
You may use a calculator.


This question paper consists of 23 printed pages.

Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) 6092/2 Year 4 Express Preliminary Exam 2021 [Turn over

Section A
Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
The total mark for this section is 50.

A1 The diagram shows part of the Periodic Table. Use the letters S-Z to answer the
questions below. S-Z does not represent the symbols of the actual elements.


(a) Which element exists as a solid at r.t.p, has low density and floats on water? [1]

(b) Which element shows both metallic and non-metallic character? [1]

(c) Which elements are transition elements? [1]

(d) State two characteristic properties of transition elements. [2]

(e) Which gaseous element is likely to remain as a monoatomic substance? [1]

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A2 The reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia is a reversible reaction
as shown below.

forward reaction : N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) → 2NH3 (g) ∆H = - 92 kJ/mol

backward reaction : 2NH3 (g) → N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ∆H = + 92 kJ/mol

In order to determine the most cost-effective way to produce ammonia, a chemist Fritz
Haber did a series of experiments to determine the yield of ammonia at different

pressure / atm
temperature / oC
300 400 500
400 48% NH3 55% NH3 61% NH3
500 26% NH3 32% NH3 38% NH3
600 13% NH3 17% NH3 21% NH3

(a) Using the information given, state the conditions needed to produce the highest
yield of ammonia. [1]

(b) Explain why the Haber Process is carried out at only 250 atm. [1]

(c) Suggest a possible explanation why it is ideal to remove ammonia as quickly

as possible after it is formed. [1]

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A3 An element M with a relative atomic mass of 152.4 exist in three isotopic forms as shown

150 155 157

isotope M M M
isotopic abundance 60 % X% Y%

(a) Define isotopes. [2]

(b) Determine, using calculations, the values of X and Y. [2]

(c) Given that 40Ar, 40K and 40

Ca are isobars. Using the information provided,
explain what isobars are. [1]

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A4 Aldehyde is a homologous series that contains the CHO functional group. Aldehydes can
be obtained through the controlled oxidation of alcohols. More information about the
aldehyde homologous series can be seen in the table below.

name of condensed boiling

displayed formula
aldehyde formula point / oC

methanal HCHO - 19

ethanal CH3CHO 20

propanal C2H5CHO 49

butanal C3H7CHO 75

(a) Draw the displayed formula of propanal in the table above. [1]

(b) Write the general formula of the aldehyde homologous series. [1]

(c) Pentanal is a five-carbon aldehyde. Predict the boiling point of pentanal. [1]

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(d) Butanal has a molecular formula of C4H8O. It can exist as several isomers.

(i) Explain what isomers are. [1]

(ii) Draw the displayed formula of an isomer of butanal. [1]

(e) Explain why the boiling point of aldehydes increases down the homologous
series. [2]

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(f) Hydroformylation is an industrial process to produce aldehydes from alkenes. This

chemical reaction involves the addition of carbon monoxide gas and hydrogen gas
at a temperature of 120oC and a pressure of 40 atm. An example of the
hydroformylation can be seen below.

+ CO + H2 ⇌

propene butanal

Styrene is the monomer used to produce polystyrene which is commonly used in

foam food packaging. The structure of styrene is shown below.

(i) Styrene also undergoes hydroformylation. Draw the displayed formula of

the product formed as a result. [1]

(ii) The product formed in (f)(i) is further oxidized to form compound X.

compound X is able to react with magnesium to form a gas. Draw the
structure of compound X. [1]

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A5 The following gases are found in the atmosphere and they have different effects on the
A carbon dioxide
B carbon monoxide
C chlorofluorocarbon
D chlorine monoxide
E nitrogen dioxide
F oxygen

(a) Use the letters A to F to answer the following questions.

(i) Which two gases combine together to form a substance responsible for
global warming? [1]

(ii) Which gaseous pollutants, produced in the internal combustion engine of

a car, are removed effectively by the catalytic converter? [1]

(iii) Which gases are responsible for the formation of acid rain? [1]

(b) A particular chlorofluorocarbon contains 41.5% by mass of chlorine and 44.4%

by mass of fluorine. Given that the molar mass is 171 g/mol, determine the
empirical formula and molecular formula of chlorofluorocarbon. [3]

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(c) The destruction of the ozone layer by chlorofluorocarbon takes place via a three-
step mechanism. Step 1 involves the breaking of the covalent bond between a
carbon atom and chlorine atom in a chlorofluorocarbon in the presence of ultraviolet
light. The equation below shows step 1 of the mechanism involving the
chlorofluorocarbon CCl2F2.

Step 1 : CCl2F2 → CClF2 + Cl

Step 2 of the mechanism involves the chlorine atom formed from a

chlorofluorocarbon attacking an ozone molecule to form chlorine monoxide and
oxygen gas. This is shown in the equation below.

Step 2 : Cl + O3 → ClO + O2

In the third step, the chlorine monoxide molecule produced reacts with an
ozone molecule to produce oxygen gas and a chlorine atom.

(i) Construct a balanced chemical equation for this reaction. [1]

(ii) Using your answer in (c)(i) and the second step of the mechanism,
explain why one chlorine atom is able to destroy thousands of ozone
molecules. [2]

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A6 A student carried out an experiment to investigate the speed of reaction between sodium
thiosulfate solution and dilute hydrochloric acid.

Na2S2O3 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) → 2NaCl (aq) + S (s) + H2O (l) + SO2 (g)

In experiment 1, 50 cm3 of sodium thiosulfate solution was poured into a 100 cm3 beaker
using a measuring cylinder. The beaker was placed on a cross drawn on a piece of paper.
10 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid was added to the beaker and the stopwatch was started

10 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid

aqueous sodium thiosulfate

paper with cross

marked on it

The time taken for the cross to be completely covered will be recorded.

Experiment 1 was repeated using different volumes of sodium thiosulfate solution, diluted
with different volumes of water as shown in the table below. All experiments were carried
out at 25.0oC.

experiment 1 2 3 4 5
volume of sodium thiosulfate solution / cm 50 40 30 20 10
volume of water / cm3 0 10 20 30 40

(a) Explain why the cross on the paper disappeared. [1]

(b) Write down the formula of the thiosulfate ion. [1]

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(c) It was advised that good ventilation should be ensured when carrying out this
experiment. Explain why this is so. [1]

(d) (i) The results of experiment 1 to 5 were plotted as shown in the graph.
Sketch, on the same graph, showing the likely results of experiment 1 to
5 when it is repeated at 40.0oC. [1]
volume of sodium thiosulfate / cm3

time / s
(ii) Using ideas about collisions between particles, explain why a higher
temperature affects the rate of reaction. [2]

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A7 Decomposition reactions occur when a reactant breaks down into two or more products.
The two reactions below show the decomposition of ammonium compounds that are quite
different. One is a non-redox reaction while the other is a redox reaction.

equation 1 : NH4Cl ⇌ NH3 + HCl

equation 2 : NH4NO3 → N2O + 2H2O

(a) Explain, in terms of oxidation states, why equation 1 is a non-redox reaction. [1]

(b) Explain, in terms of oxidation states and with reference to one of the elements
in ammonium nitrate, why equation 2 is a redox reaction. [2]

(c) Nitrogen is an element that can display multiple oxidation states. Sodium azide,
NaN3, exists as a white solid and is commonly found in the airbags in vehicles.

(i) State the oxidation state of nitrogen in an azide ion, N3-. [1]

(ii) Describe, in terms of arrangement and movement, of the particles

present in sodium azide at room temperature and pressure. [2]

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A8 The electrolysis of dilute aqueous potassium chloride with platinum electrodes is carried
out in the setup below. The volumes of gases liberated at the electrodes is shown below.

dilute potassium chloride solution

platinum platinum

(a) Write the ionic half equations, with state symbols, for the reactions occurring at
each electrode. [2]

anode :

cathode :

(b) It was found that 8 cm3 of gas is collected at the cathode after one minute under
room conditions. Using your answer to (a), determine the volume of gas
collected in the anode after one minute. [1]

(c) A few drops of methyl orange indicator were added to the electrolyte.
State the colour change observed near the cathode. [1]

(d) The electrolysis is continued over a long period of time and a greenish-yellow
gas is liberated at the anode. Explain this observation. [2]

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Section B
Answer all three questions from this section.
The last question is in the form of either/or and only one of the alternatives should be
The total marks for this section is 30.

B9 In 1907, Leo Baekeland invented the first synthetic plastic known as Bakelite. The
understanding of polymers had come a long way since then. Two common types of
polymerization are addition polymerization and condensation polymerization. The
chemical and physical properties of polymers vary significantly from their respective
monomers. Polymers are an essential part of life and many forms of polymers can be
found around us.

Condensation Polymerisation

Amino acids are compounds that contain the amino (-NH2) group and carboxyl (-COOH)
group. Amino acids are the monomers prior to the formation of protein via condensation
polymerization. The human body requires 20 different amino acids to function properly.
The displayed formula of three of the essential amino acids are shown below.

glycine cysteine serine

Polysaccharides, also known as polycarbohydrates, are the most common carbohydrate

found in food. Polysaccharides are great source of energy that the human body can utilize
and break down when needed. An example of such a polysaccharide is starch which is
formed from the glucose, C6H12O6, monomer via a condensation polymerization with the
formation of water molecules.


The structure of glucose can be represented as the diagram shown below.

HO –– –– OH

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(a) Explain two differences between addition polymerization and condensation

polymerization. [2]

(b) Poly(propene) is an addition polymer. Draw the structure of polypropene,

showing 3 repeat units. [1]

(c) Name another functional group present in serine other than amino and carboxyl
functional groups. [1]

(d) A protein is made from serine and glycine monomers. Draw the structure of the
protein, showing 2 repeat units. [1]

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(e) The thionyl group, -SH, in cysteine is a weakly acidic functional group, similar
to the carboxylic acid functional group. Draw the structure of the organic
product when cysteine is reacted with sodium hydroxide. [1]

(f) Describe, with the relevant observations, a simple chemical test to distinguish
between cysteine and serine. [2]

(g) Serine, an alcohol, can be manufactured from C3H5O2N, an alkene. State the
reagents and conditions needed for this reaction. [1]

(h) Draw the structure of starch, showing 3 repeat units. [1]

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B10 Eno fruit salt is an over-the-counter antacid brand that is commonly used to help ease
digestion and they can come in different flavours. The main ingredients are sodium
carbonate, anhydrous sodium hydrogencarbonate and citric acid.

(a) One common trait among the different brands of eno fruit salts is that effervescence
is observed when water is added.

(i) Explain why effervescence is observed when water is added to the eno
fruit salt solids. [2]

(ii) Describe a chemical test, along with the expected observations, to test
for the identity of the gas liberated. [2]

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(b) The flowchart below shows the reactions involving citric acid.

nitrogen dioxide
metal nitrate mix together
A metal oxide B citric acid

yellow ppt D colourless


add nitric acid add aqueous

and silver nitrate ammonia
add aqueous
ammonia white ppt E dissolves in
colourless excess aqueous ammonia
solution F to form colourless solution

(i) Name the substances A, D and E. [3]




(ii) Write a balanced ionic equation, with state symbols, for the formation of
the white precipitate E. [1]

(iii) Calcium citrate is an insoluble compound. Describe how a pure and dry
sample of calcium citrate can be formed from sodium citrate solution. [2]

Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) 6092/2 Year 4 Express Preliminary Exam 2021 [Turn over


B11 Carbon chemistry in the areas of diamond and graphite has an interesting similarity to
boron-nitrogen chemistry in the area of boron nitride. Boron nitride can exist in a
hexagonal form, similar to graphite. The layers of hexagonal rings in boron nitride consists
of boron-nitrogen single covalent bond.

(a) State a physical property expected of boron nitride other than the electrical
conductivity. [1]

(b) State and explain, in terms of bonding and structure, whether boron nitride has
a high or low melting point. [2]

(c) Graphite can be reacted to form diamond under the appropriate pressure and
C (graphite) → C (diamond) ∆H = + 1.7 kJ/mol

(i) Calculate the energy absorbed when 120 g of graphite reacts to produce
diamond. [2]

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(ii) Sketch the energy profile diagram for the formation of diamond from
graphite, showing the enthalpy change and the activation energy. [3]

(d) Even though graphite and boron nitride have many similarities, boron nitride is
unable to conduct electricity. It is suggested that boron nitride can be made an
electrical conductor by inserting an alkali metal into its structure. A scientist also
discovered that the taste of the solution of the alkali metal halides
(chlorides/bromides/iodides) depends on the sum of the ionic radii of the ions. The
taste of the respective alkali metal halides can be inferred from the data below:

ion ionic radius ion ionic radius

/ nm / nm
Na+ 0.098 Cl- 0.181
+ -
K 0.133 Br 0.196
+ -
Rb 0.148 I 0.219
Cs+ 0.167

alkali metal halide sum of ionic radii / nm taste

sodium iodide 0.319 salty
potassium chloride salty
rubidium chloride salty and bitter
caesium chloride bitter
rubidium bromide 0.344 bitter

(i) Fill in the table above the respective values for the sum of ionic radii. [1]

(ii) Based on your answer in (d)(i), predict the taste of potassium bromide. [1]

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B11 Cathodic protection is a simple method of protection which connects the metal to be
protected to a “sacrificial metal”. Diagram A shows a layer of zinc coating that has been
damaged, exposing a small area of the iron it was meant to protect.

diagram A diagram B

(a) State the name of the process by which a thin layer of zinc is coated onto iron
to protect iron from corroding. [1]

(b) In diagram A, although a portion of the zinc layer is damaged, the iron is seen
to remain intact and does not appear to corrode over time. Explain clearly how
zinc prevents the iron from corroding. [3]

(c) State the identity of the cathode in diagram B [1]

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(d) Diagram B shows how tin is used to protect iron in commonly found tin-plated
canned food. However, any damage to the tin coating actively causes the rapid
corrosion of the iron beneath it in the presence of oxygen and water, as seen
in diagram B. Explain why this happens. [2]

(e) The formation of rust can be represented in the equation below. Balance the
equation. [1]

_____ Fe (s) + _____ O2 (g) + _____ xH2O (l) → _____Fe2O3.xH2O

(f) A more sophisticated type of cathodic protection is to use an external direct current
power supply provided by a cathodic protection unit, commonly used to protect oil
pipelines and other buried structures from corrosion, as shown below.

(i) Show the direction of the electron flow by drawing arrows in the diagram. [1]

(ii) Explain why the anodes need not function as a “sacrificial metal”
anymore. [1]

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Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) 6092/2 Year 4 Express Preliminary Exam 2021 [Turn over

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