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Django API External API Connect

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Here's a detailed guide on how to send information from a Django HTML view to an

external API upon button submission:

1. Project Setup:

● Ensure you have a Django project and app set up with the necessary

dependencies (requests library for making HTTP requests).

2. HTML Form Creation (forms.py):

● Create a form in your app's forms.py file to handle user input. This form will

define the fields (username, password, etc.) the user will enter.


from django import forms

class LoginForm(forms.Form):

username = forms.CharField(max_length=100, required=True)

password = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput,

3. HTML Template (templates/your_app/login.html):

● Create a template file (e.g., login.html) in your app's template directory

(templates/your_app/). This template will contain the HTML form and logic

to submit data to the view.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Login Form</title>




<form action="{% url 'your_app:login' %}" method="post">

{% csrf_token %} {{ form.as_p }}

<button type="submit">Login</button>




● Explanation:

○ The action attribute of the form element points to the URL pattern

(defined later) that will handle form submission.

○ The method attribute specifies the HTTP method (POST) to use for

sending data.

○ {% csrf_token %} includes a CSRF token for security to prevent

cross-site request forgery attacks.

○ {{ form.as_p }} renders the form fields dynamically from the

LoginForm class.
4. URL Pattern (urls.py):

● In your app's urls.py file, define a URL pattern to map the form submission

route to a view function.


from django.urls import path

from . import views # Import views.py from your app

urlpatterns = [

path('login/', views.login_view, name='login'), # URL pattern for


# ... other URL patterns

5. Django View Function (views.py):

● Create a view function in your app's views.py file to handle form submission,

data processing, and sending the request to the external API.


from django.shortcuts import render, redirect

from .forms import LoginForm # Import LoginForm from forms.py

import requests # Import requests library

def login_view(request):

if request.method == 'POST':
form = LoginForm(request.POST) # Create form object with
submitted data

if form.is_valid():

# Form data is valid, proceed with API call

username = form.cleaned_data['username']

password = form.cleaned_data['password']

# API call logic (replace with your actual API details)

api_url = 'https://your-external-api.com/login' # Replace

with your API URL

data = {'username': username, 'password': password} #

Replace with API data format

headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # Adjust

headers if needed

response = requests.post(api_url, json=data,


if response.status_code == 200: # Successful login (adjust

based on API response)

# Handle successful login (e.g., redirect to home page,

set session data)

return redirect('home') # Replace with your desired

redirect URL

# Handle login failure (display error message)

form.add_error(None, 'Login failed. Please check your



form = LoginForm() # Create empty form for GET requests

return render(request, 'your_app/login.html', {'form': form})

● Explanation:

○ The login_view function handles GET and POST requests.

○ For POST requests, it creates a LoginForm object with the submitted

data (request.POST).

○ If the form is valid, it extracts the username and password from the

cleaned data.

○ Replace the placeholder API details

There are two main approaches to add a preloader to your Django HTML view for

the API call:

1. Using JavaScript:

This method involves using JavaScript to display a preloader while the API request is

being made and hide it once the response is received.

Here's a breakdown of the steps:

a) HTML Template (templates/your_app/login.html):

● Add a container element (e.g., a div) with a hidden class (e.g., hidden) to

hold the preloader content.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Login Form</title>
<div id="preloader" class="hidden">
<img src="{% static 'images/loading.gif' %}" alt="Loading..."
<form action="{% url 'your_app:login' %}" method="post">
{% csrf_token %} {{ form.as_p }}
<button type="submit" id="submit-button">Login</button>

b) JavaScript Code (Optional - External File):

● Write JavaScript code to:

○ Show the preloader element (#preloader) when the submit button is


○ Hide the preloader element once the response from the API is received

in the view function (use AJAX or fetch API).

○ You can handle potential errors and display appropriate messages.


// Assuming you have a function to handle the API call in your view
function submitLoginForm() {
// Show preloader

// Make API call using AJAX or fetch API

// ... (Your code to send the login data and handle response)

// Hide preloader on successful response or error

// Attach event listener to submit button

c) Django View Function (views.py):

● No changes are required specifically for the preloader in the view function.

However, the JavaScript code might need to handle the response from the

API call (success or error) to control the preloader visibility.

2. Using Django Template Tags (Less Customization):

● This approach utilizes a custom template tag to display the preloader while

the view function processes the form submission. However, it offers less

flexibility compared to pure JavaScript.

a) Create a Custom Template Tag (templatetags/your_app/tags.py):

● Python

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def show_preloader(is_processing):
Simple template tag to conditionally show/hide preloader based on a
boolean value.
return 'hidden' if not is_processing else ''

● b) Modify HTML Template (templates/your_app/login.html):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Login Form</title>
<div id="preloader" class="{{ show_preloader request.processing
<img src="{% static 'images/loading.gif' %}" alt="Loading..."
<form action="{% url 'your_app:login' %}" method="post">
{% csrf_token %} {{ form.as_p }}
<button type="submit">Login</button>

● c) Django View Function (views.py):

○ Add a boolean flag (request.processing) to indicate if the API call is

in progress. Set it to True before making the API call and False after

receiving the response.

● Python

# ... other code in login_view

if request.method == 'POST':
form = LoginForm(request.POST) # ... (existing code)
if form.is_valid():
# Set processing flag to True
request.processing = True

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