Structure 5
Structure 5
Structure 5
13. All the planets in the solar system 3.---- is present in the body in greater
except amounts than any other mineral.
Mercury and Venus have natural (A) Calcium
satellites, (B)There is calcium
— objects that revolve around the (C) Calcium, which
planets. (D) It is calcium
(A) which
(B) which are 4. - - the evidence is inconclusive, ti is
(C) of which thought that at least some seals have an
(D) and which echolocation system akin to that of bats,
porpoises, and shrews.
14. Some subsistence activities such as (A) Rather
hunting (B)Despite
large animals or netting fish require — to (C) Although
work together. (D) Why
(A) goups are
(B) groups which 5 The total mass of all asteroids in the
(C) groups solar
(D) that groups system is much less-..... Moon.
(A) than that is the
15. The Expressionistic artist was (B) than the
concerned not (C) the
with the reality of the subject matter but (D) is the
with - mass o fEarth's
— inner nature and the emotions that it
aroused 6. Like bacteria, protozoans - - - - by
(A) it has splitting in two.
(B) its (A) reproducing
(C) what its (B)reproduce
(D) is it whether (C) to reproduce
1. Geothermal energy is a potentially
inexhaustible energy source - - * - - b e e 7. -- - - main processes involved in
n tapped by humans for centuries but, virtually all manufacturing: extraction,
until recent years, only on a small scale. assembly,
and Iteration.
( A ) There are three 12. Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, - the Nobel
(B)Three Prize for Literature in 1938, is best known
(C) The three for her novels about China.
(D) Three of the (A) won
(B) winner of
8. Most documentary filmmakers use (C) to win
neither actors - studio settings. (D) who the winner of
(A) or else
(B) but not 13. Stage producers Klawand Erlanger
(C) nor were the first to eliminate arguments
(D) and among leading performers — - in order of
appearance, instead of prominence.
9. Salamanders are sometimes confused
with lizards, but unlike lizards ------ no (A) of whom list the program
scales or claws. (B)the program listing
(A) that they have (C) for them the program listed
(B)t o have (D) by listing them on the program
(C) they have
(D)are having 14. During the decades after the United
States Civil War, a host of technical
10. The province of Alberta lies along and advances made possible- uniformity
three of the major North American flyways of railroad service.
used by birds - -b e t w e e n their winter
and summer homes. (A)a new integration
(A) the migration (B) for anew integration
(B)migrating (C) that anew integration
(C) migrate (D) and an e w integration
(D) and migrate
15. Forests stabilize - - and retain
11. Astronomers estimate - called the precipitation, thereby helping to prevent
Pleiades in the constellation Taurus is 415 erosion and regulate the flow of streams.
light-years away from Earth. (A) to the soil
(A) that a loose cluster of stars (B) the soil(C) where the soil
(D) the soil is