1. In the late 1880s, Hull House __ United. 6. As a protection device, an octopus ejects
States' first welfare state. black or purple ink to cloud the water
when __ .
(A) to become the
(B) became the (A) does it escape
(C) becoming one of the (B) its escape
(D) it became the (C) it escapes
(D) escapes it
2. __ with the largest alphabet is
Cambodian, with 74 letters. 7. __ manipulate with their feet as well as
with their hands, it is difficult for them to
(A) In the language
stand upright.
(B) The language is
(C) The language (A) Apes can, however,
(D) About the language (B) Apes are able to
(C) Despite the ability of apes
3. __ given to the various types of (D) Although apes can
microscopic plants and animals found in
water. 8. Approximately 500 varieties of
insectivorous plants, which trap animals
(A) Named plankton
for their sustenance, __ in the world.
(B) The name of plankton
(C) Plankton's name (A) and their existence
(D) Plankton is the name (B) exist
(C) they exist
4. Charles Babbage (1792- 1871) drew up the (D) that exist
first plans for a programmable digital
computer in 1834, but __ was never 9. Ozone is formed when ultraviolet radiation
completed. from the Sun __ molecules into highly
reactive oxygen atoms.
(A) his invention
(B) he invented (A) oxygen breaks up
(C) to invent him (B) oxygen is broken up
(D) for him to invent (C) breaks up oxygen
(D) to break up oxygen
5. __ , one of the oldest forms of written
communication, was used as early as 3000 10. The surrealistic movement in art in the
B.C. I 920s and 1930s placed __ is pictured
in the unconscious and often incorporated
(A) Cuneiform writing dreamlike images.
(B) In cuneiform writing
(C) Cuneiform writing was (A) to emphasize it
(D) When cuneiform writing (B) an emphasis on it
(e) emphasize what
(D) an emphasis on what
14. In __ several vertically aligned
II. Today used to measure the weight of gem-
honeycombs with hexagonal wax cells
stones or the amount of gold per 24 parts
of pure gold. __ originally the weight of stacked close together.
a seed of the carob tree. (A) a honeybee hive is
(B) a honeybee hive are
(A) was a carat
(C) a honeybee hive of
(B) a carat was
(0) a honeybee hive composed of
(C) which was a carat
(0) that a carat was
15. The shapes of snow crystals depend largely
__ temperature and humidity are.
12. The film Lawrence of Arabia is three hours
and forty-one minutes long. one minute (A) how high its
__ Gone with the Wind. (B) on the height of the
(C) on how high the
(A) in length like
(0) that the ~eight of the
(B) long is
(C) is longer than
(0) longer than is
17. Most polar seals retreat to open water during the winter, but a few types have learn
-A- -B-----c--
18. More than half of all stars is in binary 01' multiple-star systems.
A Ir- C D
19. The harpsichord is the most complex and most large of all the plucked keyboard
ABC --D-
20. United States forces won the city of Los Angeles in 1847 during the Mexican War and
A -B- -C-
22. The surface of Mars is very complex and consists of a mixture of nat deserts, craters,
--A- B C
23. Hardwood comes from broad. leaved deciduous trees, those that lose theirs leaves in
24. The Washington quarter was first minting by the U.S. government in 1932 on the
-A- """13 --C-
200th anniversary of George Washington's birth.
27. High blood pressure results from either an increased output of blood from the heart
and an increased resistance to its flow through tiny branches of the arteries.
C 1)
28. When the U.S. government's library was burned by the British in 1814. former
A B ---c-
President Thomas Jefferson donated 6,487 of their own books to start the present-
day Library of Congress.
29. James A. Garfield has become the twentieth president of the United States in 1881
and was assassinated later in that year.
C -0-
30. Mambas. poisonous African snakes that come from the same family as cobras.
possess an extreme potent venom.
31. Not until the discovery of Pluto's moon Charon was many of the characteristics of
A B -C-
32. Scorpions. which are normally lone. have developed a cautious mating ritual
because they are not immune to their own poison.
C ---0-
33. The diameter of the Sun is more than one hundred times greater than the Earth.
A -B---C- D
34. In the mid-18th century. American. Russian. and Canadian hunters on the Pacific
A -B-
coast of North America annihilated almost the sea otter in order to collect the pelts.
C 0
35. Pat Garrett. who shot and killed Billy the Kid on July 14. 1881. later did his living
A lie
as a Texas Ranger.
37. Safety glass. a toughened glass sheet, is six times stronger than untreating glass.
38. The foxglove is source of the drug digitalis. which is used to treat heart disease.
-A- --B- -C- 0
39. Related fungus from a family of yeasts called ascomycetes cause bread to rise. create
-A- -B- --C-
40. Rival leaders during the American Civil War. Abt"aham Lincoln and Jefferson Oavis
---x- -B-