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IMECE2018-86550: Recent Advancements in Spikes Used in Hypersonic Re-Entry Vehicles by Using CFD

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Proceedings of the ASME 2018

International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

November 9-15, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Recent Advancements in Spikes used in Hypersonic Re-entry Vehicles by using


UG Scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering
Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational Foundation
Vaddeswaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational Foundation
Vaddeswaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT transmitted to the vehicle body. It is necessary to reduce that

heat from the vehicle and dissipate it in to air. The atmospheric
The recent introduction of spike in the frontal region of high gases become hot and flow down during vehicle’s flight period.
speed reentry vehicles has brought a tremendous improvement in So, our major objective of reentry vehicle design is to act as
space activities in the world. The major issue that the spikes shield of the vehicle to avoid from the severe aerodynamic
resolves is aero heating of re-entry vehicles. Moreover, it heating.
preserves structural integrity and avoids damage. Usage of spike The objective of hypersonic re-entry vehicle is to attenuate heat
is economical and effective over different kinds of thermal gained by the vehicle into the atmosphere in the course of its re-
protection system. Previous investigation on spiked re-entry entry. Thus, properly designed re-entry vehicle can act as
vehicles leads to a conclusion that the Blunt and Snap spikes protective cover for the generated heat and reduces the
resulted in better reduction of temperature at nose of re-entry aerodynamic drag. Concerning the role of wind tunnels in fluid
vehicle. This paper deals with geometry optimization of blunt propulsive studies, in 1946 von Neumann aforesaid “Indeed, to a
and snap spike specifically the length, which is varied as L/8, great extent, experimentation in fluid dynamics is performed
L/4 and 3L/8 respectively where L is the length of the vehicle. under conditions wherever the underlying physical principles
ANSYS 17.2 FLUENT solver is incorporated for analysis don't seem to be unsure, wherever the quantities to be
purpose and the results are compared among the three different ascertained are fully determined by known equations. Therefore,
length spike re-entry vehicles. Modal analysis has also been wind tunnels, for instance, are used at present, a minimum, as
carried out and natural frequency of spikes are obtained. This computing devices to integrate the PDE's of fluid dynamics.”
would provide a way to accept the safe and economical design F.J. Schrijer, F. Scarano & B.W. van Oudheusden [1] utilized
with better thermal protection of the high-speed space vehicle. QIRT technique on a Blunt Cone-Flare and performed an
experiment on Boundary layer separation and Reattachment.
Key words: Spike, aero heating, Reentry vehicle, structural integrity, Transient heat transfer measurements are distributed on a
modal, natural frequency. Blunted cone flare model for a very short period in a hypersonic
facility at Mach 9 mistreatment under Quantitative Infrared
INTRODUCTION Thermography (QIRT). The surface temperature was measured
under infrared vision camera and also the temperature
Re-entry Vehicle moves at very high speed in suborbital, so the information was with success correlative to heat transfer co-
Shock wave generated is very strong and the temperature behind efficient with the help of two distinct reduction techniques. Z.
that shock will be extraordinarily high. And this entire heat is Jiang, Y. Liu & G. Han [2] conducted an experiment to attain

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effective wave for reducing the drag underneath non-zero attack 2. MODELING AND MESHING
angles and thereby to avoid from severe aero heating, an 2.1 Blunt Spike Re-entry Vehicle
innovative construct of the Non-ablative TPS for hypersonic
vehicles was initial planned and blunt spike is combined with 2.1.1 Spike length L/8
lateral jets for developing a reconstructing shock waves at front
facet of hypersonic vehicles. The spike works as alternative of A 2D model is created using Solid works 2016. [1]However, the
the bow shock at nose of a blunt vehicle, the lateral jet works to actual model is 3D and axis symmetrical, the simulated result,
scale back the heat generated at the tip of spike and diverts the
shock away from the vehicle in conical shape. For the
conceptual design and CFD validation the experimental
visualization of flow & pressure measurements was conducted in
a hypersonic wind tunnel. D. Dirkx & E. Mooij [3] investigated
the conception of a re-entry vehicle, by variable vehicle designs
and evaluated its impact on performance. According to them
there are two categories of form optimisation in vehicles, one
involves developing a capsule and other one is by constructing
wing for vehicle. By victimization the local-inclination strategies
aerodynamic characteristics of these vehicles were analyzed. In
addition to this based on the geometry there is a considerable
drop on pressure and temperature of anybody travel in
compressed medium however at stagnant purpose at that the
structure is modified between slendered nacile and once more
compared to a blunt nacile supported the work of P. Harish et al
[4].It has been studied that there is a very important role of
temperature in supersonic and hypersonic flight regimes owing
to compressible effects and also the thermal load reduction
strategies like counter flow ejection of fluid jet of lower Figure 2.1.1. 2D Model L/8 length Blunt Spike Re-entry Vehicle
temperature as a safety measure supported the work of Y.Y.
Zeng et al [5]. It was additionally studied that there is the based on this model is therefore sufficient to provide entire
fulminant modification of properties in fluid at the nacile portion knowledge flow behavior for 3D model.
of the re-entry vehicle because of operational speed and a variety
of shocks like bow shock at nose of the vehicle. The pressure Meshing has been carried out for the 2D model by using ANSYS
drops were studied comparatively for with and without spike FLUENT 17.2 mesh command. Foe better understanding of
vehicles supported work of C. Nataraj et al [6]. At elevated behaviour of atmosphere near the vehicle a boundary mesh has
temperatures spikes attached to re-entry vehicles are used to been created by using sizing and inflation commads.Edge sizing
protect vehicles from damage and preserve structural integrity is preffered with element size 0.1mm.Fig 2.1.2 shows the mesh
by decreasing temperature at nose supported work of P. Harish model of re-entry vehicle and boundary condition at the vicinity
et al and Rohit et al [7]. Further study of spikes, by changing of L/8 blunt spike respectively.Moreover, inflation layers can be
geometry of tips yielded some excellent results especially by observed nera the spike clearly.
using blunt and snap spikes supported work of Rohit et al and
Ravi et al [8].It has been studied that proper structural designs
can be developed after knowing the natural frequency of coupled
beam- mass system and performed modal analysis on cantilever
beams with and without mass at free end supported the work of
Mekalke et al.[9] In addition to this, the generated mode shapes
can be used to find the damage in the materials and also increase
in mode shapes indicates increase of damage in the structure
supported the work of Pandey et al.[10].
In this work, three different length spikes are preferred for both
Blunt and Snap tips. These lengths vary as 16.48mm (L/8),
32.98 (L/4) and 49.46mm (3L/8) respectively. Solodworks 2016
has been used for modelling and ANSYS FLUENT 17.2 for
meshing and analysis of designed re-entry vehicle. Modal
analysis has also been performed on three spikes for both Blunt
and Snap vehicles. The natural frequency data for first ten mode
shapes are found. The CFD results and modal analysis results are
discussed and compared among L/8, L/4 and 3L/8 length spikes
for Blunt and Snap tips respectively. (a)

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Meshing of L/4 blunt spike re-entry vehicle is performedas
shown in Fig 2.1.4 in ANSYS FLUENT 17.2.All triangular
method has been incoeporated in meshing.Similar commads for
inflation and edge sizing are used for this model also.

Figure 2.1.2 (a) Mesh Model of L/8 Re-entry Vehicle.(b) Extended view of
boundary mesh.

2.1.2 Spike Length L/4

Similar to L/8 spike, L/4 spike has been modelled where length
is increased by 16.48mmkeeping other dimensions (b)
unchanged.The surface around the vehicle refers to the
Figure 2.1.4 (a) Mesh Model of L/4 Re-entry Vehicle.(b) Extended view of
atmosphere present around re-entry vehicle.This would provide boundary mesh.
an appropriate realization for response of fluid particles when
they are in the domain of re-entry vehicle.[7] 2.1.3 Spike Length 3L/8

3L/8 spike is drafted in Solidworks 2016 by increasing L/4 spike

length by 16.48mm.This is the longest preferred spike in the
present study.The domain dimensions are same for L/8,L/4 and
3L/8 spikes respectively.

Figure 2.1.3 2D Model L/4 length Blunt Spike Re-entry Vehicle

Figure 2.1.5 2D Model 3L/8 length Blunt Spike Re-entry Vehicle

Meshing follows the same steps as preffered for L/8 and L/4.
Fine meshing with curvature function is used for all three
(L/8,L/4 and 3L/8). Fig 2.1.6 (a) shows mesh model of 3L/8
length Blunt spike.Fig 2.1.6 (b) shows the magnified view of the
mesh. It can be observed that the boundary mesh around the
spike has 5 layers of inflation each 1mm width. This is done in
region os apike to study flow behaviour of atmospheric gases at
Mach No 9.1.

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Mesh Model of L/8 length spike is simulated in ANSYS
FLUENT 17.2. All triangular method, edge sizing and inflation
commands are incorporated during meshing. This has been done
to create boundary mesh in region near the re-entry vehicle.



Figure 2.1.6 (a) Mesh Model of 3L/8 Re-entry Vehicle.(b)Extended view of
boundary mesh.

2.2 Snap Spike Re-entry Vehicle

2.2.1 Spike Length L/8
Figure 2.2.2 (a) Mesh Model of L/8 Re-entry Vehicle.(b) Extended view of
Snap spike having length L/8 has been modelled in Solid works boundary mesh.
2016. In contrast to blunt spike, snap has a semi-circular tip
which is provided for better shock wave separation during flight. 2.2.2 Spike Length L/4
Fig 2.2.1shows the geometry of snap spike re-entry vehicle
along with its domain. [8]

Figure 2.2.3 2D Model L/8 length Snap Spike Re-entry Vehicle

The above figure shows snap spike of length L/4 which is

Figure 2.2.1 2D Model L/8 length Snap Spike Re-entry Vehicle modelled by increasing 16.48mm length to L/8 spike.The other

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dimensions are same.This model from solid works is imported to
geometry of ANSYS FLUENT 17.2 where meshing and flow
analysis are carried out.



Figure 2.2.6 (a) Mesh Model of 3L/8 Re-entry Vehicle.(b) Extended view of
(b) boundary mesh.

Figure 2.2.4 Figure 2.2.4 (a) Mesh Model of L/4 Re-entry Vehicle.(b) Extended Mesh model for 3L/8 spike is simulated as shown in above
view of boundary mesh. fig.The curvature command is used with medium mesh
elemnts.The boundary mesh of re-entry vehicle provides more
Meshing has been done to this imported model .Fig 2.2.4 shows accurate results of fluid flow regimes.
meshing of 2D model and the boundary mesh around spike.
Egde sizing is utilised with element size 0.1mm.5 layer inflation 2.3 For Modal Analysis
is used with 1mm thickness each.The first layer thickness is
5mm. 2.3.1 Blunt Spike

2.2.3 Spike Length 3L/8 The spikes at frontal portion of nose can be treated as cantilever
beam. When the cantilever beam are small and near to support,
they are more safe compared to those having more length. Under
dynamic conditions cantilever beams starts to oscillate. To know
the behavior of the spikes as cantilever beam modal analysis has
been carried out.[9]

Figure 2.2.5 2D Model 3L/8 length Snap Spike Re-entry Vehicle


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fluent for the re-entry vehicle. Adaptive grid is used with
element size 0.1mm.

2.3.2 Snap Spike


Figure 2.2.7 Boundary Conditions for modal analysis of (a) L/8 spike (b) L/4
spike and (c) 3L/8 spike.

The above Fig shows three spikes (L/8, L/4 and 3L/8) having
fixed support and thermal condition as boundary for modal
analysis. The thermal condition is preferred to represent similar
situation of boundary conditions as in fluent solver.

Figure 2.2.9 Boundary Conditions for modal analysis of (a) L/8 spike (b) L/4
spike and (c) 3L/8 spike.

Similar to bluent spike , snap spikes are also modelled with same
boundary conditions .Thermal load is given as 1146.40C [2].



Figure 2.2.8 Mesh results of (a) L/8 spike (b) L/4 spike and (c) 3L/8 spike.

Meshing has been simulated for these spikes undergoing modal

analysis. All triangular method is preferred similar to meshing in

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It is observed that the temperature obtained at nose of re-entry
vehicle is 809.12 K. The length of spike is less due to which
shock wave separation is insufficient and temperature at frontal
region of vehicle is high. In the Fig 3.1.1 temperature contour
the shock wave separation can be seen clearly around the nose.
(c) One more reason for the temperature is conduction from spike
itself. The temperature gained by tip of spike during flight is
Figure 2.2.9 Mesh results of (a) L/8 spike (b) L/4 spike and (c) 3L/8 spike. conducted to nose of vehicle. As distance between tip of spike
and nose of vehicle is less, the magnitude of conduction is
For snap spike same commands have been followed for mesh
generation. Compared to blunt spike more meshing elements are
formed at the tip due to semi-circular shape.


3.1 Blunt Spike Re-entry Vehicle

3.1.1 Spike length L/8

Figure 3.1.2 Total Deformation of L/8 Spike under modal analysis

The total deformation of spike under free vibrations is 2124.5

mm.Natural frequency obtained for this spike is 12836 Hz. Since
natural frequency is high, attaining resonant condition for long
time is not encouraged. As a result this spike will have more
safety factor. [9]

3.1.2 Spike length L/4

The temperature at nose for Blunt spike of length L/4 is 750.3K.

This decreasing trend of temperature is due to better shock
(a) seperation.The shock waves are widely diverted away from the
vehicle thereby decreasing temperature of entire body of re-entry
vehicle. The conduction effect gets minimised because of
increase in length of spike.[8]

Figure 3.1.1 (a) Total Temperature Contour of L/8 Blunt Spike. (b) Total
Temperature plot. (a)

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The total deformation value (Fig 3.1.4) is 1567.4 mm.The In 3L/8 length Blunt spike the temperature at nose is
natural frequency for L/4 Blunt spike is 3836.3 Hz. There is 70 672.28K.Fig 3.1.5(a) shows temperature profile where shock
% decrease in natural frequency value when length increases wave seperation can be observed clearly. There is 11.6 %
from L/8 to L/4. Achievening that frequency depends on the decrease in temperature value at nose compared to L/4 spike.The
atmosphric conditions , as this spike is neither away nor close to shock waves are not interfering with body of re-entry vehicle.
the support. Self weight would never invove in obtaining Moreover, temperature polt for 3L/8 spike is very low compared
resonant condition of spike. to L/8 and L/4 spike temperature plots respectively.The increase
of temperature at nose due to conduction can be considered low.

Figure 3.1.3 (a) Total Temperature Contour of L/4 Blunt Spike. (b) Total
Temperature plot.

Figure 3.1.4 Total Deformation of L/4 Spike under modal analysis

3.1.3 Spike length 3L/8

Figure 3.1.5 (a) Total Temperature Contour of 3L/8 Blunt Spike. (b) Total
Temperature plot.

Figure 3.1.6 Total Deformation of 3L/8 Spike under modal analysis

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Figure 3.1.7 Total Deformation of3L/8 Spike under self weight

The total deformation obtained from modal analysis is 1293.8

mm and the natural frequency for this spike is found to be
1804.6 Hz. As the natural frequency is low, there is high
possibility of achievening this frequency during the flight
regimes. Center of mass is far from the support and is bringing a
deformation of 0.00011mm under static conditions only.The
safety factor is less and will decrease if the length is further
increased.Hence , the spike with length more than 3L/8 will face
severe damage during their flight period.[9]
3.2 Snap Spike Re-entry Vehicle
Figure 3.2.1 (a) Total Temperature Contour of L/8 Snap Spike. (b) Total
3.2.1 Spike length L/8 Temperature plot.


The temperature at nose for L/8 snap spike is found to be 828.9 Figure 3.2.2 Total Deformation of L/8 Spike under modal analysis
K. Though shock wave interaction and conduction are main
factors attributed to this temperature at the nose but compared to 3.2.2 Spike length L/4
L/8 blunt spike, this temperature is increased by approximately
9%. [8] It has been observed that the temperature at nose for L/4 length
snap spike is 761.07K. As shown in Fig 3.2.3 (a) the shock wave
The total deformation for L/8 length snap spike under free seperation is diverging as compared to L/8 length snap spike.In
vibration analysis is 1959.3mm and the natural frequency to this spike the length is increased by 16.48mm which provides
undergo resonance is 10962 Hz.This decrease in frequency in sufficient shock seperation to take place. In addition to this
contrast with L/8 blunt spike is due to semi-circular tip in the conduction is also reduced as tip is far away from nose.[8].
free end [9].However, the value is high so it would have a high
safety factor against failure.

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3.2.3 Spike length 3L/8


The total deformation obtained under modal analysis is is

1489.2mm and the natural frequency is 3484.5 Hz. The decrease (a)
in frequency for same length blunt spike is approximately 9%
similar to L/8 spike. Depending on atmospheric circumstances
this spike can reach its resonant condition.The safety factor
under these conditions is considerable.[9]

Figure 3.2.3 (a) Total Temperature Contour of L/4 Snap Spike. (b) Total
Temperature plot.
Figure 3.2.5 (a) Total Temperature Contour of 3L/8 Snap Spike. (b) Total
Temperature plot.

The nose temperature for 3L/8 length snap spike is 747K. Due to
increase length of spike the shocks are diverted with high angles.
There is 2% decrease in the temperature as compared to L/4
length spike. In addition to this the temperature plot is lower
compared to L/8 and L/4 snap spikes respectively. The
conductive heat transfer is further decreased as the tip distance
from nose is increased.
Figure 3.2.4 Total Deformation of L/4 Spike under modal analysis

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Figure 3.2.6 Total Deformation of 3L/8 Spike under modal analysis Figure 3.2.7 Total Deformation of 3L/8 Spike under self weight

Temperature vs Position
Temperature (K)

-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
Position (m)

Blunt L/8 Blunt L/4 Blunt 3L/8

Figure 3.2.8 Comparision of Temperature values of L/8, L/4, 3L/8 length Blunt spikes

Temperature vs Position

-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
Position (m)

Snap L/8 Snap L/4 Snap 3L/8

Figure 3.2.9 Comparision of Temperature values of L/8, L/4, 3L/8 length Snap spike

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Frequency(Hz) vs Mode Numbers



Frequency (Hz)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Mode Number

L/8 Spike Frequency [Hz] L/4 Spike Frequency [Hz] 3L/8 Spike Frequency [Hz]

Figure 3.2.10 Comparision of Natural Frequency values of L/8, L/4, 3L/8 length Blunt spike

The total deformation obtained after the free vibration analysis is Temperature dessipation is improper for the spike. L/4 length
found to be 1248.3mm and the natural frequency is 1690 Hz. spike is having a lower temperature values compared to L/8
This frequency is decreased by 6.3% as compared to 3L/8 length length spike. Effective shock detachment and sufficient heat
blunt spike. Deformation due to self weight is not considerable dessipation are the factors for this decline.As the length of Snap
for L/8 and L/4 length spike as the center of mass is near to spike is increased to 3L/8, temperatures followed more
support, but for 3L/8 length spike center of mass is moved far decreasing trend compared to L/8 and L/4 spike. Heat
from support. The total deformation under self weight is dessipation is proper for this spike also. But its increased length
0.00013mm under static conditions. This implies that ,this spike produces lower natural frequency value, which can reduce the
is already having a deflection of 0.00013mm before its flight safety factor. As mentioned earlier the spike parts of the re-entry
period. This wolud decrease the safety factor against failure. The vehicles acts as a cantilever beam. Modal analysis has been
Fig 3.2.8 shows comparison of temperature values of Blunt spike carried out in which frequencies are obtained for corresponding
having lengths L/8, L/4 and 3L/8 respectively. The values follow mode numbers. Fig 3.2.10and 3.2.11 shows comparision of
a downward trend while moving from spike tip to the end of the natural frequencies for the three spikes .i.e L/8, L/4 and 3L/8
re-entry vehicle.Temperature data of L/8 length blunt spike re- respectively with mode numbers ranging from 1 to 10 for both
entry vehicle is the heighest among three since it is insufficient Blunt and Snap spike re-entry vehicle.. Since L/8 length spike
to separate shock waves effectively.In addition to this, entire for both blunt and snap are near to the support, it would have
body temperature is high for L/8 length blunt spike.In contrast, more frequency ranges that means severe dynamic conditions
temperature values for L/4 length blunt spike re-entry vehicle are are required to bring resonance for this spike. As length
lower due to proper detachment of shock waves. Also entire increases toL/4 and 3L/8 the frequency data declines.
body temperature of vehicle is declined throughout.While for Eventhough for L/4 length spike the frequencies are establishing
3L/8 length blunt spike the temperature values are lower from an incresing trend but for 3L/4 spike, rate of elevation is
nose to whole body.Effective shock seperation is the reason for slow.This would have structural effect on the spike as the spike
these temperature data. The Fig 3.2.9 shows temperature data along with the vehicle undergoes dynamic loading of
comparision of Snap spike of lengths L/8, L/4 and 3L/8 continuously varing pressures. These comparision graphs gives a
respectively. The temperatures develop an identical trend as brief idea about the behaviour of flow parameters (pressure,
compared to the blunt spikes.The short spike is having higher temperature etc.) not only for these three particular spikes but
temperature figures compared to the other length spikes. also for the ranges of length in between and more than them.

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Frequency(Hz) vs Mode Numbers
Frequency (Hz)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Mode Numbers

L/8 Spike Frequency [Hz] L/4 Spike Frequency [Hz] 3L/8 Spike Frequency [Hz]

Figure 3.2.11 Comparision of Natural Frequency values of L/8, L/4, 3L/8 length Snap spike

4. CONCLUSION concluded that designing spike with length around L/4 will be
safe under dynamic as well as thermal conditions.
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[11] Versteeg H. K. and Malalasekara W., Introduction to
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Long Man Group Ltd., 1995.

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