Flood Hydrology
Flood Hydrology
Flood Hydrology
Flood Hydrology
1. Applicable to small basins up to 50 Km2 .
2. Duration of rainfall intensity > tc
3. Gives only peak, does not give complete hydrograph
4. C assumed to be same for all storms
5. Rainfall intensity must be constant over entire basin during tc .
Reliability (Re )= 1 – R
Prepared By: Er. Sujan Pudasaini (Kathford International College
of Engineering and Management)
Q.3 Compute the probability that a flood of magnitude equal to or greater than the 20-year flood will not
occur in next 20 years.
This equation is known as General Equation of Hydrologic Frequency Analysis & is given by Chow (1951)
Q. 5
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