These Regulations shall be known as UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS RELATING TO
B.A. /B.Sc. /B.Com. /B.C.A. & B.B.A. HONOURS PROGRAM AND B.A. /B.Sc.
the University of North Bengal, herein after referred to as the University.
In exercise of the powers conferred upon it by Section 52 read with Section 21 sub
sections XX, XXI. XXII. XXIII of the North Bengal University Act, 1981 (West Bengal
Act, XIII, 1981) read with the up to date amendments, the appropriate Authority approves
the following Regulations namely: as UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS RELATING TO
B.A. /B.Sc. /B.Com. /B.C.A. & B.B.A. HONOURS PROGRAM AND B.A. /B.Sc.
These Regulations shall come into effect from the academic year 2018-2019 and shall
have prospective effect
CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM [CBCS] shall be applicable only to full time Under
Graduate Courses and shall not apply to Vocational Courses.
a. The University is offering several undergraduate courses in its different constituent and
affiliated Colleges in the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts, Commerce and Law for
the award of Degree for B.Sc., B.A., B. Com., B.B.A & B.C.A Honours Program and
B.Sc., B.A., B.Com. Program Courses.
b. A participant of the program is a student who gets registered himself/ herself/ transgender
with the University for a Course of study and attends the same.
c. Full-time program is that program where the participants study as per the semester system
and are not employed elsewhere.
i. “University” means The University of North Bengal established and incorporated under
the North Bengal University Act, 1981 (West Bengal Act, XIII, 1981)
ii. “College” means State Aided Colleges/ Government Colleges/ Minority Colleges/
Private Self Financed Colleges affiliated to this University.
iii. “Under Graduate Course of Study” (UNDER-GRADUATE) means a three year Course
of study divided into six semesters, each of six months duration, to be pursued after
successful completion of 10+2 examinations from any recognized Council / Board.
iv. “Academic Session” means academic year from July of one calendar year to June of the
next calendar year.
v. “Year” means the period commencing from 1stt day of July and ending on 30thday of
June of the following year
vi. “Semester” means a period of six months i.e. July to December and January to June of
each Academic Session containing at least 90 actual direct teaching this.
vii. “Credit”, a numeric value, is the unit by which the weight of a course is measured. One
Credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching (Theoretical or Tutorial) or two hours of
Practical Work/ Field Work/ Extra Curricular Work per week in a semester.
viii. “Grade” means a numeric value between 4 to 10 based on percentage of marks obtained
in a course.
ix. “Grade Point” is the product of Grade and Credit Value of a particular course.
x. “Letter Grade” is an index of the performance of students in a said Course. Letter Grades
are allotted by letters, O, A+, A, B+ , B, C+, C, P, and F
xi. “Semester Grade Point average (SGPA)” means a measure of performance of a student in
a Semester. It is the weighted average of total grade point secured by a student in various
courses registered in a semester and the total course credits taken during that semester
and shall be expressed up to two decimal places.
xii. “Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)” means a measure of cumulative
performance of students over all the Semesters.
xiii. “Grade Card” means a certificate issued to each candidate generally containing Course
Type, Course Code, Course Title, Course Marks, Grade, Credit Values and Grade Points
along with SGPA of that Semester / CGPA of the Course.
xiv. “Enroll” means enrollment of a student for appearing at Semester-End Examination.
xv. “MIL” means Modern Indian Language.
xvi. The Words and Expressions used but not defined shall be interpreted to have the same
meaning as they have in the North Bengal University Act, 1981 (West Bengal Act, XIII,
1981), North Bengal University Statutes, North Bengal University Ordinances, North
Bengal University Regulations, etc.
i. There shall be two courses of studies leading to B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com. / B.C.A. & B.B.A.
Degree and each course shall be of Six Semesters duration. One shall be termed as
“B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.C.A. & B.B.A. Honours Program” and the other is
“B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Program”.
ii. The admission to Under –Graduate Degree Programs will be governed by the guidelines
of the University and the Higher Education Department of Govt. of West Bengal as
framed from time to time.
iii. A Candidate shall be allowed to pursue any one of the Under-Graduate Degree Programs
of the University (not more than one) in a particular Academic Session.
iv. A student will have to study Discipline Specific Core Courses, Foundation Courses,
Generic Electives Courses, Discipline Specific Elective Courses, and Skill Enhancement
Courses as prescribed by the concerned Board of Studies
v. At the time of admission a Honours Program/ Program student shall identify the different
courses in which he or she will concentrate to attain the required credits
Provided that an Honours Program, once chosen, cannot be changed unless the student
relinquishes the Course and chooses a different Honours Program/ Program Course.
The HONOURS PROGRAM course shall be designed as having 140 credits delivered in
six (06) semesters with 1950 marks.
The PROGRAM course shall be designed as having 120 credits delivered in six (06)
semesters with 1800 marks.
Each Course shall be of 75 marks each except that AECC 1(ENVS) will be of 100 Marks
and AECC 2 (English/MIL Communication) will be of 50 marks.
At the time of admission, a student will identify an Honours Program (total 140 Credits) /
Program Course (total 120 Credits) in which he / she / transgender shall concentrate. Apart from
the Discipline specific Core Course he / she / transgender will have to select Generic Elective
courses. He / she / transgender will also have to select Discipline Specific Elective courses,
Ability Enhancement Core Courses and Skill Enhancement Courses from the provided pool of
2. Elective Course: Generally a course which can be chosen from a pool of courses and
which may be very specific or specialized or advanced or supportive to the discipline/ subject
of study or which provides an extended scope or which enables an exposure to some other
discipline/subject/domain or nurtures the candidate‟s proficiency/skill is called an Elective
2.1 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course: An Elective course offered under the main
discipline/subject of study is referred to as Discipline Specific Elective.
2.2 Generic Elective (GE) Course: An Elective course chosen from an unrelated
discipline/subject, with an intention to seek exposure beyond discipline/s of choice is called a
Generic Elective. The purpose of this category of this courses is to offer the students the option
to explore disciplines of interest beyond the choices they make in Core and Discipline Specific
Elective courses.
3. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC): The Ability Enhancement (AE) Courses may be of
two kinds: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) and Skill Enhancement Courses
3.1 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC): These courses are based upon the
content that leads knowledge enhancement,(1)Environmental Science and (2)English /MIL
3.2 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC): These courses may be chosen from a pool of courses
designed to provide value-based and/or skill-based knowledge and should contain both theory
and laboratory/hands on training/field work. The prime purpose of these courses is to provide
students life-skills in hands-on mode so as to increase their employability.
4. Practical/Tutorials (One each with every discipline specific core and discipline/generic
specific Elective course): Practical means Laboratory or field exercises in which the student
has to do experiments or other practical work of two hour duration. Tutorial means special
instructions based on the Lectures.
5. Detailed Course Structure
No. of Courses
Discipline Specific
4 6 4 4 4 4
Elective (DSE) Course
Ability Enhancement
Compulsory Course 2 2 2 2 2 2
( AECC )
Skill Enhancement 2 4 2 4 2
Course ( SEC )
Total Courses 26 24 26 24 26 24
6. Credit
The term „credit‟ refers to the weight age given to a course, usually in terms of the number of
instructional hours per week assigned to it. This explains why usually „credit‟ is taken to mean
„credit hours‟. The credits also determine the volume of course contents and delivery of Course
such as lectures, tutorials, practical, assignments etc.
a. For the purpose of credit determination, instruction is divided into three components:
Lectures (L) – Classroom lectures of one-hour duration.
Tutorials (T) – Special, elaborate instructions on specific topics (from Lectures) of one-hour duration.
Practical (P) – Laboratory or field exercises in which the student has to do experiments or
other practical work of two-hour duration.
b. Each one of these components is considered as equal to one credit hour. One lecture (L) as
well as one Tutorial (T) of one hour a week is considered as one credit, whereas one
Practical (P) of two hours a week is considered as one credit. The total weight age given to
a course in terms of credits will be equal to L + P/T, where L is the number of one hour
Lectures per week, T is the number of one hour Tutorials per week, and P is the number of
two hours Practical per week. This can be written in symbols as: C = L + P/T
Where, C is the credit weight age for a particular course.
7. Credit Details of the Courses of B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com./BCA & BBA Honours Program under CBCS
8. Credit Details of B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com. Program Course under CBCS
Courses Practical Based Courses Non-Practical Based Courses
Theory + Practical Total Theory + Tutorial Total
1. DSC Course (12 Courses) (12 × 4) + (12 × 2) 72 (12 × 5) + (12 × 1) 72
2. Elective Courses ( 6 courses)
2A. DSE (6 Courses for B.Sc./ (6 × 4) + (6 × 2) 36 (4 × 5) + (4 × 1) 24
4 Courses for B.A and B.Com.)
2B. GE (4 Courses) ---- -- (2 × 5) + (2 × 1) 12
3. Ability Enhancement Courses
3A. AECC - 1 (1× 2) 2 (1× 2) 2
AECC - 2 (1× 2) 2 (1× 2) 2
3B. SEC (4 Courses taking 2 courses
each from chosen DSC course) (4 × 2) 8 (4 × 2) 8
The subjects and papers for the course shall be recommended by the Board of Under-Graduate
Studies in each respective subject from time to time in accordance with the rules of the
University of North Bengal.
i) Scheme for CBCS in B.A. /B.Sc. /B.Com. /B.B.A. & B.C.A. Honours Program
Discipline Ability
Skill Specific Generic
Course Compulsory
Course Course Course
(DSC) Course
(SEC) (DSE) (GE)
Paper - 1 GE - 1
1 AECC-1
Paper - 2 Paper 1
Paper – 3
2 GE – 1
Paper - 4 Paper - 2
Paper - 5
Paper - 6 SEC GE – 2
3 Paper - 1 Paper - 1
Paper - 7
Paper - 8
Paper - 9 SEC GE – 2
4 Paper - 2 Paper - 2
Paper - 10
Paper - 11 DSE
Paper - 1
Paper – 12 DSE
Paper - 2
Paper – 13 DSE
Paper – 3
Paper – 14 DSE
Paper - 4
Students pursuing DSC in a particular subject will have to opt for SEC and DSE in the
same subject
GE Course subject must be different from DSC Course subject.
Practical/ Tutorial: Every Discipline specific Core, Discipline Specific Elective and Generic
Elective Course will have one Practical/ Tutorial. Wherever there is a Practical, there will
be no Tutorial and Vice Versa.
ii) Scheme for CBCS in B.A. Program
Discipline Skill Specific Generic
Specific Core Bengali /
1 (Paper-1) Sanskrit/ AECC-1
1 Discipline Nepali/Hindi
Specific Core (Paper-1)
2 (Paper-1)
Specific Core
1 (Paper-2) English
2 Discipline (Paper-1)
Specific Core
2 (Paper-2)
Specific Core Bengali /
1 (Paper-3) Sanskrit/ SEC 1
3 Discipline Nepali/Hindi Paper-1
Specific Core (Paper-2)
2 (Paper-3)
Specific Core
1 (Paper-4) English SEC 1
4 Discipline (Paper-2) Paper-2
Specific Core
2 (Paper-4)
SEC 2 Paper 1
5 (Paper-
Paper-1 DSE 2
Paper 1
SEC 2 Paper 2
6 (Paper-
Paper-2 DSE 2
Paper 2
DSE 1 and SEC 1 Course subject will be the same as DSC 1 Course subject & DSE 2 and
SEC 2 Course subject will be the same as DSC 2 Course subject.
GE 1 Course subject must be different from DSC 1 and DSC 2 Course subject.
Practical/ Tutorial: Every Discipline specific Core, Discipline Specific and Generic
Elective Course will have one Practical/ Tutorial. Wherever there is a Practical, there
will be no Tutorial and Vice Versa.
Skill Specific
Enhancement Elective
DSE 1 Course subject will be the same as DSC 1 Course subject & DSE 2 Course
subject will be the same as DSC 2 Course subject and DSE 3 Course subject will be
same DSC 3 Course subject.
SEC 1 and SEC 2 Course subject could be chosen from any of the 3 DSC Course
subject taken above.
Practical/ Tutorial: Every Discipline specific Core and Discipline Specific Elective
Course will have one Practical/ Tutorial. Wherever there is a Practical, there will be no
Tutorial and Vice Versa.
Discipline Ability Specific Generic
DSC 1 Bengali /
1 Sanskrit/
Nepali/ AECC-1
1 Hindi
DSC 3 English
2 DSC 4 (Paper-1)
DSC 5 Bengali /
Nepali/ SEC 1
3 DSC 6
2 Hindi
DSC 7 English
4 SEC 2
DSC 8 (Paper-2)
5 SEC 3 GE-1
6 SEC 4 GE-2
All DSC, DSE, GE, SEC Courses will be compulsory Courses with internal choices in
the DSE courses
Practical/ Tutorial: Every discipline specific Core, Discipline Specific Elective and
Generic Elective Course will have one Practical/ Tutorial. Wherever there is a
Practical, there will be no Tutorial and Vice Versa.
No student shall be allowed to take the end semester written Examination if the student
concerned has not attended minimum of 75% of the classes held in the course concerned and also
in other curricular components.
Provided that a candidate who has obtained- (a) 55% marks in the aggregate, or (b) 50% in the
aggregate with 60% marks in a subject in the last qualifying Examination shall be eligible to
apply for Honours Program in that subject. Admission shall however be on merit and
availability of seats.
Provided that for SC/ST Candidates- the minimum marks for eligibility shall be as per Rules of
the State Government.
Provided further that in matter of eligibility 54.5% marks or above shall be equal to 55%, 49.5%
and above shall be equal to 50% and 59.5 marks or above shall be equal to 60%.
b) Program Course:
A student shall be allowed to take admission in the Program Course of B.A. /B.Sc. /B.Com. if
he/ she / transgender/ trans gender has passed in at least four (04) subjects excluding
Environmental Studies with English as compulsory subject in the Higher Secondary [10+2]
Examination held by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education or any other
Examination which is recognized by the University as equivalent thereto
A candidate shall be allowed to pursue B.A. / B. Sc. / B. Com Program Course if he/ she/
transgender have passed the qualifying Examination in Vocational Stream subjects.
Provided however that
i) A candidate shall be allowed to take up any subject except Computer Science,
Microbiology, and such other interdisciplinary subjects in B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. Course
if he/ she / transgender have passed in the corresponding subject (s) at the Higher
Secondary Examination (10+2) recognized as equivalent by the University.
ii) A candidate shall be allowed to take up Sociology, Education, Psychology as Honours
Program and Program subject if he /she / transgender has passed the subjects History,
Philosophy, Political Science in the previous qualifying exams.
iii) A candidate shall be allowed to take up B.Com. Honours Program/ Program Course if
he/ she/ transgender has studied Science subjects along with Maths in the previous
qualifying exams.
iv) A candidate shall be allowed to take up Physics Subject if he/ she / transgender have
passed in Mathematics and Chemistry along with Physics and other subject as
prescribed at the qualifying examination.
v) A candidate shall be allowed to take up Chemistry Subject if he/ she / transgender have
passed in Mathematics and Physics along with Chemistry and other subject as
prescribed at the qualifying examination.
vi) A candidate shall be allowed to take up Botany / Zoology Subject if he/ she/ transgender
have passed in Biology at the qualifying examination.
vii) A candidate shall be allowed to take up Physiology Honours Program/ Program Course
subject if he / she / transgender have passed in Biological Science and Chemistry at the
qualifying examination.
viii) A candidate shall be allowed to take up Computer Science Subject if he/ she/
transgender have passed in Mathematics at the qualifying examination.
ix) a) A candidate shall be allowed to take up Microbiology Subject if he/ she/ transgender
have passed in Chemistry and Biology at the qualifying Examination.
b) A candidate shall be required to take Chemistry as a Generic Elective subject for
study in Microbiology Honours Program.
x) A candidate shall be allowed to take up Honours Program in Economics as if he/ she /
transgender have passed in Mathematics or Business Economics including Business
Mathematics and other subjects as prescribed at the qualifying examination.
xi) No student other than those of Science stream and Economics / Geography of Arts
stream shall be allowed to take Science subjects as Generic Elective Subjects.
xii) No student of Honours Program in Arts and Commerce stream other than those of
Geography and Economics shall be allowed to take Science subjects as Generic Elective
xiii) A candidate shall be allowed to take up Geography subject as Honours Program/
Program Course if he / she / transgender have passed in Geography with other subjects
at the qualifying examination.
xiv) A candidate shall be allowed to take up Geology subject if he / she / transgender have
passed in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at the qualifying examination.
xv) A candidate shall be allowed to take up Mass Communication and Journalism as
Honours Program/ Program Course if he / she / transgender have passed in any Stream
at the qualifying examination.
xvi) A candidate shall be allowed to take up BBA and BCA as Honours Program Course if
he / she / transgender have passed in any Stream at the qualifying examination.
xvii) A candidate pursuing Honours in a subject shall not be allowed to take up t he same
subject as Generic Elective.
xviii) A candidate pursuing Honours Program Course in a Language subject will be allowed to
take another Language subject as a Generic Elective Subject.
xix) While taking Discipline Specific Core & Generic Elective subjects, availability of the
said subjects in the concerned Colleges shall be taken into cognizance.
11.1 Reservation of Seats: There will be reservation of seats for SC/ST/OBC/Differently Able
Candidates as per Govt. Rules. For differently – able candidates minimum disability at least 40%
will be considered.
11.2 Session Gap: For admission to the Under Graduate Course there should not be a gap of
more than 3 years between the year of Higher Secondary Examination and the year of admission
to Under Graduate Course of study
c. There shall be at least 90 teaching days in each semester excluding periods of examination
and admission etc. for instruction, field work and dissertation
d. The academic sessions including the examinations for first, third and fifth semester are July
to December and that for second, fourth and sixth semester are January to June.
essential conditions:
Minimum 75% attendance of lectures delivered in all courses
Students should appear in all internal assessments.
ii. Internal Evaluation: The evaluation of the students shall be a continuous process and shall be
based on their performances in internal and the End-Semester Examination. All the internal
continuous evaluations shall be conducted by the Teachers of the Department. It shall be on
the basis of Term Papers, Reports, Seminar Presentations, Class Tests, Field Work or any
combinations thereof, spread over the entire period of study. The modalities of such
assessment be recorded and documents will be preserved by the respective college and those
must be placed before a Committee or Team constituted by the University for verification
purpose. The Internal Assessment marks shall be communicated to the Examination Branch of
the University at least 10 days before the commencement of the University Examinations.
Final Evaluation:
The final evaluation in a course means the total or aggregate of the marks obtained in internal
evaluation and the marks obtained at the End-Semester Examination (Theoretical & Practical).
iii. There shall be one written and one practical examination (where applicable) at the end of each
semester as per the prescribed syllabus in the course concerned.
iv. An undergraduate degree with Honours Program in a subject may be awarded if a student
completes -
14 Discipline specific Core Courses (DSC) in the Honours subject.
4 Discipline Specific Core Courses (DSE) from a pool of courses from the Honours
4 Generic Elective Courses (GE) from a pool of courses offered by the college.
2 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) from a pool of courses designed to provide value-based
and/or skill-based knowledge.
2 courses each from a list of Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) courses (2 x 2 = 4 courses)
based on the 2 disciplines of choice selected in core course.
2 interdisciplinary courses from the list of Generic Elective Courses (GE) offered by the
4 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) from a pool of courses designed to provide value-based
and/or skill-based knowledge.
2 courses each from a list of Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) courses (3x 2 = 6 courses)
based on the 3 disciplines of choice selected in core course.
4 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) from a pool of courses designed to provide value-based
and/or skill-based knowledge.
vii. In the Semester system, the Under-Graduate Examinations will be held in six parts – (i) The
First and Second Semester for the first year students and (ii) The Third & Fourth Semester
and Fifth & Sixth Semester for the second and third year students respectively. The academic
sessions including the examinations for first, third and fifth semester are July to December
and that for second, fourth and sixth semester are January to June.
A student will have, at the most, five academic years or ten semesters to complete the
viii. A candidate to be eligible for appearing at any of the Semesters of UNDER-GRADUATE
Examination must have minimum 75% attendance of lectures delivered. Award of 05 (five)
marks on class attendance shall be given in the following manner:
Attendance of 75% and above but below 80% -- 02 marks
Attendance of 80% and above but below 85% -- 03 marks
Attendance of 85% and above but below 90% -- 04 marks
Attendance of 90% and above -- 05 marks
ix. Students should complete internal assessments before appearing at the respective semester
examination and the marks obtained will be carried over in case students fail to pass the
course(s). All the internal continuing evaluation will be conducted by the teachers of the
Department. It shall be on the basis of dissertations / projects, term papers, reports, seminar
presentations, field work, class tests or any combinations thereof spread over the entire period
of study. The modalities of such assessment will be recorded and documents will be preserved
by the colleges at least for a period of six months after the publication of the result of the
relevant Semester-end Examinations. The University Authority may ask for any such records,
if required.
x. To secure qualifying grade in a Course/Semester, a student has to secure the minimum
qualifying percentage in the Written (including Practical) Examination and the Internal
Assessment taken together.
xi. To qualify in a Practical-based course, an examinee is to appear in the Theoretical as well as
the Practical portion of the examination in the same Semester.
xii. A student failing to pass in one or more course(s) in 1st/2nd Semester Examination shall be
permitted to re-appear in that course(s) in respective semester examinations of the following
year as 2nd chance. A student will be permitted to clear his/her failed course(s) in maximum
three consecutive chances irrespective of availing/not availing any particular chance. If a
student wishes to skip examination in a semester, or surrender her/his result of a particular
Semester-end examination, it would be included within the stipulated three chances. These
students will be eligible to clear those course(s) in the respective Semester Examinations of
subsequent years (i.e. 1st Semester with the 1st Semester of the subsequent year, 2nd
Semester with the 2nd Semester of the subsequent year and so on.
xiii. Qualifying Marks:
a) There shall be no qualifying marks for internal assessment but the candidates shall have to
appear at the said part of the examination. There will be no scope of re-appearing in internal
assessment examination for improvement of marks. Marks awarded in internal assessment
will be credited to a candidate‟s performance in subsequent chances.
b) The qualifying marks for each course shall be 40% in each course of a semester taken together
of internal assessment and term end exams.
xiv. If a candidate secures qualifying grade (P grade) in all courses he / she / transgender will be
declared to have qualified the said semester and the result will be shown as Q. However, if a
student fails to secure qualifying grade P in a particular course his/her result of the concerned
semester-end examination will be declared SNC (Semester Not Cleared). Marks obtained in
the internal assessment will be clubbed with marks obtained in the semester examination
before awarding the grade. If a candidate fails to secure pass grade in a particular Course, he /
she / transgender will have to appear in that Course only. The internal assessment marks will
be retained for next examination(s) with valid chances.
xv. The Semester-end examinations will be held in the last months of the semesters, namely
December (in the odd semesters) and in June (in the even semesters). The internal assessments
will continue through the Semester.
xvi. If a student wishes to switch to a Program Course from an Honours Program Course before
the 1st semester examination, he/she/transgender has to leave the Honours Program Course
and take re-admission in the next year in his/her preferred Program Course.
xvii. All examinations shall be conducted ordinarily by means of printed question papers.
xviii. All answer scripts and other examinations related papers of Undergraduate examination
shall be disposed by the University on expiry of six months from the date of the publication of
result of the respective examinations.
xix. Provisional Result and Grade Card:
The provisional result of each semester will be published stating only the total marks and
SGPA obtained by a candidate and the „Grade Sheet cum Report Card‟ would be issued
showing the details of courses studied (code, title, marks, number of credits, grade secured)
along with SGPA of that semester and CGPA of all the semesters.
xx. Semester Not Cleared: If a candidate fails to secure qualifying (pass) marks in one paper
or more in a particular semester examination his/her result of semester examination will be
declared as „SNC‟ (i.e., Semester Not Cleared). The result of 6 semester examination shall
be kept withheld unless a candidate clears all the semesters within the stipulated chances.
She / he/transgender would be declared to have passed the final examination in the year in
which she / he clears his/her all semesters.
xxi. Position in the Merit List: To qualify for position in the merit list a candidate shall have to
pass all the semesters in his/ her regular chances.
xxii. Validity of Students Enrollments / Registration: A candidate (Honours /General
Course) shall have to complete each semester examination with 3 (Three) consecutive
chances including his/her first appearance in the concerned semester examination. If any of
the chances mentioned above is not availed of by a candidate within the stipulated period,
the chance shall be deemed to have lapsed
xxiii. Promotion: In the Semester system, there would be automatic promotion right from the
first Semester, till the sixth Semester, irrespective of the marks obtained in the previous
Semesters subject to the fact that the eligibility conditions for appearing in the examination
are satisfied.
xxiv. Total Marks Distribution: (except for AECC 1 and AECC 2)
(Practical (Non-
Duration of Duration
Examination based Practical
Exams of Exams
Course) Course)
Semester End
40 2 hours 60 2 hours
Semester End
20 Up to 5 hours -
Continuing Evaluation/Internal
Assessment/Mid Semester 10 10
Exams(By Colleges)
Attendance 5 5
TOTAL 75 75
The modalities of the continuing evaluation will be decided by the respective Board of Studies taking
any two items from clause 15 (ix)
xxv. Total Marks Distribution for AECC 1 and AECC 2:
Duration of Duration
Examination AECC 1 AECC 2
Exams of Exams
Semester End
80 2.5 hours 35 2 hours
Continuing Evaluation/Internal
Assessment/Mid Semester 15 10
Exams(By Colleges)
Attendance 5 5
TOTAL 100 50
xxvi. Question pattern:
a) For 80 Marks
S.L. No. Questions to Out of Marks of each Total Marks
be answered question
1. 5 8 4 5×4 = 20
2. 4 6 10 4×10 = 40
3. 1 2 20 1×20 = 20
b) For 60 Marks
S.L. No. Questions to Out of Marks of each Total Marks
be answered question
1. 4 6 3 4×3 = 12
2. 4 6 6 4×6 = 24
3. 2 4 12 2×12 = 24
c) For 40 Marks
1. 5 8 1 5×1 = 5
2. 3 5 5 3×5 = 15
3. 2 4 10 2×10 = 20
d) For 35 Marks
1. 3 5 5 3×5 = 15
2. 2 4 10 2×10 = 20
xxvii. The schedule for the End-Semester Examination shall be prepared and announced by the
Controller of Examinations. Except for exigencies, all the examinations shall usually be held
within the dates specified in the Academic Calendar
xxviii. Two sets of question paper for each course/ unit will be set by internal/ external paper
setters(s). The concerned Board of Studies will recommend the names of the Paper- Setters,
Moderators, Examiners, Scrutinisers, Tabulators and Reviewers.
i) The final result of a candidate shall be determined on the basis of CGPA.
ii) Grade Card shall be made as per grading system. Course-wise marks (internal and term end
exams added together) will be converted into percentage of mark. Percentage of marks will
be converted into Grade Letter and Grade Point. Credit and Grade point will be converted
into Credit Point. Finally, Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade
Point Average (CGPA) will be computed.
iii) The Grade Card of a Semester shall be issued only after completion of that Semester.
a) Conversion of Marks into grade letter and grade point
b) Computation of SGPA:
c) Computation of CGPA
iii) Incomplete and faulty application is liable to be rejected without assigning any reason or
without any intimation to the candidate/college concerned.
iv) Under no circumstances fees for Post-Publication Review once paid be refunded
v) A student may apply for review of maximum two theoretical courses in the prescribed form
in a particular Semester Examination.
vi) Post-Publication Review (PPR) and Post-Publication Scrutiny (PPS) of the same paper(s) in
a course shall not be allowed
vii) Finalization of Review Results: If the marks awarded by Post-Publication Review
Examiner in a Paper do not exceed the original award by more than 20% of the full marks in
that Paper, the Review Examiner‟s award will be accepted as final marks in that Paper. If
the increase of marks exceeds 20% of the full marks in that Paper, the answer script will be
evaluated by a third examiner (external) and the final marks will be the average of the three
examiners. However, if it is found that there was error in calculating total marks of the
original award, the increase of marks to the full extent will be accepted as corrected original
award of the candidate. If the marks awarded by Post-Publication Review Examiner in a
Paper do not reduce the original award by more than 20% of the full marks in that Paper, the
Review Examiner‟s award will be accepted as final marks in that Paper. If the decrease of
marks exceeds 20% of the full marks in that Paper, the answer script will be evaluated by a
third examiner (external) and the final marks will be the average of the three examiners.
However, if it is found that there was error in calculating total marks of the original award,
the change of marks to the full extent will be accepted as corrected original award of the
Any addition or subtraction of marks as declared by the University after Post-Publication
Review shall be treated as final and shall be binding on the candidate. No further application
for consideration of Post-Publication Review result shall be entertained.
The decrease in marks will not be considered if such reduction results the failure of a
successful candidate who has secured already qualifying grade prior to review.
i. If the results of a candidate of Honours Program/Program of any part of his/her examination
do not come under the purview of Post-Publication Review, he / she / transgender may
apply for Post-Publication Scrutiny of his/her one or more answer-scripts irrespective of
ii. “Post-Publication Scrutiny (PPS)” does not imply re-examination or re-assessment of scripts
but involve verification of scripts and records to ascertain-
Marks have been assigned to each of the required number of answers made by an examinee
as per instruction printed on the question paper;
Totaling of marks awarded by the examiners on the scripts/marks-slips, as the case may be,
has correctly been done.
the Controller of Examinations in time.
iv. If it is found that a candidate has used the service of a scribe and/or extra time but does not
possess the extent of disability that warrants of use the service of a scribe and/or extra time,
he / she / transgender will be excluded from the process of evaluation and legal action may
be initiated by the authority in this regard.
i. The Centre-in-Charge of any University Examination held at a centre will, on his/her own or
on the basis of reports received from the invigilator(s)/members of the visiting team as may
be constituted by the Controller of Examinations and duly approved by the Vice-Chancellor
expel a candidate from the examination hall debarring him/her from appearing in the
examinations of the said course(s)/paper(s), if the candidate is found copying or possessing
any paper, book or such other incriminating material(s) or smuggling, written answer
scripts/loose sheets from outside. On expulsion, he / she / transgender will be debarred from
appearing at the said part of the examination
ii. Signature(s) of each of the expelled candidates may be obtained on the incriminating
document(s) found in his/her possession and the same must be attached to the main answer
script(s). if a candidate refuses to put his/her signature on the incriminating document(s) the
invigilator(s)/members of the visiting team will certify the matter and the Centre-in-Charge
will take immediate action as in regulation 20.1 on the basis of the certificate/report of the
room invigilator(s)/members of the visiting team.
iii.If, however, in the judgment of the Centre-in-Charge, a candidate is found to have
committed an offence of a more serious nature, e.g., impersonation, use of filthy languages,
indiscipline behavior, threatening the persons connected with the examination duties and
such other activities inside and outside the examination hall/room, the Centre-in-Charge will
expel the candidate debarring him/her from appearing in the examination(s) of the
remaining subject(s)/paper(s) and send to the Controller of Examinations a list of such
candidates along with their answer scripts and a detailed report on the circumstances leading
to the action taken by the Centre-in-Charge in a separate packet for record and for
placement before the Committee of Discipline for further action. In such cases as detailed in
above paragraph the Committee of Discipline, duly constituted by the Vice-Chancellor may
note the action, if already taken by the Centre-in-Charge, but will not lessen the penalty
already given by the Centre-in-Charge.
iv. The Committee of Discipline, however, may recommend further penal action to be taken
against such candidate(s). If the Centre-in-Charge, instead of taking any action against such
a candidate, forward the case along with the detailed report the Committee of Discipline
may take penal action as it may deem fit.
v. When the Centre-in-Charge expels any offending candidate from the examination hall, as
referred to in the rules above, the order/notification regarding such expulsion shall forthwith
be circulated in all the examination halls by the Centre-in-Charge. . Such order/notification
should be pasted on the Notice Board and a copy of the same along with the answer scripts
and other documents are to be sent to the Controller of Examinations for subsequent
issuance of order/notification including order of cancellation of the entire examination of
the candidate(s), to the concerned college for its implementation.
vi. If the candidates are found to consult or talk with each other or change their scheduled seats
or exchange answer-scripts/loose sheets etc. during an examination in spite of warnings by
the Centre-in-Charge/Room Invigilator(s), the Centre-in-Charge shall report the matter in
details to the University against the concerned candidates together with the relevant answer
scripts for placement before the Committee of Discipline.
vii. An examiner may forward to the Controller of Examinations of the University through the
chairperson of the concerned examination or to the Controller of Examination directly if
there is no Chairperson in the concerned subject an explanatory report along with the
relevant answer script(s) of the candidate(s) for placement of the same before the
Committee of Discipline if, in his/her judgment, the candidate/candidates has/have adopted
unfair means in answering questions
viii. If an examinee uses filthy languages against the Centre-in-Charge/Invigilators or
Convener/Member(s) of the Visiting Teams or any person connected with the examination
or resorts to indiscipline behavior inside or outside the examination hall or undertakes any
unfair means or violates the instructions for the examinees, the Centre-in-Charge may send
his/her answer-script of that paper along with a report from the Invigilator(s) with his
comment, if any. However, in such case, the examinee will be allowed to sit for the
examination in the remaining course(s)/subject(s).
ix. Non-submission of scripts – If an examinee appears at the examination but does not submit
his/her answer-script, the matter should be noted in the Attendance Sheet. A diary should be
lodged on the day with the local police station. A report along with a copy of the said Diary
and a statement from the Invigilator of the concerned examination hall must be sent by the
Centre-in-Charge to the Controller of Examinations.
x. Torn scripts – In case of a script being willfully torn by a candidate, the fact should be
noted in the Attendance Sheet(s) and a report should be sent by the Centre-in-Charge to the
Controller of Examinations in a separate packet along with the torn script and a statement
from the Invigilator of the concerned examination hall stating the circumstances leading to
the incident.
xi. Report on R.A. cases from any end should always be supported by documentary evidence or
statement of the reporting concerned authority. Without such documentary
evidence/statements disposal of the matter cannot be taken up.
xii. On receipt of the report of malpractice in the examination, as referred to in above the
University will direct the concerned candidate to appear before the Committee of Discipline
and furnish an explanation in writing regarding the charges leveled against the candidate
xiii. If the Committee of Discipline is satisfied that the charge/ charges leveled against any
candidate in terms of above mention rules is/ are true, it may recommend any one or
multiple of the following actions:-
a. Cancellation of examination of the candidate in the concerned paper
b. Cancellation of the entire examination of the candidate and if necessary also
c. Debarment of the candidate from appearing at the University examination for a specified
period as it may deem fit according to the gravity of the offence(s) committed. If a
candidate does not appear before the Committee of Discipline without assigning any
reason, the Committee of Discipline may recommend any or all of the measure(s) as
above, as it may deem fit, on the basis of available document(s) in absentia.
d. The Committee after giving due consideration to the report of the Centre-in-Charge and
giving the candidate a hearing, if necessary, may recommend exoneration of a candidate
from the charges leveled against him/her if in its judgment the candidate concerned is
xiv. The recommendations of the Committee of Discipline will need approval of the Vice-
Chancellor before any action can be taken thereon. The Vice-Chancellor may, after
considering the recommendations, pass such orders as he / she / transgender thinks fit. The
Controller of Examinations will take action according to the recommendation of the
Committee of Discipline, if approved by the Vice-Chancellor or as per orders of the Vice-
xv. All questions arising in relation to the interpretation of these Regulations shall be referred
to the Executive Council for decision and the decision of the University Council will be
final and binding.
22. In any case of any situation or not covered under these Regulations the Vice- Chancellor
shall have power to issue directions not inconsistent with the Acts/ Statutes/ Ordinances
with respect to any or all of them.
If any dispute arises in respect of interpretation of the regulations or any matter not
covered by these, the decision of the Vice Chancellor in that respect shall be final and
(The following Discipline specific Course subject and Generic Elective Course Subject
combinations are to be strictly followed)
Bengali Economics
English Education
Geography Mass Communication
Hindi Philosophy
History Political Science
Nepali Psychology
Sanskrit Sociology
Two Generic Elective Courses (GE) to be selected as any ONE from each basket below for
BA Honours Program and SEC course will be same as DSC course
Group A Group B
Bengali Geography
English Education
Economics Mass Communication
Hindi Philosophy
History Physical Education
Modern Tibetan Political Science
Nepali Sociology
A) Discipline Specific Courses (DSC) and Generic Elective (GE) Course subject: Select any
Three Course subject (taking any one Course subject each from any two group as DSC
and any one Course subject from remaining one group as GE of the 3 groups below and
SEC course subject will be same as DSC course subject):
1. Mathematics, Microbiology, Physiology
2. Chemistry, Computer Science
3. Physics, Botany, Geography
4. Zoology, Statistics, Geology
Note: For Economics Honours Program Course the Generic subject combination shall be Mathematics
(of Basket 1 above) and any one subject from the Group – B Basket for B.A. Honours Program or
Statistics (of Basket 4 above)
For B.Sc. Honours Program: - Any one Honours Discipline specific Course subject from the 4
baskets except Statistics course in basket 4 + any 2 Generic Elective Course subject from any
three other remaining basket subjects and same Skill Enhancement course subject as Discipline
specific Course subject.
For B.Sc. Program:- Any 3 course subject one from each basket subjects from the 4 given basket
subjects for Discipline specific Course and any 2 course subject as Skill Enhancement Courses
from the above chosen 3 Discipline specific Course subject.