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Lesson 1. What Is Philosophy 2024 2025

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Lesson 1: What Is Philosophy?

Origin and Definition of the word Philosophy

The use of the term philosophy is attributed to Pythagoras as he is said to be the first to use it when he differentiated the
three classes of people who attend the ancient Olympic Games as (1) lovers of gain; (2) lovers of honor; and (3) lovers
of knowledge or wisdom. According to Pythagoras, the third class of people is the best kind who goes to the games as
they are spectators who seek to arrive at the truth. They neither seek profit (as represented by the first class of people
who sells their wares for money) nor compete in the games for honor (as represented by the second class of people).
He called this class of people philosophers. When you look for the meaning of philosophy in a dictionary, encyclopedia,
or any search engine on the Internet, you will be led to its etymology. The word philosophy is derived from philosophia
(φιλοσοφία) which is a combination of the Greek terms philos (love) and sophia (wisdom). Thus, philosophy means "love
of wisdom."

Many philosophers argue that there is more to philosophy than its etymology. Some say that philosophy cannot be
defined because its definition is one of the problems of philosophy. Despite the varying definitions of philosophy, it
does not mean, however, that there are no recognized definitions, characterization, or common notions about it. There
may be one definition that prevails, but so far, problems in philosophy are still problems because there has never been
one answer yet to questions on philosophical subjects such as the following:

▪ What is knowledge?
▪ What is the nature of the self?
▪ Does God exist?
▪ What is the standard of beauty?
▪ Is there a universal morality?

Since philosophers agree that there is a lack of a general agreement on how philosophical subjects are defined,
philosophy becomes an ongoing activity because there may be many varied answers to fundamental questions.

Branches of Philosophy

Philosophy can be thought of as an examination of a particular area of knowledge. The central principle in philosophy
is examination and questioning, and this is often applied in the analysis of the frameworks of other areas or sciences.
Philosophy goes hand in hand with other disciplines in examining their fundamental purposes and evaluating the
changes they experience. There is a philosophy of science, which seeks to understand the fundamental principles that
guide scientific thought. There is also a philosophy of religion, which examines the tenets of any faith. There is a
philosophy of education, political philosophy, philosophy of history – every aspect of knowledge can benefit from the
inquiring nature of philosophy.

Philosophy itself is a distinct area of knowledge with its own goals, concerns, and ways of doing things. It is often
divided into several branches each of which deals with a particular aspect of life or phenomena. The philosophy which
deals with beauty and what makes things “beautiful” is called Aesthetics. Logic is the branch of philosophy which deals
with correct reasoning, while Epistemology discusses the nature of knowledge and knowing. Ethics is the branch which
deals with moral questions and dilemmas, while Political Philosophy studies governments and deals with questions of
justice, power and the rights and obligations of citizens. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy which deals with
questions regarding reality and existence. Although not a branch itself, Philosophy of the Human Person is an area in
philosophy that understands the human person from a philosophical perspective integrating and synthesizing the
different branches of philosophy and other fields of study to know the truth about the human person.

Historical Development
From their roots in ancient Greece, the thoughts and ideas of philosophers soon gained popularity in many places
throughout the world. The developments that started in ancient Greece brought about the emergence of Western
Philosophy. Meanwhile, Eastern Philosophy emerged from the communities and civilizations in Asia. While both
philosophies pondered the significant questions regarding human existence, Western philosophy throughout the
centuries became more systematic and specialized in its approach. Eastern philosophy, on the other hand, is more fluid
and places greater emphasis on social relations, the family, and community.

Time Period Dates Context and Key Developments

Pre- Before 6th Characterized by mythological and religious explanations of the world. Myths
Philosophical century BCE provided narratives about the origins of the universe, gods, and human beings. This
Period period lacked systematic philosophical inquiry, focusing instead on traditional and
cultural narratives.
Pre-Socratic 6th - 5th Early Greek philosophers, such as Thales, Anaximander, Pythagoras, Heraclitus,
Philosophers century BCE and Parmenides, began to seek natural explanations for phenomena, moving away
from mythological accounts. They explored questions of metaphysics, the nature of
being, and the cosmos.
Socratic Period 5th - 4th Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle dominated this era. Socrates emphasized ethical
century BCE inquiry and dialectical methods. Plato founded the Academy and developed
theories of forms and justice. Aristotle, Plato's student, made contributions to logic,
metaphysics, ethics, and natural sciences.
Medieval 5th - 15th Philosophers like Augustine, Boethius, Anselm, and Thomas Aquinas merged
Period century Christian theology with classical philosophy. Scholasticism, a method of critical
thought, dominated. Key themes included the existence of God, the nature of faith
and reason, and metaphysics.
Modern Period 16th - 18th Marked by the Renaissance and Enlightenment, this period saw the rise of scientific
century inquiry and individualism. Philosophers like Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume, and
Kant challenged traditional authorities, emphasizing reason, empiricism, and human
Contemporary 19th century This period encompasses diverse movements like existentialism (Kierkegaard,
Period to present Nietzsche, Sartre), phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger), analytic philosophy
(Wittgenstein, Russell), and postmodernism (Foucault, Derrida). It reflects ongoing
debates about language, consciousness, and society.

Who uses Philosophy? Why is there a need to philosophize?

Philosophers have often wondered and argued about the role of philosophy in man’s life. One view is that each one of
us is a philosopher, whether or not we have studied philosophy. We all have the potential to philosophize since we
have the tendency to wonder and doubt. We possess the capacity to reflect on our experiences, and we have a never-
ending need to learn and discover. The need to philosophize is driven by the love for wisdom. To love wisdom is to
have an insatiable desire for truth. A philosopher does not seek knowledge to claim ownership of it; and one who engages
in philosophy is not satisfied with figuring out the answer to the question. He seeks to continue to question, to probe,
and to discuss in order to get the bottom of things.

What is the difference between holistic thinking and partial thinking?

Holistic thinking refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems. This is often described as
looking at the “big picture” when describing and analyzing a situation or problem. A holistic perspective requires an
individual to have an open mindset and an ability to get the general sense or impression regarding a situation.

Partial thinking, on the other hand, focuses on specific aspects of a situation. The partial view is an important component
of analytical thinking, as an individual focuses on certain areas or aspects of a problem in order to understand it. Though
partial thinking is useful, philosophy utilizes holistic thinking in making sense of problems and issues related to the human

People tend to apply an analytical perspective when looking at problems or situations. For instance, doctors often focus
on a specific set of symptoms to determine the cause of a patient’s illness. Once a particular cause has been identified,
the doctor then prescribes the appropriate medicine and other treatments to address the illness. In the case of a person
who experiences a stomachache, a doctor may prescribe the appropriate medicine that will address the physical causes
of the problem.

A holistic perspective, however, requires the doctor to look at the “big picture” and view the patient’s illness as an aspect
of his or her lifestyle and personal circumstances. When using this perspective, a doctor may be able to identify other
underlying causes of the illness. The doctor can interview the patient and get an idea of his or her situation. In the case
of the patient with stomach problems, the doctor’s inquiry into his or her habits and lifestyle may lead to the discovery
that fatigue and stress may be factors that cause the illness. Knowing this, the doctor can advise the patient to make
changes in his or her habits to reduce stress and eventually improve his or her well-being.

A holistic perspective can enable a person to step back and consider the general aspects of a certain problem. In the
case of an argument among friends, would it be beneficial to take one side or act as a mediator and try to reconcile all
sides? Should we simply condemn a person who misbehaved in a video that has gone viral? Or should we reserve
judgment until we get all the facts regarding what made that person act in that manner? Adopting a holistic approach in
thinking encourages us not only to be more critical but also to be more considerate in dealing with others.

A holistic view also gives rise to a more appreciative perspective about life, as we are able to look at life in its totality.
This means that we try to understand a situation from different vantage points so we can see it more fully. Just as we
savor food in its entirety and not pick out each ingredient and taste it, we experience and appreciate life in its entirety
and not just its specific “flavors”. All the positive and negative experiences in our life come together to give meaning to
our existence, and we learn to appreciate our individual experiences as vital aspects of a larger and more meaningful

How does one engage in reflection?

Reflection requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions and to learn more about
one’s life and experiences. One can reflect on almost any subject. For instance, the moment you wake up you can
already reflect upon the things that you plan to do for the day. This will enable you to set your daily goals and set you on
the path of thinking of ways to achieve them.

Seemingly simple or mundane actions take a whole new meaning when one engages in reflection. When buying clothes,
for example, think of the questions that you ask yourself as you consider buying the t-shirt or blouse you are holding.
You may start with the simple questions: “Will this fit me?”, “Do I look good in this color?” These are the usual questions
any buyer would ask himself or herself.

But since we are in a reflective and philosophizing mood, let us now try and think of “deeper” questions and reflect on
the situation. You may find yourself asking the following questions: "Do I even have to buy a new t-shirt today?”, “Am I
better off spending my money on other things?”, “Do I see myself wearing this shirt often, or am I just going to wear it
once?”, “What sort of person wears this kind of shirt?”

Notice the difference when you engage in reflection. The simple task of buying a shirt becomes something much more.
If you concentrate only on the simple questions, you would just buy that shirt immediately. But reflection allows you an
opportunity to think more deeply about your action, your motivations for doing such an action, and even its possible
consequences. Buying a shirt becomes a much more meaningful act with the aid of reflection. Constant reflection on
your possible purchases may even help you make wiser choices and improve your spending habits in the future.

Reflection is vital in ensuring that our actions and decisions are well thought out and are done with due regard for their
implications and consequences on ourselves, others, and our surroundings. Reflection helps us understand ourselves
and our actions better. When we reflect, we can judge whether our actions or decisions are reasonable or not. Taking
time to analyze your decisions and actions is one vital skill that will greatly help you as you encounter more challenges
in life.

What are the practical uses of philosophy in our lives?

Philosophy has an important place in our daily lives. Engaging in philosophical reflection leads to the development of
beneficial skills that individuals can apply in everyday situations,

Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical analysis and interpretation of concepts, definitions, arguments,
and problems. It also trains us to be critical of our own ideas as well as of others – meaning, we don’t simply accept or
reject whatever is presented to us. One can apply this critical and analytical mindset in processing information gained
from media and addressing certain issues encountered in life. Critical thinking skills can help us avoid being tricked by
false claims or manipulative schemes.

Philosophy also improves problem-solving and decision making. The ability to analyze a problem or dilemma,
identify its significant aspects, and come up with alternative solutions is an important skill learned through philosophy.

A philosopher Is a good communicator who can clearly and adequately present his or her ideas. Discussion and
debate require skills in presenting and communicating ideas. Philosophy can also help us be more open to new and
different ideas. Communication skills are also enhanced by the study of philosophy because it trains us to be very clear
and precise about our thoughts and sentiments in order to express exactly what we want to say.

Wisdom is one intended product of philosophizing, and this refers to a person’s ability to apply knowledge to daily life
particularly in making sound choices and judgment.

Finally, knowledge of Philosophy can contribute to self-development. One can be a better student, scientist, artist,
professional, and citizen if he or she has the capacity for inquiry, critical thinking, and reflection. In addition, philosophy
encourages a person to know oneself, his or her strengths and weaknesses, establish an identity, and determine his or
her purpose in life. Self-knowledge also grows along with one’s understanding of the world and this is essential to the
realization of the self. These are tools to develop one’s own ideas and views and engage fully in useful activities in the
community, nation, and the world at large.

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