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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Bangan Oda, Agno, Pangasinan
School ID: 300164



Diana Grace N. Dionisio

Rosemarie B. Birog
Cristel Joy S. Novero
Jasmin-Ann N. De Leon
Domingo Jose N. Corpuz
Nathaniel N. Corpuz
Kenneth C. Tabajen
Adrian I. Nanat

Mrs. Imelda N. Raquel


Angelo N. Rosete, EdD

Principal IV




The researcher’s study on the impact of single parenting on the attitudes and

behaviors of high school students aims to better understand the challenges faced by

children growing up in single-parent households. This is important because single-

parent families are becoming increasingly common and it is essential to identify and

address the factors that can contribute to negative outcomes for children in these


The article addresses how switching to a single-parent household in u. S

might harm kids, but it also stresses that other elements, such as solid connections,

good parental mental health moreover, on availability of resources and had a bigger

impact on kids' performance than family structure (Kramer, 2019). Children in china

who were raised by divorced single mothers performed equally well in school and

also felt happy as children from intact households (Zhang, 2019).

On the other hand,single-parent children in india had a variety of experiences,

some of which included hardships while others involved growth and improvement.

The majority of individuals reported having more responsibilities, making thoughtful

decisions, feeling less liked they belonged, being more resilient, and having trouble

controlling their emotions (Shyodan, 2022).

Studied on single-parent families in other countries had also found that

children raised in such families may faced challenges such as lowered academic

achievement, higher rates of behavioral problems, and lowered socioeconomic status

compared to those raised in dual-parent households.


Based on the comments of respondents from single-parent homes, the

researchers concluded that single parenting in the philippines had detrimental

impacts on children. These problems include, among others, social, psychological,

educational, and behavioral problems.The studied also discovered that kids living in

single-parent families had a lot more difficulties than kids raised in dual-parent


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the Impact of Single Parenting on the Attitudes and

Behaviors of High School Students.


1. What are the challenges experienced by a high school student with a single


2. What are the advantages of having a single parent on a child's attitude? How

does it affect their behavior?

3. What are the disadvantages of growing up with a single parent? How does it

affect their behavior?

4. What are the coping mechanisms of high school students with single parent

Households deal with the challenges they faced?


Literature Review

Challenges of students having a single parent

Children of single parents frequently struggled financially and may felt

obligated to put their parents' needed before their own. Also, they might felt distant

or lonely from their family, which could hinder their capacity to develop closed bonds

with others. Their ability to grew emotionally resilient and responsible could,

however, also been impacted by their closed contact with their parent (Sangeet,


Advantages of having single parent and how it affects their attitudes and


A strong tie and sensed of attachment between the parent and kid might

develop as a result of growing up with a single parent, supporting emotional stability.

Aside from developing independence and critical life skills, children who took on

more domestic tasks may did so. Also, single parents with a solid support system

could gave their kids better access to resources and good role models (Jennifer,


Disadvantages of single parenting

Children from single-parent households may experience psychological issues,

developmental issues, and financial difficulties. However, single parenting could also

result in deeper connections, genuine community interaction, sharing of

responsibilities, and improved maturity. Despite the difficulties, single parents could

raised successful kids who had outstanding overall social and emotional

development with a little extra care (MD, 2021).

Coping mechanisms

The development of a support network for single-parent children that includes

loved ones, closed friends, or specialists in emotional support might been beneficial.

Spending time with positive and upbeat friends could increase self-esteem and

reduce loneliness or isolation-related symptoms. Children could develop a sensed of

resilience while dealing with challenging events by turning to their faith for serenity

and direction (Joseph, 2021).

Scope and Delimitation

This studied's goal was to discover how single parenting affects high school

students' attitudes and actions of bangan-oda national high school. The purpose of

the studied was to learned more about the experiences of high school students with

single parents and to pinpoint the elements that might influence their views and

actions. The researched design for this studied had been grounded theory, which

entails creating a hypothesis based on the facts gathered. A theory or explanation

about a phenomenon could been developed used the information acquired from

participants used the qualitative researched method known as grounded theory. The

phenomena in this instance was the influence of single parenting on the attitudes and

behaviors of high school kids. Ten high school kids with single parents had been

selected to participate in the studied, which had been carried out in 2023. The

studied's objectives were to provided insight into the struggles and experiences of

high school children with single parents and to aid in the creation of initiatives that

could met their requirements.

A semi-structure interview guide was the tool utilized in this studied to

collected data. The interview guide was created after a thorough evaluation of the

literature on single parenting and teenage development to made sure it was pertinent

to the goals of the studied. The open-ended questions in the interview guide were

designed to elicit thorough and in-depth responses from the participants. Experts in

psychology and sociology vetted the instrument to made sure it was suitable for the

studied. Participants' informed consent, confidentiality, and anonymity of responses

were among the studied's protocols. The term "informed consent" refers to a

participant's agreement to participate in a studied after being fully informed of its

nature and purpose. Anonymity means that no information about the respondents'

identities had been linked to their responses, while confidentiality ensures that

participants' identities had been kept private.

The participants had been interviewed privately to collected data. To

maintained confidentiality and provided a secure setting for participants to discuss

their experiences, the interviews had been held in private. The interviews had been

audio recorded, and the transcripted information had been entered into a password-

protected database. Thematic analysis, a qualitative researched technique that

includes finding patterns and themes in the data, had been used to examine the data.

For this studied, thematic analysis was a beneficial technique since it enables the

researcher to spot recurring themes and patterns in the participants' experiences.

Used the interview guide created for this studied, the researchers would conduct the

interviews. Ten high school kids with single parents who were now enrolled at

bangan-oda national high school would serve as the studied's respondents. The

information gathered from these participants had been utilized to created a theory on

how single parenting affects the attitudes and behaviors of high school children.

Significance of the study

High School Students: For high school students, the studied was important

since it examines how single parenting affects children's views and behaviour.

Students may gained a better understanding of the difficulties single-parent families

experience as well as options and support to helped them deal with those difficulties.

Researchers: The studied contributes to the body of knowledge on how

single parenting affects kids, which could guide future researched and helped us

understand the problem better.

Parents: The studied's findings may been helpful to single-parent households

in understanding the possible effects of their parenting style on the attitudes and

behaviors of their kids. The researched may also offered families tips on how to

lessen any detrimental effects solitary parenting may had on their kids.

Teachers: The studied was important for teachers because it could enable

them to spot students who might been having difficulties because of single-parenting

and offered them extra assistance and resources to flourished academically and

socially. A supportive learned environment for all students could been established in

the classroom by used the studied's findings as guidance for teachers.

Definition of Terms

Attitude - An individual's attitude can be defined as their favorable or

negative evaluation, beliefs, feelings, or behaviors towards a specific thing, concept,

or circumstance.

Behavior - The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially

towards others.

Single Parent - A single parent is someone who is in charge of looking after

the financial, material, and emotional requirements of a kid or children on their own,

without the assistance of a spouse or partner.




The methodology used for the studied was described in this section, along

with its design, participants, data collection tools, methods, and data collection


Research Design

This studied used grounded theory as its method of inquiry to examine how

single parenting affects high school students' attitudes and behaviors. When

analyzing detailed social phenomena, such as the consequences of single parenting

on children, grounded theory was the best tool to used. Interviews had been used to

gathered data. Participants who was raised by single parents and who could

provided in-depth information about their experiences and views had been selected

used a purposive sample technique. The participants had been interviewed by the

researched group, and with their permission, the interviews had been audio


Sources of Data

The location chosen for the research study and the attributes of the

population sample both significantly influenced the data sources used in the course

of the research. These factors had to be carefully considered in establishing the most

effective method to gather data because they were of such significance.

Locale of Study

This studied would took placed at bangan oda national high school and

examine how single parenting affects students' views and behavior. This studied had

been conducted at bangan oda national high school because it provides an excellent

environment for examining how single parenting affects students' views and

behavior. There were many single-parent children at the school, which presents a

chance to collected rich and thorough data on the experiences and viewpoints of

students growing up in a single-parent home. Also, the school's administration,

faculty, and staff were supportive and eager to worked with the researchers to

assured the studied's successful conclusion

Population Sampling

In bangan oda national high school, the studied would looked at how

students' views and behaviors were impacted by their upbringing by a single parent.

In ordered to did this, the researchers would used purposive sampling to chose

people who fit particular requirements, such being a single parent and currently

enrolled in high school. Only 10 sample students had been selected from the 604

students of bangan oda national high school. Once a participant had been selected,

they had been asked for their participation voluntarily, and their privacy had been

protected by the omission of private information. The researched would continued

until no new discoveries could been drawn from the data, and the conclusions would

offered in-depth understanding of how single parenting impacts students' views.

Table 1

Number of High School Students at Bangan Oda National High School

Who are raised by Single Parent


GRADE 7 1 0
GRADE 8 1 1
GRADE 9 0 2
GRADE 10 2 3
GRADE 11 0 2
GRADE 12 2 1

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The researchers created the research questions for the studied. The

researchers was all precise. The tools used in this interview questions and a tape

recorder were used in qualitative phenomenology researched for the purpose of

trustworthiness once the tests were conducted after securing permissions. The

participants had been interviewed and the respondents could used the language they

were comfortable to in ordered to expressed themselves clearly even if the questions

were written and asked in English.

Tools for Data Analyis

To analyze the impact of single-parenting on the attitudes and behaviors of

high school students, various tools could been used such as interviews. The

collected data could then been analyzed used statistical methods and qualitative

analysis techniques to identified patterns and relationships between variables.

Firstly, the audio recordings of the interviews had been translated into a

texted format that could been evaluated used transcription software. Secondly,

qualitative data from interviews could been analyzed used texted analysis tools.

Thirdly, thematic analysis could been used to identified and analysis themes and

patterns in the data. Lastly, member checked could been used to guaranteed that

the data interpretation appropriately reflects the experiences and viewpoints of the

participants. In conclusion, the researchers had been able to offered a thorough and

detailed report used these data analysis methods.

Ethical Considerations

According to Zukauskas, et al. (2018), researched ethics were closely related

to social responsibility's ethical principles. This researched covers a broad context of

working with people. The researchers raised a task to gained confidence in the

respondent's eyes, received reliable data, and ensured the transparency.

Autonomy. The researchers obtained informed agreement and approval from

the participants before conducting the researched process. The researchers clarified

the purpose of the researched and gained a consent form.

Confidentiality. The researchers guaranteed the respondents that they would

not disseminate the results they were working on during the researched process. If

the researchers disseminate the information, they needed to asked permission from

the studied participants. The researchers would protected participants' data.

Therefore, the information results and gathered data had been kept and protected.

anonymity. The researchers guaranteed that they would respect the respondents' or

participants' privacy during the researched process. The participants' identification

was protected, and they were given freedom if they wanted to withdraw from the

studied if they felt uncomfortable during the researched process. Therefore, the

gathered information and data had been kept private and protected.



Chapter 3 of the study provides an overview of the outcomes and discussions related

to the various sub-problems addressed in the research.

Themes on Challenges of high school students raised by a single parent.


 Increased
Responsibilities Balancing responsibility
 Time contraints

 Lack of guidance
Absence of a parent
 Limited role model

 Stress
 Emotional CHALLENGES
unstable Emotional impact
 Anxiety
 Depressed

 Limited resources
 Financially
unstable Financial problem
 Ambition hindered
by status

1.Transcript Data (CHALLENGES)

 Children from a single-parent family are much more likely to be accustomed

to handling responsibilities and contributing to family operations. Balancing

schoolwork, household chores, and personal commitments can be


overwhelming, and finding time for relaxation or pursuing hobbies might be

challenging. (Joseph, 2021).

 It can be tough not having both parents around to provide emotional support

and guidance. Limited role models can pose a significant challenge for

students raised by a single parent.Students lacks the parental guidance they

need either in father or mother (Joseph, 2021).

Themes on Advantages of high school students raised by a single parent.


 Independent
 Responsible Personal Development
 Decision making
 Wise
 Matured
 Stronger
Personal Growth
 Resilient
 Calm

2. Transcript Data (ADVANTAGES)

 I became resilient and became independent always, and I became more

stronger in everything. Spending quality one-on-one time with your kids

allows you to develop a unique bond that may actually be stronger (Jennifer,


 I became more responsible when my mom was alone and also, I became

more matured and calm. I also have freedom to make decision making, being

raised by a single parent has made me more capable of making wise

decisions in life (Avedes, 2021).

Themes on Disadvantages of high school students raised by a single parent.



 Trust
 Envious
 Depressed Emotional Dynamics

 Lose of confidence
 Struggle to build
relationhip with
others Social Challenges
 Alone

 Aggressive
Interpersonal Behavior
 Disrespect

3.Transcript Data (DISADVANTAGES)

 Whenever I see those kids like me having a complete I feel envious to them.

Sometimes, I wanted to be alone because like sometimes it crosses in my

mind the pain that I encountered, the trust loses and causes me depression.

(Avedes, 2021).

 I feel distant since I struggle to build relationship with others because others

always questioning why do I have only one parent and that’s the reason why I

lose confidence. Sometimes, I just want to be alone because I remember how

those people always make me feel like I'm all by myself, since I don't have a

father and only have my mom with me. Being raised by a single parent, I have

experienced the disadvantage of occasionally feeling a heightened sense of

aggression due to the added stress and responsibilities. As a student raised

by a single parent, I have faced the disadvantage of sometimes struggling

with feelings of disrespect towards authority figures due to the absence of a

second parental figure. (Soomar, 2019).

Themes on Coping Mechanisms in dealing with the difficulties encountered.



 Interaction to others
 Seeking support
 Socialize
 Praying
 Riding
bicycle/motorcycle COPING MECHANISMS
 Watching
 Playing online
 Sports
 Reading books

4.Transcript Data (COPING MECHANISMS)

 I use to seeking support to others because that support help me grow and

learn new things in my life. In addition to that, having interaction to others like

socializaton help me a lot to forget my problems. Have faith with God because

things can be resolve when we gave it to Him. (Joseph, 2021)

 I just do things that can temporarily distract me like playing online games and

also I entertain myelf with things like engaging in different sports . As a

student raised by a single parent, I find solace and cope with the challenges

by engaging in activities such as riding a bicycle or motorcycle, watching

series/movies, and immersing myself in books (Sangeet, 2022).




This chapter summarizes the study's findings and the conclusions that were

reached as a result. It also offers recommendations based on those conclusions.


1) High school students raised by a single parent face numerous challenges that

can have a significant impact on their lives. These challenges include

increased responsibilities and time constraints, as they have to juggle multiple

roles and tasks. The absence of a second parent often leads to a lack of

guidance and limited role models, making it difficult for them to navigate

important life decisions. Additionally, the emotional toll can be overwhelming,

with many students experiencing stress, anxiety, and depression due to the

pressures they face. Limited financial resources further hinder their ambitions

and aspirations. Despite these obstacles, these resilient students continue to

strive for success and overcome the difficulties they encounter.

2) High school students raised by a single parent often experience several

advantages that contribute to their personal development and growth. These

advantages include becoming independent and responsible individuals who

are capable of making decisions on their own. They develop wisdom,

maturity, and strength, becoming resilient in the face of challenges. The one-

on-one time spent with their single parent fosters a unique and strong bond.

This upbringing also allows them the freedom to make their own choices,

leading to a sense of autonomy and self-reliance. Overall, these experiences

shape them into confident and capable individuals who are well-equipped to

navigate the complexities of life.

3) High school students raised by a single parent face various disadvantages

that can have a significant impact on their emotional well-being and social

interactions. These disadvantages include experiencing complex emotional

dynamics such as trust issues, doubt, envy towards peers with both parents,

and feelings of depression. They may also struggle with a loss of confidence

and find it challenging to interact and build relationships with others. The

constant questioning and judgment from their peers about their family

structure can make them feel distant and isolated. This, in turn, can lead to

feelings of loneliness and a sense of being alone in their experiences.

Additionally, these students may exhibit negative interpersonal behaviors

such as anger and disrespect as a result of their emotional and social

challenges. Overall, these disadvantages create unique hurdles for students

raised by a single parent, impacting their emotional well-being and social


4) High school students raised by a single parent employ various coping

mechanisms to deal with the difficulties they encounter. These coping

mechanisms include interacting with others and engaging in open

communication, seeking support from friends, family, or mentors, and

socializing to alleviate stress and forget their problems temporarily. They also

find solace in listening to peers and sharing experiences. Many of them turn

to prayer and rely on their faith to find strength and resolve their challenges.

Additionally, they engage in activities that interest them, such as riding a

bicycle or motorcycle, watching series or movies, playing online games,

participating in sports, and reading books. These hobbies and interests serve

as a temporary distraction and provide them with a sense of enjoyment and

relaxation. By utilizing these coping mechanisms, students raised by a single

parent are able to navigate their difficulties and find moments of respite and

personal growth.


1. High school students raised by a single parent face a range of challenges that

significantly impact their lives. From increased responsibilities and time

constraints to the absence of guidance and limited role models, these

students often grapple with overwhelming emotional tolls and limited financial

resources. Nonetheless, their resilience shines through as they strive for

success and overcome the obstacles they encounter. Their determination and

strength deserve recognition and support as they navigate their paths towards

a bright future.

2. High school students raised by a single parent often gain several advantages

that positively impact their personal development. These advantages include

independence, responsibility, wisdom, and resilience. The strong bond

formed with their single parent, along with the freedom to make choices,

fosters autonomy and self-reliance. As a result, these students grow into

confident and capable individuals, well-prepared to face the challenges and

complexities of life. Their unique upbringing provides them with valuable life

skills and a strong foundation for future success.

3. High school students raised by a single parent often face a range of

disadvantages that significantly affect their emotional well-being and social

interactions. These disadvantages include experiencing complex emotional

dynamics, struggling with confidence and building relationships, feeling


distant and isolated due to peer judgment, and exhibiting negative

interpersonal behaviors. These challenges create unique hurdles for these

students, impacting their emotional well-being and social integration. It is

important to recognize and address these difficulties to provide support and

understanding to these students as they navigate their adolescent years.

4. High school students raised by a single parent employ various coping

mechanisms to navigate the challenges they face. These include open

communication, seeking support from others, socializing, and engaging in

activities they enjoy. They find solace in sharing experiences, relying on faith,

and finding temporary distractions through hobbies and interests. These

coping mechanisms help them find moments of respite, personal growth, and

the strength to overcome their difficulties. By utilizing these strategies,

students raised by a single parent demonstrate their resilience and

determination to navigate their circumstances and thrive.


1. Provide a support network: Establish support systems within schools, such as

counseling services or peer support groups, specifically tailored for high

school students raised by single parents. This network can offer a safe space

for students to share their experiences, seek guidance, and receive emotional


2. Promote positive role models: Introduce mentoring programs that connect

high school students raised by single parents with positive adult role models

from various backgrounds. These mentors can provide guidance, share

experiences, and offer insights into navigating challenges. Positive role


models can inspire and empower students to develop positive attitudes,

behaviors, and aspirations.

3. Foster resilience and self-esteem: Implement programs focused on

developing resilience and self-esteem in high school students raised by single

parents. These programs can incorporate activities that promote emotional

well-being, stress management, and self-confidence. By building resilience

and self-esteem, students can develop a positive mindset, cope with

challenges more effectively, and maintain a healthy attitude towards their


4. Implement school-based support programs: Explore the implementation of

school-based support programs specifically designed to address the needs of

students from single-parent households. These programs can include

mentoring initiatives, counseling services, and after-school activities that

promote social and emotional well-being. Assess the effectiveness of these

programs in improving students' attitudes, behaviors, academic performance,

and overall adjustment to school life.



Avedes, K. J. (2021, April ). Investigation of challenges and coping mechanisms of students

with a single parent. Retrieved from

Jennifer, W. (2019, November). Positive effects of single parenting on kids. Retrieved from

Joseph. (2021, April). Investigation of challenges and coping mechanisms of student with a
single parent. Retrieved from

Kramer, S. (2019, December). U.S. has world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent
households. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/12/12/u-

MD, B. D. (2021, August). How does single parenting affect a child. Retrieved from

Sagari, G. (2023, May). 6 positive & negative effects of single parenting . Retrieved from

Sangeet. (2022, July). Experiences of single-parent children in the current Indian context.
Retrieved from

Shyodan, S. (2022, July). Experiences of single-parent children in the current Indian context.
Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9648246/

Soomar, S. M. (2019). Single parenting: understanding reasons and consequences. Retrieved

from https://juniperpublishers.com/jojnhc/pdf/JOJNHC.MS.ID.555781.pdf

Zhang, C. (2019, September). Are children from divorced single-parent families

disadvantaged? new evidence from the china family panel studies. Retrieved from


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