Descriptive Text - Quizizz
Descriptive Text - Quizizz
Descriptive Text - Quizizz
Descriptive Text
Total pertanyaan: 10 Kelas
Estimasi pengerjaan: 6menit
Disusun oleh Ms. frd Tanggal
2. Giraffe is the tallest animal, I saw in Ragunan zoo. It is a male. It is about six meter tall. It has big
brown eyes. It has brown spots on its skin. It also has two short horns on its head. Its tail is long
with thick hair on the top of the tail. It likes eating leaves of tree.
a) Was b) Will
c) Are d) Is
4. I love cats very much. I keep some cats in my house. They are Abooy, Olive, Bubul and Sincan.
Abooy is grey. It’s big and strong. Olive is black and small. Bubul is brown, yellow and red. The
last sincan, Sincan is white. I always take care of my cats everyday.
‘It’s big and strong’ .
It refers to….
a) Abooy b) Bubul
c) Sincan d) Olive
6. Dea has good personality. Dea is an independent girl. She rarely ask for help from other
people. She is also a diligent girl. She studies a lot. She is friendly too because she always greets
everyone he meets.
7. This is a tourist attraction and educational center. It is an icon of the city of Jakarta. It is located
in the center of Jakarta. It was built in August 1959. Its height is 132 meters. This museum
displays the history of the struggle of the Indonesian people.
What is it ?
a) Orientation-identification b) Identification-description
c) General classification-description d) Description-identification
a) Great b) Bad