PF Act
PF Act
PF Act
" the matters whichshall1tbe referred by thee Standing Commit.
Corporationfor decision:
tee tothe which anyvco
contribution payable under
" the mannerin and collected;
this Ac
the rate of interest higher than twelve per cent on
paynent of contributions: delayed
" rckoning of wages for the purpose of fixing the
"the registerofemployees to be maintained by the contribution
the entitlement of sickness benefit or disablement oyer,
termporary disablement on any day on which person works or
remains on leave or on holiday and in respect of which he
receives wages or for any day on which he remains on strike:
the certification of sicknesssand
: eligibility for any cash
the method of determining whether an insured personbenefit,
is suf.
fering frorm the diseases specified in the Third Schedule ete
Scope of thee, Act: The Act is designedItto provide for some retire-
nent benefit. Itenvisages the institution of compulsorycontributory
providentfund in certain industrial undertakingst mentioned in Sched-
ule-i of theAct. The Act may be made applicable to other estab
ishments also, if the CentralGovermment thinks fit. by anotification
in the official gazette.
Object of the Act: The primary object of the Act is to provide
social security and to inculcate amongst the workers a spirit of sav
ings while they are gainfully emploved and to make provision for
their benefitafter they retire from service and for the members of
family after their death.
Applicability of the Act: The Employees Provident Funds and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 apply to thewhole of India
cept the State of Jammuand Kashmir. This Act applies to:
in Schedule I
a. every factory engaged in any industry specified
b. every establishment in which 20 or more are emploved
c. any class of suchestablishment employing 20 or
d. any establishments notified by the Central
Regional Provident Fund
In Bikaner Cold Storage Co. Ltd v. held that
Commissioner AIR 1974 SC337 the Supreme Court
as emplovees
casual or temporary workers cannot be considered
under the Act.
Provident Fund Commis
In Andhra University ». Regional Supreme Court held that an
sioner (1986) I LLJ155(SC) the
establishment which is a factory engaged in any activity ACt.
provisions of the The
inSchedule I will be covered by the
Andhra University
mere factthat a printing press being run by purview ofthe fae
carrying on an activity may not fall within the
nature ofthe department which is covered
tory, will not aftectthe Act. This makes clear that a manufac-
by the provisions ofthis separated from a non-manufacturing
turing process has to be applyto the
process andthe Act shall manutacturing process
34 VuAY Aw
Eligibility: Any person who is employedlor Wotk of ian
employed throughcontractor in or in conncchom establsh,
work of an cstablishment is eligibleforthe benefits under thewitA
Iment or h the
Benefits: Employees coveredenjoy aabenefit of SocialSecurity in
the fon of an unattachable, unwithdrawable financial benefit Ihis
sum is payable normally on retirement or death. 0ther Benefits
include Employes Pension Schemeanddimplkoye'sDeasit l nked
insurancc Fund.
Constitutional validity of the Act: The Act was challenged as
unconstitutional onthe ground that itis discriminativeein
i nature, and
is violative of the equality principles laid down under. Aricle 14 of
the Constitution of India because it applies only to a particular class
of industries. The Supreme Court did not approve this viewand
said that the Act is constitutionally valid. The Court observed tht
there is no diserimination or violation of the principles of cquality
The power conferred on the Government is to apply the provisions
of the Act only for acertain class of industries is only areasonable
classification which is valid.
Schemes Under
Employees Provident Funds Act
Kinds of Provident Funds
Administration of
Provident Fund Scheme
dministration of provident fund scheme:
t the Central Board cons
be administeredIby
A Scheme shall
tuted under section 5-A of the Act. The Employees Pro.
dent Fund Act has made provision:for the constitution and appoirt-
authoritiesfortthe effective implemerntation of
ment of the following. framed.
the Act and the Schemes
Govermment may h
1. Central Board: Section 5-A:The Central
notification in the Official Gazette, constitute the Central Board
The Central Board shall subject to the provisions of section 6
and section 6Cadminister the Fund vested in it in such manner s
may be specified in the Scheme.
It shall be the duty of the Central Board to submit also to the
Central Government an annual report of its work and activiies
and the Central Government shallcause a copy of the annua
report, the audited accounts together with the report of the Comp
troller and Auditor-General of ndia and the comments of tie
Central Board thereon to be laid before each House of Parlia